How to Remove Water From Ears?

This situation has almost happened with everyone. Water can enter your ear while swimming, taking the shower, taking a bath or any possible situation. The wax present inside your ear helps in preventing fluid or water from entering your ear. But, at few times, the water may get trapped inside your ears that can create discomfort and tingling sensation in the ears. It also causes pain in the ears. It can even reduce the ability to hear properly. If you do not treat this situation properly, then it may cause cyst formation, eardrum inflammation and even decrease the hearing ability. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of this situation as soon as possible. And the only way to do this is to remove water from ears fast.

Signs and Symptoms of Water Getting Stuck in Ear:

Here are few signs and symptoms that you may see due to water in your eyes.

  • You will sense uncomfortable and irritating feeling in your ear.
  • Muffled or reduced hearing.
  • You will also experience ringing and water sound in your ear.
  • You will experience inflammation of ear canal.
  • The sensation of pressure behind your ear.

How to Remove Water From Ears

Ways to Remove Water From Ears:


When you are stuck with such a miserable situation, then try to prevent it as soon as possible. You may easily treat this situation at home. If you want to prevent your ears from further damage, then follow these ways.

1.) Gravity to Remove Water From Ears

Yes, you are thinking exactly the same. Gravity does work effectively to treat the water present inside your ears. It can easily remove water from ears. For this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Start tilting your head sideways and hold the affected ear just parallel to the ground.
  • Now, place the palm of your hand flat against the ears. Press it hard for a few seconds. Now, remove your hand quickly from the ears. You will find that a temporary vacuum will get formed due to which the fluid will get dislodged.
  • You can also use cotton ear bud carefully to remove the water from the ears effectively.
  • Even the yawning and chewing movements can help in removing the water from the ears as it creates the pressure inside ear canals.

Note: Don’t insert the earbud into your ears.

2.) Perform Valsalva Maneuver to Remove Water From Ears

Performing the Valsalva Maneuver can help a lot to get rid of such situation. It is one of the best methods used to remove water from ears. To perform this follow these steps:

  • Close your mouth. Now, close your nostrils with the help of your fingers. Just start taking a deep breath.
  • After this regulate an air pressure by gently blowing out the air from your nose.
  • If you will perform this correctly, then you will hear a slight popping sound. This sound will signify that the Eustachian tubes are open again in your ears.

Note: Don’t blow your nose hard as it may cause severe damage to the ear drums.

3.) Blow Dryer to Remove Water From Ears

It can help in evaporating the water trapped inside your ears. Hence, it is one of the most effective ways to remove the water from ears. To perform this, follow these steps:

  • Just start pulling your earlobe away.
  • Now, hold a blow dryer approximately 10-12 inches away from the affected ear.
  • After this set the dryer heat on warm mode and air flow to low.
  • Now, switch on your dryer and perform this activity in front of your ear canal. Don’t forget to maintain a proper distance while performing this activity.
  • Just hold the dryer in this position for 30 seconds.

Note: Don’t perform this activity for more than a few minutes.

4.) Rub Alcohol and Vinegar to Remove Water From Ears

It is one of the most effective remedies to remove water from ears. Even vinegar contains the antibacterial properties that help in killing the germs present in the ear. This remedy helps in drying out the water trapped inside ears. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Mix together one teaspoon of vinegar with one teaspoon of rubbing alcohol.
  • Mix it well and use a dropper to put this solution into your ears.
  • After this, start rubbing the opening of the ear canal gently.
  • Now, wait for 30 seconds and just tilt your head. This will help the fluid to drain out easily from the ears.

5.) Heat Therapy to Remove Water From Ears

Heat therapy can do wonders while making your ears free from the fluid. Even the heat compress helps in opening the Eustachian tube (where fluid gets build up easily). Therefore, it is one of the effective ways to remove water from ears. To perform this, follow these steps:

  • Take a bowl of hot water and dip a washcloth in it. After this wring out the excess water from the washcloth.
  • Now, place this hot washcloth against the affected ear for 30 seconds.
  • Wait for a minute. Then repeat this process again.
  • Perform this activity 4-5 times in a stretch.
  • Also, do not forget to tilt your ears on your side to drain out the water from it.

6.) Remove Water From Ears with Steam Inhalation

Inhaling steam helps in draining out the fluid from ears. This is another effective way to remove water from ears. Steam inhalation helps in opening the Eustachian tube while releasing the fluid trapped in the ear. To perform this, follow these steps:

  • Take some water and boil it.
  • Now, pour the steaming water inside the container.
  • Cover your head with a cloth or a towel. Now, start inhaling this steam slowly for 5-10 minutes.
  • After this, tilt your head to one side.
  • You will find that the water will start coming out of the ear canal.
  • You can even take a hot water shower to drain out the fluid from your ears.

7.) Remove Water From Ears with Salt

Salt can absorb water easily. Hence, it helps a lot in removing the water from ears. Use hot salt compress as the heat of it helps in evaporating the water and provide relief from the pain. To perform this, follow these steps:

  • Start heating ¼ cup of salt in the microwave.
  • Now, put this salt on the cotton cloth and tie it tightly.
  • After this, hold this cotton cloth of salt near to the opening of the affected ear. Hold it for 2-3 minutes.

8.) Remove Water From Ears With Olive Oil

This essential oil is a great treatment that helps in facilitating the flow of fluid trapped in the ear. Also, the antiseptic properties present in the olive oil can reduce the risk of ear infection. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Warm olive oil at moderate temperate in a small bowl.
  • Check the temperature of the olive oil. It should not be too hot.
  • Now, use a dropper and pour a few drops of it in the ear.
  • Allow this oil to settle inside your ear for 10 minutes.
  • After this, tilt your head sideways.
  • At last, remove the water and oil with the help of cotton buds.

9.) Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Water From Ears

Hydrogen peroxide is another very effective way to remove water from ears. It contains the effervescent property that contributes a lot in removing the trapped fluid from the ears along with debris from the ear canal.

  • Use a dropper and put five drops of hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear.
  • Allow it to settle down into the ear. Leave it for 1-2 minutes.
  • After this tilt your ears on sideways to drain out the water from ears.

10.) Remove Water From Ears with Garlic

Garlic is another great remedy to remove water from ears. Moreover, garlic also contains antibacterial properties that help in preventing the ear infection as well as help in reducing the ear pain. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Crush a few garlic cloves and extract juice from them.
  • Now, put 2-3 drops of garlic juice by using a dropper in the affected ear.
  • Wait for 1 minute.
  • After this, use dryer about 12 inches away from the head to drain out the water from ears.

Steps to Remove Water Deep in Your Ear:

Here are few steps that you may follow to remove water deep in your ear.

Step1: Just lie down by your side and try to direct the affected ear in the upward direction.

Step 2: Now, take a cotton swab and dip it in the container having alcohol.

Step 3: Now, place the cotton swab on the affected area and rub it. Also, let the few drops of alcohol drip in your ear.

Step 4: After this, sit up and let the water get mixed with the alcohol in the ear canal. Also, don’t get tensed by the pop sound coming from your ear. You will notice after few seconds that the water will start evaporating due to the action of alcohol.


Here are few warnings that you must follow to stay away from further damage.

  • Never try to put anything smaller than your elbows into your ear canal.
  • Also, don’t use sharp pointed objects into your ear as your eardrum may get punctured.
  • Just rapidly go away by rubbing alcohol on the affected ear, as you will encounter the burning sensation due to alcohol.
  • Sometimes the wax blocks your ear completely and it doesn’t allow water to escape from the ear. In such situation, your ability of hearing will decrease. So, it is very important to consult a good doctor in that case.
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