Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment (Tailbone Cyst)

After writing how to get rid of a mucous cyst?,  how to get rid of rash?, how to treat a foot blister?, and how to get rid of blood blister?, we are now writing the pilonidal cyst home treatment or cyst on tailbone. The last thing that anyone wants is there buttock’s area to get infected. Not only is it painful but also ends up making you feel embarrassed, in many cases. It causes difficulty in movements, which involve your buttocks because of being extremely painful. There are several reasons that can result into a polinidal cyst. This usually happens due to an ingrown hair, which leads to a full-scale pus-like formation in the area.  It is a kind of an abnormal pocket on your skin, which usually contains hair and debris. This cyst is always located near the tailbone, on the top of the cleft of your buttocks. Natural home remedies for pilonidal cyst treatment end up being the most effective. So to make it easy for you, here we have enlisted some of the best remedies for pilonidal cyst home treatment. Just follow any of the simple home procedures below and get rid of the pilonidal cyst effectively.

Pilonidal Cyst Home Treatment (Tailbone Cyst):


1.) Epsom Salt Bath

Scrubbing down with epsom salt can facilitate the irritation and give relief from the agony. Epsom salt has magnesium and sulfate that can help in the expulsion of toxins from the sore. Epsom salt ought to be included into a hot bath. You are required to soak your body for 15 minutes, in epsom salt bath. Scrubbing down with epsom salt can debilitate the blister and make it burst. Repeat until you get effective results. 

2.) Use The Aloe-Vera For Selfcare

Aloe Vera is one of the most effective and trusted remedy for pilonidal cyst home treatment. It is a restorative plant with thick and pointy green leaves. The thick Aloe-Vera’s leaf contains vile water-filled tissue that looks like gel. This bio-active mix in the aloe-vera contain cancer prevention agents and natural antibacterial properties. Rubbing the aloe-vera gel onto the affected region can speed up the recovery process. You can likewise drink Aloe-Vera juice to get rid of pilonidal cysts. You can also read aloe-vera use for acne treatment.

3.) Do The Hot Compress

The hot pack helps in expanding blood flow around the cyst. You can likewise utilize a hot pack (elastic sack loaded with boiling point water) to supply warmth to the growth. Steaming showers and electronic warmth cushions can likewise be utilized for the same impact. 

  • All you have to do is take an iron frying pan and heat it over the gas. Just take a towel and place it down on the frying pan.
  • When towel is warm, remove and now use it as a hot compress for the affected area. You can also use other commercial heating pad / hot water bottles to ease the pain.

4.) Take The Help From Castor Oil

Castor oil is likewise an exceptionally compelling solution for pilonidal growth. This is one of the best remedies for pilonidal cyst home treatment. Castor oil is effective in easing the pain and inflammation, eventually speeding up the recuperating of the pilonidal blister.  You can likewise cover it with a cotton ball, dipped in castor oil. Secure the area with a bandage to keep the soaked cotton in place. Either leave it for a few hours or over night. It is another category of a natural hot compress. 

5.) Fenugreek Seeds Will Help

Fenugreek is a characteristic cure, ordinarily utilized as a part of treating skin conditions. You can use fenugreek seeds in powdered or raw form. If you purchase it in supplements, you ought to take no less than 2 tablets every day. If you are taking in the form of powder or raw seeds, you will need to include half tablespoon of the powder/seeds in a glass of water. Boil this solution in a pan and let it cool down to room temperature. Now, drink this water slowly, sip by sip.  You can also make a paste out of fenugreek powder and apply it onto the influenced region. Cover it with a bandage and leave overnight. Repeat the remedy until you get effective results. 

6.) Apply The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains properties that stops the growth of a pilonidal cyst and allows the boil to stream out. It is known as a germ killer, eventually resulting in a quick recovery. Tea tree oil is among the most effective home remedy for pilonidal cyst treatment. Simply apply the oil to the affected area. Do this every night, before going to sleep. Repeat until you get effective results. Read tea tree oil uses for acne.

7.) Make Use Of Turmeric

Turmeric has curcumin, which is an exceptionally powerful cancer prevention agent. Turmeric additionally has soothing and pain relieving properties. Subsequently, it functions admirably with pilonidal sores. To utilize turmeric as a home cure, you can make a paste. Take a tablespoon of turmeric powder and add a few drops of water. Mix it well to make a paste. Apply this paste on the pimple and hold up till it dries. You can likewise grind turmeric roots and press the little bits onto the blister. Turmeric can be added to your everyday diet to get the flavor and health benefits. Drinking a glass of milk with a teaspoon of turmeric powder is viewed as a strong cancer prevention remedy. Read health benefits of turmeric.

8.) Use The Garlic Efficiently

Garlic is a characteristic anti-infection agent that can be utilized as a part of treating pilonidal blisters. It tends to kill the germs on the pilonidal sore. This makes it as one of the effective home remedies to get rid of pilonidal cysts.  You can put crushed garlic on the affected area and cover it with a bandage. Do not leave the garlic on the affected area for more than 10 minutes. The corrosive nature of garlic will burn into your skin and harm the aggravated tissue. You can likewise incorporate garlic in your eating routine. Eating raw garlic can lessen the span of the sore and reduce the redness.

9.) Apply The Essential Oils

Essential oils have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, they are frequently used as home-made solutions for various skin treatments. You can utilize jojoba oil, which heals skin and saturates the affected region. Peppermint oil diminishes tingling and bothering around the cyst. Sage oil uproots the bacteria that gather in the sore range. To make a home cure, make a mix of 5 drops of each of these oils and rub on the cyst. You can likewise consolidate vital oil with epsom salt and take an extremely successful salt bath. 

10.) Use Black Tea Bags

Black tea bangs are one of the most popular and effective home remedies to get rid of pilonidal cysts. This is because of its natural acidic agents, which refrains the cyst from getting worse. Also, the natural anti-inflammatory properties tend to ease the pain and swelling cause due to infection. All you are required to do is simply soak a tea bag in warm water for 5 minutes. Now, remove the tea bag from water and place it on the affected area. Hold it for 10 minutes, then remove. Repeat the remedy several times a day for effective results. 

11.) Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the remedy known for years and is almost effective in every possible medical situation. The acidic nature of ACV tends to balance the pH level of the area and flush out the toxins, thus leading to a speedy recovery. All you need to do is simply soak a cotton wall in diluted ACV. Place it on the affected area. Secure the ball with a bandage to keep it in place for a few hours. Then remove and wash the area. Repeat the remedy daily for effective results. Read health benefits of apple cider vinegar.

12.) Maintain Good Hygiene

This is one of the most effective and obvious solution for pilonidal cyst. It is essential to keep the affected skin area clean. Also, it is very much important to maintain the hygiene of these particular areas as the most amount of harmful bacteria tend to get inside your body through them. These bacteria once inside can harm your body by resulting in various diseases and a weak immune system. So, always try and maintain the hygiene of your body as a whole in order to stay healthy and disease free. This is because clean and healthy environment if the most unfavorable type for the bacteria and virus to accommodate. Wash and clean the area properly, every time you use the loo. As the above point states, don’t utilize creams or gels to clean the territory as they may enhance the irritation further. If you need, you can utilize glycerin to clean the area.

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