How to Heal Armpit Rashes?

This article is about different remedies to heal armpit rashes. A rash can turn your skin red and blotchy. It also causes spots on your skin and makes it bumpy, scaly, and flaky. It can occur at so many places on your body, one such place is armpit. If you wear a shirt that is not washed properly or treated with any chemical or certain detergent, then it may cause rashes under your armpit. It may even occur due to infection caused by the ingrown hair from shaving. So, if you are having armpit rashes, then it is really important to heal armpit rashes as soon as possible. It can be healed by using various natural ways.

Causes of Armpit Rashes:

  • Due to cosmetics, dyes and detergents
  • Industrial chemicals that are found in elastic, latex and rubber
  • Poison ivy and oak

Symptoms of Armpit Rashes:

  • Formation of bruises
  • Itchiness in rashes
  • Pus or discharge from rashes
  • Redness, warmth, or swelling
  • Experiencing tenderness or pain in rashes

What is an Armpit Rash?

An armpit is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria in your body. It is a dark and moist place where bacteria grow and produce odor. And this is the main reason behind the people who use deodorant. But at times, the deodorant and microbes may work against you which may cause rashes in your armpits. If we talk about rashes then they occur in different sizes, shapes, and cause various symptoms. Some rashes are raised patches while others are itchy red bumps. People may think that  armpit rashes occur due to poor hygiene, but it is a complete myth. The basic reason behind the formation of armpit rashes is the product you use to get rid of foul odor or armpit hair.

Ways to Heal Armpit Rashes:


Here are few important natural treatments that you may follow to get rid of armpit rashes.

1.) Wear Loose and Comfortable Clothes

If you are having armpit rashes then wear loose clothes that are comfortable and that allows your skin to breathe. Don’t wear tight clothes as rubbing can cause a lot of irritation on the affected skin. Also, don’t wear clothes that contain material that is allergic for you. Wash your clothes with non-irritant detergent and don’t use fabric softener at any cost. It is one of the best ways to heal armpit rashes from your skin.

2.) Stop Shaving Your Arms If it Causes Irritation

Shaving may cause skin infection and irritation if you shave the ingrown hair. Therefore, it is really very important to avoid shaving if it causes irritation on your skin. If you want to remove hairs then try waxing or depilatory (hair removing agent) instead of shaving. It is another great way to heal armpit rashes completely.

3.) Don’t Use Soaps, Deodorants and Powders that Causes Skin Irritation

Deodorants contain certain fragrances, aluminum, alcohol and parabens, all such ingredients may cause the trigger in a rash. Therefore, it is really important to avoid them at any cost.
Try to use fragrance-free deodorants and soap. It is a great step to healing armpit rashes.

4.) Use Olive Oil to Heal Armpit Rashes

Few essential oils may do wonders on the rashes. Use extra virgin olive oil to heal armpit rashes. It is not only a great moisturizer for the skin, but it even promotes skin renewal. It is also a great antioxidant that facilitates healing and reduces itching on the skin. To use this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Simply rub extra-virgin olive oil on the affected skin. If you don’t have extra-virgin olive oil, then you may also prepare a combination of equal parts of honey and olive oil and apply it on the rashes for a few times on a regular basis to heal armpit rashes.
  • The other alternative way is to add little turmeric powder to some olive oil and mix it well. Now, apply this mixture on the rashes directly 2-3 times a day for a few days.

5.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Armpit Rashes

Baking soda helps a lot in drying out the skin rashes. Moreover, it also provides great relief in inflammation and itching. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • You may also prepare a mixture by adding one part baking soda to three parts water. Mix it well and apply this mixture on the affected area to heal armpit rashes. Leave it on for a few minutes on the rashes before washing it off with water. Apply this remedy on a regular basis for few days.
  • You may also prepare other mixture by mixing baking soda with some coconut oil together. Apply this paste on the affected skin and leave it for about 5 minutes. After this, wash it off with water. Repeat this remedy 1-2 times in a day to heal armpit rashes.

6.) Apply Aloe Vera to Heal Armpit Rashes

Aloe Vera contains various properties like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, emollient, and anti-fungal properties. All such properties make aloe Vera an excellent remedy for treating a number of skin problems including rashes. It also contains amazing healing properties and reduces itching and inflammation. To use this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Cut a fresh aloe Vera leaf and extract juice from it.
  • Apply this gel on the affected area.
  • Now, leave this gel on the affected area for at least 20 minutes.
  • After this, just rinse it off.
  • Apply this remedy two times in a day until the rashes disappear.

