How to Increase Calcium Level?

In this article, we will discuss the ways to increase calcium level in the body. Calcium is an essential mineral that we require to stay healthy and strong. It is extremely necessary for bone and teeth health. It also helps regulate nerve functions and muscle. Along with that, it also controls the pH level in the blood. It is always advised to avoid food that interferes with calcium absorption. Our body contains more calcium than any other mineral. Almost 99% of calcium is stored in our teeth and bones. The quantity of calcium one require depends on the age and the gender. Calcium deficiency can lead to weakening and thinning of the bones that can further lead to osteoporosis. Symptoms of calcium deficiency include memory loss, depression, muscle spasms, numbness and tingling sensations in various body parts of the body like feet and hands. Go through the article to learn the ways to increase calcium level in the body.

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency:

  • Thinning and weakening of the bones.
  • Osteoporosis
  • Depression
  • Muscle spasms
  • Memory loss
  • Tingling sensations in different body parts like the feet and hands.

Top Ways to Increase Calcium Level:


1.) Calcium Rich Foods to Increase Calcium Level

To increase calcium level, the first step you need to include foods high in calcium. There are a number of foods that are rich in calcium and are easily available as well. Some of the foods rich in Calcium are:

  • Sardines
  • Blackstrap Molasses
  • Soybeans and other soy products
  • Calcium-fortified foods
  • Skim or non-fat milk
  • Dairy products like yogurt and cheese.
  • Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, turnips and collard greens.
  • Fortified cereals
  • Fortified orange juice

Some of the popular calcium-rich foods are rice milk, almond milk, orange juice, breakfast cereals and breakfast bars. One cup of calcium-fortified soy milk or orange juice provides about 250 mg of calcium. While making a diet plan for calcium rich foods, remember to include vitamin C and vitamin D rich foods also.

2.) Enjoy Sunlight to Increase Calcium Level

The human body requires Vitamin D in order to absorb calcium. The best way to take Vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. Here, exposure to sunlight doesn’t mean that you have to spend a day in sunlight. You can make the best of sunlight only if you absorb it during the early hours of the day. You just have to expose your body to the sun for 15-20 minutes and you are done for the day. Avoid exposing yourself to sunlight during the day as the harmful UV rays can damage your skin.

3.) Eat Vitamin D Rich Foods to Increase Calcium Level

Besides getting vitamin D from sun exposure, you can also eat foods loaded with vitamin D. Some of the vitamin D-rich foods are fortified milk, fortified cereal, eggs, butter, cheese, margarine, shrimp, and oysters. Alternatively, take vitamin D supplements after consulting your doctor.

4.) Eat Magnesium Rich Foods to Increase Calcium Level

Magnesium is another nutrient needed for calcium absorption by the body. The renal excretion and intestinal absorption of these two ions are inter-dependent. Deficiency of magnesium can lead to the deficiency of calcium in the body. As your body  not able to store magnesium, it is necessary to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet. Some of the excellent sources of magnesium are spinach, cucumbers,  pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, almonds, green beans, Swiss chard, mustard greens, broccoli, summer squash, turnips,  sea vegetables, avocados, whole grains, and cashews.

5.) Calcium Supplement to Increase Calcium Level

You can also go for calcium supplements. These supplements are easily available in the market and are affordable as well. They are available in different forms that include liquids, powder, capsules and chewable tablets. They are to be consumed after having a meal. It helps with proper digestion as well. Make sure that you do not go for overdose. For the purpose, it is good to consult your doctor. An overdose of calcium has side effects and there is also an increased risk of your heart.

6.) Do Not Drink Soda to Increase Calcium Level

It is always recommended to avoid excess intake of soda drinks as they can interfere with calcium absorption. An excess of soda beverages can lead to a rise in phosphate levels in the blood. This, in turn, can drain calcium from bones and raise calcium excretion in urine. High phosphate levels also inhibit calcium absorption. An occasional glass of soda is just fine. Apart from soda, you should have control of alcohol as well.

7.) Avoid Excess Caffeine Intake to Increase Calcium Level

Excess consumption of caffeine can also affect the level of calcium in the body. It is good to avoid beverages that are rich in caffeine. According to the study written in the Osteoporosis International journal, a daily consumption of 4 cups of coffee, or more, can raise the risk of osteoporotic wounds. The case is very common among women because of the low bone mineral density. So, it is good to replace your cup of coffee with green tea or with some other herbal tea.

8.) Avoid Salt Intake to Increase Calcium Level

When trying to increase the calcium level in the body, keep a note on your salt intake. Eating too much of salt can offer calcium loss in the body. High levels of sodium discourage the body from absorbing the right amount of calcium. Also, it leads to calcium elimination through urine. This, in turn, forces the body to use calcium by extracting it from the bones. Use spices and herbs to flavor your food instead of adding salt. In addition, avoid cooked foods, which are usually high in sodium.

9.) Vitamin C to Increase Calcium Level

By only taking calcium rich foods will not help you in increasing calcium level in the body. If the body is unable to absorb calcium then these foods can’t help you. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of calcium naturally. It is a water-soluble vitamin means that a large amount of the vitamin are excreted in urine every day. Water soluble vitamins are eliminated from the body faster than fat-soluble vitamins. So, you need a constant supply of vitamin C in order to maintain recommended value in the body. You should check your diet for a right amount of vitamin C supply. In case, your current diet plan does not contain enough vitamin C rich foods then change it accordingly. Vitamin C is present in almost all the fruits and vegetables. However, major sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, green peppers, juices, strawberries, tomatoes, and broccoli. There are some other good sources of vitamin C which include leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, and cantaloupe.

10.) Sweat-Less to Increase Calcium Level

Sweat can be the big reason for low calcium level in your body. We usually lose around 45mg of calcium a day through sweat. This value is equal to the calcium content in 125g of grilled eggplant. People who do regular exercise naturally lose a lot more calcium than those don’t. You should not have to quit performing exercise but add extra calcium-containing foods to your diet to compensate the amount you lose in sweat.

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