How to Deal with Anxiety? (Fast & Naturally)

This article is about the ways to deal with anxiety fast & naturally. Anxiety is a serious problem nowadays. The problem has become common in almost every age group. It can make you ill and lead to a variety of health problems. Even though it may be only all inside the head but you need real solutions to calm the mind and body. Anxiety sufferers are put straight on harmful and chemical oriented medication to control their nervousness and stress levels. When you are anxious you get scared and tense. In addition, you may also go through one or more unpleasant physical symptoms. Like, you might have a fast heart rate, a thumping heart, feeling sick, sweating, dry mouth, chest pain, headaches, fast breathing. These physical symptoms are partly caused by the brain which sends a number of messages down  to the nerves to various parts of the body when you are worried. If the anxiety is constant, it will distract you from your day-to-day activities. People with GAD are chronic worrier who feels anxious nearly every time.

Sufferers Generally Go Through:

  • Insomnia
  • Upset stomach
  • Restlessness, fatigue
  • Anxiety symptoms as they are often described
  • Variations in heart activity: faster, slower, skipping, louder
  • Feeling lightheaded and/or dizzy
  • Feeling “hyper”
  • Feelings of head expansion or contraction
  • Visual disturbances

Common Physical Symptoms Includes:

  • Pounding heart
  • Sweating
  • Stomach upset or dizziness
  • Frequent urination or diarrhea
  • Trembling and twitches
  • Muscle tension
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia
  • Feeling restless, on edge, or ‘keyed up’ a lot of the time.
  • Tiring easily.


Remedies to Deal with Anxiety Fast & Naturally:

1.) “GABA” to Deal with Anxiety Fast

This chemical element is known as Gamma-Aminobutyric acid. Researchers found that individuals who love to eat chocolate enrich themselves with GABA before tackling or solving any arithmetic task they were less stressed after completing it than those who didn’t have the GABA chocolate. It is important to remember that supplements such as GABA can interact with medications, so it’s essential to check in with your doctor before taking them  to deal with anxiety.

2.) Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol to Deal with Anxiety Naturally

Reduce the sugar intake, refined or fried carbohydrates and foods with additives and chemicals, to treat anxiety. To minimize headaches and other withdrawal symptoms decrease the intake of caffeine gradually. Instead of caffeinated beverages, try drinking tea such as green tea and tea made from chamomile. Green tea can relax you without causing any kind of drowsiness or addiction. Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin B complex, contribute to the health and proper functioning of our nervous system. They also support the production of a type of  chemical known as neurotransmitters, this chemical mainly helps to relay messages between nerve cells.

3.) Chamomile to Deal with Anxiety Naturally

If you have a panicky moment, a cuppa chamomile tea might help to calm you down. Some kind of aggregates in chamomile known as Matricariarecutita which acts in as a brain receptors just same as a kind drugs like Valium. You can also take it as a supplement. Try to drink three cups of chamomile tea daily in order to get rid of anxiety naturally. This product is a best herb known to deal anxiety.

4.) Lavender to Deal with Anxiety Fast & Naturally

The intoxicating fragrance of lavender  may act as an “emotional” anti-inflammatory. A study showed that it can reduce anxiety symptoms in people with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) very effectively. Its aroma really works well to relax the peoples who are suffering from anxiety problems. Massaging yourself with lavender oil is good for both body and mind.

5.) Green Tea to Deal with Anxiety Fast & Naturally

It is said that Buddhist monks could meditate for hours, both alert and relaxed. One reason may have been an amino acid in their green tea which is good for the mind, Research shows that L-theanine, an element present in green tea helps to control a rising heart rate and blood pressure. A few human studies have found that it reduces anxiety problems. You can get that much L-theanine from green tea, but you’ll have to drink many cups—as few as five, as many as you want. Green tea is the best-known ingredient to deal with it.

6.) Exercising Regularly  to Deal with Anxiety Naturally

Exercising and practice relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, t’ai chi or another progressive way of relaxation is all non-drug remedies that can help relieve anxiety disorders from your mind and body. Your routine should include some cardiovascular exercise, which mainly burns lactic acid, produces mood-enhancing chemicals called endorphins, and causes the body to use oxygen more efficiently. These exercises help to deal with anxiety problems.

7.) Controlled Breathing to Deal with Anxiety Fast

This breathing techniques can help ease a panic attack. When the attack strikes, try the breathing exercise or yoga in which you inhale slowly to a count of four, wait for four counts, exhale slowly to a count of five, wait another five counts, then repeat the cycle until the attack passes. Try to include some breathing exercises and meditation in your daily life in order to get rid of anxiety.

8.) Water to Deal with Anxiety Fast & Naturally

Dehydration can be a big cause of headaches and anxiety. To maintain a healthy life, it’s very important to consume a good amount of water daily. The more amount of water you drink the more toxins are released from our body. You need to increase the intake of water to deal with these anxiety problems. This remedy is very easy what you need to do just consume a glass of water whenever you feel angry and frustrated. Taking a glass of water helps you out to keep your body and mind healthy. This remedy helps you out to deal all your anxiety problems.

