How to Clear Chest Congestion?

Most of the people suffer from chest congestion at some point during their lifetime. This condition affects your respiratory system or some health conditions. Chest congestion is a problem when you feel heaviness or pressure, tightness in the chest region. Due to the tightness in the chest breathing becomes difficult. Chest congestion is a result of mucus build up in and around the lungs. Common cold is the common cause of chest congestion. Bacteria, allergens and fungi can also cause chest congestion and infection. There are some other cause also bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, the flu and bronchitis.  During chest congestion you may feel tired, uncomfortable, irritation in the throat, shortness of breath, cough, mild chest pain, tightened chest and dizziness. If it is not treated on time, then it may cause an infection in your respiratory system. To counter this problem, you can use prescribed medicines and you can also use some simple home and natural remedies to clear chest congestion.

Symptoms of Chest Congestion:

  • Chest pain
  • Runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Breathing problem
  • Wheezing
  • Dizziness
  • Blood in phlegm

Causes of Chest Congestion:

  • Flu
  • Common cold
  • Asthma
  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Lung cancer
  • Airborne allergies
  • Heart problems

Best Remedies to Clear Chest Congestion:


It is essential to remove the mucus which is deposited in the chest region to get relief from chest congestion symptoms. Here are some treatments to clear chest congestion.

1.) Diet to Clear Chest Congestion

If your immune system is weak, then it may cause the infections like pneumonia, flu etc. So you need to take a balanced diet to improve your immune system and to clear chest congestion. Include diet, which are rich in vitamin E and vitamin C that helps to boost your immune system. A proper diet is useful to reduce the mucus production. Don’t include dairy products, if you are having chest congestion. Have celery, onions and garlic which is beneficial in reducing mucus production. Have warm foods and drinks to open the airways and eliminate the mucus from the body.

2.) Get Prescribed Medication to Clear Chest Congestion at Home

  • If the condition gets worse, then you need to consult a doctor.
  • Use an antibiotic shot, nasal spray, pills or prescription vitamin therapy to clear the chest congestion.
  • For breathing treatment, use inhalers or neutralizers.

3.) Onion to Treat Chest Congestion Fast

Onion is a good remedy to treat chest congestion. It contains quercetin which helps to dissolve the mucus. It also prevents build-up of mucus in the chest. Due to its antimicrobial properties it helps to prevent infection.

Steps to Use Onion to Get Relief from Chest Congestion:

  • Take an onion and extract some juice from it.
  • Mix equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and water in it.
  • Warm this mixture and drink it 3 to 4 times a day.
  • You can also chew 5 to 6 small onions before going to bed.

4.) Ginger to Clear Chest Congestion Naturally

Ginger helps to clear chest congestion due to its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. It contains polyphenols which helps to inhibit the secretion of mucus.

Steps to Use Ginger to Get Rid of Chest Congestion Fast:

  • Heat a cup of water with 1 tbsp of freshly chopped raw ginger pieces. Cover it for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the solution and add a little honey in it. Drink this tea up to 3 cups daily.
  • You can also chew small ginger pieces throughout the day to treat chest congestion.

5.) Turmeric to Get Rid of Chest Congestion Naturally

Turmeric contains an active compound which is called curcumin that helps to eliminate the mucus and gives instant relief from chest congestion. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that helps to deal with pain, cough and other symptoms of chest congestion.

Steps to Use Turmeric to Prevent Chest Congestion Fast:

  • Heat a glass of water and add a pinch of turmeric powder in it.
  • Gargle with this mixture few times a day.
  • Another method is you can use turmeric powder with apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix 3 tbsp of turmeric powder and apple cider vinegar and consume it 2 times daily.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Clear Chest Congestion

Apple cider vinegar is an effective remedy to clear chest congestion. It also helps to dissolve the mucus in the chest, thus it will help you to breathe better. Apple cider vinegar also boosts your immune system which helps to prevent chest congestion.

Steps to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Chest Congestion:

  • Heat a cup of water and add 2 tbsp of organic raw apple cider vinegar in it.
  • Then add 1 tsp of raw honey in it.
  • Drink it 2 to 3 times a day for a week for quick relief from chest congestion.

