How to Remove Tartar From Teeth Naturally?

After writing, how to get rid of yellow teeth?, How to whiten teeth naturally?, and how to get rid of bad breath?, we are now writing the home remedies to remove tartar from teeth naturally. Before moving on, let’s know what is tartar? Tartar or calculus is a yellowish-brown material, which gradually covers the surface of the teeth. The material contains plaque, bacterial debris that makes it crusty. It causes discoloration of the teeth. Not maintaining good oral hygiene and not visiting the dentist for a regular check-up is the only cause of tartar formation. If it is not treated on time then it may lead to bad breath, yellowing of teeth and cause you to lose your teeth. In this article, we are presenting the best ways to remove tartar from teeth naturally. To keep the problem at bay regularly brush your teeth, floss them properly and not to forget, go for dental checkups regularly. However, if you are experiencing the problem then you should follow following home remedies to remove tartar from teeth.

Home Remedies to Remove Tartar From Teeth Naturally:


1.) Use The Baking Soda

Baking soda is antibacterial and has a mild abrasive action on teeth. It helps to treat tooth decay and tartar formed on the teeth. In a small bowl mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a pinch of salt. Slightly wet your toothbrush and dip it into the mixture and brush your teeth. The regular use of this mixture will help you get white teeth. Do this regularly to remove the tartar formed above the teeth. Read article on baking soda for whiten teeth.

2.) Use The Correct Toothpaste

Often we are allured by the fancy advertisement of the toothpaste and buy it before releasing whether it will be effective or not. Always look for tater-control toothpaste. The regular use of such toothpaste will remove the tartar and the plaque. It will also save your teeth from decaying. Go for toothpaste which has ingredients such as pyrophosphates, fluoride, and zinc citrate and etc. These ingredients prevent the formation of the tartar.

3.) Toothpaste With Fluoride

Toothpaste with fluoride is also good for teeth. It strengthens the teeth and helps you to get rid of the dental cavities. Moreover, it makes the tooth enamel strong. Strong tooth enamel means less risk of tartar formation. It also kills the bacteria which lead to tartar as well. So replace your regular toothpaste with the toothpaste that contains fluoride.

4.) Take Help From Apple

To clean your teeth naturally munch an apple after the meal. The juice of the apple will fight back with the bacteria’s and debris deposited in the teeth and helps to remove tartar from teeth. It will also remove the food particles stuck between the teeth and give strong gums. Apart from apple, you can also munch carrot, celery sticks and other vegetables and fruits which are juicy. Make sure you munch the vegetables and fruits after an hour of the meal.

5.) Aloe-Vera Will Help

Aloe-Vera has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to fight back with the bacteria that causes gum disease and also helps to remove tartar from teeth. In a cup of water, add a teaspoon of Aloe-Vera gel, a few drops of lemon essential oil, a few tablespoons of glycerin  and a half cup of baking soda. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Use this mixture to scrub your teeth. Do it regularly to treat the gum disease and to prevent the formation of the tartar over the teeth.

6.) Chew Some Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds also help you to remove tartar from teeth. All you have to do is chew a few seeds of sesame. Then brush your teeth with a dry brush. However, make sure that the chewed sesame seeds are still in your mouth. The seeds work as a natural scrub which helps to clean the gums and teeth. It also, helps to remove the tartar. Do this regularly for  2-3 days.

7.) Make Use of Orange Peel

Another home remedy, which comes handy for removing the tartar from teeth is orange peel. It helps to get rid of the discoloration. Rub an orange peel over the teeth for a few minutes and leave it overnight. Next day rinse it thoroughly. Or, grind the dried peel of the orange and mix it with your regular toothpaste while brushing the teeth. Do this regularly to remove the tartar.

8.) Have Some Figs

Figs are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin A, B1, B2, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, chlorine and potassium. It helps to clean the teeth and gums naturally. Slowly chew 3-4 figs a day to remove the tartar. Chewing improves the secretion of saliva, which helps to keep the teeth clean and remove tartar and plaque from teeth.

