Home Remedies For Cough For Adults & Babies

After writing how to get rid of cold?, how to get rid of a runny nose?, how to cure a sore throat?, and how to get rid of a stuffy nose?, we are now writing the best home remedies for cough for adults and in babies. When there is an obstruction or irritation in your throat or the upper air passages, your brain thinks a foreign element is present and tells your body to a cough to remove that element. Coughing is a cause due to a viral infection, common cold, flu, and smoking or health problems such as asthma, tuberculosis, and lung cancer. It is said, sometimes coughing is good because it helps you clear your throat, nasal passages, and lungs from unwanted irritants. However, it is painful and irritating.

A cough, it’s not a happy situation, when you are out with someone in a business meeting, over a phone call or while sitting on a dining with many. Well, it’s not a serious problem, it can be sorted using different natural remedies. Cough only happens when bacteria, viruses, dust, pollen or other substances becomes irritants in the way of throat and lungs. It’s a way our body wants to remove all the foreign elements. Actually, it’s a good way to remove unwanted waste from your body.

Home Remedies For Cough For Adults & In Babies


1.) Use Ginger For Adults & Babies

Ginger is mostly found in medicines and cough syrups. It gives immense relief and soothe the hoarse throat. Generally, ginger is the first thing that comes to mind to get rid of a cough. Ginger helps in soothing your throat and lungs. It improves immunity and helps in removing mucus. There are many ways to use ginger to get rid of coughing. You can directly chew the ginger to avoid coughing and cure cough. You can prepare a ginger tea. For this, take a fresh ginger root, properly peel it and crush it. Take water to boil, put crushed ginger in water, let all the juice, mix well with water, and strain the water. Let it cool down and mix 1 tablespoon of honey. Take the mixture 2-3 times a day to get rid of cough fast.

2.) Prepare Onion Cough Syrup

Onion is very good for dry chronic cough. You can cut an onion and breathe in onion vapor to help stop coughing. You can also add onion juice and a tablespoon of pure honey. Consume this solution at least twice a day to lighten a cough and soothe your throat. Moreover, you can easily self-made a cough syrup combining baked onion, comfrey tea, and honey. Drink 2-3 times for fast and quick results.

3.) Take The Help From Lemon

Lemon is known to diminish the inflammation. It also helps in preventing infection due to the presence of Vitamin C. It’s a simple, quick and effective remedy can be made using lemon. Lemon is a very high source of vitamin C. Lemon helps keep the immune system fight with irregularities of the body. As it acts as an antioxidant in our body. Lemon has also had antibacterial and antiviral properties, which help fight against bacteria in your throat. You can mix 4-5 drops of lemon with 1 teaspoon of honey and have it 2-3 times a day. Other way to have lemon is to take a glass of warm water, add few drops of lemon and honey and drink it.

4.) Take Honey With Hot Milk

It is the simplest and easiest method to get rid of cough overnight. Hot milk with honey help relieves chest congestion and loosen the mucus easily. Take a glass of warm milk, add 1 tsp of honey to it and drink it before going to bed. For added benefits you can take one spoon of honey an empty stomach in morning, which helps soothe your throat. This is also a good home remedy for cough for kids.

5.) Take The Help From Turmeric

Turmeric is an effective home remedy to cure a cough, particularly a dry one. Turmeric has been in use as a remedy for ages. Turmeric has therapeutic effect on coughing. There are many ways to use turmeric.

  • Add 1 tsp of turmeric in a cup of water with 1 tsp of black pepper. Boil it for 3 to 5 minutes. You can also add cinnamon (during boiling) and honey to it.
  • You can make an herbal tea by adding turmeric powder and carom seeds (1 tsp each) in a cup of water. Boil it for 3 -5 minutes. Add honey if you want to. Drink 2-3 cups a day until condition improves.

6.) Try Honey, Lemon Juice & Coconut

The coconut is an easily available ingredient in the market. Coconut is also a rich source of antioxidants, antibacterial and antiviral properties. It help boosts the immune system and reduce the disease severity and lasting illness.

