Potato Juice For Hair Growth – Benefits and Reviews

After writing, lemon juice for hair growth, aloe vera gel for hair growth, and onion juice for hair growth, we are now writing potato juice for hair growth. Every girl wishes to have long hair. But, not all of them actually get, what they desire. Every individual is born different with various features and the tendency of your hair is also a part of these features. This is the reason why every hair type is treated differently. So, if you are really eager to grow your hair long and shiny, then luckily you have clicked on the right link. This is where you will get the solution for your hair growth problems, as we are going to discuss a whole list of natural remedies to use potato juice for hair growth.

Although your natural hair grows only an inch every month, all you are needed to do is, to put certain efforts and boost the natural hair growth process. You need to put in certain ways if you want to bring a change. This principle applies to every aspect whether it is your hair or your personality. Hence, if you really want to bring a change in the length of your hair, then it is really important to use potato juice for hair growth.

Benefits of Potato Juice for Hair:

Potato provides various benefits to your hair. Potato hair mask is considered to be a great remedy to treat various hair-related problems. It may even protect your hair from external elements like pollution, dirt, sunlight, etc. that can hinder the natural growth process of your hair. Few of these benefits are as follows:

  • Accelerates hair growth.
  • Adds shine and smooth texture to your hair.
  • Keeps your scalp healthy and restore grey hair.
  • Act as a cleaning agent for your scalp.
  • It can even act as a conditioner, if it is combined with products like egg and honey.

Ways to Use Potato Juice For Hair Growth:


Potato juice can be used in several ways to treat various hair-related problems. This juice can speed-up hair growth, restore grey hair, and provide shiny texture to your hair. To use potato juice for hair growth in various ways, follow these steps:

1.) Potato Juice Hair Mask

Natural ingredients work better than any other products. They provide a lot of benefits to your hair without causing any further damage to your hair. Potato hair mask helps a lot in promoting hair growth. It is one of the most effective ways to use potato juice for hair growth. To prepare this hair mask, follow these steps: To prepare potato juice hair mask, follow these steps:

  • Simply grate three peeled potatoes. Then extract the juice by squeezing them. Now, mix honey and egg yolk to the extracted juice. Mix all the ingredients well.
  • After this, apply this solution on your hair and scalp. Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse your hair using a mild shampoo and water.
  • This remedy can make your hair grow faster. So use this natural treatment two times in a week to experience the best results for your hair.

2.) Plain Potato Juice For Hair Growth

You need to remain careful while preparing this potato juice. It should be prepared in the right manner so that it helps to promote hair growth. To prepare this potato juice, first wash a potato and peel the skin. Now, dice the potato and then grind it to get a paste like consistency. You can even add water to adjust the consistency as required. Once you are done just strain this solution. Then use a muslin cloth to separate leftover potatoes from the juice.

  • Just use this potato juice and apply it on your scalp. Leave it on your hair for 20-25 minutes and cover your head using a shower cap.
  • After this, wash your hair using a mild shampoo and water. This is a great way to use potato juice for hair growth.

3.) Potato Juice and Aloe Vera Mixture

This mixture is very useful in promoting hair growth. Aloe is an addition to the already existing benefits of potato for your hair growth. Aloe vera is an age-old remedy used for various skin and hair related problems. This is because of its natural moisturizing properties and the presence of presence of amino acids and proteins, proves good for the health of your hair. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Scoop out the gel from a freshly plucked aloe-vera leaf and mix it with potato juice. Mix both the ingredients well and apply it on your scalp.
  • Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes. Then wash your hair using lukewarm water and a mild shampoo. This remedy is really helpful in treating dandruff and also helps in promoting hair growth.

4.) Use Potato Water For Getting Strong Hair

Potato prevents hair loss, which in turn promotes the growth of your hair. Boiling potatoes in water will infuse all the necessary minerals from potatoes into the boiling water. This makes it as one of the easiest ways to promote hair growth.

  • To use this natural treatment, you need to boil 3-4 potatoes in 1000ml of water for 10-15 minutes. After this, leave this water for a few minutes until it becomes lukewarm.
  • Now, use this potato water on your hair and leave it for 15-30 minutes. Finally, wash your hair using your regular shampoo and conditioner. This natural treatment is a great way to get stronger hair.

5.) Use Potato Juice for Damaged Hair and Split Ends

Your hair cannot grow effectively until they have split ends. Damaged hair can cause big hindrance to your hair growth. Hence, it is really important to get rid of split ends in order to boost your natural hair growth. This can be done by using potato juice. To prepare this natural treatment, you need to follow the enlisted steps.

