How to Get Rid of Wasps?

Wasps can create a problem in your home. If you come in the way of their random flying session, it can even sting and cause lots of pain along with swelling and irritation. Your garden or terrace area can be a dangerous place for you to relax. Sometimes more than 2 wasps bites can even cause death or lead to greater injuries. Do not disturb their them it will make the wasps angry, which can lead to stings whatever comes in their way. You should notice properly whether its a honeybee, or a wasp or yellow wasps in the garden. If you find it is a honey bee we should protect them because since our bee populations are in an getting decline. But if you find them a  wasp’s read below to get rid of wasps. Protecting the yourself and the garden with the help of net around your home is an unpleasant situation because you will feel like you are in a cage, fresh air will be blocked. So do not put yourself in a cage just read the article which deals with all the best ways to kill them and  get rid of wasps.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Wasps:


1.) Avoid Things to Get Rid of Wasps

Try to keep the foods Items out of reach of the wasps that are rich in sugar, which wasps love a lot. You  can protect them in a jar with a cap or keep it inside the refrigerator. As soon you avoid keeping the food on your kitchen slab and throwing those foods in your home, you will notice you get rid of wasps. Other foods that invite them include pet and meat foods. The leftover foods in your home should be kept in a bag that is sealed to avoid wasps.

2.) Make a Fake Nest to Get Rid of Wasps

Wasps are very colonial and dominating. When you put up a fake nest in your home, you will surely avoid the chances of real wasps making nests in your home because this will form an illusion that there is already a another colony established. You can easily buy the fake wasps from a marketplace to get rid of wasps.

3.) Soap Spray to Get Rid of Wasps

This is the best way that you can easily try at your home when you notice the population of wasps are increasing. First, identify the nests and prepare a simple solution of soap and other detergents that you use to wash your clothes in your home. Pour this solution in a garden hose and spray it on the nest with the solution. This will kill the wasps and you will get rid of them easily. Be sure that while spraying it you are careful that it does not find you in its way of flying and sting. Just ran after doing this where they will not notice you easily.

4.) Trap them to Get Rid of Wasps

Now, you can use food items they love it. It is not necessary to use the fresh foods as they are not our guest. You can use ripen or old one to trap them. So take out all the sugary items from your refrigerator that is about top or already ripen. Put them in a jar and keep it open and place it where you find them easily. Remember choose the jar whit narrow opening, maybe a Champagne bottle for this purpose. Rest for an hour and go back to notice the bottle if you find them inside in a enough number put cap carefully and tightly. This is how you trapped them and get rid of wasps.

5.) Insecticides to Get Rid of Wasps

There are a number of insecticides available in the market which can help to kill them very effectively and you can easily get rid of wasps. Use it very carefully. Read all the instruction before using it. Keep it out of the reach of children because it is highly poisonous. Do not use ladders to reach the nest always try to take help from the person who is with a good height or you can also call some practitioner to do so they will charge a little fee.

6.) Seal the Underground Nest

In many cases wasps build an underground nest in the home. It is very easy get rid of wasps in a natural way by sealing or  blocking the entrances of the wasps. Be sure that you block or seal all the entrance and exit so that the wasps don’t get food which will make them die over the time. To ensure you have blocked the entrances and exits properly, you can use a cover and grease to make it a tight seal.

7.) Best Natural Way to Get Rid of Wasps

This is the best natural way to get rid of wasps and it is really an effortless remedy. Try to grow these plants as soon you start decorating your garden with different plants. There are several plants that are very effective to eliminate the wasps from your home and garden area. Plants such as eucalyptus, wormwood, citronella and mint contains natural wasp eliminating properties. Preferably grow those plants in your garden where you find them the most. These plants are very beautiful, so apart from chasing away the wasps naturally it will also enhance the beauty to your garden.

8.) Exterminator to Get Rid of Wasps

If you have never faced the situation earlier, it is better to call the professionals. You will learn a lot from them about the eliminating ways and the safety concerned to get rid of wasps. Especially if the wasp nest is in hard-to-reach location or you are allergic to the stings, It is highly advisable to take help from exterminator or  a professional to get rid of wasps.

9.) Smoke to Get Rid of Wasps

Another home remedy to remove the wasps’ nest is to smoke  it up. So build a small fire or light a fire directly below the nest. As soon the smoke will rise up and enter the nest, wasps vacate the nest because of the suffocation caused by smoke. Leave the smoke to rise for an hour,or when you are sure that all are gone and the nest is empty. Remove the fire and the nest with a stick, before putting it in a dustbin be sure there is not a single one left alive inside, so to ensure this take a spray bottle filled with soap and water and spray it on the remaining wasps in the nest.

10.) Water to Get Rid of Wasps

Water can be used as the best way to remove the wasps. Do not forget to wear your protective clothing, while trying any of the remedies to get rid of wasps. Let us see how water can help to solve this problem. Set a bucket of water just under the it’s nest. Get a large cloth bag, with no holes or opening to escape. Carefully and quickly, place the cloth bag over the nest and tightly seal the top with a help of string. Quickly dump the bag of wasps’ nest into the bucket of water, and dip a heavy stone following the bag. Leave the bag in the bucket overnight.

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