Home Remedies to Reduce High Creatinine Levels Naturally

In this article, we will discuss home remedies to reduce high creatinine levels. Creatinine is a chemical waste product that is flushed out of the body through urine. However, if the kidney gets damaged, it is not able to eliminate creatinine out of the body. Thus, it accumulates around the kidney. If the level of the creatinine is high then kidney is not able to function properly. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the problem at the earnest. Below we have listed some of the home remedies to reduce high creatine levels naturally.

Symptoms of High Creatinine Levels:

Causes of High Creatinine Levels:

Various Remedies to Reduce High Creatinine Levels:


1.) Water to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

The prime cause of high levels of creatinine is dehydration. When you do not drink sufficient water, you pass less urine due to which the toxins are not properly flushed out of the body. To combat the dehydration drink a huge amount of water. It will flush out the waste toxins from the body and will lower the level of creatinine. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water regularly is good for overall health as well.

2.) Dandelion Root to Reduce Creatinine Levels

Dandelion root act as a natural diuretic. It flushes out toxins that reduce the creatinine levels. Moreover, it helps kidney in proper functioning. You can use the remedy to cure swelling, edema and water retention as well.

How to Treat High Creatinine Levels with Dandelion?

  • In a cup of hot water, add a tablespoon of dried dandelion root powder.
  • Leave it to steep for a few minutes.
  • Then strain the tea and drink it.
  • Consume dandelion tea regularly 2-3 times a day until you get satisfactory results.

3.) Stinging Nettle to Reduce Creatinine Levels

Stinging nettle helps to eliminate metabolic waste. It also regulates renal excretion, strengthens immunity system, and purifies the blood. This acts as a kidney tonic and reduces the creatinine levels in the body. The flavonoids and histamines encourage the blood flow and clear the toxins through urine.

How to Lower High Creatinine Levels?

  • Take a cup of hot water and add 2-3 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves into it.
  • Leave this solution to steep for a few minutes.
  • Then strain the solution and drink it.
  • Drink this 2-3 times a day until you get positive results.

4.) Cinnamon to Reduce Creatinine Levels

Cinnamon is a boon for people suffering from high creatinine levels and kidney problems. It has diuretic properties. regulates the renal filtration and increases kidney output. Also, it controls sugar level in the blood. Add cinnamon to the food or broths and warm beverages. However, make sure you do not consume it in access.

5.) Chamomile Tea to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

According to a research, chamomile tea reduces the creatinine levels. It is a mild sedative, therefore, it will relax your body and act as a stress buster. You can reap the benefits of chamomile tea by drinking it several times a day.

How to Treat High Creatinine Level?

  • In a cup of hot water add 2 -3 teaspoons of dried chamomile.
  • Leave it to steep for a while.
  • Strain it and drink it.
  • Drink it regularly until the problem is solved completely.

6.) Astragalus to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

This Chinese herbal medicine helps to slow down the progression of acute kidney disease. It improves the creatinine levels and acts as a mild diuretic. It also improves metabolism and digestion.

How to Bring down High Creatinine Levels with Astragalus?

  • In a quart of boiling water add a few slices of astragalus root.
  • Boil it for half an hour till the quantity reduces to half.
  • Later strain and drink it.
  • Consume this regularly after having the meal.

7.) Siberian Ginseng to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

Another remedy for high creatinine level is Siberian ginseng. It has a compound known as eleuthero sid. It has energy-boosting properties. Because of this property, it is also used in many supplements.  It nourishes the kidney and improves renal circulation. If you don’t find the plant nearby then you can also have its supplement. However, consult your doctor for the exact dosage.

8.) Sage to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

It helps to eliminate and filter access creatinine from the body and improves the circulation to the kidney. It also prevents the possibility of kidney failure. So flush out the excess creatinine from the body by using the herbal remedy regularly.

How to Cure High Creatinine Levels with Sage?

  • Add one teaspoon of dried sage or 10 fresh sage leaves to a cup of hot water.
  • Let it steep for five to 10 minutes.
  • Strain and drink this tea one to three times a day.
  • P.S- Avoid this remedy if you are diabetic or has a kidney disease.

9.) Barley to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

Another home remedy to reduce creatinine levels is barley. Since it is a natural diuretic, therefore, it helps to clean the kidney. It also decreases the blood urea nitrogen levels and blood sugar levels. Moreover, it improves digestion. And, not to forget, it is nutritious as well.

