How to Lighten Dark Lips?

After writing how to get pale skin?, how to get clear skin?, and how to get fair skin fast permanently?, we are now writing the best ways to lighten dark lips fast and naturally. Lips are an attractive and appealing feature of our face. Every woman wishes to have pink and soft lips. It’s good to smile with pink lips. But dark lips, black lips and pigmentation have become a regular problem.

Excess consumption of tea or coffee, over exposure to the sun and negligence, lead to pigmentation. Apart from using luxurious lip peels and lip scrubs, the result is disappointing. Well, you can make your own easy lip packs and scrubs to remove the ugly and dark pigmentation. Read the article to learn more about the different ways and remedies that are used to lighten dark lips.

Best Ways to Lighten Dark Lips:


1.) Coconut Oil to Lighten Dark Lips

Did you know that there are numerous of different natural ways to keep lips soft and beautiful? Using or applying a bit of coconut oil on your lips is the best way to keep your lips hydrated and beautiful. Coconut oil works like magic on your lips. The best time you apply it is during the night-time before going to bed.

Besides you can scrub your lips before applying coconut oil. The best natural scrubber for your lips are sugar or honey. Take a pinch of sugar and honey and gently rub it on your lips for 1 to 2 minutes. After that wash it off with cold water. Sugar helps to get rid of the dead skin and the honey provides you moisture so that your lips become soft and lustrous.

2.) Clove Oil to Lighten Dark Lips

Articulating of plumped up lips. If you’re looking for an all natural pout and instant lip plumper then just add or apply some clove oil to your lips. You will get the result  instantly as your lips will seem bigger and also more luscious. Clove oil works its best to give you light, soft and bigger lips.

3.) Almond Paste to Lighten Dark Lips

If you want your lips to glow and that too bright in color, here’s a best tip for you to follow. Almond paste will give your lips a beautiful sheen and lightens your dark lips. But almonds also helps your lips will glow naturally while making it softer. Water is also an important source to make your lips light and soft. Drinking up to eight glasses of water every day. It is a great way to ensure that not only your lips but also your skin look beautiful, healthy and hydrated.

4.) Brightening Lips Scrubs to Lighten Dark Lips

If your lips look dull and tired, try to refresh and lighten them up using this simple lip scrub. Mix one teaspoon of sugar, one teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. After that mix it well and massage this solution on your lips for 1 to 2 minutes. This organic homemade scrub will help your lips getting brighten up and dullness will disappear. And at the end of the process of using this scrub you will be blessed with light pink lips.

5.) Moisturize Your Lips to Lighten Dark Lips Fast

Lips are an essential part of our body. Dry lips often get a cracked look. In poorer conditions, they even start bleeding. Sometimes these wounds, even leave marks on your lips that lead to darkening. Tanning is one more reason why lips get darker. The best way to combat dry and injured lips is to use a good quality of lip balm or lip scrub. Make sure your lip balm consists of sun blocking components like SPF 30 or above, this will protect you fight sun tanning. Moisturizing is essential to lighten dark lips due to smoking, drinking tea and exposure to the sun.

6.) Lemon Honey Lip Serum to Lighten Dark Lips

Lemon juice works great to lighten dark lips naturally. It also provides you with lighter complexions of your skin. In the same way, it works for your lips too. Honey also consists of anti-bacterial and soothing properties. Moreover, lemon is known for its Vitamin C content and citrus acid, which is good for all kinds of skin problems. Simply, cut a lemon into two. Take half part and put a few drops of honey. Now, rub it on your lips daily to lighten your lip color. For best results, use it before going to bed and rinse it off in the morning.

7.) Glycerin to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

Inappropriate maintenance and sun exposure leads to the dryness that further causes dark lips. Massage with glycerin on your lips using your fingertips before going to bed every night. This glycerin treatment helps maintain the moisture and prevents lips from drying. This remedy is effective to lighten dark lips in a week.

8.) Raspberry Scrub to Lighten Dark Lips

Raspberry is loaded with essential minerals and vitamins, which can make your lips bouncy and vibrant. Take 2-3 raspberries and Aloe Vera gel with pure honey. Mix all the ingredients well. Massage and scrub your lips with this mixture and wash it off after 10 minutes. Afterward, apply a good lip balm on your lips to improve gloss on your lips and give them a pink color.

