Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

In this article, we will talk about home remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In today’s times, women suffer from all kinds of health problems. Some of them are minor and some major in their intensity. Most of these problems are directly or indirectly related to periods or sexual organs of the body. One such major problem affecting women today is polycystic ovary syndrome.

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is the hormonal imbalance in women leading to:

  • Delay in periods.
  • Formations of cysts around the ovary.
  • Infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods
  • Excessive hair growth,
  • Weight gain
  • Formation of acne
  • Oily skin
  • Pelvic pain.

But there is nothing to worry as it is curable with common stuff available at home. In this article we will give you effective home remedies for polycystic ovary syndrome (pcos).

Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome:


1.) Olive Oil as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Olive oil is known to be one of the healthiest of all the oils. The oil is rich in all the essential nutrient and is low on cholesterol. It is also known to be an effective remedy for pcos. Using olive oil for cooking purposes can help boost the overall immunity of the body. It also helps regulate the period cycle and boosts overall functions of the body. It may even help you with your weight loss goals which are another factor in pcos treatment.

2.) Cinnamon as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Long before your artificial immunity boosters came to the forefront, cinnamon was the preferred herb for the same. Consuming cinnamon is associated with a healthy behaviour and can help boost your immunity.

  • Simply add 1 tea spoon of cinnamon powder in one glass of water.
  • Stir the whole mixture and consume it twice in day.
  • Continue the process till the natural balance of your body returns.
  • You can also consume it directly for added comfort and fresh breath.

3.) Apple Cedar Vinegar as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Yes, you guessed it right. Your everyday apple cedar vinegar can be a great remedy polycystic ovary syndrome. The product can help reduce hair fall and can boost the insulin system. The same can also help regulate the hormonal imbalance in the body that occurs due to the syndrome. It is advisable to put 2 caps of it in a glass of warm water. Consume it daily until you don’t see results. If you fret away from the taste then adding honey or any juice is fine. Make sure to consult an expert before creating a mixture of your own.

4.) Coconut Oil as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The power of this tropical fruit has been well researched. The fruit with its holistic properties is also effective in oil form. Use it for cooking purposes to boost your immunity and to reduce your sugar levels. It is the best available fat available there and can help cure polycystic ovary syndrome at early stages itself. It may also help improve your overall health, making sure you don’t suffer from it ever again.

5.) Spearmint Tea as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Tea as a whole is beneficial for the body but to treat polycystic ovary syndrome, spearmint tea is advisable. The tea is rich in ginseng and other essential nutrients. The tea enhances the overall immunity of the body and helps fight infections. The properties may even regulate your period cycles which have been effected due to the syndrome. Consume the tea at least two times in a day for added results. The leaves of the same can also be consumed to cure pcos.

6.) Basil as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Every word falls short to describe the benefits of basil. It has to be the most underrated of all the plants, known for their health benefits. It contains polyphenols, including flavonoids and anthocyanins. Not only that but it is also rich in antioxidant properties, even recognized for it anti-ageing properties. All of the same are a witness to the fact that how basil helps cure polycystic ovary syndrome. You can either consume 8-10 basil leaves daily or you could boil them to consume it in the form of tea. Both the processes work well.

7.) Water as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

We all understand the importance of water. A hydrated body is one of the best gifts you can provide to your internal system. To treat polycystic ovary syndrome it is recommended to drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses daily. It will help remove all the toxins from the body and help keep it cool. It is a perfect remedy for all your health problems.

8.) Flaxseed as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Known to reduce the androgen levels, this one is a sure shot winner. Flaxseed is used around the world to treat all kinds of chronic health problems and is also effective in polycystic ovary syndrome. Being high on fibre it also keeps your weight in check. To treat the problem flaxseed can be consumed on daily basis. There are several recipes available on the internet, which make the process effortless. Using flaxseed oil for cooking purposes can have the same remedial effects on the body.

9.) Chaste Tree as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

The berries of the chaste tree can help elevate progesterone levels, along with reducing the levels of estrogens. This in turn helps to get away with infertility, promoting normal menstrual cycles. The whole process helps improve the body’s endocrine functions. For the remedial purpose the berries can be consumed directly or could be added to your favourite dish. Making sure to consume them on regular basis will help you defeat the syndrome, without affecting any normal body functions.

10.) Exercises as a Home Remedy for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

All of us know the benefits of exercises for a body. Working out makes sure that the body is at its optimal levels. In the case of polycystic ovary syndrome it makes sure that the body’s immunity system remains strong and efficient. Spend a minimum of 15-20 minutes doing some kind of exercises and add to that a healthy diet. If the balance is perfect then we firmly believe that there is nothing else that is required to treat the problem.