7.) Steam to Clear Chest Congestion Fast

Inhaling steam is very effective to get instant relief from chest congestion. As the steam’s heat and moisture help to dissolve the mucus.

Steps to Use Steam to Treat Chest Congestion:

  • Heat a bowl of water.
  • Add a few drops of peppermint essential oil or eucalyptus in it.
  • Place your face over the bowl and cover your head with a towel.
  • Inhale the steam as much as you can and breathe properly and deeply.

8.) Salt Water to Clear Chest Congestion Fast

Gargling with salt water is an effective way to treat chest congestion. Salts help to remove the mucus from the respiratory tract while the hot water reduces the irritation in the throat.

Steps to Use Salt Water to Cure Chest Congestion:

  • Warm a glass of water and add 1 tsp of salt in it.
  • Gargle with this salt water 2 to 3 times daily until you get relief from chest congestion.

9.) Lemon to Treat Chest Congestion Fast & Naturally

Lemon is a natural remedy to treat chest congestion. It contains citric acid which reduces the build-up of mucus. Also, vitamin C in lemon helps to boost your immune system.

Steps to Use Lemon to Prevent Chest Congestion:

  • Warm a glass of water and add 1 tbsp of lemon juice and a little honey in it.
  • Drink this solution several times daily until the chest congestion clears.

10.) Honey to Clear Chest Congestion Fast

Honey is also a good remedy to treat chest congestion as it dissolves the mucus. It helps to remove mucus easily from the respiratory tract. It has antiviral and antibacterial properties to fight against infection.

Steps to Use Honey to Get Rid of Chest Congestion:

  • Consume 1 tsp of raw honey or you can add warm water in it then drink it.
  • This will eliminate congestion for several hours.
  • An alternate method, mix enough honey to half tsp of powdered black pepper to make a paste. Eat this paste 3 to 4 times daily until you get relief from the chest congestion.

11.) Betel Leaves to Clear Chest Congestion

The essential oils present in betel leaves make it an excellent remedy to clear chest congestion. It contains antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which gives quick relief. It helps to get rid of chest congestion caused by acid reflux. Here are different ways to use betel leaves.

  • Apply mustard oil on a betel leaf and warm them on low heat. Now, put this leaf on the chest area and change the leaf once the warmness in gone.
  • Boil some betel leaves in water. Remove the leaves and drink the water.
  • Grind some betel leaves and add one cup of mustard oil. Warm up this mixture and gently apply it on your chest.

12.) Thyme to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

This natural herb not only clears chest congestion but is also very good for the health of the lungs. It fights against bacteria that are responsible for chest congestion. It acts as a barrier for lungs and prevents congestion. Follow the steps given below to check out the results.

  • To a cup of boiling water, add half teaspoon of thyme.
  • Add a little honey and leave it to soak for 10 minutes. Honey will also make it a little sweet.
  • Drink this solution to get instant relief from chest congestion.
  • Alternatively, mix one teaspoon each of olive oil and thyme oil.
  • Rub this solution on the chest to get quick relief.

13.) Lobelia Tea to Cure Chest Congestion

This is one of the best home remedies to cure chest congestion. It strengthens the immune system and helps in mucus thinning. Don’t boil lobelia leaves otherwise its medicinal properties will be destroyed.  A tea prepared from lobelia leaves is going to help you a lot. Follow the steps given below to learn this new tea.

  • Add two teaspoons of dried lobelia leaves in one cup of warm water.
  • Cover the cup and allow it to steep for about 20 minutes.
  • Strain it and drink the tea slowly.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups of lobelia tea daily until you get relief.

14.) Fennel Seeds to Clear Chest Congestion

This is a very good remedy to treat chest congestion. The best thing about using this remedy is that it has no side effects. It is also used in the treatment of cancer and stomach problems. Here are different ways to use fennel seeds to clear chest congestion.