7.) Use Cold Compress to Heal Armpit Rashes

A cold compress can be very beneficial in reducing rashes that are caused by heat, poison ivy, insect bites, and shingles. It provides great relief in the blisters, to use this remedy follow these steps:

  • Take a plastic bag and put few ice cubes in it. Now, place this plastic bag on the affected area for a few minutes. Repeat this process a few times on a regular basis.
  • The other alternate way is to put washcloth that is dipped in cold water and keep it on the rashes for 10 minutes.

8.) Coriander to Heal Armpit Rashes

It is an amazing Ayurvedic remedy that can heal itchy rashes easily. To use this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Prepare a paste of ground coriander leaves and apply it on the affected area. Now, leave it at least for half an hour on the affected area, and then wash it off. Apply this remedy once or twice a day for a few days to heal armpit rashes.
  • Take the cup of water and boil it. Add few coriander seeds in boiling water. Drink this tea once on a regular basis until the rash heals completely.
  • You may also drink the cup of coriander juice on a regular basis to cure armpit rashes.

9.) Drink Chamomile Tea to Heal Armpit Rashes

Chamomile tea provides great relief in rashes and it also provides the amazing soothing effect on the skin. It can even relieve itching, reduces inflammation and promotes healing due to the presence of anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties. So, start drinking chamomile tea on a regular basis to heal armpit rashes.

10.) Oatmeal to Heal Armpit Rashes

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of armpit rashes. It keeps the skin moisturized and maintains the pH levels of the skin. It contains anti-inflammatory and soothing properties which give instant relief from irritation and itchy skin. Follow the steps given below to heal armpit rashes fast.

  • Fill your bathtub with water and add few drops of lavender oil.
  • Add one cup of colloidal oatmeal.
  • Soak yourself in this water for atleast 20 minutes.
  • Take a bath with normal water and pat your skin dry.
  • Repeat this remedy daily to get rid of armpit rashes completely.

11.) Shea Butter to Treat Armpit Rashes

It is one of the best home remedies to treat armpit rashes because of its anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and skin moisturizing properties. The skin nourishing properties of Shea butter minimizes itching and irritation. Follow the steps given below for efficient results.

  • Clean the area with an antiseptic soap and water.
  • Pat your skin dry. Don’t rub the rashes otherwise the situation can become worse.
  • Apply some Shea butter on your armpits.
  • Leave it so that is dries completely.
  • Repeat this remedy several times a day for positive results.

12.) Lemon to Get Rid of Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most favorable remedies to get rid of armpit rashes. The presence of anti-bacterial properties in lemon kills the bacteria that cause armpit rashes. It also helps to get rid of body odor and minimizes irritation. Make sure, you don’t use this remedy just after shaving your underarms. Follow the steps given below to heal underarm rashes fast.

  • Cut medium sized slices of one lemon.
  • Massage the slices on the armpits.
  • Leave it for a few minutes so that the juice dries on its own completely.
  • Wash the area and with cold water.
  • Use a soft towel to pat your skin dry.
  • Do this daily until your rashes are healed completely.

13.) Tea Tree Oil to Heal Armpit Rashes

This is one of the best remedies if the rash is causes because of eczema, ringworm or psoriasis. Tea tree oil contains antiseptic properties that reduce the redness and irritation caused by armpit rashes. It is a great remedy to soothe the sores. It prevents the growth of bacteria that causes rashes. Follow the steps given below to see amazing results.

  • In one tablespoon of olive oil, mix 6 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Wash your rashes with an antiseptic soap and pat the skin dry.
  • Apply this mixture on the underarms and let it be for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cold water and pat the area dry.
  • Repeat this remedy 3 times a day for best results.

14.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Armpit Rashes

This is one of the best home remedies to cure armpit rashes. The presence of acetic acid in apple cider vinegar balances the pH levels of the skin. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that give instant relief from itching and swelling. Follow the steps given below to cure armpit rashes fast.

  • In half cup of water, add one teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this solution.
  • Apply this on the armpit rashes.
  • Leave it on the skin for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a day to get best results.

