How to Get Rid of a Zit Overnight?

After writing, how to get rid of pimples?, how to remove pimples marks?, how to remove blackheads?, and how to get rid of whiteheads?, we are now writing the best ways to get rid of a zit overnight. If you are afraid of having a zit on your face, then read this article to find out the best ways to get rid of a zit overnight. Zits can make a person feel not confident due to their appearance. If you don’t have time to consult a doctor, then you can treat zits overnight and easily at home. Both men and women may be affected by this problem. There are lots of medicines and lotions are available in the market, which takes a time to heal zit. The best and effective way to heal and remove zit is natural home remedies.

Zits are the skin problems that occur, when the oil glands of the skin get infected with bacteria and swells up. Zit is also known as acne, pimples, spots, pustules or papule. The main cause of zits is secretion of excess sebum by the oil glands. Zits generally occur on the neck, back, face and shoulders. There are also several other causes that affect zits such as hormonal changes, stress, not removing makeup, bacteria growth and build up of dead skin cells.

Best Remedies to Get Rid of a Zit Overnight:


There are various natural treatments for zit removal. They heal with a short period of time. These treatments are:

1.) Use The Aspirin Paste

Aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties, which fight against inflammation and make the pimple invisible. It is beneficial to remove zit without popping it. Take 1-2 aspirin tablet and crush it. To make a thick paste, add 2-3 drops of water to it. Use a Q-tip to apply the paste on zits and keep it overnight. The next morning, rinse it off with water and see the difference.

2.) Lemon Juice Will Help

Lemon juice is one of the best home remedy to get rid of a zit fast and overnight. Due to acidic properties of lemon juice because of vitamin C, it fights with bacteria. Use fresh lemon juice to treat zits and not the packed one

  • Extract juice from the lemon, then use a cotton ball to dip it. Before bedtime, apply it on zits. Rinse it off with lukewarm water in the morning.
  • Alternatively, make a mask by adding 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tsp of cinnamon powder. Apply it to the affected skin. Let it stay for the whole night. The next morning, wash it off with lukewarm water.

3.) Apply The Toothpaste

Toothpaste is a drying agent as it contains silica. White toothpaste will help to dry out your zit and reduce its size overnight. Toothpaste is the best remedy for treating pimples.

  • Use white toothpaste and apply it onto your affected skin. Some toothpaste is not good as they containing sodium lauryl sulfate, which irritates the skin.
  • Leave it for the whole night. Wash your face early in the morning. Do it for some days until it gets removed.

4.) Use The Sea Salt

Using sea salt is one of the effective home remedy to get rid of a zit or pimples. The sea salt will dry a pimple and also kill bacteria. Take 2 tbsp of warm water and add a tsp of sea salt in it. By using a Q-tip, apply the sea salt water to a pimple. Leave it overnight and in the next morning wash it off.

5.) Apply The Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is beneficial for to get rid of a zit naturally. As it contains antibacterial properties, which fight with bacteria that cause skin problems. Due to having soothing properties, it will help to reduce the inflammation and redness of zits.

  • Use a cotton ball to apply the tea tree oil on the affected area for the whole night. Wash it off with water in the morning.
  • You can also add 1 tbsp of Aloe Vera gel in a few drops of tea tree oil. Apply it on your affected area and leave it for the whole night. Then, rinse off in the morning. Read the article on tea tree oil for acne.

6.) Take The Help From Honey

Honey is one of the beneficial natural remedy to get rid of a zit and pimples. Honey can prevent infections as well as it speeds up the healing process as it is a source of natural antibiotics.

  • Dip a cotton ball in hone and then apply it directly on the zits and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your skin with lukewarm water.
  • Another method is mix honey and cinnamon powder to make a paste and applying it to the skin before bedtime. In the morning, there will be less swelling or inflammation. Wash your face with cold water. Read article on honey for acne.

7.) Benzoyl Peroxide Will Help

Benzoyl peroxide is a bacterial removal agent that contributes to a zit. It also removes dead skin and keep brighter and rejuvenated skin. It varies in concentrations, 2.5% concentration is effective as 5 to 10 % formulations and it less irritates the skin. Take benzoyl peroxide and apply it on your skin by using Q-tip. Keep it overnight to kill the bacteria and wash it with water in the morning. Repeat it until you see the best results.

8.) Use The Egg Oil

Egg oil is effective and beneficial in removing zits and treating scars. It is the best method to remove a zit without popping it. Either wash your hands or use a sanitizer before applying egg oil. Before going to bed gently massage with egg oil on the affected area twice a day. In the morning, wash your face with a mild face wash.

9.) Apply The Garlic

Garlic contains antiseptic properties and natural components like sulfur, which fights with bacteria and heal your zits quickly. It contains medicinal properties that why it is very effective for treating many skin related problems. Take a garlic clove and cut it into 2 pieces. Before going to bed, rub it on your zits. Wash it off with lukewarm water in the morning. Repeat it as desired.

10.) Apply The Cucumber

Cucumber is well known as a natural remedy to soothe skin. It is a rich source of nutrients like vitamin A, C, and E which help in acne prevention and healing. It also prevents the development of oily skin and remove zits. Before going to bed apply the grated or sliced cucumber to the zits. Wash your face in the morning for desired results.