  • Keep the flame low and heat some fennel seeds. Inhale the aroma coming from these seeds.
  • Mix some curry powder and fennel seeds and consume it to clear mucus.
  • Soak some fennel seeds in a glass of hot water. Consume them after 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Eat sautéed fennel seeds to get rid of chest congestion.

15.) Mustard Plaster to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of chest congestion. It also helps in treating other respiratory infections such as sinus and bronchitis. It works by clearing out the mucus from the lungs. Follow the steps given below and get instant relief.

  • In one cup of flour, add 4 teaspoons of mustard powder.
  • Mix some water to make a runny paste.
  • Now, massage some olive oil on your chest.
  • Take a clean muslin cloth and spread this mustard paste on it.
  • Remove this cloth after 60 minutes.

Note: Mustard oil can cause skin irritation, so if you feel any discomfort, then remove the mustard plaster and wash the chest area with water.

16.) Licorice to Cure Chest Congestion

This natural expectorant will surely give you relief from cough and congestion. It is a great remedy to treat inflamed lungs and irritated throat. Follow the steps given below and get instant relief from chest congestion.

  • In one cup of hot water, add half teaspoon of licorice root.
  • Cover the cup and allow it to steep for a few minutes.
  • Strain the tea and sip it slowly to get relief from chest congestion.
  • Drink this tea atleast 3 times a day for effective results.
  • Alternatively, in one glass of warm water, add half teaspoon each of licorice powder and ginger powder. Mix the ingredients well and drink this twice a day to get relief.

Note: If you are have blood pressure problem, then don’t use this remedy.

17.) Radish to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of chest congestion. The compounds present in radish helps to get rid of chest congestion. It also helps to treat cold, bronchitis, allergies and flu. Follow the steps given below and see the wonderful results yourself.

  • Finely chop a fresh radish. Make sure you wash it before washing.
  • Extract its juice in a good juicer.
  • Drink this radish juice on a regular basis until your chest congestion is cleared.
  • You can also mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in half cup of radish juice. Drink this every morning to get relief from chest congestion.
  • Alternatively, massage some radish oil on the chest to clear out the mucus from the lungs.

18.) Bay Leaves to Clear Chest Congestion

This medicinal herb is not only good for chest congestion but also is a wonderful remedy for various health problems. Follow the steps given below to prepare this medicinal tea and get rid of chest congestion.

  • In one cup of boiling water, add a few bay leaves.
  • Cover the cup with a lid and allow the leaves to steep for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the tea and sip it slowly to get relief.
  • Repeat this remedy daily to clear chest congestion completely.

19.) Black Coffee to Get Rid of Chest Congestion

This is one of the best home remedies to clear chest congestion. It clears the mucus from the lungs and gives instant relief from shortness of breath. It is a great remedy for people having asthma. Follow the steps given below to get rid of chest congestion.

  • Drink atleast one cup of strong black coffee on a regular basis.
  • Limit the daily cups to 2 because the caffeine present in coffee increase the heart rate and blood pressure.

20.) Peppermint to Treat Chest Congestion

This is one of the amazing home remedies to clear chest congestion. It contains antioxidants that give instant relief. It also has presence of menthol which minimizes chest congestion. Peppermint herbal reduces the pain beneath the skin. All you need to do is massage some peppermint oil on the chest area. You can also prepare a peppermint tea and drink it on a daily basis. You can even inhale steam containing peppermint oil. This is one of safest, easiest and effective remedies to get relief from chest congestion.

Additional Tips:

  • Drinking lots of fluids helps to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol to get relief from chest congestion.
  • Keep your surroundings clean from dust and bacteria that can cause a buildup of mucus.
  • Get enough sleep to keep your body strong to fight against the infection.
  • Eat vitamin rich fruits and vegetables. Avoid foods that can cause congestion such as refined foods, frozen foods, fried foods, dairy products and rice.
  • Use a humidifier that can help to open your nasal passages.
  • Drink one to two cups of strong black coffee regularly. You can also consume green tea or herbal tea on a regular basis.
  • Drinking chicken soup can help to relieve chest congestion as it reduces inflammation in the chest.
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