How to Give A Hickey?

This article is about different ways to give a hickey to your partner. Secretly looking to know how to give a hickey to someone special? You have clicked to the right article which discusses how to give a hickey briefly. This article will help the individuals who have never offered hickey to anybody. Before discussing various ways to give a hickey lets know what is a hickey?

What is a Hickey?

A hickey is a passionate love bite. Any part of the body can be utilized to give hickey yet it should not be placed with bone like elbow or fingers and so on. The mark of a hickey is more visible on delicate zone like neck, nose, lips, cheeks, thighs and stomach and so on. To avoid the embarrassment, it is best to get some information about the area where he or she need to get hickey. Hickey does not have any reaction. However, it leaves a mark which can be embarrassing for ou. Many people believe that hickey can give you growth, STD or something like that. While there is any such case which proves that hickey is the main cause of all these acute disease. Moreover, it has been found that hickey is safe than a french kiss. A french kiss involves the mouth to mouth kiss that can transfer the virus from one person to another and therefore, leads to STD. However, it is not possible with a hickey. In hickey, you simply suck the skin or chomp the first layer of skin which does not lead to severe problem

You don’t require exclusive abilities or learn strategy to give hickey because it is same like you are sucking or kissing firmly. The only difference is that you will suck or kiss until its leave the mark. Yet, at the same time you have to take care of the few rules while giving a hickey. Read more, to know simple steps to give a hickey.

Simple Steps to Give a Hickey:


1.) Ask for Partner to Give a Hickey

Nobody would like to flaunt a mark of a hickey. Hickey imprints could be humiliating, specially when you are not open about your relation. These are the reason a few individuals avoid getting hickey as they get a scars of it. So make sure, that when you give a hickey your partner is ok with it. Moreover, to avoid the embarrassment  give him a hickey at body part which is not visible. However, if the hickey mark is visible then you can search for the How to get rid of a hickey? at the same website.

2.) Foreplay to Give a Hickey

Foreplay is typically known for sex, however the motivation behind foreplay is to arouse your partner. You have to arouse your partner before you begin offering hickey to your partner. You can begin by kissing regularly and back rub to your partner. This will arouse him and make hickey more pleasurable.

3.) Choose Your Area to Give a Hickey

When you arouse your partner through kissing and foreplay, choose an area where you can give a hickey. It could be neck, lips or even stomach or belly. In case that your partner does not want the mark to be visible then suck him or her passionately at the body part which is not visible. You can take permission from your partner for proposal on the best way to give a hickey as well. Once you choose the area for a hickey. Begin kissing that part gradually for few second and after that minimal harder. Simply make your partner prepared for this.

4.) Use Your Tongue to Give a Hickey

In case that you observe that your partner is making the most of your kissing by her groaning, you should now begin kissing more firmly, harder or forcefully. Utilize your tongue to grease up the range.

5.) Suck to Give A Hickey

Rather than utilizing only your lips, now use your entire mouth to suck the region. Bite a tiny area if your partner is alright with it. Continue sucking for 2-3 minutes and amid sucking continue kissing and utilize your tongue. At the end kiss the area gently.

In case that you have sucked enough, you will see the hickey marks, do not worry. At some point it may take a few second for hickey to show up. Hickey imprints may stay for 2-3 days, so don’t stress over it. In case that you would prefer not to show anybody, then you can remove with the assistance of makeup or utilize ice cubes. you can also read how to get rid of hickey marks on this website.

Best Ways to Heal a Hickey

1.) Aloe Vera to Remove Hickeys

This natural moisturizer is going to heal your hickey fast. The soothing and anti-inflammatory properties will burst the capillaries due to which the hickey will heal faster. It minimizes the sensitivity of the affected areas of the skin.  It reduces the inflammation and pain caused by hickey.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Cut an Aloe Vera into half and extract its gel.
  • Massage this gel on the hickey for about 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this 2 to 3 times in a day to heal your hickey fast.
  • You can even buy an Aloe Vera based cream and gel. Apply it on the bruise for twice or thrice a day.

