Home Remedies for Indigestion Treatment

In this article, we will discuss about indigestion and home remedies for indigestion. Problem in digesting food and meals are known as indigestion. Discomfort and pain in the stomach is associated with difficulty in digesting food and uncomfortable sensation in your belly after or during a meal.  Mainly indigestion happens due to secretion of digestive juices in stomach. In indigestion you might have the feeling of pain and burning in upper part of your stomach. Most of the time indigestion occurs after overeating and eating fatty or spicy foods.Read more, to find out about indigestion and home remedies for indigestion.

Causes of Indigestion:

  • Indigestion can cause due to any disease such as – Food poisoning, ulcers, thyroid, stomach infections, inflammation of the stomach, depression, food allergies or sensitivities and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) etc. Indigestion can occur during pregnancy as well.
  • Causes related to medications such as – Steroids, oral contraceptives and estrogen, thyroid medications, aspirin and many other painkillers or relievers and some antibiotics etc.
  • Causes related to lifestyle such as – Eating spicy food, junk food, smoking and eating high fatty food. Stress, drinking alcohol, fatigue and too much eating etc can also cause indigestion.

Symptoms of Indigestion are:

  • Acidic taste in mouth
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Acid indigestion (acid reflux) or heartburn
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Growling stomach
  • Rumbling and gurgling
  • Excessive gas
  • Bloating
  • Decreased appetite

Natural Home Remedies for Indigestion Treatment:


1.) Fennel Seeds to Cure Indigestion

Fenel seeds are one of the best remedy for indigestion. It contains volatile oil which improves digestion and helps to reduce nausea and control flatulence. You can take fennel seeds in the form of powder with a glass of water. If you want to consume fennel seeds in form of tea, for that you have to take them in crushed form. Then boil the seeds with a glass of water and then consume it. This remedy will help you to get relief  from indigestion.

2.) Baking Soda to Treat Indigestion

Baking soda is known as the great home remedy. It works as an effective antacid for indigestion. Baking soda is one of the most simple and effective remedy for indigestion. Baking soda is not at all tasty but it works like a preventer for indigestion. In a glass of water mix half teaspoon of baking soda. Consume this remedy for revealing and neutralizing the excessive acids in the stomach.

3.) Herbal Tea for Indigestion Treatment

Herbal tea is the finest solution for indigestion and for your stomach too. Herbal tea contains natural herbs and antioxidants which helps your stomach to digest. You can drink herbal tea’s for indigestion such as peppermint tea, green tea and chamomile tea. In a cup of hot water dip any herbal tea bag of your choice. Then consume your tea and feel refreshing. You can drink your herbal tea after your meal as well, it will help you to digest your food.

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Avoid Indigestion

Apple cider vinegar works as an antibiotic remedy for indigestion. Apple cider vinegar has alkalizing effect which helps to reduce and settle indigestion. It is acidic in nature and works well to treat indigestion. In a glass of water drink some diluted apple cider vinegar. You can also mix 1 tsp of honey into this mixture. Drink this mixture of apple cinder vinegar at least 2 to 3 times a day. To get relief from indigestion.

5.) Carom Seeds to Treat Indigestion

Carom seeds works as the natural remedy for indigestion. Carom seeds also known as bishop’s weed. Carom seeds work effectively for the treatment of indigestion. It is because of its carminative and digestive properties, which helps to give relief from indigestion. Carom seeds helps to prevent gas and even nausea. Eating one-half tsp of carom seeds will help you to get relief from indigestion. For consuming carom seeds in another way, grind a dry ginger with few carom seeds to make a powder. Then in a cup of hot water you need to add a little black pepper and 1 tsp of carom seeds and dried ginger powder. Then consume it for relief.

6.) Coriander to Cure Indigestion

Coriander is an effective remedy for indigestion. It helps to calm the stomach and promotes the production of digestive enzymes. In a glass of buttermilk mix a few roasted coriander seeds and then consume it. You can even make a paste of it by adding cloves, ginger, coriander and ground cardamom seeds. Consume this paste in order to get relief from indigestion.

7.) Cinnamon for Indigestion Treatment

Cinnamon is the finest remedy to get relief from indigestion. It gives great relief from indigestion symptoms such as stomach cramps and bloating. Cinnamon also helps in the digestive process. In a glass of hot or boiled water, add one-half tsp of cinnamon powder. Then drink it as a tea.

8.) Basil Leaves to Treat Indigestion

Basil leaves are known as an excellent ayurvedic remedy for acid reflux and indigestion. Basil leaves contains carminative properties which helps to give relief from intestinal gas. Mix 1 tsp of basil leaves in a glass of hot water, then steep it for at least 10 – 15 minutes. Consume this tea at least 2 to 3 times a day. You can also add two to three tsp of plain yogurt, along with that add five to six basil leaves then mix a little black pepper powder and one-fourth tsp of sea salt in it. Then consume this mixture at least 2 to 3 times a day.

9.) Cumin to Treat Indigestion

Cumin is the finest ayurvedic remedy for indigestion. It is also known as an ayurvedic remedy for digestive problems. It helps to stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that aid digestion. Cumin works as an effective ayurvedic home remedy for digestive problem and indigestion. It works effectively also for diarrhea, flatulence and nausea. In a glass of water mix 1 teaspoon of cumin seed powder and then consume it. If you are feeling heaviness in the stomach for that, take a glass of buttermilk, mix one-quarter tsp of each roasted cumin seed powder and black pepper. Consume this mixture at least 2-3 times a day for better results until you get relief.

10.) Ginger to Avoid Indigestion

Ginger works as an effective remedy for digestion. Ginger helps to improve digestive problem specially caused by over eating. It helps in stimulating the digestive juices. Ginger effectively works on indigestion to stop it. Ginger stimulates the flow of enzymes which helps to digest your food. Add ginger in your food. This will help you to get relief especially if you are suffering from ginger and helps to digest your food. You can make a ginger tea for yourself at home, in a glass of water boil 1 tsp of grated ginger at least for 10–15 minutes. This remedy will help you to get relief from stomach aches, stomach cramps, gas and bloating etc.

Some Essential Tips to Prevent Indigestion:

  • Avoid late night eating.
  • Avoid alcohol and try to quit smoking, if you do.
  • Eat healthy and nutritious diet and try to eat smaller meals, and more frequently.
  • Avoid wearing tight clothes, tight clothes causes pressure on your abdomen and stomach.
  • Do not eat acidic food items such as citrus fruits.
  • Try to avoid such foods and liquids which contains caffeine.
  • Don’t do any exercises when your stomach is full,take a gap of at least 1 hour before or after your meal.
  • Try to avoid spicy foods and meals.
  • Exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Manage stress.
  • Eat slowly.
  • Do not lie down immediately after a meal.
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