How to Lower High Creatinine Levels with Barley?

  • Boil 4 cups of water and add a cup of barley to it.
  • Boil the solution for half an hour until the quantity reduces to half.
  • Strain this solution and drink it to bid adieu to excess creatinine levels.

10.) Corn Silk to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

Corn silk is also a natural diuretic and is loaded with the anti-inflammatory properties that come handy to reduce the creatinine levels. You can also use it to cure edema and high blood pressure.

How to Treat High Creatine Levels with Corn Silk?

  • In a cup of hot water add 2 teaspoons of dried corn silk.
  • Leave it to steep for a while.
  • After 10-15 minutes strain the solution and drink it.
  • Drink this solution regularly until you find satisfactory results.

11.) Chinese Rhubarb to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

It regulates the detoxification process in the intestine and increases urine output. More urine means more creatinine is flushed out. It also regulates the functioning of the kidney.

How to Bring down High Creatinine Levels with Chinese Rhubarb

  • In a cup of boiling water, add a stalk of Chinese rhubarb.
  • Boil it for a few minutes.
  • Strain the solution and drink it.
  • Don’t consume herb if you have had a kidney stone or any of your family members had.

12.) Appropriate Diet to Reduce High Creatinine Levels

Apart from following the above-listed home remedies for high creatinine, plan an appropriate diet. There are certain foods that have the capability to reduce the creatinine level while there are certain foods that can increase the creatinine levels in the body.  Your diet should consist of sprouts, fruits a, d veggies like cranberries, cucumber, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, and onions. These foods are a good source of omega 3 acids and fiber that helps to reduce the level of creatinine. Avoid taking foods that contain animal protein such as meat. It is recommended to go for a vegetarian diet. Avoid foods that are high in sodium and processed. Spinach, celery, and broccoli should be limited. Eat and drink fresh smoothies, vegetable and fruit juices to lower the creatinine levels.

13.) Alpha Lipoic Acid to Lower Creatinine Levels

This is one of the wonderful remedies to lower creatinine levels. Alpha Lipoic acid is a natural substance that easily lowers the creatinine levels at home. This powerful nutrient should be surely consumed if you are suffering from kidney problems. Alpha lipoic acid provides energy to the kidneys and makes the toxins harmless that enter the body. It improves the kidney function and lowers the creatinine levels. All you need to do is take 300mg of alpha lipoic acid each day. It is a wonderful substance to reduce creatinine levels easily.

14.) Chitosan to Reduce Creatinine Levels

This is one of the best home remedies to reduce creatinine levels. Chitosan supplements are one of the effective ways to manage your weight. It is a wonderful way to reduce cholesterol and creatinine levels. All you need to do is take chitosan supplements on a daily basis. You can take about 1000 to 4000mg per day. Before you take chitosan supplements, consult with your doctor about your daily dosage that suits your health condition. This is one of wonderful ways to lower creatinine levels.

15.) Salvia to Lower Creatinine Levels

This is one of the most effective herbs to lower creatinine levels. It increases the glomerular filtration rate and reduces the creatinine levels. The lithospermate B present in salvia improves the functioning of the kidney. One thing that you need to keep in mind is that ask your doctor before taking salvia. Don’t take it without the permission of your doctor. If your doctor allows, then include this herb in your daily diet to reap all its health benefits. This is one of the best remedies to lower creatinine levels easily.

16.) Therapies to Lower Creatinine Levels

This is one of the best methods to lower creatinine levels. Here is a list of therapies that you can try to lower creatinine levels.

Blood Purification Therapy: It is one of the effective therapies to reduce creatinine levels. In this therapy, the blood will get filtered through a machine and this machine will not only remove the creatinine from the blood but also remove all the toxins.

Cold Laser Therapy: This is one of the best therapies to improve the functioning of the kidneys. Once the kidneys function properly, it will automatically filter the creatinine. Cold lasers are used on the adrenal glands that are above the kidneys. This therapy also helps to relive stress and improves sleep.

Massage Therapy: This therapy is an excellent choice to improve the blood circulation and reduces stress. It is a wonderful therapy to induce relaxation and stress.

