Home Remedies to Treat Prostate Problem

In this article, we will talk about home remedies to treat prostate problem. The prostate is a gland in male’s reproductive system. It is equivalent to a size of a walnut. The gland is around the tube called urethra that helps the passage of urine through the bladder. With the age the gland also grows. However, if it grows too large, then it causes Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). The condition is painful and inflammatory. The problem is common among old man (45 onwards). The prostate problem may or may not lead to prostate cancer. So it is important to visit your doctor on time and seek for the remedies. Nevertheless, there are some home remedies to treat prostate problem as well.

Types of Prostate Problem:

1.) Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) – In such condition the prostate is enlarged, but it is not cancerous.

2.)  Acute Bacterial Prostatitis – This problem arises due to the bacterial infection.

3.)  Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis – This condition is a result of the reoccurrence of the infection.

4.)  Chronic Prostatitis – The problem is also known as chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It is a common prostate problem.

Symptoms of Enlarged Prostate:

  • Difficulty while urinating
  • Frequent urination
  • Urine problem
  • Weak urinary stream
  • Pain and inflammation near the prostate.
  • Frequent urine dribbling

Home Remedies to Treat Prostate Problem:


1.) ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) to Treat Prostate Problem

Apple cider vinegar, especially raw and unfiltered is loaded with the astringent properties that help to reduce the size of the swollen prostate glands. Moreover, it also helps you to reduce weight and prevent complications associated with the enlarged prostate such as urinary tract infection.

How to Use ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) to Get Red of Prostate Problem?

  • In a glass of warm water mix a tablespoon of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) and 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink this solution 2 times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can  have a nice and relaxing bath. All you have to do is add a cup of ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) in your bathing tub and soak yourself  in it for a few minutes.
  • Do this regularly to treat the prostate problem.

2.) Stinging Nettle to Treat Prostate Problem

Stinging Nettle is diuretic and helps to subside the symptoms of the prostate problem. The roots of the nettle are packed with the essential Bioactive Phytochemical that helps to shrink the size of the enlarged prostate. It also aids the inflammation and pain.

How to Use Stinging Nettle to Cure Prostate Problem?

  • In a cup of hot water, add a teaspoon of dried nettle leaves. Steep it for a few minutes. Strain it and then drink it.
  • Drink this tea 2-3 times a day. You can also take supplements of stinging nettle. But do consult your doctor before taking the supplements.

3.) Corn Silk to Treat Prostate Problem

Corn silk is a natural diuretic and helps to combat the prostate enlargement.  It also helps to soothe the urinary muscles and linings, which eventually improves the urine flow. Corn silk is a remedy for kidney stones, diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure as well

How to Use Corn Silk to Heal Prostate Problem?

  • In a kettle add 4 cups of water and a few silk of fresh corn. Boil it for a few minutes. Later, strain the tea and drink it.
  • Drink corn silk tea 3 times a day until the symptoms of prostate problem subside.
  • Else, In a cup of a water, you can add 15 drops of corn silk and consume it 3-4 times a day.

4.) Sitz Bath to Treat Prostate Problem

Sitz bath is one of the effective remedies for the enlarged prostate. The hot bath relaxes the pelvic muscles and reduces the swelling. You can also go for a cold bath as well.  It will also cure the pain.

How to Take a Sitz Bath to Heal Prostate Problem?

  • Fill your bathtub with warm water and add 1 and a half cup of Epsom salt to it.
  • Simultaneously, fill cold water in another bathtub and add 5-6 drops of lavender essential oil to it.
  • First soak your body in the hot bathtub for a few minutes and then in cold water bathtub for a minute.
  • Repeat this 2-3 times for  a week until you find encouraging results.
  • P.S- Do not follow this remedy if you experience acute or chronic bacterial prostate.

5.) Tomato to Treat Prostate Problem

Tomatoes contain Lycopene which helps to cure the symptoms of BPH. It lowers the level of the prostate-specific antigen which enlarges the gland and causes the inflammation. Moreover, it helps to reduce the swelling in the gland.

How to Use Tomato to Cure Prostate Problem?

  • Increase consumption of tomatoes. Eat it in a raw form or consume tomato juice or try try different recipes with tomato. However, make sure you strain the seeds of it otherwise it may lead other problems such as kidney stone.
  • You can also supplement your diet with supplements of Lycopene.

6.) Diet Rich with Zink to Treat Prostate Problem

Zinc is an essential mineral. It plays a crucial role in the immune system cell growth.  It is also present in the prostate cells, where it aids the inflammations and protects the gland from further infection. Flaxseeds, spinach, kidney beans, pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds and etc are a rich source of zinc. Make sure you include these foods in your diet.

7.) Pumpkin Seeds to Treat Prostate Problem

Like other vegetable seeds, pumpkin’s seeds does not effect the body rather it helps to reduce the size of the prostate which swells over the time. Also, it is a good source of zinc which is good for prostate gland as we have already told you.

How to Consume Pumpkin Seeds?

  • Eat a plain handful of pumpkin seeds regularly.
  • Alternatively, boil some water and add a handful of pumpkin seeds in it. Remove it from the flame. Leave it to cool at room temperature. Strain it and drink this water to get rid of the prostate problem.

8.) Watermelon Tea to Treat Prostate Problem

Watermelon seeds also help to ease the symptoms of enlarged prostate. All you have to do is collect watermelon seeds. Boil a glass of water and add watermelon seeds into it. Let it steep for a while and then strain it and drink the water. Drink this solution regularly to cure the problem at the earnest.

9.) Gooseberry to Treat Prostate Problem

A mixture of gooseberries, turmeric powder and honey has been used to cure prostate problems since ancient. It is believed to be a best natural medicine for a prostate problem.

