Home Remedies for Toothache Relief

This article is about home remedies for toothache. Toothache is a problem that hits you all of a sudden and makes you uneasy. There are medications for toothache they are not always accessible. Moreover, you should not even go for medication again and again. In this article, we will learn different ways to get rid of toothache naturally at home. You will get to know different home remedies for toothache relief. Home remedies for toothache are easy to prepare and safe to use. But to discuss the home remedies, it is important to learn about the toothache.


Toothache is pain in the tooth because of various reasons. It is often marked by the swollen gums. Toothache may long last or may vanish soon depending on the reasons it was caused.

Symptoms of Toothache:

  • Your tooth hurts and gums are swollen.
  • It is marked by fever or headache.
  • There is a foul tasty drainage from the tooth.

Causes of Toothache:

  • Tooth decay leads to toothache ache. It is the most common reason for toothache, especially in children.
  • Chewing something hard results in toothache. But that toothache problem is generally for a shorter period.
  • Damaged gums also cause toothache. If you have the damaged gums, it directly affects your teeth and cause pain.
  • A fracture in the tooth is another most common reason of toothache. The pain lasts long in this case.
  • If you have a damage filling then that pains.

Home Remedies for Toothache:


A little tooth can spoil your day. Toothache is such a problem that can restrict your attention to one place. Tooth problem can increase to the extend that it does not allow you to even speak properly. And, when you are not able to communicate properly, you have to cancel your plans. When you cancel your plans, you don’t want to go out for other purposes as well. You can treat your toothache comfortably at your home. Here we will discuss some of the best remedies to stop a toothache. Some of the home remedies for toothache are:

1.) Clove as a Remedy for Toothache

Clove, because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and anesthetic qualities, has proven to be a very beneficial among the home remedies for toothache. Clove oil works as a magician when it comes to toothache problem. It has always been known for numbing the nerves. There are two ways by which you can put these cloves to their best use:

  • Use the oil – Take a cotton swab and dip in the clove oil. Now, put that cloth on the tooth that is aching. Make sure that you do not put the oil directly on the tooth. It has negative impacts.
  • The Clove – You can use a whole clove as well. Chew it and keep on the tooth for half an hour. You can also use the clove powder for the same.

2.) Salt Water to Get Rid of Toothache

Warm salt water is one of the easiest home remedies for toothache problem. It helps best with the infection, swelling and the pain. Follow the given steps and get rid of the toothache:

  • Boil a glass of water.
  • Add half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Now mix the salt thoroughly.
  • Now rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.

3.) Pepper and Salt to Get Relief from Toothache

Pepper and salt work great with the sensitivity problem of the teeth. They contain anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic properties.

How to use:

  • Take one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of pepper.
  • Add a few drops of water to it and make a paste.
  • Now apply the paste on the tooth that is aching.
  • Repeat the process for several days.
  • Mind the ratio of the amount of salt and pepper. One should not exceed the other.

4.) Ginger and Cayenne to Get Rid of Toothache

Ginger and cayenne – both plays the role of natural painkillers. Applying on your tooth will give you relief from the pain. They, together, stand out among the home remedies for toothache. Both can perform the function of painkillers individually as well, but making a paste is always better. What you have to do:

  • Mix equal amount of ginger powder and cayenne powder.
  • Add a few drops of water to it and make a paste.
  • Now apply it on the affected area.
  • Wait till your pain gets disappeared.
  • Make sure that the paste doesn’t touch your tongue or gums. The paste might burn, so remove it when you start feeling some sensations.

5.) Enjoy Tea to Treat Toothache

This is the most interesting remedy among the home remedies for toothache. Enjoy the sip of peppermint tea and treat your toothache. What you have to do is prepare a tea and get rid of the pain. Prepare a tea using peppermint tea leaves or tea bags and cure your toothache. If you do not want to have the tea then take a sip from the tea, wait for a while and spit it out.