Precaution: Due to the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar, burning sensation will be caused. So, if it causes too much, then stop this remedy immediately.

15.) Coconut Oil to Get Rid of Armpit Rashes

Coconut oil contains vitamin E and healthy fats that reduces itching, moisturizes the skin and fastens the healing process. It prevents the friction by reducing the friction. To make it more beneficial, mix some drops of other essential oil. Follow the steps given below to get rid of armpit rashes fast.

  • Soak a cotton ball in coconut oil.
  • Apply this oil on the armpit rashes.
  • Leave it on the skin for about 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with cold water and pat your skin dry.
  • Repeat this process twice a day to get rid of rashes completely.

16.) Witch Hazel to Heal Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most beneficial remedies to heal armpit rashes fast. The astringent properties of witch hazel reduce the swelling, irritation and redness caused by armpit rashes. It is a great remedy for all kinds of rashes including sweat rashes and allergic rashes. The skin nourishing and anti-microbial properties make witch hazel an amazing remedy. Follow the steps given below to heal armpit rashes fast.

  • Soak a cotton ball in the solution of witch hazel.
  • Rub this cotton ball gently on the armpit rashes.
  • Leave it on the skin until it dries on its own.
  • Repeat this remedy thrice a day for noticeable results.

17.) Hot Compress to Get Rid of Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most beneficial remedies to get rid of armpit rashes fast. It promotes drainage and provides instant relief from the itch that is caused by armpit rashes. Follow the steps given below to see noticeable results.

  • Place the hot compress on the underarms for about 20 minutes.
  • Keep changing the hot compress if you want to use it for a longer period of time.
  • Do this whenever needed to get rid of armpit rashes.

18.) Potassium Alum to Heal Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most amazing remedies to heal armpit rashes fast. It contains antiseptic and astringent properties that prevents the bacteria growth and reduces the itching. It is very easy to use potassium alum and plus the best thing is it is very cheap. All you need to do is place the stone of potassium alum under your arms and leave it for some time. It will be more beneficial if you keep the stone underneath your armpits after having a bath. It is great remedy if you want quick results.

19.) Vitamin E to Cure Armpit Rashes

You already know about the amazing benefits of vitamin E for skin. Vitamin E encourages the growth of new skin cells and fights the bacteria that cause itching. It is also a great remedy for treating other skin infections. Follow the steps given below and see the amazing results.

  • Take some vitamin E oil and massage it gently on your underarms.
  • Keep massaging in circular motions for a few minutes.
  • Leave it on the underarms so that it is completely absorbed by the skin.
  • Repeat this remedy twice a day to get quick results.

20.) Corn Flour to Treat Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most beneficial remedies for armpit rashes because it absorbs the excess sweat. It keeps the skin moisturized and provides instant relief from irritation and itching. All you need to do is rub some corn flour paste directly on the affected area. Leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off with water. Do this daily to heal armpit rashes completely.

21.) Lilac to Get Rid of Armpit Rashes

This is one of the most effective ayurvedic remedies to treat armpit rashes. It contains anti-irritant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that stops the bacteria growth and reduces irritation and itching. Follow the steps given below to achieve best results.

  • In one cup of lukewarm water, add 6 drops of lilac oil.
  • Soak a cotton ball in this solution.
  • Gently rub this cotton on your underarms.
  • Let it dry on its own.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 to 3 times a day to get rid of armpit rashes.

22.) Consult a Dermatologist

If the fungal infection doesn’t clear up due to the presence of rashes, then also consult a dermatologist to examine the root cause of the armpit rashes. He/she will prescribe the right medicines to treat armpit rashes.

Few Facts About Armpit Rashes:

Here are the few facts about armpit rashes:

  • Razors are considered one of the most common culprits for armpit rashes. If you shave your skin harshly, then surely it will cause irritation which may result in the formation of armpit rashes.
  • The temperature also plays a major role in giving birth to the armpit rashes. The main cause of the formation of heat rash on your skin is constant perspiration when your sweat ducts are blocked.
  • Friction also causes irritation in your armpits.
  • Contact dermatitis is a very common problem of skin irritation.
  • It is really important to use the right kind of products as they may cause a lot of damage to your skin. Instead of using chemical-rich products, just go for herbal ones.
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