  • Peel two potatoes and grate them. Mix them with two tablespoons of coconut milk or grated coconut. You also have the option of grinding all the ingredients together to form a thick paste.
  • Now, add 4-5 tablespoons of curd and two tablespoons of lemon juice to the paste. Mix these ingredients well and apply it on your strands. Also, give a gentle massage to your scalp. This will improve the blood circulation in the area.
  • Leave it on your hair for 30-35 minutes and then wash your hair using a mild herbal shampoo. Apply this hair mask twice in a week to get rid of damaged hair and split ends. This makes another effective way to use potato juice for hair growth.

6.) Potato Juice and Lemon Juice Mixture

Dandruff is a major cause of hair loss. So, it is really important to get rid of it in order to grow thick and long hair. As we all are aware of the fact that how popular lemon is in getting rid of dandruff. So, all you are needed to do is add a few drops of lemon juice in your potato juice, as it will help in eliminating dandruff, eventually preventing hair loss. It also helps in promoting the natural hair growth.

This mixture also helps in fighting off other hair problems like dry and itchy scalp. So, add a few tablespoons of lemon juice in potato juice. Apply it on your hair to accelerate hair growth. Leave it for at least half an hour to work. Now, wash it off with your regular shampoo and conditioner. Repeat the remedy until you get the desired results. It can make your hair grow longer, stronger, shinier, and healthier. This makes it as another efficient way to use potato juice for hair growth.

NOTE: Lemon is considered as a bleaching agent so do not exceed the given time or make overuse of lemon on your hair as it can also lighten your natural hair color when used for a longer period of time. Also, opt for a patch test before making use of lemon on overly sensitive skin.

Few Other Benefits of Potato Juice:

Potato is not only good for your hair, but it may offer various benefits to your body. Some of the other benefits of potato is as follows:

  • Potatoes can help in removing dark circles as it is a natural under eye brightener. It is also considered as an effective treatment for wrinkles as it is a great anti-aging agent.
  • Potato juice is also beneficial in treating dark spots because of its natural bleaching properties.
  • This eventually assists in treating facial blemishes. It is also a great remedy to treat severe tanning sunburn.
  • It can treat dry skin and dead skin cells effectively. Potatoes can even treat various skin diseases like eczema and allergies. It can also treat the health problems like digestion, and joint pain.

Other Home Remedies for Hair Growth:

1.) Castor Oil for Longer Hair

Castor oil helps you for better hair growth as it is rich in omega-9 and vitamin E. As the thick oil deeply moisturizes your hair, prevent freezing, add volume and fight against the scalp infections.

Mix the castor oil with equal amount of base oil to get the better consistency and also enhance the benefits of. You need to gently rub the oil on your scalp and deeply massage. Just leave the oil for 30 to 45 minutes. Rinse it out and shampoo your hair. As the oil has thick consistency so you need a clarifying shampoo. If you are looking for better result than can add fours drops of rosemary oil in it. Read article on castor oil for hair growth.

2.) Lemon Juice for Heavy Hair

Lemon is another one of the effective another than potato juice for hair growth. It is rich in vitamin C and vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, folic acid and other nutrients. They are full of antioxidants. In addition to hair growth lemon juice promotes shiny, smooth and dandruff-free hair. When you applied on the scalp it activates circulation and also stop hair loss. But, Make sure you do not use lemon juice in excess it lighten your hair color over time.

You just need to mix the one part of lemon juice and two part of coconut oil. Just apply it on the scalp and leave it for about 40-45 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo and then after that use mild shampoo for proper rinse off. Repeat this remedy once or twice a week for better and heavy hair. Read article on lemon juice for hair growth.

3.) Coconut Milk for Fasten Hair Growth

Coconut milk is very beneficial as it contains vitamin b, vitamin c, and vitamin E. It also contains essential nutrients like magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and numerous other nutrients. It gently nourishes your hair, prevent hair growth and better the hair growth. You just need to add fresh coconut milk in your diet.

You can gently give massage to your scalp with coconut milk and leave it for half an hour then wash it gently with lukewarm water. Do this remedy to 2-4 times in a month. You can try another way like apply a combination of quarter cup each of coconut milk, aloe vera gel and wheat germ oil. These ingredients encourage the hair growth and aloe vera has enzymes that decrease the hair loss. You can also make the nourishing mask by mixing the coconut milk with avocado pulp, olive oil and little honey to make the amazing hair mask for nourishing your hair.

4.) Beetroot Juice to Prevent Hair Loss

Beetroot juice is one of the important vegetable that has numerous heath benefits. It is a vegetable that can be juiced in a juicer or simply ruin in the blender and then pass through the strainer. It juice carries protein, caternoids, vitamin B, vitamin c, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and silica. To promote the better hair growth drink beetroot juice regularly. You can mix this juice with vegetable like such as cucumber, coriander, carrots, lettuce, or other like you. For example, you can make juice by blending together half a beet, half a cucumber and 5 carrots. Stain the mixture and drink the juice.

