How to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain?

The discomfort in the lower portion of the backbone is termed as lower back pain. This problem is very common these days. This may be due to muscle strain or ligament strain. Lifting heavy objects and sudden movement can lead to muscle or ligament damage. The pain reliever gives a temporary relief. The pain may come later any time and disturb. It is essential to take proper care of the lower back pain. Due to lack of the exercise, our muscles tend to become stiff and even a slight movement can turn into an injury. So, including enough exercise in our day-to-day life is a must. We just need to make slight changes in our schedule to follow a healthy lifestyle. Read the article in order to get rid of lower back pain fast and to know its causes.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain can be caused because of a numbers of problems. This may include interconnected network of spinal muscles, nerves, bones, discs or tendons in the lumbar spine. Read below to know some of the common reason of lower back pain:

  • When the large nerve roots in the back that ends up at the legs get irritated
  • The small nerves that support the low back some times gets irritated
  • The large lower back muscles which is medically termed as erector spinal gets strained
  • Many a times the bones, ligaments or joints gets damaged
  • An intervertebral disc also degenerates.

How to get rid of lower back pain

Best Ways to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain:


1.) Ice Pack to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Fast

Whenever we come across any sort of injury, applying ice to the affected area is the best option. An ice pack will give relaxation to the muscles and the ligaments. Make sure you don’t apply hot water bag as it can make the situation pathetic. In order to get rid of lower back pain all you need to so is:

  • Take an ice bag and fill it with crushed ice.
  • Apply this to the affected area and try to relax.
  • Repeat this after 4 hours for quick results.

2.) Anti-Inflammatory Drugs to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Permanently

When you are suffering from an acute lower back pain, it is recommended to take an anti-inflammatory medicine. This will give relief in minutes for the severe lower back pain. Make sure you opt for medicine when you are feeling the pain is unbearable. As these medicines have side effects if consumed very frequently. Try to keep your backbone straight, by sitting in an upright position. The posture of sitting is very important in deciding the time your back pain will take to heal. Some times this is also one of the reason behind the lower back pain. So always sit straight that the back bone stays in right position.

3.) Yoga to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Instantly

Practice yoga for 30 minutes when you feel pain in the lower back of your spine. There are many postures in yoga, which can be done with ease, to get rid of lower back pain. Downward dog, back stretch and wall plank are some of the yoga poses which can be done on a daily basis to keep lower back pain away. It is recommended that you practice yoga under the guidance of expert as the wrong way can put you in worse condition.

4.) Take Rest to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Fast

You use the lower back muscles straight while twisting forward and back. You can also take it indirectly, when exercising and making move around, but they also require rest. Sometimes, the onset of pain will magically reduce when the lower back muscles are given the enough rest. So try to sleep for 7- 8 hours. There are a few things that you can take care to get rid of lower back pain while you sleep:

  • Sleep on your side. Try to sleep with a small cushion tucked between your legs.
  • A small pillow will help to give your lower back a strong support by allowing it to straighten out while you sleep.

5.) Sit Straight to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Permanently

One of the root cause of lower back pain is sitting in the wrong posture. The lower back is very vulnerable to pain caused by wrong or bad posture because it misbalances the supports of your weight. this misbalance of weight on regular basis causes chronic lower back pain. Many a times people suffering with pain are not able to move. So make sure you follow the steps given below:

  • Good posture is when the spine is curved slightly concave at the lower back, slightly convex on the upper back, and slightly inward another time at the neck.
  • If your shoulders tend to be curved, pull them back a bit so they are concentrated in the centered.
  • Don’t bend your chest out and pull the shoulder back.

6.) Water Bottle to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Instantly

The pressure applied with the water bottle on the curved section of lower back bone, will help you to get rid of the lower back pain. So, sit at a desk, press on your back firmly against the wall of the chair. Do not use warm water and follow the further steps to treat lower back pain:

  • Take a chilled water bottle and place it between the chair and your lower back.
  • Now sit properly press your lower back against the bottle.
  • The chilled water bottle will reduce the inflammation and pain magically.
  • Repeat this for two times in a day.

7.) Avoid Stress to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Fast

Try to remove all the stress from your life as soon as possible. Studies says that stress is also one of the major reason behind lower back pain as it does not allow the person to sleep well. The body when lack rest easily develops this problem. In addition to simply feeling good, stress lessening will help in speedy recovery from lower back pain. Many research claims that people who are depressed may suffer from back pain for a long time, which in turn increase the stress.

8.) Massage to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Permanently

Massage is the best way to heal lower back pain. Today there are several kinds of massage therapy. Some of which are really magical for  lower back pain and some others that are not good for a back injury. So consult your doctor your specialist for right therapy. Many people who experienced benefit from spinal manipulation see the outcome in a much right way. There are physical therapists who treat this problem with spinal manipulation. They will work with your specialist to advise the best treatment to get rid of the lower back pain.

9.) Walk Around to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

Sometimes a lot of rest or sitting in one position for a long time is also the reason of lower back pain. This problem goes with the person who works in office where he need to sit in one position for long duration. So try to include a 3-4 session of walking for 5 minutes even if you are at the workplace. This is the best effective remedy at the initial stage. Walking between your busy schedule will also help you to feel fresh and energetic for completing the rest of the work.

10.) See a Doctor to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain Fast

Do not Take painkillers without consulting the doctor. Painkillers will help you to ease the pain for a time, but it has a very harsh after effect if taken regularly so always try to consult it with your doctor before taking any medication. If you are suffering from the pain very frequently or for a long time make sure your visit to  the doctor. 