  • Take 3 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1/2 tbsp of coconut oil and 1 tablespoon of honey. Put it on the heat until coconut oil gets melted, do not heat the mixture.
  • Take one spoon of this mixture and refrigerate the rest of the mixture for later use. Have 2-3 times a day to cure a cough.

7.) Have Some Fresh Carrot Juice

Carrot makes your drink interesting. It is a rich source of vitamins and sources which are best to get rid of cough instantly. Carrot helps reduce the harshness of the throat as well keep your throat hydrated, which helps release mucus in throat membrane. Take 3-4 carrots, peel it. Make juice out of carrots and mix some amount of water and honey for additional benefits. Drink the mixture 3-4 hours a day.

8.) Eat Some Grapes

Grapes contain anti-cancer properties that help to release mucus easily and loosen throat congestion. Honey goes with any ingredient because it contains healing properties so mix honey well with grape juice to get rid of cough quickly.

9.) Have Some Raisins

Take 50 grams of raisins, grind well with the little amount of water to make a healing sauce. Put 20 grams of sugar. Put a pan on heat to make a fluid kind of a liquid. Consume 1 tablespoon daily before going out to work.

10.) Drink The Thyme Tea

Thyme acts as a medicine that contains anti- septic and anti-fungal properties. It doesn’t allow mucus to stay for a long period of time. Take some amount of fresh or dried thyme. Put water and thyme to a boil covering with the lid. Let the water steep for 10-15 mins. Strain the mixture and let it cool down. Drink the mixture twice or thrice in a day.

11.) Use The Flax Seeds

Flax seeds are a good source of omega 3 which is very beneficial for the heart. It contains lignans which contain both estrogen and antioxidant qualities along with fiber. Flax seed oil also works very well on throat problems.

  • Take 2-3 spoons full of flax seeds in a cup of water. Boil the water until it gets thick.
  • Strain the water, add some lemon juice and honey for better taste.
  • Drink the solution whenever you feel irritation in the throat.

12.) Have Some Green Tea

Green tea has a medicinal and antioxidant properties, which are beneficial for cold and flu and helps boost immunity against cough. It will not only work on your cough but also has added benefits for the body. Drink green tea, adding lemon and  honey for added benefits. You can drink tea 3-4 times a day to get rid of a cough.

13.) Drink Warm Oregano Tea

Oregano is used to make syrups for respiratory disorders like asthma, bronchitis, cough and cold. Oregano is also beneficial for digestion of the body.

  • Take water and oregano, put it on the boil for 10-15 mins well.
  • Strain the water and let it cool down. Add honey for flavor and added benefits.
  • Drink the mixture 2-3 times a day to get rid of cough fast

14.) Use The Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne also helps reduce chest pain due to nonstop coughing. It is also stimulating and warming. Make your own cough syrup by mixing 1/4th tsp of cayenne pepper, ginger and one tablespoon honey, apple cider vinegar and 2 tsp of water. Mix all the ingredients well. Drink this syrup 2-3 times a day for better results.

15.) Use The Garlic Water

Garlic is known to have anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It is considered to be one of the best natural cough remedies. It helps in fighting and reducing bacterial infection in the throat and lungs.

  • Just boil 3 to 5 cloves of fresh garlic in a cup of water for a few minutes. Leave it to cool down a bit.
  • Add honey for taste plus honey’s soothing properties. For added benefits, add oregano to it. Drink it 2-3 times a day.
  • Alternatively, you can eat a clove of crushed garlic mixed with clove oil and a little bit of honey to treat sore throat.

16.) Make The Almonds Paste

Almonds are useful in the treatment of the dry cough condition. It also helps in preventing recurrence of cough again and again. Almonds works as an ideal antioxidants as well. Here is the method to do it.

  • Soak 5 to 10 almonds in water for overnight. Next morning, make a fine paste of it and add a teaspoon of butter to it.
  • Eat this healthy mixture daily 3-4 times. Consume daily until the coughing goes away.
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