Tea Tree Oil for Lice

In this article you will get to know how to use tea tree oil for lice and its several uses. Tea tree oil is also known as Melaleuca. It is an essential oil that has its own beneficial factors. Tea tree oil has shown its charm and positive effects for skin related issues. And, in case of lice, tea tree oil can be used in different ways to get rid of it. Lice are small parasites that feed on human hair and scalp. It is generally found in children’s hair. And it spreads from one person to another. There are very few cases of adults suffering from the problem of lice. To know the different uses of tea tree oil for lice, read the article further.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

  • Tea tree oil has antiseptic, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
  • It contains terpinen that fights the bacteria naturally.
  • It can heal your scalp that is affected by lice.

Ways to use Tea Tree Oil for Lice:


1.) Direct Use of Tea Tree Oil for lice

You can use tea tree oil directly on your hair and scalp. For that you will need to follow few steps. Before going to be at night apply tea tree oil on your scalp and hair. And leave it for the overnight. It will kill the lice as lice will not be able to take the strong odor of the oil. While sleeping keep a towel on your pillow. Else tea tree oil will leave its stain on it. And in the morning wash your hair with a mild shampoo. You can condition your hair if you feel the requirement.

2.) Olive Oil with Tea Tree Oil for Lice

Olive oil is not only good for consumption, but also for topical use. You can use the combination of olive oil and  tea tree oil to get rid of lice. For that you will need 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and 2 to 3 teaspoons of olive oil in a small bowl. Mix it well. And apply it on your scalp and hair. After which leave it for at least 1 hour to get the desired result. It will help to kill the lice on your scalp itself. And wash it off with a mild shampoo and condition it if required. And try to repeat this process till you get the desired results.

3.) Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil for Lice

Coconut oil is always effective to keep your hair healthy and strong. It works its best when added with tea tree oil to prevent from lice. For that you will need to add 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil along with 2 teaspoon of coconut oil and a mild shampoo. These three components when blended together shows its best result for your scalp and hair to kill the lice. Apply this combination on your scalp and hair and leave it on for at least 30 minutes. And cover it with a shower cap or an old towel. When you will remove the cap and comb your hair, the dead lice will fall off. And now you can wash your hair.

4.) Lavender Oil and Tea Tree Oil for Lice

Lavender oil has its own perks and benefits for your health. Its appliance topically on your scalp mixed with tea tree oil will kill the lice from your head. Due to its strong smell that lice won’t be able to resist it longer period leading to their death. Therefore, you can mix a few drops of lavender and tea tree oil according to the need and the length of your hair. Apply it on your scalp directly and leave it for 30  minutes. Wash it off after that with a mild shampoo. Try to repeat it a few more times till you feel there is no need to apply it further.

5.) Shampoo and Tea Tree Oil for Lice

You can even use tea tree oil whenever you next shampoo or condition your hair. You will only need to add a few drops of tea tree and eucalyptus oil in your shampoo bottle. This will further prevent the lice from your hair whenever you wash your hair. It is one of the easiest ways to use tea tree oil to get rid of lice from your head.

6.) Alcohol and Tea Tree Oil for Lice

You must be knowing the fact that alcohol contains ethanol. This will help to get rid of lice fast and naturally. Alcohol can be best used as one of the home remedy to kill lice from your head. For that you will need 5 to 6 teaspoons of tea tree oil and 6 tablespoons of alcohol. Pour the mentioned amount of tea tree oil and alcohol in a spray bottle. Now spay that mixture onto your scalp and it for overnight. In the next morning, wash it with a mild shampoo.

7.) Vodka and Tea Tree Oil for Lice

Vodka will also work the same as that of normal alcohol. It depends on you which one you want to choose to add with tea tree oil. For that you will need to add 6 tablespoons of vodka with 15 to 20 drops of tea tree oil. Now mix it well and apply it on your scalp and hair with the help of a cotton ball. After that, leave it to settle down for at least 10 hours. And wash it off with a shampoo.

8.) Make a Spray of Tea Tree Oil for Lice

For this remedy all you will require is a small spray bottle, water and tea tree oil. This is another simple and a kind of direct use of tea tree oil to prevent lice. Add a few drops of tea tree oil and water in the ratio of 1:2 as per your requirement. A spray it directly on your scalp and then your hair. And wash it off after few hours. Besides that you can even use this home-made spray to sprinkle it on your furniture’s, bed sheet and pillow, clothes, toys, etc. This will prevent lice to spread to your daily used stuffs.

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