Home Remedies for Diarrhea Treatment

After writing how to get rid of cold sores?how to get rid of stomach ache? and what to eat when you have diarrhea?, we are now writing best home remedies for diarrhea treatment. It is an increase frequency of bowel movements, and looseness of the stool. Diarrhea is caused by excessive secretion of fluid into the digestive system, due to reduced absorption of fluid from the intestine or rapid motion of stool through the intestine. If not treated at time it can drive the situation worst, so do consult the doctors if you suffer more than 2 days. There are several reason that can lead this problem for an example drinking unsafe water, eating unhygienic food, eating excessive junk foods. Along-with the medication home remedies for diarrhea is very important to cure it fast and effectively. Medication alone cannot help to trigger this serious problems. Diarrhea causes weakness as it flushes all the water out of the body. Let us see some of the causes and home remedies for diarrhea treatment.

Causes of Diarrhea:


  • Bacterial attack is the very common reason behind diarrhea.
  • This bacteria can enter the body by drinking unsafe water, eating unhygienic food.
  • Unhygienic habit like not washing hands before taking meals.

Best Home Remedies for Diarrhea Treatment:

Home Remedies for diarrhea

1.) Add Banana To Your Diet

Banana is the best home remedies for diarrhea because it is bland and soothing. High level of potassium found in a banana can help in replenishing the electrolyte lost during diarrhea. Banana is easy to digest and bland in nature. It can settle the upset stomach very effectively. Bananas also contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber. Pectin can absorb the excess water content of intestine and results in smooth passage of stool. Bananas have one another soluble fiber called inulin. Being prebiotic, it supports the increase in the count of the good bacteria (probiotic) in the intestine.

2.) Eat Some Sticky Rice

Make the rice in a pressure cooker add little extra water to the rice to make it sticky. Do not boil the rice, this will remove all the starch from the rice, which will not at all help to cure this problem. You can also add some pieces of peeled raw bananas in the rice and few spoon of yogurt and salt and black pepper.

3.) Try To Eat Yogurt

Yogurt help to cure the diarrhea very effectively because it has important component like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium which help to restore levels of the helpful bacteria in the intestine. Try to take yogurt with salt not sugar thrice a day. Take 2-3 spoons of yogurt in a glass and add water. Mix it with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Drink it thrice a day.

4.) Rehydration Salt Drink 

This drink includes three ingredients that is water , salt and sugar, this helps to keep you hydrated and maintain the level of energy in the body. You can also buy it from the market it is well known as electrolytes or ORS drink. Or make it at home by taking a glass of pure water. Add ½ spoon of salt and 1 spoon of sugar. Stir it well and drink it. Drink this solution 5-6 times a day.

5.) Avoid Dairy Products

Dairy product consumption can worsen the situation. So do not consume any dairy products accept yogurt. Avoid milk, cheese and butter. Dairy product contain lots of protein and mineral which consumes lot amount of water, to be digested which will again push you in trouble.

6.) Drink Black Tea

Take frequently black tea with sugar. The hot tea helps with rehydration and tea contains astringent tannins that help to reduce intestinal problems. Do not milk because dairy product can drive the problem worst. Do not make it very dark, black tea means the tea without milk.

7.) Drink Peppermint Tea

Peppermint helps control the bowl movement and thus help fight diarrhea. Also, it gets relief from the vomiting sensations. You just have to prepare a solution using the mint leaves. Take a few peppermint leaves. Boil a glass of water. Add the leave to it and boil for some time. When it done, strain the liquid and drink it.

8.) Have More Liquid To Break Your Meal

You have to increase the liquid intake in order to get rid of diarrhea. Just increase the consumption of water and juice. Make sure that you go for water or sips of it very frequently. It will help treat diarrhea fast. And, the second thing you should go for is break your meal down. It doesn’t mean that you decrease the consumption of food, but it actually means that you should break the meal and divide it into smaller portions. Convert you one meal into three and consume it on a regular interval of time. It helps with digestion.

9.) Follow The BRAT Diet

Yes, BRAT diet. Some people might not have heard about this. For those who don’t know what BRAT is:  B – Banana, R- Rice, A- Applesauce, T – Toast

All the above ingredients consist of little acids and little sugars in them. It helps soothe your intestines. You can do one thing that takes small portions of each food for each meal. You can mix rice with any soup for better taste. Avoid putting butter on toast because it might further increase your problem. Desserts are easier to eat and both banana and apple sauce tastes good.

10.) Have Cinnamon and Cumin

You can also try cinnamon and cumin to get rid of diarrhea fast and naturally. Cinnamon has properties that soothe stomach and improves bowel movement. What you have to do is to make a paste with cinnamon and some other ingredients. Follow the steps given below for the purpose:

In a bowl, take some cinnamon powder. Add the equal amount of honey, cumin and ginger powder. Mix all the ingredients well and make a thick paste. You paste is ready to be consumed. Consume one teaspoon of this paste at least thrice the day. Consume it daily till you get positive results.

11.) Avoid Pulses and Sprouts

Pluses and sprouts are full with protein and minerals, which will not be digested by  the weak intestine so do not consume pulses and sprouts. This will increase the problem. Try rice water this will give you a lot of energy and heal the problem very fast.

12.) Avoid White Flour

Avoid things which contains flour especially white flour this will really worsen the situation,  do not eat breads, pizza, cookies or any items that is made up of flour. Include boiled rice and curd in your diet. Banana will also do a lot to get rid of diarrhea.

13.) Keep Your Body Hydrated

Drink lots of water this will keep your body hydrated and heal the diarrhea effectively. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of safe water in a day. Water will help a lot to get rid of diarrhea as it has natural ability to heal every problem related to our body. Make sure you drink clean safe water because unsafe water can worse the situation.

14.) Be Hygiene Freak

Be careful about your hygiene. This will really help you to get rid of diarrhea fully.  Do not drink unsafe water try to drink boiled water for some day. Wash your hand with germ killing soap or hand wash liquid before you take meals. Avoid eating packaged items. Avoid eating restaurant food. Try home made foods.

15.) Drink Boil Water

Make sure that you intake safe drinking water as the loose bowels is brought on by intake of unsafe water. Heat up the water at 100 degree Celsius for 10 minutes even you have purifier at home. This will kill all the germs and remove unwanted particles from water and make it safe for drinking. Cool it down and pour it in a perfect jug. Always take care that you use safe water for drinking and cooking.

16.) Rest to Get Rid of Diarrhea

Take rest until you are fit and get rid of diarrhea. Rest will help to heal the problem more effectively and efficiently. Every remedies will work on your body efficiently when your body will take rest. Avoid gyming and exercise or any physical activity till you get fit. Rest can alone do a lot for the recovery of your body so don’t go to work take proper rest.

Foods Should Be Avoided During Diarrhea:

  • Fatty foods: Fried foods, chips, bakery products, which are fatty in nature.
  • Alcohols: Alcoholic beverages such as beer, rum, whiskey and wine.
  • Caffeine drinks: Caffeine-containing drinks such as tea and coffee.
  • Nuts and butter. Ice-creams and dried fruits.
  • Foods that cause gas: Cabbage, cauliflower, radish, broccoli and beans are some fat causing vegetables.
  • Artificial Sweeteners and Sorbitol: Artificial sweeteners can cause a laxative effect to your digestive system. Avoid intake of sugarless products.
  • Preserved and Stored foods: Canned foods should be avoided. Foods that come right from the refrigerator can worsen the symptoms of diarrhea.
  • Supplements: Flaxseed oil, DHA, activated charcoal, bee pollen, etc. these supplements can worsen existing diarrhea.
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