Home Remedies for Yellow Teeth Treatment

In this article, we will discuss the home remedies for yellow teeth treatment. A set of sparkling white teeth can enhance your appearance and you will appear more attractive, healthy and younger. However, with yellow teeth people usually avoid smiling in public because they are self-conscious. Yellow teeth may be due to due to aging, poor dental hygiene, hereditary factors, or excessive consumption of coffee, tea, tobacco, and cigarettes. There are many whitening teeth treatments available out there, but they are so expensive and usually not recommended. Instead of going for any treatment you should go for home remedies for yellow teeth. Things of daily use are enough to restore your white teeth once again, the benefit you will get using them is they treat your teeth naturally compare to treatment which uses harmful chemicals.

Remedies for Yellow Teeth Treatment:


1.) Charcoal to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

Potent crystal chemicals contain by charcoal does a great job to whiten teeth fast and naturally. The method of using charcoal is quite simple, you only have to mix a bit of charcoal to the toothpaste and lightly rub the teeth. Brush your teeth with charcoal two times daily. In case if you won’t get charcoal then you can use rosemary or burnt bread.

2.) Salt to Treat Yellow Teeth Naturally

To get rid of yellow teeth salt can play a major role in removing the yellow plaque marks from the teeth. Salt as a remedy for teeth whitening is not new it has been used for hundreds of year and has been proven very effective for teeth whitening. Mix common salt with baking soda and rub the teeth with the mixture gently. It is better to pay attention while using salt for teeth as it can damage the teeth enamel and gums if you brush harshly.

3.) Apple for Yellow Teeth Treatment at Home

You have aware about the fact that apple has many health benefits and also boost the immune system. Very few of us know that apple can help to conquer the yellow teeth fast and naturally. The question arises, how and in which form would take apple to treat yellow teeth? The answer is awry as you just have to chew 2 or 3 apples in a day will work same as brushing your teeth. Apple contains an acidic juice that is very useful to remove yellow stain marks from teeth. Chewing apple to get rid of yellow teeth does not mean that you do not have to brush yours. Brush your teeth two times daily and along with that, eat three apples a day to get gorgeous looking teeth.

4.) Hydrogen Peroxide to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

The mild bleaching properties of hydrogen peroxide can be useful to treat yellow teeth. Any remedy for yellow teeth should be used carefully as the excess amount of these remedies for yellow teeth can harm the gums and teeth enamel, it can also make your teeth extra sensitive. Make a paste using baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and then gently rub the teeth with the paste. It is advised to do regular brushing with the paste along with your favorite regular toothpaste.

5.) Orange peels to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

Rubbing the teeth with a fresh orange peel every night before going to sleep can help you to restore the gorgeous white teeth. Orange peels are excellent in removing dreaded yellow color of your white teeth efficiently with doing any damage to the gums. Orange peel contains vitamin C and calcium which fights with the chemicals that cause yellow teeth. Keep on doing this for few weeks and see the effect with time.

6.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

It is always recommended to not use an excess of anything for yellow teeth. Baking soda should also be used in the limited amount of excessive use of it can damage your teeth enamel which can trigger other problems. Baking soda is best for teeth whitening, but it should use carefully. The method to use baking soda is very simple, just mix a little amount of baking soda with the toothpaste and brush your teeth twice a week, until you get the white teeth. You can also make the mixture with lemon or hydrogen peroxide for instant effect.

7.) Strawberries to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

Strawberries contain some essential ingredients to treat yellow teeth naturally. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C which will help your teeth to remove the yellow stain to restore the whitening. Grind few strawberries in a blender to make a thick paste and then gently rub the teeth. Do this twice a day, but keep on doing this regularly to gray-white teeth. It works like magic and will not cost you hundreds of bucks. It is one of the most powerful remedies for yellow teeth.

8.) Lemons to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

Lemons have brilliant bleaching properties that can help remove yellow discoloration. Lemon peels are very useful in the treatment of yellow teeth to regain the white teeth. Lemon is well-known for its immune-boosting, antibacterial, and healing properties. It not only used for whitening teeth but also for skin diseases. You can use lemon juice for gargling to get rid of yellow teeth. Simply scrub your teeth with lemon peels as it is one of the most efficient and proven ways to remove the yellow marks from the teeth.

9.) Basil to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

Basil leaves are the best to remove the yellow stain from your teeth. It also helps in preventing the advanced periodontal diseases like pyorrhea. Dry some basil leaves by leaving them in the sunlight for many hours. You should periodically check when basil leaves are dry completely, only then you can use them. Make powder of basil leaves by grinding them in the blender. After making the powder just mix this with toothpaste and brush your teeth daily.

10.) Margosa to Get Rid of  Yellow Teeth

This is also one of the best remedies for yellow teeth treatment. Margosa leaves are very useful to fight against yellow teeth. It has got many herbal properties that can be useful to treat yellow teeth. The best feature of margosa leaves that make it so useful is its antiseptic properties which fight with dental issues such as cavities and bad breath. Instead of using regular toothbrush start using margosa twigs to get all the properties to work right away. Simply chewing the margosa branches is also useful to prevent dental issues and remove yellow stain marks from the teeth.

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