9.) Oranges to Get Rid of Anxiety

This is one of the wonderful remedies to get rid of anxiety. The fragrance of orange is known to fight problems like depression and anxiety. It also boosts immunity. Orange is used in aromatherapy to improve mood and get rid of anxiety. It is an amazing therapy that is used to overcome anxiety in many cases such as while giving birth and while undergoing dental surgery. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • Peel off an orange and inhale its aroma to induce relaxation.
  • Another thing that you can do is put some orange peels in a pan of water and let it simmer for the next few minutes. Inhale the refreshing fragrance of this water to reduce anxiety. Repeat this method whenever required.
  • Inhale orange essential oil to reduce anxiety disorders.

Note: Make sure you wash the orange peels properly to get rid of pesticides and chemicals.

10.) Flaxseeds to Reduce Anxiety

The nutrients such as omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and lignins present in flaxseeds have a lot of health benefits. It alleviates anxiety and improves the mood. Omega 3 fatty acids in flaxseeds fights inflammation and stops disruption of signals between brain cells. It also has the presence of polyphenols that reduces the symptoms of mild stress. Follow the steps given below to overcome stress.

  • Add 4 tablespoons of ground flaxseeds in a bowl of yogurt, smoothies and cereal.
  • Another thing you can do is consume two tablespoons of flaxseed oil on a daily basis. You can even add this oil in your meals or in your salad plate.

11.) Rosemary to Treat Anxiety Disorders

This is one of the best home remedies to treat anxiety disorders. The calming effects of rosemary makes it an effective remedy for anxiety and depression. It improves blood circulation, relaxes the respiratory muscles and has a good effect on memory and alertness. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • Add 2 teaspoons of dried rosemary in one cup of hot water.
  • Cover the cup and leave it to steep for the next 10 minutes.
  • Strain this tea and add some honey in it.
  • Drink it on a regular basis to get satisfactory results.

12.) Relaxing Bath to Get Rid of Anxiety

This is one of the most effective methods to get rid of anxiety. A hot water bath relaxes the muscles and gives quick relief from anxiety and tension. Follow the steps given below to treat anxiety disorders.

  • Fill a bathtub with warm water.
  • Mix a cup of Epsom salt in it.
  • Soak your body in this water for the next 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Another thing that you can do is add 7 to 8 drops essential oil like lavender oil or chamomile oil and an ounce of any carrier oil in your bathtub. Soak yourself in this water for the next 20 minutes to get relief.

13.) Lemon Balm to Treat Anxiety Disorders

This is one of the effective home remedies to treat anxiety disorders. Lemon balm is one of the excellent mild relaxant and nerve tonic. It promotes sleep and helps to get rid of anxiety. You can even mix lemon balm with lavender or green tea for added benefits. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • In a cup of boiling water, add one teaspoon of lemon balm.
  • Cover the cup and leave it to steep for the next 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Drink the tea before going to bed daily.
  • Repeat this process on a daily basis for atleast 2 weeks to get relief from anxiety.

Precaution: You can take supplements of lemon balm but you need to consults your doctor before doing so because taking it in excess can lead to more anxiety. General dosage for a day is 400mg capsules for two times.

14.) Fennel to Get Rid of Anxiety

This is one of the excellent remedies to get rid of anxiety. It is a wonderful remedy to calm the nerves and reduce anxiety. It has the presence of volatile oils which has an anxiolytic effect on the body. Fennel also helps to treat gastrointestinal symptoms which can be one of the reasons for anxiety. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • Boil a cup of water.
  • Add two teaspoons of fennel seeds in it and let it simmer.
  • After 5 to 10 minutes, remove the water from the flame.
  • Once the water cools down to room temperature, drink it.
  • Repeat this treatment on a daily basis before or after meals to get relief.
  • You can even pour a few drops of fennel oil on a tissue. Inhale the smell to get quick relief from depression.

15.) Cardamom to Reduce Anxiety

This is one of the amazing home remedies to reduce anxiety. It an age old ayurvedic remedy that deals with depression and anxiety. Cardamom is loaded with properties that fight with depression. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • Take 4 to 5 cardamom seeds and crush them to make a fine powder.
  • Now, in a glass of water add this powder and mix well.
  • Drink this water once daily to get relief from anxiety and panic attack.

16.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Anxiety

This is another wonderful home remedies to fight anxiety and depression. It relaxes the mind and soothes the body. Though it contains sodium but it does not increase the blood pressure which makes it a good choice for dealing with anxiety. Follow the steps given below to treat anxiety disorders.

  • Add one third cup of baking soda and grated ginger in your bathtub.
  • Relax in your bathtub for the next 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Once you feel relaxed, take a shower.
  • Repeat this treatment once in two days to get rid of anxiety and depression.

17.) Celery to Treat Anxiety Disorders

The high amounts of potassium and folic in celery helps to treat anxiety disorder. It helps to get rid of depression and anxiety. Regular consumption of celery prevents you from getting nervous. Follow the steps given below to overcome anxiety.

  • Wash celery and chop them finely.
  • Consume 2 cups of celery leaves daily.
  • Eat it two times in a day for about one week to get rid of anxiety.

18.) Avoid Sugary and Processed Foods to Get Rid of Anxiety

Foods that have a high glycemic index cause anxiety and depression. Sugary and processed foods can make your blood sugar level high or low thus increasing anxiety, nervousness and fatigue. These types of foods can also cause mood swings and change your energy levels making it difficult to control the symptoms of anxiety. If you want to stay away from anxiety disorders then you need to maintain your blood sugar levels. This can be done by avoiding refined foods.

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