5.) Scalp Massage and Hot Oil Treatment

Hot oil treatment and scalp massage helps to improve circulation and also promote hair growth. You just have to do 5 minutes daily to see the amazing result. You just need to rub your fingers in the scalp in circular motion and apply the gentle pressure. This process opens blood vessels and also increases the blood flow.

You can give massage by combining with a hot oil treatment once or twice a week. For amazing result, heat some coconut oil or olive oil in micro-wave or double boiler. Heating helps to open hair shafts easily and reduce dandruff.

6.) Rosemary For Faster Hair Growth

Rosemary is considering excellent herb for your hair. It promotes hair growth, gives strength to roots and eliminates dandruff. The herb contains excellent hair properties that better your hair growth. In addition, the silica and sulfur in the rosemary helps to reverse hair loss.Rosemary increases the blood circulation in the scalp and unclogs the block hair follicle. It also darkens your hair.

You just need to mix two drops of rosemary essential oil in two tablespoons of a base oil like coconut oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, almond and avocado oil. Apply the oil on your hair and massage the scalp gently. Leave the oil for half an hour and shampoo your hair as usual.

You can even use rosemary as a final rinse off with rosemary water. To prepare rosemary water, you need to steep two three rosemary sprigs in 2 cups of hot water for about five minutes. If you are using dried form of herb then boiled a handful in water. Allow the mixture to cool down and then strain the infusion. Wash your hair with rosemary water after shampoo.

7.) Eggs for Nourishing Hair

Hair is made up of keratin protein and eggs are great source of protein. Thus, it is very beneficial for helping your hair growth. The yolk contains fatty acids which improve the growth of scalp, fighting dandruff, flaky scalp and psoriasis. The fat protein in the egg make your hair frizz free and also make your hair smooth. It also contains vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E.

You just need two egg yolks and mix two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply the mixture gently on your scalp and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse it out with cold water and then shampoo your hair as usual. Alternatively, you can mix one egg and one quarter cup of each yogurt and mayonnaise in the blender. You can apply this mixture on your hair with a shower cap. Leave the mixture on your hair for about half an hour then rinse off with your usual shampoo.

8.) Indian Gooseberry to Strengthen Your Hair

While dealing with hair loss, you can use amazing home remedy by applying coconut oil with Indian gooseberry or amla to better the hair growth. It will surely help with premature graying as well.

You just need to heat some coconut oil in the pan and cooked dried Alma pieces in it until they are charred. You need to strain and cooked the oil. Give a gently massage in circulation motion on your hair and scalp. For amazing result, leave the hair like this for about 30 minutes. After half an hour, wash your hair with normal shampoo. Repeat this remedy once a week for better growth. You can try another method; Make a mixture of one tablespoon each of dried Indian gooseberry powder and lemon juice. You can apply Amla juice which is also very effective to promote hair growth.

9.) Fenugreek to Prevent Hair Loss

Fenugreek is amazing spice and has many benefits. It contain high amount of protein that contain properties to get rid of baldness. The vitamin c in the fenugreek helps to boost immunity. And the iron present in the fenugreek is good for blood vessels. Plus, the potassium present in the fenugreek helps to ensure no grey hairs. It also nourishes and strengthens the hair follicle. Fenugreek is very helpful in treating the scalp condition.

  • You just have to soak a cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight, or at least for 3-4 hours. Just take them out of the water and grind into the paste.
  • You need to apply the coconut oil on your hair, following by the paste. Let it sit for at least an hour before rising it out and shampooing your hair. Do this process two or three times a week.

10.) Fish Oil to Faster Hair Growth

According to the studies high level of omega3 fatty acid present in fish oil helps to keep the health ailment at bay. This also very helpful in proper functioning of the body and also promote the health of skin and hair. Fish oil which helps to regulates the body’s function to fasten the hair growth.

The omega3 fatty acid in fish oil is full of nutrients and also protein. It also maintains the hair growth healthy. The nutrient present in the omega3 fatty acid helps to nourish the hair follicle and also promote the hair growth. It gives strength to hair follicle and also helps to prevent the hair follicle. The fatty acid leads to overall health and which is the best for the hair growth.

You just need to add the fish oil in your diet at-least 2-3 times a week to add benefits that will help in the hair growth. You can take fish oil supplements which are available in the market in the form of various fish oil capsules, pills and liquid supplements. But remember, both the fish oil and fish have high level of mercury in them. So you should give them a dose within the control and taken as required or prescribed by your medical practitioner.

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