9.) Use Potatoes to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and starch content. Which is beneficial to lighten black lips fast. It helps to reduce the marks. Potatoes consist of “catecholase,” a naturally occurring element that is best known for removing skin darkness. Rub a slice of potato on your lips before going to bed. Do not clean. Rinse with lukewarm water in the morning.

10.) Beetroot to Lighten Dark Lips Fast

Beetroot’s red color is natural. Which gives you a good color on your lips and helps lessen dark lips. Slice a red beetroot and store the slices in your refrigerator. Simply massage your lips with a luscious piece of beetroot. Whenever you watch television, keep a beetroot slice in your hand and slowly rub the slice on your lips. It will help remove the tan from the lips naturally and provides you with a pinkish color on your lips. Try beetroot to lighten dark lips naturally and get luscious and pink lips.

11.) Drink Enough Water to Lighten Dark Lips

Drinking water is essential for the functioning of the body parts. Be it skin care, hair care and other parts of our body. All You need to do is to drink lots and lots of water to get beautiful, lusty lips. Keep  your body hydrated by drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water every day in order to stay away from dehydration that leads to dark lips.

12.) Homemade Scrub to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

Make a thick paste using turmeric powder and milk. Damp your lips with normal water and scrub your lips with a soft toothbrush. Then, Apply some of the turmeric paste on your lips for 2-3 minutes.  Again, scrub softly with the soft toothbrush. You should do it calmly for 2-3 minutes so that you do not scratch off healthy cells. Pat dry your lips and apply your favorite lip balm. Do this process for 2-3 times a week for better results. this is the best way to get rid of dark lips fast.

13.) Sugar Scrub to Lighten Dark Lips Fast

This works as a natural scrub and exfoliate lips naturally. Whereas, the sugar aids in getting rid of unnecessary dead skin cells on your lips, the butter helps to improve the color and improve gloss on your lips. Make a thick paste by adding three spoons of sugar powder with two teaspoons of butter. Use this combination as a scrub over on lips. Try this method 2-3 times a week to lighten dark lips and get pink lips naturally.

14.) Quit Smoking to Lighten Dark Lips Naturally

Smoking also leads to discoloration of lips. Cigarettes consist of nicotine, which can darken lips. Tar and Tobacco also darken lips. Heat from cigarettes is also darkening your lips. So avoid smoking to get beautiful and pink lips.

15.) Pomegranate to Lighten Dark Lips Fast

Pomegranate is helpful to lighten dark lips. It also helps moisturize and hydrate your lips all day long. To try this remedy, make a paste mixing a some amount of crushed pomegranate with milk cream and add little rose water. Now, rub this mixture on your lips for 5 mins then rinses it off using normal water. Apply your favorite lip balm to keep them hydrated. Alternatively, you can also mix pomegranate juice with carrot juice or beet-root juice to lighten your dark lips instantly overnight. Beetroot is best known for its natural bleaching property. This is the best way to get rid of dark lips fast.

16.) Rose Extract to Lighten Lips Naturally

Are you in question, how to lighten dark lips fast and get pink lips? You can lighten your darker lips with rose water combined with 2 tsp of honey. Now, scrub your lips gently on a daily basis. You will see great results soon. Alternatively, soak some rose petals in a bowl of milk and make a paste out of it. To make it more helpful mix 1 tsp of honey. Apply this paste before you go to bed. This is the best way to get soft lips fast and naturally.

17.) A Slice of Cucumber to Lighten Dark Lips

Rub a cucumber slice on your lips daily for a couple of minutes and see your lips brighten up. Cucumber will help to moisturize and nourish your lips, lighten their color and make them look pinker naturally. It helps to remove dead cells from your lips.

18.) Orange to Lighten Dark Lips

Orange peel can be used in a very helpful way  in treating dull and dark looking lips. So, next time you eat or consume an orange, don’t throw away the peeled cover. Because it is very good for your skin. Just rub it on your lips for a minute or two and see your lips brighten up and “blush”.

19.) Carrot Juice to Lighten Dark Lips

Carrot juice works the similar way as beetroot juice. Just dip a cotton pad or ball in a bowl of carrot juice and then rub it on your lips. This rich in vitamins juice will add color and nourish your lips. Leave it for the whole night in order to lighten your dark lips.

20.) Baby Oil to Lighten Dark Lips

Finally, the last tip to keep your lips soft that we’re going to talk about is baby oil. Using just a little drop of baby oil on your lips is a great alternative to chapped lips and it works better than anything else. Everyday moisturize your lip with baby oil before going to the bed and leave it overnight. You will notice the results in a few days.

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