6.) Ice It and Cure Toothache

Ice – a key home remedy. This home remedy for toothache gives you almost instant relief. It has the numbing qualities that numb your nerves and liberate you from the pain. What you have to do is:

  • Take a cube and keep in a plastic bag.
  • Now wrap that bag with a piece of cloth.
  • Now apply that on your tooth that is aching.

7.) Use Myrrh to Get Rid of Toothache

This home remedy for toothache is quite an under-rated one. Myrrh has the qualities which help with the inflammation. Myrrh kills the bacteria as well.

  • Boil two cups of water in a pan.
  • Add a teaspoon of powdered myrrh to it.
  • Now strain the water and discard the powder.
  • After it gets cool down, add one teaspoon of  above made liquid to half-cup of water and rinse.
  • Do it six times a day and get rid of the pain.

8.) Acupressure for Toothache Relief

You can use the technique of acupressure to treat your pain. This gives you relief from pain and inflammation. Press the back of your hand, where your index finger and thumb meet, with the thumb of your other hand. Brain feels calm as the endorphins get released. This works a little slow but you can not point at the effects it has.

9.) Garlic for Toothache Relief

This home remedy is among those home remedies for toothache that work fantastically with the inflammation and is great to use if the pain is because of any infection. Garlic is good at countering the infection. You can use it in two different ways:

  • First one is quite a difficult one. Use it as a chewing gum. Chew a few garlic cloves and you get relief from the pain.
  • Another option is to mix it with salt or black pepper. Take a few garlic cloves  and crush them well. Mix it with the salt and pepper. Now apply it directly on the tooth.

10.) Onion to Treat Toothache

Onion is antiseptic and antimicrobial in nature. It kills the germs and thus works great against infection. Here are the ways by which you can use the onion:

  • Chew it. If you can’t follow the above remedy, then chew the onions and you will get relief from the pain.
  • If you cannot chew the onion, then here is another option for you. Take a piece of onion and place it on the affected tooth for some time.

Home Remedies for Toothache Infection:

We discussed some of the best remedies for toothache. Now, its time to learn some of the most most amazing remedies for toothache infection. Toothache infection, abscessed tooth, is the condition when the tooth aches and leaves pus. It is basically caused by bacterial infection. Treating it becomes important as the condition keeps getting deteriorating. We are now going to discuss some of the best home remedies for toothache infection. Remedies for toothache infection are:

1.) Apple Cider Vinegar for Toothache relief

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most amazing remedies for toothache relief. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and eases the inflammation of the tooth. It also gets relief from the swelling. What you have to do is:

  • Swish some raw apple cider vinegar in your mouth.
  • Keep it in your mouth for a few minutes.
  • Make sure that you do not swallow it.
  • Now spit it.
  • Wash your mouth with lukewarm water.

2.) Black Tea Bag to Cure Toothache

You can also use the black tea bags to reduce toothache infection. It works amazingly and gives you relied instantly. Follow the steps to use it:

  • Take a cup of warm water and dip a black tea bag in it.
  • Now put that on the affected area and keep for a few hours.
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water.
  • Do it several times a week for best results.

3.) Turmeric to Treat a Toothache Infection

Turmeric has anti bacterial properties and thus is very effective at treating tooth infection. What you have to do is:

  • Take some turmeric powder and add  some water to make a paste.
  • Now apply the paste on the affected area and leave for 20 minutes.
  • You will get the positive results.

4.) Peppermint Oil to Ease a Toothache infection

You can also use peppermint oil in order to get rid of toothache infection naturally at home. Here are the steps that you can follow to use it:

  • Take some fresh peppermint leaves and extract juice from it.
  • Now rub the juice on the affected tooth using your finger.
  • Leave it for a while and rinse your mouth with normal water.
  • Do it twice a day for best results.

5.) Oregano Oil to Cure Toothache 

You can also use the oregano oil to ease toothache. It is rich in antibacterial and anti-oxidant properties and thus it proves to be one of the most amazing remedies for toothache treatment. Just follow the simple steps to use it:

  • Apply some oregano oil on the affected area and leave for some time.
  • Now rinse your mouth lukewarm water.
  • Do it twice a day for best results.
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