Micro-chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: This traditional Chinese medicine helps to heal the minor kidney damages. It is prescribed on the condition of the patient. In this therapy, the body sweats and helps to get rid of the creatinine. It also helps to remove the toxins from the body through sweat.

17.) Yoga to Reduce Creatinine Levels

Yoga is one of the best things to maintain your mental, physical and spiritual health. There are certain yoga positions that help to improve the functioning of kidneys and reduce the levels of creatinine in the body. Always consult with your doctor before trying something new. Here is a yoga position that helps to lower the creatinine levels in the body.

  • Sit down with your spine and legs straight. Make sure you keep your feet together.
  • Fold your left leg and place your left foot beside your right hip.
  • Now, place the right leg over the right knee.
  • Keep your left hand on the right knee. Keep your right hand at the behind.
  • Now, look over your right shoulder and while doing this twist your shoulders, waist and neck.
  • Make sure while doing this your spine is straight.
  • Stay in this position for a few minutes and breathe.
  • Repeat the same steps on the other side.

18.) Green Tea to Lower Creatinine Levels in the Body

This is one of the most natural remedies to lower creatinine levels in the body. According to some studies, green tea helps to reduce the amount of creatinine in the blood. Follow the steps given below to reduce creatinine.

  • All you need to do is drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea per day.
  • You can even drink other herbal teas such as chamomile, dandelion and nettle leaf tea.

When you drink lots of green tea the kidneys are stimulated and the production of urine is increased. And when the production of urine is increased more creatinine passes out from the body.

19.) Consume Less Sodium to Reduce Creatinine Levels

When you intake excess of sodium it leads to fluid retention. Fluid retention in turn leads to high blood pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to consume a low sodium diet. Make sure you don’t eat salty foods and don’t consume salty drinks. Eat food products that are low in sodium. For example, canned soups and bottle sauces. On an average you need to take 2 to 3 grams of sodium per day.

20.) Avoid Phosphorous Rich Foods to Reduce Creatinine Levels

It is a little hard for the body to process phosphorous rich foods especially if your creatinine is high. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid phosphorous rich foods. Here is a list of phosphorous rich foods that you need avoid.

  • Cheese
  • Shellfish
  • Soybeans
  • Pork
  • Squash
  • Fish
  • Low fat dairy products
  • Pumpkin
  • Nuts

21.) Don’t Eat Potassium Rich Foods to Reduce Creatinine Levels

If you are having kidney issues, then it is better you avoid potassium rich foods. The reason behind this is that if the kidneys are not working properly and you consume excess potassium then it will get accumulated in the kidneys. Foods that are rich in potassium include beans, potatoes, beans, dried fruits, spinach and bananas.

22.) Avoid Foods That are Rich in Protein to Lower Creatinine Levels

Protein rich foods increase the levels of creatinine in the body. Though protein rich products are not harmful for health but they pose a great health risk for those who already have high creatinine levels. But remember that protein is important for your body as it provides energy so do not cut it completely from your diet. Red meat and dairy products are not good if you have creatinine levels. Make sure you consume protein from plant based sources such as legumes and nuts.

23.) Life Style Changes to Reduce High Creatinine Levels:

After intense exercise, the body quickly converts the food into energy due to which more creatinine is formed in the blood. Don’t eliminate the exercise from your schedule but just set a certain limit. It a perfect idea to replace the vigorous workouts with yoga and walking. Taking a lot of stress can also increase the creatinine levels in the body. You can do meditation or yoga to keep yourself calm and stress-free.

Insufficient sleep can also lead to high creatinine levels in the body. Sleep deprivation causes strain on the kidneys due to which they are not able to work properly. Thus, creatinine is not filtered effectively from the body. A good and restful sleep is necessary to maintain the creatinine level in the body. It is recommended that you should take atleast 8 to 9 hours of sleep daily.

Other Useful Tips to Lower Creatinine Levels:

  • Don’t eat creatinine containing supplements.
  • Avoid over exercise as it can lead to high creatinine levels and other kidney diseases.
  • Eat fresh and organic fruits to lower creatinine levels.
  • Consume more and more vegetables such as cucumber and bitter gourd.
  • Consume foods rich in vitamin C such as cauliflower, berries, parsley etc.
  • Avoid dairy products to lower creatinine levels.
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