9.) Vitamin C Rich Fruits

Another way of removing the tartar from the teeth is munch fruits loaded with Vitamin C. Tomato, strawberries, gooseberries and etc are a rich source of Vitamin C. Apply the paste of these fruits on the teeth and leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse off your mouth with the mixture of baking soda and warm water. It will kill the bacteria, helps you to get rid of the plaque, tartar deposited on the teeth. Eating Vitamin C rich fruits regularly helps to keep all the oral problems at the bay.

10.) Use Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can also help you to prevent the tartar. All you have to do is in a small bowl mix a tablespoon of antiseptic mouthwash and 3 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. Use this solution to gargle. It will loosen the tartar deposited on the teeth which you can easily remove later. Gargle your teeth with this solution after every meal or at least twice a day.

11.) Oil Pulling Will Help

This remedy has been proved beneficial from the ages. Use refined olive or coconut oil for oil pulling sip a few tablespoons of the oil, do not swallow it. Swish it around the teeth and the gums for a few minutes. Then rinse your mouth with warm water. Do these regularly early in the morning keep away the oral problems.

12.) Use a Dental Pick

Keep a dental pick and small mirror along with you. After having the meal see the areas where food particles are accumulated and with the help of the dental pick remove it. Spit the waste particles and rinse off the mouth. Make sure, you scrap the waste particles gently otherwise you may hurt your gums.

13.) Floss Regularly

Floss your teeth regularly to remove the tartar, plaque and food particles stuck between the teeth. It maintains the oral hygiene and treats the bad breath as well. It will also keep the cavities away. So do not forget to floss after gargling.

14.) Take Help From Cloves

Clove is a wonderful remedy for oral problems. It treats teeth ache, bad breath, cavity and gingivitis as well. All you have to do is chew a clove regularly. Or, crush a few cloves and mix it olive oil and use it to swish around the gums and teeth. Do this regularly to treat gingivitis and other gum disease.

15.) Use The White Vinegar

White vinegar is packed with acetic acid. It prevents the demineralization of the anamal and reduces the tartar from the teeth. In a half cup of warm water mix a teaspoon of salt and white vinegar. Mix it thoroughly. Use this mixture yo rinse your mouth.

16.) Aloe Vera Gel and Glycerine Scrub

The ingredients used in this scrub helps to remove tartar from teeth. Aloe Vera gel and baking soda used in this scrub contains anti-microbial properties. The antioxidants present in Aloe Vera remove the free radicals produced by bacteria and promotes the healing process. The lemon essential oil used in this scrub has antimicrobial properties that help to get rid of tartar causing bacteria. Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar from teeth.

  • Take a bowl filled with one cup of water.
  • Mix 5 tablespoons of baking soda and 4 teaspoons of glycerine.
  • Add one teaspoon of Aloe Vera gel and about 8 to 10 drops of lemon essential oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients well to make a smooth paste.
  • Use this mixture to scrub your teeth properly.
  • Swish your mouth with normal water to remove the paste from the mouth.
  • Repeat this remedy daily until the tartar is removed completely.

17.) Sanguinaria Extract to Eliminate Tartar from Teeth Roots

This is one of the most natural home remedies to remove tartar from teeth roots. Sanguinaria is also known as bloodroot. This common ingredient present in most of the toothpaste contains anti-microbial properties that help to kill the bacteria that cause tartar. It is also an effective remedy to reduce gingivitis and dental plaque. Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar from teeth.

  • Take one cup of warm water.
  • Add 4 to 5 drops of sanguinaria extract.
  • Gargle with this water for a few minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day to eliminate tartar from teeth roots.

18.) Coca Cola to Remove Tartar From Teeth Roots

This is one of the easiest home remedies to remove tartar from teeth roots. It is one of the best remedies to remove hardened plaque. You can even use other carbonated drinks instead of coco cola. Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar.

  • Swish a few tablespoons of coca cola around the mouth.
  • Continue doing this for the next 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Spit it out and brush your teeth normally.
  • Floss your teeth regularly.
  • Repeat this remedy daily to prevent plaque formation.

19.) Guava to Eliminate Tartar

This is one of the most effective home remedies to remove tartar from teeth roots. The anti-plaque properties present in guava fruit and leaves helps to remove the tartar and plaque that is accumulates on the teeth and gums. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties present in guava fruit and leaves helps to get rid of the pain and swelling in the gums. Guava leaves also contain antibacterial properties that prevent dental plaque.  Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar from teeth roots.