How to Use Gooseberry to Cure Prostate Problem?

  • Extract juice from the fresh gooseberry, mix a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of honey in it. Mix it well.
  • Drink a tablespoon of this mixture regularly until the symptoms of the enlarged prostate subsides.

10.) Exercise to Treat Prostate Problem

Last but not least, there are a few exercise which can help you to treat prostate problems. But for that you have to be determined and regular.

11.) Warm Bath

Warm bath is a proven and an all-natural effective home remedy to treat prostate problem and inflammation or even the prostate enlargement. Sitting and soaking in a warm water bath tub for a good half an hour with the water level coming up to the waist. Warm bath will help to ease the pain and inflammation that is caused due to enlarged prostate. This remedy will also kill the bacteria that cause prostrate problems, thus helping to treat prostate problem naturally and effectively.

12.) Green Tea

Green tea is yet another effective home remedy to treat prostate problem. The remedy is very healthy and studies have also shown that it is effective to treat prostate problem. This is because of the powerful antioxidants and other beneficial compounds in green tea can help to reduce the prostatitis problems, slower down prostate cancer growth and also reduce the risk of cancer which is a resultant of prostate problems. Green tea is also known beneficial to control the problem of excessive urination. So, regular consumption of this magical green tea can help to treat prostate problem and also prevents prostate cancer. 

13.) Basil

Basil is yet another ingredient on the list which will help to treat prostate problem. We all are aware of the medicinal properties that are present in basil. Studies have even shown that consumption of basil also helps to ease out the prostate symptoms by simply treating the enlarged prostate. Consumption of basil also combats the prostate cancer and tumor. All this is possible because Basil is known to have natural anti-inflammatory properties that will help to reduce the prostrate inflammation. One can simply consume 1-2 teaspoons of basil juice on regular basis or can also add the juice to your recipes as leaves or in the form of powder. This makes it as another effective remedy to treat prostate problem.

14.) Sesame Seeds

Sesame seed is yet another beneficial remedy that will help you to treat prostate problem in an all-natural manner.  The seeds are extremely beneficial for your prostate health. Consuming sesame seeds on regular basis is one the best home remedies to treat prostate problem and it also prevents cancer. All you need to do is to simply soak sesame seeds overnight and then chew them in the next morning for a few minutes. Repeat this remedy regularly for effective results.

15.) Carrot Juice

Carrot juice is a popular remedy which can help to treat prostate problem. Studies have also shown that carrot juice is beneficial in helping to treat prostate problems by combating the inflammation and other prostate issues like prostatitis and prostate cancer. All you need to do is to drink a glass of fresh carrot juice daily in order to treat prostate problems. Simply combine the carrot juice with other healthy vegetable juices like spinach or beetroot juice in order to get a wholesome glass of goodness and be able to treat prostate problem.

16.) Goldenseal

Goldenseal is a popular herb which is used in the United States and is known to have several medicinal properties. The remedy is also used in the treatment of acute prostatitis and prostate infections. This is possible because goldenseal is known to possess natural antibiotic properties that help to remove the bacteria which cause the prostate disorders. The remedy works by shrinking the enlarged prostrate on the other hand, the diuretic properties of this ingredient also helps to ease the urination difficulty. This makes it as another effective remedy to treat prostate problem.

17.) Kegel Exercise

Kegel exercise is proven good for the prostate health. The exercise is known to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The remedy has proven to be effective in treating the urination problems that are caused due to the prostate enlargement or other prostrate related issues.

Make sure that your bladder is empty before you begin with the exercise. All you need to do is to simply lie down and tighten your pelvic floor muscles for around 3 seconds. Now, relax for 5 seconds and then repeat the exercise for upto  4-5 repetitions. You need to focus on your pelvic muscles while doing this exercise. This makes it as another effective remedy to treat prostate problem.

18.) Saw Palmetto

Don’t go by the name, this is a really good and effective remedy to treat prostate problem. Saw palmetto is a magical plant and its ripe fruit is known to possess medicinal properties which help to prevent and treat prostate problems. The remedy is known effective to treat enlarged prostate or BPH and is also used to ease urinary symptoms of prostate glands. The diuretic properties of this remedy can even help to increase the urine flow and ease the painful urination while on the other hand, the anti-inflammatory properties will help to decrease the prostrate inflammation. Saw palmetto can be used in the form of tea, capsules or as a liquid extract to treat prostate problem.

19.) Water

This is one of the best and easiest available remedies that can help to treat prostate problem. All you need to do is to drink more water in the case of prostatitis. This is because water increases the flow of urine and flushes out all the toxins or bacteria that can cause prostatitis. At times, complete removal of urine does not take place because of the enlargement of the prostate and water makes it easier to pass the urine without any pain and inflammation ion the urinating passage.

These remedies will easily and effectively help to aid in the treatment of prostate problems. However, you have to remember that doctor’s advice and medical intervention are also required in order to totally cure and treat prostate problem.

Exercise to Get Rid of Prostate Problem:

  • Kegel or Pelvic strengthening exercise.
  • Aerobic and resistance exercise.
  • The above are two exercise which will help you to treat the problem and maintain your weight.

Additional Tips to Treat Prostate Problem

  • When you feel the urge to urinate, empty your bladder.
  • Even if you do not feel like urinating then also urinate.
  • Avoid consumption of caffeine and alcohol.
  • Do not take over the counter medicines without referring to a doctor.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Restrict the intake of red meat and fatty foods.
  • Do not sit in same position for a long time.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Do not lift heavy weight.
  • Avoid strenuous activities.