How to Get Rid of Redness On Face? – Reduce Redness on The Face

how to get rid of redness on face

After writing, how to get rid of redness from acne?, how to lose face fat?, and how to make your skin fair?, we are now writing the ways to get rid of redness on face. Redness on the face is a very common problem problem faced by many around us. You try to hide it using make up but that’s useless because as soon as you wash the face, that unwanted redness pops up again. You might have tried numerous ways and might have also got fed up of fighting and loosing against the redness. This stubborn redness from the face is not ready to leave. If this is the case, you need not worry. In this article, we are going to discuss the best ways that you can follow to get rid of redness on face reduce the redness in no time. We will discuss only easily available natural remedies to reduce redness on face.

Causes of Redness From the Face:

Redness on the face can occur because of various reasons. It is better to learn about the causes of the redness because the redness is caused of different reasons and thus require various different treatment as well. Causes of redness on face are, Acne, SunburnPimplesAllergiesNauseaColdRashes, Rosacea, Eczema, Blushing, Change in weather and Sensitive skin.

Methods to Get Rid of Redness On Face – Reduce Redness on Face:


Here are the methods that you can adopt to fight off the redness and remove it completely. These methods are easy and you will wonder as some of them are such that they always lay around you. Remedies to get rid of redness on face are:

1.) Use The Ice Cubes

Ice cube is the most easily available remedy that you can use to eliminate redness from face and helps you get clear skin. What you have to do is give the redness on your face a cold compress and you get rid of it. For cold compress, take a clean wash clothes. Keep at least two ice cubes in that and tie a knot. Now, put the cloth on the face for some time and remove. Keep repeating it. It can give you instant relief.

2.) Apply The Aspirin Paste

You can also use the aspirin tablets to get rid of redness on face. Applying it and using it is easy. You do not have to take pain and you get rid of redness on face. You are not supposed to have it directly. There is a proper way to use it. You have to make the paste. Take one aspirin tablet and crush it properly. Now add a little water to it and mix it well to make a fine paste. Now apply the paste on the face and leave it for some time. Wait for some and then wash it off.

3.) Apply The Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe-vera has cooling properties that is great to treat redness. No matter what might be the reason behind the redness, it will help reduce redness on face. You can apply the gel available at stores but if you have a plant then it’s best. What you have to do is, take a fleshy aloe vera leaf and cut it into two to extract the gel. Now take the gel in the bowl and apply it on the face. You can apply it using a cotton ball or apply it directly with your fingers. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off. Read article on aloe vera for acne treatment at home.

4.) Cucumber Will Help

Cucumber has anti-inflammatory qualities that help reduce the redness and gives you spotless skin. It has cooling effects which also soothes the skin and combats swelling. You can use it in a very simple way. What you have to do is, Take one cucumber from the refrigerator, as it supposed to be cool. Now cut into thin slices. Lay down on the back and place the slices on the face. Do not rub it, wait for 20 minutes and after that, wash your face. Do it on a daily basis.

5.) Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most effective remedies for redness caused by rashes. It treats it well and gives you a smooth and spotless skin. It is easy to use, take some apple cider vinegar in a bowl. Take a cotton swab and use it to apply the apple cider vinegar on face. Leave it for some time and wash it off. Repeat this process daily for several days.

6.) Apply The Honey

Honey is also a very efficient method to treat redness and gives you clear skin. It moisturize the skin and takes away the unwanted color from the skin. What you have to do is, Take some honey in a bowl. Use a cotton ball or your fingers to apply it on the face. Leave it for some time and wash your face. Use it daily and you get the result in a few days. Read article on honey for acne.

7.) Apply The Oatmeal Paste

Oatmeal paste is also helpful in eliminating redness and itchiness from the face. What you have to do is prepare a paste using oatmeal powder, honey and yogurt. Take some grounded oatmeal, yogurt and honey to prepare a fine paste. Apply the paste on the face and leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off. You will see the results.

8.) Take Help From Baking Soda

Basking soda is also one of the most amazing remedies used to get rid of redness on face. Baking soda directly works on the redness and treats inflammation and itchiness, if the redness is result of some skin problem like rashes. What you have to do is, take some baking soda add enough water to make a paste. Apply the paste on the affected area and leave for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, wash off with water.

Alternatively, take some baking soda and add enough coconut oil to make a paste. When the paste is ready apply it on the affected area. Leave for 5 minutes and then wash off with normal water. Do it twice a day for best results.

9.) Use The Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is also one of the most successful remedy to get rid of redness from face. It cleanse the skin effectively and also make it smooth. What you have to do is, take some lavender oil in a bowl. Dip one cotton ball in the oil and apply it on the face. Now, massage it for sometime and leave for 20 minutes. After that, wash it off with normal water.

10.) Use The Licorice

This unhealthy treat has many benefits for the skin. One of its benefits is alleviating facial redness. The anti-irritating and anti-inflammatory agents present in licorice stimulate the adrenal glands and encourages secretion in the mucus. It is very beneficial for treating the mild and moderate cases of facial redness. It will take 4 to 8 weeks to get best results. Follow the steps given below to get satisfying results.

  • Take one tablespoon of licorice powder in a bowl. Mix one teaspoon each of honey and aloe vera gel.
  • Mix all the ingredients well and apply a thin layer of this mixture on your face. Rinse your face with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Pat your skin dry with a towel. Repeat this remedy twice a day for atleast 4 weeks.