  • Chew some tender guava leaves for a couple of minutes.
  • Spit it out and swish out your mouth with normal water.
  • Repeat this remedy on a regular basis to prevent plaque formation.
  • Alternatively, on a piece of ripe guava sprinkle some salt. Chew this guava piece regularly. Eat this twice a day to remove tartar from the teeth completely. You can even rinse your mouth with this guava leaf extract.

20.) Rosemary Essential Oil to Remove Tartar

This is one of the most natural remedies to eliminate tartar from teeth roots. The disinfectant properties present in rosemary essential oil helps to eradicate oral bacteria. This essential oil prevents plaque buildup, prevents cavities and helps to get rid of bad breath. Rosemary essential oil inhibits the growth of glucan production and plaque formation. You can even use sage or thyme essential oil instead of rosemary essential oil. Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar.

  • In one tablespoon of water, mix 3 to 4 drops of rosemary essential oil.
  • Swish this solution around your mouth and through your teeth.
  • Continue doing this for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Spit this solution out and brush your teeth normally.
  • Make sure you do not swallow this solution.
  • Repeat this treatment two times a day to remove tartar.

21.) Cheese to Eliminate Tartar From Teeth Roots

This is one of the simplest remedies to get rid of tartar. When you chew cheese an alkaline saliva in produced in the mouth that neutralizes the plaque acid. Cheese creates a protective layer over the teeth that help to keep the plaque bacteria at a distance. The calcium and phosphates present in cheese helps to remineralize the teeth. According to a study, cheese without added sugar prevents dental caries because it increases the calcium and phosphrous content in dental plaque. All you need to do is chew a cheese cube 2 to 3 times a day to remove tartar completely from teeth roots.

22.) Consume Spicy Food to Remove Tartar

This is one of the easiest home remedies to remove tartar from teeth roots. Spicy foods such as salsa stimulate the salivary glands and increase the production of saliva. The excess of saliva generated cleans the teeth and gums. It is one of the wonderful remedies to eliminate tartar. Spicy foods are a secret weapon for oral health.

23.) Lemon to Remove Tartar

This is one of the best remedies to eliminate tartar from teeth roots. The acidic content present in lemon juice is known for its anti-microbial properties which help to remove plaque and tartar from teeth. Lemon juice is also a natural bleach that helps to whiten teeth. Follow the instructions given below to remove tartar from teeth completely.

  • Brush your teeth normally. Now, clean your toothbrush and dip into lemon juice. Now, rub this teeth and gums with this juice.
  • Leave it on your teeth and gums for 2 to 3 minutes. Rinse your mouth with tepid water. Repeat this treatment on alternate days. Do this for about 10 days for good oral health.

24.) Black Tea to Remove Tartar From Teeth

This is one of the most effective home remedies to remove tartar from teeth. Black tea minimizes the risk of plaque formation and controls the oral bacteria. It does all this because of the presence of antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. Black tea is also an excellent source of fluoride which is good for teeth. It stops the oral bacteria from producing acids that causes tooth decay. Follow the instructions given below to eliminate tartar from teeth.

  • Take a cup of hot water and soak a black tea bag in it. Let the bag stay in this water for about 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Squeeze the bag in the water to release maximum amount of fluoride. Cool down this water and then rinse your mouth with it. Repeat this remedy daily to prevent plaque buildup.

25.) Electric Toothbrush to Eliminate Tartar From Teeth

This is one of the amazing home remedies to remove tartar from teeth. According to dentist, an electric toothbrush is always better for brushing than normal ones. Electric toothbrush not only removes tartar but also makes the teeth more clean and bright.

Other Useful Tips to Prevent Tartar:

  • Avoid smoking and eating tobacco as it is main reasons behind the accumulation of tartar under the gum line.
  • Consume apples or melons after each meal to clean your teeth naturally.
  • Don’t eat starchy and sugary foods as it encourages bacterial growth. Stop munching junk foods.
  • Consume figs to strengthen your teeth and increase saliva production.
  • Drink lots of water after every meal to remove the leftover food particles from the mouth.
  • Go for a regular dental checkup and teeth cleaning.
  • Brush your teeth using a soft bristled toothbrush to easily remove plaque and tartar from teeth.
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