2.) Ice Cubes to Get Rid of Hickeys

This is one of the easiest and cheapest remedies to get rid of hickeys fast. The ice cubes breaks the blood clots and spreads the blood due to which the hickey heals fast. It constricts the broken capillaries and minimizes bleeding.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Wrap some ice cubes in a cloth and press it against the hickey.
  • Don’t apply it directly on the hickey otherwise it will cause an ice burn.
  • Alternatively, you can put spoons in the refrigerator for atleast 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Press the spoon against the hickey.
  • Change the spoon when the coldness goes away.
  • Repeat the remedy several times a day to heal a hickey fast.

3.) Oranges to Remove Hickeys

This is one of the best remedies to heal hickeys. It is loaded with vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient to repair the skin cells. Vitamin C also contains healing properties due to which the hickey is healed fast. All you need to do is drink fresh orange juice instead of packaged orange juice. If you can’t drink orange juice, then consume 500 milligrams of vitamin C thrice a day for one week. This helps rebuild collagen.

4.) Hot Compress to Get Rid of Hickeys

Many people get confused between the cold compress and hot compress. Cold compress is very effective when the hickey is new while a hot compress is more effective when the hickey is 2 to 3 days old. It dilates the capillaries and helps to make way for new fresh blood. It is a great remedy to clean up the mess.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Soak a cloth in warm water and squeeze out the excess water.
  • Press it against the hickey for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Do this atleast 3 times a day to heal the hickey fast.
  • Alternatively, apply a heat pack on the hickey and use your fingers gently to massage the area. This will improve the circulation.

5.) Peppermint to Heal Hickeys Fast

This is one of the best home remedies to heal a hickey. It heals the capillary vessels fast and its stimulant effect improves the blood circulation in that particular area.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Massage some peppermint oil gently on the hickey.
  • There will be a tingling sensation but it will go away soon.
  • Do this remedy only once a day. Repeating it many times can cause you skin irritation.
  • Alternatively, you can apply peppermint based toothpaste on the hickey. Repeat this remedy daily to get rid of hickeys.

6.) Rubbing Alcohol to Get Rid of Hickeys

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of hickeys fast. The mitigating, disinfectant and cooling properties of rubbing alcohol heals the hickey fast. It is a right ingredient if you want the hickeys to heal fast. It is a great way to minimize the uneasiness caused by hickeys.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Soak a cotton ball in rubbing liquor.
  • Press this cotton ball against the hickey for a few minutes.
  • Alcohol can make your skin dry so apply a moisturizing cream each time you alcohol.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a day to heal hickeys fast.

7.) Vitamin K to Remove Hickeys

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of bruises. It is one of the best ways to prevent coagulation. Vitamin K helps the body reabsorb the pooled blood and fastens the healing process.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Apply a vitamin K rich based cream on the hickey. Repeat this 3 times a day to get rid of hickeys.
  • Consume a lot of vitamin K rich foods such as broccoli, soyabean oil, rice, fish, spinach etc.
  • You can even take vitamin K supplements to speed up the healing process.

8.) Banana Peels to Heal Hickeys

The cooling and soothing properties of banana peels will help you to get rid of hickeys fast. All you need to do is peel a banana and rub the inside of the banana peel on the hickey. Massage the peel on the hickey for about 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this atleast 3 times a day to reduce the appearance of the hickey. This is one of the best home remedies to heal hickeys fast.

9.) Cocoa Butter to Get Rid of Hickeys Fast

It is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of bruises like hickeys. Cocoa butter encourages the growth of new skin tissues. It is a wonderful moisturizer for the skin.

Follow the Steps to Remove Hickeys

  • Firstly, apply a warm compress on the hickeys.
  • After the warm compress, massage some cocoa butter on the hickey.
  • Continue massaging for a few minutes. It will break the blood clot and improve blood circulation in that particular area.
  • Repeat this several times a day to heal hickeys fast.

10.) Aspirin to Heal Hickeys Fast

This is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of hickeys fast. This headache medicine proves to be a good remedy for hickey. It improves the blood circulation in that particular area. You can utilize this method within 48 hours. You can eat ibuprofen as it thins the blood and makes the task less demanding. It will spill out the blood and soon your hickey will disappear.

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