11.) Massage With Papaya

This is one of the most natural remedies to get rid of a zit overnight. The papain present in papaya is an essential ingredient that is mixed in a lot of products. It minimizes the inflammation and prevents pus. Papaya removes the dead skin cells and excess lipids from the surface of the skin. It also makes the skin soft and smooth. Follow the steps given below to treat zits.

  • Wash your face with normal water and pat your skin dry. Take out the flesh of a fresh papaya. Massage this papaya paste on your face evenly.
  • Leave it on the face and zit for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water. You can apply a good moisturizer after that on your face.
  • Repeat this remedy on a regular basis to cure zits completely.

12.) Strawberries and Honey

The combination of honey and strawberries is an amazing option to get rid of a zit completely. Strawberries contain salicylic acid, which helps in opening up clogged pores and neutralizes the bacteria. It encourages new cell growth and reduces the size of the pores which prevents it from clogging. This combination is used as a natural facial scrub and cleanser. Follow the instructions given below to get rid of a zit ovenright.

  • Mash atleast 3 fresh strawberries to make a paste. Mix two teaspoons of honey to make a smooth consistency. Make sure it does not get over mashed and runny.
  • Apply this paste evenly on your face and let it sit for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Wash off the skin with warm water and pat the skin dry. Use a good moisturizer if your skin dries out.
  • Repeat this treatment two times a week for atleast one month.

13.) Use The Oatmeal Mask

This is one of the most natural remedies to to get rid of a zit completely. Soaked oats helps to reduce the inflammation and redness caused by zits. It also minimizes the painful appearance of the breakouts. Follow the steps given below to get rid of zits overnight.

  • Soak oatmeal in a bowl of warm water. Mash them to make a paste. Add two tablespoons of honey and mix the paste well. Allow the mixture to cool down a little. Don’t cool it completely.
  • Apply this paste evenly on your skin and leave it for the next 20 minutes. Wash your face with warm water and pat your skin dry. Repeat this remedy twice or thrice a week to cure zits completely.

14.) Potato to Cure Zits

This is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of zits overnight. Potato contains components such as potassium, sulfur, chloride, phosphorous which helps to reduce blemishes and zits. The antioxidants present in potato nourish the skin. It also promotes growth of new skin cells. Follow the steps given below to get rid of zits.

  • Wash your face with normal water and pat the skin dry. Grate one potato and rub its pulp on the affected areas of the skin. Keep rubbing in circular motions.
  • Rinse your face with warm water after 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat this method twice or thrice a week to treat zits.

15.) Apply Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent choice to get rid of a zit faster. It kills of the bacteria that are responsible for causing zits. The alkaline nature of apple cider vinegar makes it harder for the bacteria of thrive. Apple cider vinegar balances the pH of the skin. The astringent properties of apple cider vinegar help to dry up the excess oil. Follow the steps given below to use apple cider vinegar to treat zits.

  • Wash your face with fresh water and pat it dry. In 3 parts of water, mix one part of apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in this solution and apply it on the affected areas of the skin.
  • Wash your face after 10 minutes. You can even keep it overnight. Pat dry your skin and apply a good moisturizer because apple cider vinegar dries up the skin.

16.) Orange Peel Paste

The citric acid, vitamin C and astringent properties present in orange make it a wonderful remedy to get rid of a zit overnight. Vitamin C also encourages the growth of new healthy cells which is good for the skin. It removes the dead skin cells and opens up the clogged pores. It rejuvenates and refreshes the skin. Follow the steps given below to treat zits.

  • Wash your face with water and pat the skin dry. Grind 2 peels of orange and add some water in it to make a paste. Don’t add too much water otherwise the paste will become thin and runny.
  • Apply this paste evenly on your face. Leave it on the face for the next 25 to 30 minutes. When the mask becomes firm, then wash it off with water. Pat your face dry and apply a good moisturizer.

17.) Rub The Banana Peel

This is one of the best home remedy to get rid of a zit completely. The peels in banana contain lutein, which are strong antioxidants that minimize the inflammation and swelling. It promotes the growth of healthy cells. Banana peels reduces the redness and discomforts caused by zits. Follow the steps given below to get rid of zits completely.

  • Rub the inside of a banana peel on the face. Do this in circular motions for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Leave it to sit on the face for the next 30 minutes. Rinse it off with fresh water.
  • Repeat this treatment twice or thrice a week to treat zit.

18.) Avocado and Honey

The combination of avocado and honey is an excellent choice to get rid of zit completely. The vitamins and nutrients present in avocado are good for the health of the skin. It is also a good choice for sensitive skin. Honey moisturizes the skin and helps to treat zits. Rinse your face with normal water and pat the skin dry. Mash up one avocado and mix one tablespoon of honey. Stir it well to make a paste. Apply it on the skin and leave it for the next 20 minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water after 15 to 20 minutes and at your face. Apply a good moisturizer and repeat this method twice a week to get rid of zits.

Other Useful Tips to Prevent Zits:

  • Use a good quality makeup to prevent zits breakout.
  • Limit the sun exposure to prevent zits.
  • Avoid high glycemic diet that is responsible for causing zits.
  • Reduce stress to prevent zit breakout.
  • Change your pillow case every week to prevent zits.
  • Stop touching your face again and again when having zits.
  • Exercise daily to reduce the frequency of breakouts.
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