11.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

This is one of the perfect home remedies to get rid of lower back pain. Coconut oil has the presence of fatty acids and anti-inflammatory properties that helps to reduce the redness and swelling caused because of lower back pain. It helps to get rid of muscle strain and soothes ligaments. Lauric acid present in coconut oil prevents muscle cramps and gives quick relief from the pain. Coconut oil is an excellent option to treat backache because of its nerve soothing ability. Follow the procedure given below to cure lower back pain.

  • Warm about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Apply it all over your back.
  • Gently, massage your back for the next few minutes.
  • Now, leave this oil on your back to be absorbed for 10 minutes.
  • Wash your back with lukewarm water.
  • Follow this remedy two times in a day to get quick relief from back pain.

12.) Cabbage Leaves to Treat Lower Back Pain

This is one of the efficient methods to treat lower back pain. It is an amazing option to get rid of joint pain. This is an age old remedy used from ages to cure lumbar pain. Cabbage is also known for healing properties that treats strains and sprains. Cabbage leaf increases growth of muscle fiber and helps to get rid of knee joint pain. It strengthens the ligaments which is good for the structure of the upper body. Follow the procedure given below to treat backaches.

  • Chop one cup of cabbage leaves and soak it in half cup of milk.
  • Boil this milk for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Now, grind these cabbage leaves to make a paste.
  • Apply this warm cabbage paste on your lower back.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes to heal the muscle spasm.
  • Follow this treatment thrice a week to get satisfactory results.

13.) Hot Compress to Cure Lower Back Pain

This is one of the wonderful methods to cure lower back pain. One of the main reasons behind backache is the muscle tissue. Hot compress soothes the area around the waste and speeds up the recovery process by soothing the backache. It increases the blood circulation and helps in repairing the muscle fibers. Hot compress increases the opening of the blood vessels and promotes healing. Follow the procedure given below to get rid of lower back pain.

  • Take a hot water bottle and fill it with warm water.
  • Put it on your back and massage gently for 10 minutes.
  • The water should not be too hot otherwise it will burn your skin.
  • Do this two times in a day to reduce back pain.
  • Alternatively, take a clean towel and dip it in warm water. Squeeze it to remove the extra water. Place this towel on your back and as hot compress to get relief from back pain.

14.) Potato Wrap to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

This is one of the excellent choices to get rid of lower back pain. It is a good choice to improve the symptoms of lumbar pain. Potato is also loaded with potassium, vitamin C, thiamin, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that provide quick relief from back ache. Follow the procedure given below to heal severe back pain.

  • Peel two potatoes and put them in warm water for about 5 minutes.
  • Crush them to make a thick paste.
  • Fill a cotton wrap with this potato paste.
  • Place it first on your left side and then on the right side.
  • Wait for 20 to 30 minutes to experience relief.
  • Follow this process two times in a day to cure lower back pain.

15.) Garlic to Treat Lower Back Pain

This common ingredient used in cooking is also effective in treating lower back pain. The anti-inflammatory properties present in garlic makes it a good choice to reduce back pain. Eating garlic strengthens the immune system and better immune system helps in minimizing muscle strains. It clears the toxins from the body and soothes the damaged tissues. Follow the procedure given below to heal severe back aches.

  • In 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, add two teaspoons of garlic paste.
  • Fry this mixture for 5 to 6 minutes.
  • Apply this mixture on your lower back.
  • Massage it for a couple of minutes and leave it like that.
  • Follow this remedy before sleeping and the wash the back next morning.

16.) Lemon Juice to Cure Lower Back Pain

This is one of the effective and easiest remedies to cure lower back pain. Sometimes when the liver is not clean, it causes lumbar pain and then to get relief from lumbar pain you need to clean your liver. The detoxifying properties present in lemon juice flushes out the harmful toxins and unhealthy enzymes from the body. Follow the procedure given below to get rid of lower back pain completely.

  • In a glass of water, add three tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Mix a pinch of salt in this water and stir it well.
  • Have this water daily for a few weeks.
  • It will reduce the lumbar pain by detoxifying the body.

17.) Capsaicin to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

This is one of the miraculous home remedies to get rid of lower back pain. The analgesic properties of capsaicin help to reduce lumbar pain. It is a perfect remedy for chronic aches. Chili peppers contain capsaicin that helps to reduce lower back pain and ache in knee joint. Follow the procedure given below to heal back pain.

  • Take a handful of cayenne pepper in a bowl.
  • Mix one teaspoon of coconut oil in it.
  • Grind both these ingredients together to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste directly on your lower back.
  • Wait for 15 minutes and then wash it off with normal water.
  • Another thing that you can do is apply a capsaicin cream on the back to get fast relief.

18.) Chamomile Tea to Cure Back Pain

This is one of the best herbal teas to cure back pain completely. It relaxes the muscle tissue which can be one of the main reasons behind back pain. Follow the procedure given below to heal severe back ache.

  • Boil a cup of water and soak one tablespoon of chamomile flowers in it.
  • Steep it for 10 minutes and then strain the tea.
  • Have two to three cups of chamomile tea daily to reduce lower back pain.

19.) Epsom Salt to Get Rid of Lower Back Pain

This is one of the effective methods to get rid of lower back pain completely. It soothes the muscle tissues and relaxes the body. It helps with nerves relaxation and thus reduces the back pain. Epsom salt helps to get rid of muscle strains and relieves pain. Follow the procedure given below to reduce back pain.

  • In your bathtub filled with lukewarm water, add 5 tablespoons of Epsom salt in it.
  • Soak your lower back in this bathtub for about 15 minutes.
  • Wash your body with clean water.
  • Follow this remedy thrice a week to cure back pain.

20.) Milk to Treat Back Pain

This is one of the wonderful choices for the treatment of back pain. Milk is loaded with calcium that is very necessary for strong bones and healthy muscles. Good amount of calcium helps to alleviate and prevent back pain. All you need to do is drink a glass of milk daily to strengthen your bones.

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