Best Food to Treat Edema Naturally

In this article, we are discussing best food to treat Edema fast and naturally. Edema is mainly the collection of water in between the layers of the skin. Generally, Edema is identified by a swelling, and many of the properties of swelling. Edema mostly influences the arms, legs, and feet. The other type may even affect the brain or the blood vessels. Common signs and symptoms of Edema include puffiness, swelling, dimpling of the skin and stretched or shiny skin after being pressed for a few seconds.

Edema is a reason of water retention in the body between build up fluids under the skin producing swelling all through your body. There are many sorts of Edema known today, but what comes to mind the most are why you get pedal Edema. Treatment of Edema reduces ankle swelling and swollen legs. In many ways and forms, you can avoid Edema from making your legs puff up by shifting your lifestyle, and seeing what you eat and drink to reinstate chemical balance back to your body from the within.

Best Food to Treat Edema Naturally:


1.) Epsom Salt Bath to Treat Edema

An Epsom salt bath can help you treat swelling, pain and inflammation caused by Edema. It draws out surplus fluids and toxins from your body. Mix 2 cups of Epsom salt in lukewarm water and soak your legs in it for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat this process for about 3 times a week for the better result.

2.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat Edema

You can utilize tea tree oil to cure Edema or inflammation caused by stings or insect bites. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties can reduce swelling and pain from Edema. The elements alpha-terpineol and terpineol in tea tree oil can control Edema. To cure Edema or bites, put a few drops of tea tree oil on a cotton ball and apply it on the affected area. Keep it for a few minutes, then wash it off with lukewarm water. Repeat as required. It is one of the top most food to treat Edema fast.

3.) Turmeric to Treat Edema

Turmeric is used in every kitchen across the world, turmeric is an essential part of the cuisine. It is also contains curcumin, which is an efficient antioxidant. It is frequently used in many medications to cure allergies and other problems like Edema and inflammation. Curcumin strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics make it one of the great foods for Edema. It is one of the exclusive food to treat Edema naturally.

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Edema

Apple cider vinegar is a famous remedy to lessen Edema symptoms. Being high in potassium, it refills potassium levels in the body and repeal fluid retention. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory property helps trim down pain and swelling. Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar to a glass of warm water. Drink it twice daily. It is one of the best food to treat Edema fast at home.

5.) Massage to Treat Edema

Massaging regularly is another helpful way to lessen swelling and pain caused by Edema. Massaging gently by creating a force on the affected skin and muscle areas. This stimulates the lymphatic system and the fluid draw away naturally. Lukewarm some mustard, coconut oil or olive. Rub the affected area smoothly with the warm oil. Do this a number of times a day for better results.

6.) Chili Peppers to Treat Edema

Capsaicin is the energetic compound that makes chilli sizzling hot. Capsaicin consists of anti-inflammatory properties. It is hard to know how capsaicin acts, but capsaicin helps control inflammation. As a result, chilli peppers have turned into an especially useful remedy for edema and inflammation.

7.) Ginger to Treat Edema

The Ginger is really helpful in treating Edema fast. It has lots of health benefits as well. Ginger is rich in natural analgesics that imitate the effects of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. As ginger ingredient analgesics are natural, they don’t overheat the body or cause night sweats. This makes ginger a valuable, yet a safe treatment for Edema and inflammation. It is one of the top food to treat Edema naturally.

8.) Pineapple Core to Treat Edema

Pineapple core is generally what causes itching in many individuals throats, but it is excellent for treating inflammatory conditions like tendonitis, a usual feature of edema. It’s core consists of Bromelain, which is a chemical mixture of proteolytic enzymes and digestive. These enzymes generally help reduce inflammation. It is one of the best food to cure Edema.

9.) Coriander Seeds to Treat Edema

Coriander seeds are also helpful in Edema treatment. The anti-inflammatory properties of coriander seeds can lessen swelling and pain. Moreover, these seeds promote good blood circulation. Put 3 tablespoons of coriander seeds in 1 cup of water and bring it to a boil. Boil until the water reduces by half. Strain the water and allow it to cool. Drink this mixture 2-3 times a day until the symptoms are gone. It is one of the greatest food to treat Edema fast and naturally.

10.) Flax seeds to Treat Edema

Flaxseeds are a helpful remedy to treat Edema in legs and feet. The anti-inflammatory property of flax seeds can help diminish swelling. Moreover, flax seeds help in detoxification, which means they help to get rid of damaging toxins. So, include flax seeds in your daily diet. You can directly chew them or grind them in a powder form. Alternatively, you can just sprinkle its powder in any of your food or dishes.

11.) Grape Seed Extract to Treat Edema

This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat edema. The antioxidant properties present in grape seed helps to treat the chronic venous insufficiency. It reduces the swelling that is caused because of pooling of blood in the eggs. It is an excellent option that can be used in the treatment of Edema. All you need to do is take 100 grams of grape seed extract and include it in your daily diet. Consume grape seed extract atleast two times a day to get rid of edema.

12.) Horse Chestnut Seed Extract to Get Rid of Edema

This is another excellent option to get rid of edema completely. Horse chestnut seed extract is a diuretic which has the presence of aescin compounds in it. It is also well known for its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. All these properties present in horse chestnut seed extract helps to combat edema and reduce its symptoms like pain and swelling. All you need to do is take 200mg of horse chestnut seed extract. Try to include this diuretic in your daily diet. Consume horse chestnut seed extract on a daily basis for faster recovery.

13.) Nettle Tea to Cure Edema

This is one of the natural remedies to cure edema. Nettle tea is known for its highly nutritious and anti-inflammatory properties. This tea stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and removes all the toxins and extra fluid from the body. All these properties of nettle tea help to treat edema and its symptoms completely. Follow the steps given below to prepare a cup of nettle tea.

