How to Use Baking Soda For Splinter Removal?

After writing, how to get rid of warts?, how to get rid of skin tags?how to treat corn?, and how to get rid of poison ivy rash?, we are now writing, how to use baking soda for splinter removal. Never go on size, tiny things hurt a lot and so does a splinter. Splinter may seem small but when it comes to the splinter removal, then the actual problem arises. Some people even try to dig under the skin with tweezers and needle. It is quite painful but not the effective way to remove a splinter. If you are looking for a few quick and painless methods to get a splinter out, then you clicked the right link. This article will help you to remove a splinter baking soda and various other effective remedies.

Splinters are very small pieces of glass, wood, plastic or metal that have lodged under the skin. They are very painful and should be removed as soon as possible. It can commonly pierce the skin on fingers and even in the feet. Children are very prone to this problem as they spend a lot of time playing outdoors.

Types of Splinters:

  • Biological Splinters: These types of splinters are caused by wood, bone, teeth and fish spines.
  • Non-biological Splinters: These types of splinters are caused by plastic, aluminum glass, small pieces of metals and graphite.

How Does Baking Soda Remove a Splinter?

Splinters are fragments of glass, wood, and metal that can lodge in your skin. Baking soda is one of the best home remedies to get out a splinter without pain. This is because, baking soda contains anti-bacterial properties that can prevent the area from infections. It also contains sodium and water, which helps to easily push the splinter out from the skin, when applied to the affected area. In order to know the methods of splinter removal using Baking Soda, keep reading further.

Ways To Use Baking Soda For Splinter:


If the splinters are not treated on time then it may cause an infection. So, it is always advised to eliminate the splinter as soon as it gets lodged into your skin. Here, we will discuss methods to remove a splinter with baking soda.

how to use baking soda for splinter removal

1.) Water And Baking Soda Splinter Removal

Baking soda is the best method for invisible splinters that are tiny and gets deeply embedded inside your skin. The baking soda and water paste helps the skin to swell, thus pushing the splinter out of the skin automatically. This makes this method as one of the effective remedies to get out a splinter.

  • To make a thick paste take ¼ tsp of baking soda and add water to it. Apply this baking soda on the affected area. Then, secure it with a bandage to keep the paste in place.
  • After 24 hours, you will see that the splinter is pushed out of the skin. If the splinter is visible, then use tweezers to pick it off and wash the skin gently. 
  • If the splinter is invisible but it is sticking out, then wash it off. Repeat this method in every 24 hours until the splinter is out.

2.) Flour And Baking Soda Splinter Removal

As we have already known the magical benefits of baking soda for splinters removal. Here is another remedy that use baking soda with flour in eliminating the splinter. Using flour with baking soda is also very effective to get out a splinter effectively, without pain.

  • Take enough baking soda and add some flour, water and a pinch of salt in it. Mix it well to make a paste. Once the paste is ready then apply it on the lodged area.
  • Use a bandage to cover the area and keep the paste in place. Leave it to work overnight. This paste will help push out the splinter easily. Now, use tweezers to completely eliminate it from your skin.

3.) Vinegar And Baking Soda Splinter Removal

One of the best and effective ways is to use vinegar and baking soda for splinters removal. Vinegar has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from eliminating the splinter, vinegar will also help in treating the infection (if any). It will also heal the tiny wound developed due to the splinter being pierced into the skin.

  • Take some baking soda. Add a little vinegar to it. Apply this paste on your splinter and then cover it with a bandage. This will help to keep the paste in place.
  • After some time at-least 3-4 hours, remove the bandage. You will see that the splinter is pushed out of the skin. Use tweezers to eliminate it from the skin.
  • If the splinter is not visible on the skin’s surface, do not dig the skin. Instead, repeat the remedy again. You will surely get the results this time.

4.) Epsom Salt And Baking Soda Splinter Removal

Epsom salt is used for treating numerous ailments including splinters. It is a pure mineral compound of sulfate and magnesium that helps to remove the splinter without any pain. It also helps to ease the pain and swelling, which may be a result of infection or just the tiny wound. This makes it as one of the effective remedies to use epsom slat with baking soda for splinters removal.

  • Add half a cup of Epsom salt and baking soda in warm water. Then, soak your feet in this water for ten minutes. This will soften and loosen the skin around the splinter, easily pushing it out towards the surface.
  • Now, you can easily remove the splinter. You can also directly apply epsom salt to your splinter. Cover it with a bandage. After some time, remove it. You will either witness the head of the splinter over the skin’s surface, or the whole splinter stuck onto the bandage.

5.) Hydrogen Peroxide and Baking Soda Splinter Removal

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the best home remedies to use with baking soda for splinters removal. When it used with baking soda, it helps to treat the infection (if any) or the tiny wound caused due to the pierced splinter into your skin. It also prevents the area from infection, pain, and swelling after removing the splinter.

  • Take some baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and mix it well. Now, apply it to the splinter and cover it with a bandage. The skin around the splinter will loosen and it will become visible.
  • Use a pair of tweezers to pull it out of your skin. Be patient and do not go harsh on your skin. This can further damage the skin, causing pain and may even result in infection.

6.) Glue to Remove a Splinter

Use glue to get rid of a splinter. Simply apply glue on the splinter. Allow it to dry then pull it off. The splinter will get stuck along with the glue. This will easily eliminate the splinter. Repeat the remedy another time if it does not work for the first time.

7.) Duct Tape to Remove a Splinter

This is one of the most inexpensive and easy remedies to remove a splinter. This is a painless remedy and the splinter comes out easily. When you put a duct tape on the affected area the splinter sticks to it due to which it is easily removed. Apply a duct tape over the splinter. After half an hour peel it off and the splinter will come out with the tape.

8.) Honey to Remove a Splinter

This is one of the best remedies to remove a splinter. Honey is sticky in nature and hence the splinter comes out easily. It contains therapeutic and antiseptic properties and hence you should even apply it when the splinter is removed.

  • Honey is also the best way to remove the splinter.
  • Apply honey to the affected area as it will help to draw the splinter from the skin.
  • It also helps the wound to heal without pain and infection.

Useful Tips to Prevent Splinters:

  • If a glass piece is broken, then make sure that you can the particular area. Don’t walk barefoot in the surrounding area.
  • While working in the garden or with the wood always wear gloves to prevent splinters.
  • Don’t walk barefoot in the garden not even on the grass. Always wear shoes to prevent splinters.
  • If a splinter is caused then before poking it out wash the area with soap and water to prevent infection.
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