11.) Use The Chamomile

You already know that this herb is used to treat inflammation of throat, respiratory tract, nasal passages etc. Do you know that it is a great remedy to get rid of redness from face. The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile treat the dry and irritated skin. It is also known for its soothing and softening effects on the skin. Follow the steps given below to reduce the redness on the face.

  • Boil 3 cups of water in a pot. Remove the pot from the flame and pour the water into a bowl. Soak atleast 5 chamomile tea bags in this water.
  • Leave them for about 10 minutes to steep. Remove the tea bags and put this water into the refrigerator. Let be there in the refrigerator for atleast 30 minutes.
  • Soak a cloth in this chilled water and squeeze out the excess water. After 15 minutes, you can wash your face with normal water. Repeat this remedy 4 times a day until the condition is improved.

12.) Green Tea Will Help

You already know the benefits of green tea for health. But do you know that green tea also beneficial for the skin. The photoprotective and anti-inflammatory properties of green tea will help you to get rid of redness on face. It is an effective remedy to reduce facial redness caused by UV radiation. Follow the steps given below to reduce redness on the face.

  • Boil 2 cups of water in pot. Soak 2 cups of green tea in it. Let it steep for about 20 minutes. Takeout the tea bags and keep the tea in the refrigerator.
  • Soak a clean cloth in this water and place it on the face. Leave the cloth on the face for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day for atleast 2 months. You can even drink green tea twice a day to keep the skin hydrated.

13.) Apply The Coconut Oil

This is one of the excellent moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated and nourished. It reduces facial redness caused by skin tightness and dryness. The saturated fatty acids in coconut oil penetrate deep into the skin and boosts hydration. The anti-inflammatory properties make it even more effective. It is a great remedy for facial redness caused by acne breakouts and rosacea. Follow the steps to get desirable results.

  • Clean your face with a mild cleanser. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil on your skin.
  • After half an hour, wipe it off with a wet tissue. Repeat this remedy twice a day for one month.

14.) Use The Flaxseeds

This is an amazing remedy for facial redness and skin inflammation. The nutrients such as linoleic present in flaxseeds improve the skin properties. It reduces skin reddening and improves the blood flow. It hydrates and nourishes the skin. Flaxseed also tones down the scaling and roughness of the skin. Flaxseeds reduce the inflammation and redness caused by rosacea. All you need to do is consume flaxseed oil 3 times a day for about 2 months to get best results.

15.) Take Help From Turmeric

This is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of redness on face. The anti-inflammatory properties in turmeric make it an amazing remedy for facial redness. It tones down the inflammation and redness caused by skin sensitivity, eczema, psoriasis, sunburn and rosacea. The curcumin present in turmeric alleviates swelling. It is also a great wound healer and antioxidant. Both oral intake and topical application can reduce the facial redness. Follow the steps given below to reduce facial redness.

  • Mix one teaspoon each of yogurt and turmeric powder to make a paste. Rinse off your face with warm water. Apply a thin layer of this mixture on your face.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash your face with cold water. Alternatively, mix 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder in one glass of milk. Repeat these remedies until you see the improvement.

16.) Feverfew Will Help

This traditional remedy for headache, digestive ailments and arthritis is also very good for treating skin conditions. It reduces the facial redness of the skin caused by UV radiation. The anti-inflammatory properties make it an effective remedy for facial redness. Follow the steps given below to get rid of redness from the face.

  • Boil 2 cups of water in a pot. Remove it from the flame and pour it in a bowl. Add one teaspoon of dried feverfew.
  • Allow it to steep for about 20 minutes. Strain it and keep it in the refrigerator. Soak a cloth in this tea and spread the cloth on the face.
  • After 15 minutes, wash the face with cold water. Repeat it once a day to get positive results.

17.) Protect Yourself From Sun

This remedy is a precaution as well. If the redness is caused because of sunlight or you are more prone to redness because of the exposure to sunlight, it is better to protect yourself. Using sun screen alone will not help. What you have to do is cover your face before going out in sunlight. Use a scarf for the purpose.

18.) Use The Milk Cream

Milk cream is also helpful in getting rid of redness on face. You can make a face pack by mixing it with rose water and you are done with the redness. Take some fresh milk cream. Add some rose water to make a fine paste. Now the paste is ready, apply it on the face and allow it to dry. When it is completely dried, wash it with cold water.

19.) Make Use Of Papaya

Make a paste using papaya and you get rid of redness on face. Papaya has the properties that are good at fighting redness. Take a ripe papaya and mash it well in a bowl. Now apply the mashed papaya on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Now wash it off.

20.) Use The Concealer

This is one of the most effective remedies to get rid of facial redness within seconds. The green pigment of the concealer covers the redness of the face. You can even use a normal toned concealer. All you need to do is dab small dots of concealer on the face and blend it with the skin with the help of a brush or sponge to reduce the redness.

Other Useful Tips to Reduce Facial Redness:

  • Avoid stress and you can do this by practicing some yoga or breathing techniques.
  • Drink lots of water and eat hydrating foods.
  • Wash your face twice a day and maintain a good skin care routine.
  • Don’t expose your skin to direct sunlight. Apply a sunscreen every day.
  • Eat a balanced diet, which is contains all essential nutrients and vitamins.
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