  • In one cup of water and add one cup of dried nettle leaves.
  • Bring this water to a boil and then strain it.
  • Add a little amount of honey in it for taste.
  • Consume this tea slowly before it gets cold.
  • Drink this tea three times daily to get rid of edema.

14.) Celery to Treat Edema

This is one of the best food items to get rid of edema. The diuretic properties present in edema helps in minimizing water retention in the legs. Due to the high sodium concentration in food the blood pressure increases. Celery helps in lowering the high blood pressure. Water retention is a symptom of dehydration. This water rich vegetable replenishes the depleted water reserve. It provides quick relief from edema that is caused by dehydration.

15.) Tart Cherry Juice to Get Rid of Edema

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of edema. The antioxidants present in tart cherry juice makes it a wonderful remedy for edema. The antioxidant properties present in tart cherry juice reduces the swelling and pain caused by edema. All you need to do is drink one glass of unsweetened tart cherry juice. Drink this tart cherry juice two times daily to get rid of edema completely.

16.) Parsley Leaves to Treat Edema

This is one of the most effective home remedies to treat edema. The natural diuretic properties present in parsley leaves helps to remove the toxins and extra fluid from the body. This is one of the best herbs for the quick recovery of edema. Follow the steps given below to use parsley.

  • Shed one cup of parsley leaves into small pieces.
  • Soak these pieces in water.
  • Leave it for about 10 to 15 minutes and then strain this water.
  • Add a little amount of honey to add flavor.
  • Consume this tea slowly and enjoy every sip.
  • Drink this parsley tea on a regular basis. Drink this tea several times a day.

17.) Vitamins to Get Rid of Edema

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of edema. There are a variety of vitamins that helps in reducing water retention. Many vitamins are anti-inflammatory also that helps in treating the symptoms of edema such as swelling and pain. Here is a list of vitamins that you need to take.

  • B complex vitamins
  • Multivitamin supplement that contains vitamin C, A and E
  • Minerals like zinc, selenium, magnesium and calcium.
  • All you need to do is consume one of this vitamin or mineral in your daily diet. Consume one of these vitamins daily to treat edema.

18.) Cranberry Juice to Treat Edema

This is one of the most effective remedies to treat edema. The minerals present in cranberry juice such as potassium and calcium helps in the treatment of edema. It also contains diuretic properties which makes it a wonderful remedy for edema. All you need to do is drink one cup of unsweetened cranberry juice. Drink this juice once every day to get rid of edema completely. This is one of the excellent options for the faster recovery of edema.

19.) Green Tea to Get Rid of Edema

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of edema. The diuretic properties present in green tea helps to metabolize the extra fluids in the body. Follow the steps given below to prepare a cup of green tea for yourself.

  • In one of hot water, add one teaspoon of green tea.
  • Add a little amount of honey for flavor.
  • Drink this green tea three times a day to get best results.

20.) Turnip to Get Rid of Edema

This is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of edema. The content of potassium in turnip provides quick relief from edema. Turnip also contains an amino acid called arginine to encourage the diuretic effect of this vegetable.

Other Ways to Get Rid of Edema

1.) Exercise to Reduce Edema

Exercising boost blood circulation and stops the blood from pooling down. If you are experiencing from inflamed or painful legs, swimming can be a great solution. When you float, the effect is taken off your feet, which relieves the anxiety. So get on a pool, or nearby sea or lake. Try doing yoga, go for the positions that make you elevate your feet over the head. This is called an inversion and has many health benefits and improves digestion and immunity. So start doing headstand as soon as you notice your feet inflammation and swelling.

2.) Elevate Your Edema eggs to Treat Edema

If you cannot do headstand, try elevating your legs by raising up on a higher surface so that they are higher than the heart. Do this process for 30 minutes, 3-4 times a day, and see the positive difference. When you are in bed or sleeping, place a pillow under your feet. This will help draw off the excess fluid, so it can then get immersed in the body, or gets removed with urine.

3.) Get Up and Walk Around to Prevent Edema

It’s a good way to reduce swelling and inflammation in the legs and feet. If you are at office or sitting for too long, get up and take a walk around for some time. Walking for 10 minutes, 3-4 times a day is enough to keep your feet healthy and happy.

4.) While Travelling, Wear Compression Socks

It can be difficult to put on these socks, but they very helpful in reducing the pain and swelling from the legs and feet. They help the blood vessels with their flexibility, so that the blood do not pool in your legs again and again. Plus, they stop varicose veins and spider veins. Consider wearing them on long flights and on long train and bus journeys.

Foods to Avoid for Edema

Vegetable Juice: If you are suffering from edema, then avoid drinking vegetable and tomato juice because it contains high amount of sodium. No doubt that fresh vegetable juice is good for health but packaged juices have high levels of sodium.

Processed Grains: High sodium foods increase the swelling and chronic edema. All you need to do is avoid high sodium foods such as pancakes, waffles, instant hot cereals, salty crackers, oat cereals etc.

Dairy: If you are suffering from edema, then avoid processed dairy products. Try to avoid buttermilk and consume fresh dairy products. Before taking any dairy product always check the ingredient label for the sodium content.

Carbonated Beverages: Some carbonated beverages contain high amounts of sodium and sugar. If you are suffering from edema, then you should avoid carbonated beverages. Carbonated beverages also cause bloating and gas.

Trans Fats: This fat is found in processed foods and the body is unable to process this kind of fat. Trans fat can cause problems such as chronic inflammation, heart problems, tissue damage and narrows down the blood vessels.

Beer: Beer is made of fermented carbs. It contains high amounts of sodium which should be avoided if you are suffering from edema. Beer also causes bloating and other digestive problems.

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