How to Get Rid of Blisters?

This article will you to know the ways to get rid of blisters. A blister can be described as an extra bump of skin that is caused due to contraction with an outer source. The skin bump is filled with fluid (serum) in its inner part. But when the blisters occurs its painful, difficult to touch and a bit uncomfortable. There are various types and causes that lead to a blister. Blisters can occur on your foot, tongue, burns, etc. That will be discussed below. At the time of the occurrence of the blister, if preventive measures are taken immediately, it will heal quickly. But most of the blisters go away on their own, which require no treatment. Else, it will take time to heal and will further spread the infection. Here are some of the best home remedies to cure blisters fast and naturally.

Causes of Blisters:

  • Friction
  • Burns
  • Allergy
  • Infection

Symptoms of Blisters:

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Blisters:


1.) Rub Ice to Get Rid of Blisters

Ice is always known as soothing agent that gives you relief from any kind of skin issues. The appliance of ice topically on the affected area will decrease the bump portion and gives you relief from the pain. If there is swelling and inflammation, ice will numb the portion for a while to give you a soothing effect. Thereby, take an ice-cube and apply it directly on the blister. It will give you instant relief. For foot, you can deep dip it in icy cold water for few minutes.

2.) Use Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Blisters

Tea tree oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Thereby, the appliance of tea tree oil on the affected skin will heal your infection. And will give you relief in next few days.  All you need to do is take few drops of tea tree oil and dilute it in double the amount of water as compared to the drops. Now dip a cotton ball in the diluted solution and soak it. Apply the soaked cotton ball on the infected area two to three times a day till your blister is cured.

3.) Apply Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Blisters

Aloe Vera has a natural cooling effect to heal your blisters. Also, it has anti-inflammatory properties that will help to decrease your redness and swelling. For the appliance of Aloe Vera, take a leaf and extract the gel from it. Now apply the freshly extracted Aloe Vera gel on your affected skin. Leave it to dry up for 15 minutes. And wash it off with warm water. Follow this process for 2 times a day till your blisters heal completely.

4.) Apply Turmeric to Get Rid of Blisters

Turmeric is natural antiseptic remedy that has its own perks and benefits stored for you. It will help you the inflammation by giving instant relief on appliance. All you need to do is take 1 tablespoon of turmeric and 1 teaspoon of honey and mix it well to make a paste. Apply the paste directly on the affected area and leave it dry up for 5 minutes. After which wash it off the paste with warm water. Try to apply this remedy once a day till your blisters is healed.

5.) Use Baking Soda to Get Rid of Blisters

Baking soda has been has owned its name as one of the best home remedies. Baking soda is known to soothe your pain and reduce the inflammation. It is among one ingredient that is available in your kitchen shelf. All you have to do is mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda in one cup of water. Mix it well to make a diluted solution. For tongue blisters gargle it. And for other type of blisters wash it off the affected area with this solution. It will give instant relief from the pain.

6.) Use Garlic to Get Rid of Blisters

Garlic is among one of the spices that is a best home remedy. It has the capacity to kill the germs responsible for the infections. This is because garlic contains enzymes that act as anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents. Thereby, take a garlic clove and crush it into a paste. Now apply it on the affected area. Then leave it for 10 to 15 minutes for the skin to absorb its essence. You will have repeat the appliance of garlic 2 to 3 times day till your blisters go away.

7.) Apply Toothpaste to Get Rid of Blisters

Toothpaste is another home remedy that is quite popular to have cleared blisters. As, toothpaste contains menthol, baking soda, sodium sulfate and hydrogen peroxide. Thereby these ingredients will help to reduce your blisters in 2 to 3 days. All you have to do is apply white toothpaste on your affected area. If possible then you can leave it for the overnight. Else you can wash it off in next 2 to 3 hours. Apply this remedy till the blisters are healed completely.

8.) Use Wet Tea Bags to Get Rid of Blisters

You might not be aware of the fact that the used tea bags before going to the bin can help you as a remedy. This is because tea contains the astringent and anti-viral properties which are present in tannic acid. Next time whenever you make yourself a cup of tea while you are suffering from blisters, do not throw away the tea bags. Keep it aside the tea bags to cool after the dip in the hot water. Then place the tea bag and press it over your skin. You can apply this remedy for 2 to 3 times a day.

9.) Use Basil Leaves to Get Rid of Blisters

Basil leaves is a herb that is very useful to treat your blisters. As, it consist of anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties. These properties will help you to get rid of the inflammation and pain. So, collect some basil leaves and wash it properly. Then try to chew it directly and drink half a cup of water. This will help to heal yours blisters internally.

10.) Consume Vitamin B Foods to Get Rid of Blisters

Sometimes, you may suffer from vitamin B. It means due to vitamin B deficiency you might suffer from tongue blisters. So, in order to balance the vitamin B deficiency, you will need to consume foods that are rich source of it. That can include oats, egg, salmon, whole grains, Bananas, avocados, dairy products, etc. With the intake of proper diet, you will recover soon.

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