How to Get Rid of Foot Odor?

Want to get rid of foot odor? Read the whole article to know some quick and effective remedies for foot odor removal. This is the very common problem everyone faces at some point of time. Especially men who wear shoes for all time. Medically it is know as bromhidrosis, it is really embarrassing for those who are suffering with this problem. Wearing shoes and socks for longer duration makes our feet sweat and dose not allow it to evaporates inside and this causes smelly foot. When this sweat does not evaporates for longer the bacteria on our skin grow because of the sweat and dead skin cells, producing the smell. This problem can be easily cured within a week or so. You can get rid of foot odor very easily ans fast.  There are some of the magical ways you can try at home to get rid of foot odor.

Soaks to Get Rid of Foot Odor:


How to get rid of foot odor

1.) Try to Avoid or Prevent Foot Odor

It is very true prevention is than cure. So try to wash and change the socks daily. Clean your foot by dipping it in warm water tub for half an hour and wash it with sainted soap. You can practice this every second day. This will to remove all the bacteria and dead cells from your skin and you help to get rid of foot odor. You can also do a pedicure twice a week.

2.) Black Tea Foot Soak to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Black tea is rich with tannic acid and and tannis. This will help to creates unfriendly environment for bacteria and help you to get rid of food odor. This will also regulate the amount of sweat in your feet.

  • Take two black tea bags in three cups of hot water and boil it.
  • Add half a bucket of normal water to cool the solution.
  • Soak your feet for at least 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this daily for a week.

3.) Lavender Oil to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Make habit to put lavender oil before you go to your bed. Especially after the pedicure or when you wash your feet. Give a gentle massage to your feet to get rid of foot odor.

  • Add a few drops of lavender oil in warm water.
  • Soak your feet in it for 15 – 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this twice a day for a few days.

4.) Sugar Scrub to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Sugar scrub will removing dead skin and eliminate foot odor as they too can contribute to smelly feet. Regular use of this scrubber to scrub your feet will prevent the formation of calluses. It is easily available in the market but you can also prepare a home made scrub by following the few steps given below:

  • Take sugar, isopropyl alcohol  and clean water. Make sure you use more sugar than water to form a thick mixture.
  • Isopropyl alcohol, use one part of it with five parts of water It means 1:5 ratio.
  • Scrub your feet with this mixture for 5-10 minutes to get rid of dead bacteria and skin cells. Rinse it off
  • Repeat this at least 3 times in a week.

5.) Ginger Root to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Ginger is also an effective ways to get rid of smelly feet as it stops the bacterial growth and also removes toxins, sweating in the feet.

  • Take a good amount of ginger root make a puree using these ginger root.
  • Boil the puree in a cup of hot water for 2 minutes.
  • Massage your feet with the help of ginger root puree for 10-15 minutes.
  • Repeat it daily for 2 weeks to get rid of foot odor.

6.) Apple Cider Vinegar Soak to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Vinegar is beneficial to get rid of smelly feet as it forms an acidic environment in which kills bacteria. You can use any other vinegar, especially apple cider vinegar for this home remedy.

  • Take one-half cup of vinegar and six to eight cups of hot water and mix it.
  • Soak your feet for 10 – 15 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse your feet thoroughly with soap to remove the smell.

7.) Baking Soda and Lemon Juice Soak to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Baking sod ais also well known as sodium bicarbonate, is an effective remedy to get rid of foot odor. It regulates the  production of sweat and reduces bacteria.this remedy is the best and quickest way to solve this problem.

  • Add 4 spoons of baking soda in a hot 8 glasses of water.
  • soak your feet in it for 15 – 20 minutes before going to your bed.
  • Repeat this twice for day.

8.) Sage and Rosemary Soak to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Sage contains antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal agents, and  it is also an astringent. Rosemary is antibacterial/anti-fungal, and is an astringent as well. This both will help minimize the production of sweat. Less sweat means a less bacteria to in.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of rosemary (dried).
  • Take 1 tea spoon of sage (dried).
  • Mix hot water with sage and rosemary in small foot basin.
  • Wait for some time that it cools down but remains warm.
  • Dip your feet inside the water soak it for 30 minutes and wash it with a soap.
  • Repeat this for a week.

9.) Talcum Powder to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Always use talcum powder before you wear shoes and socks. This will reduce or stop sweating in your socks and helps to get rid of foot odor. Try to wear cotton socks this allow the sweat to evaporate.

10.) Water to Get Rid of Foot Odor

Water helps a lot in getting rid of foot odor because it remove the odor of sweat. So try to drink plenty of water in a day. Drink approx 10 to 12 glass of water every day. This will work magically to solve this problem.

11.) Cedarwood Oil to Get Rid of Foot Odor

This is one of the beneficial oils to get rid of foot odor. The anti-bacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties present in cedarwood oil makes it a perfect choice to combat foot odor. The effectiveness of cedarwood oil increases when you mix it with coconut oil. Coconut oil contains lauric acid that kills the bacteria that produces smell. Its skin rejuvenating properties makes the skin smooth and soft. Follow the process given below to combat foot odor.

  • In one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil, mix 5 to 6 drops of cedarwood oil.
  • Massage it on your feet properly and let the skin absorb it. You can wear socks once the oil is absorbed by the skin.
  • Follow this treatment daily for about one week to get rid of smelly foot.

12.) Epsom Salt to Treat Foot Odor

This is another easiest and beneficial remedy to reduce the smell coming from the feet. You must be well aware of the benefits of Epsom salt. The magnesium sulfate in it makes it suitable for a variety of purposes ranging from household to medicinal to beauty. Epsom salt helps to get rid of the microbial infection and neutralizes the smell. It is also a good choice for treating aching feet. Follow the process given below to minimize the foot odor.

  • Take a small foot tub and pour warm water in it.
  • Add two tablespoons of Epsom salt and soak your feet in the tub.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes. This will also induce relaxation.
  • Pat your feet dry and wear socks for a couple of hours for best results.
  • Try this remedy on a regular basis to combat foot odor.

13.) Radish to Get Rid of Foot Odor

This is one of the amazing remedies to get rid of foot odor. Radish is a great option because of its skin friendly components such as vitamin B, C, phosphorus and zinc. Radish is a very good disinfectant that kills the bacteria thriving on the skin which are basically responsible for producing foul smell. Skin conditions may encourage the proliferation of bacteria. Follow the process given below to treat foot odor.

Process 1

  • Mix equal amounts of radish paste, ginger paste and lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Cover your feet with this paste and leave it for the next 10 minutes.
  • Rub it gently on your feet for the next 5 minutes.
  • Clean your feet with water.
  • Repeat this process two times per week to get rid of foot odor.

Process 2

  • Grind 10 to 12 radish and squeeze out the juice of it.
  • Mix a teaspoon of glycerin and store it in a bottle.
  • Spray it on your feet to treat smelly feet.
  • Alternatively, grind 5 to 6 radishes and extract its juice. Mix it with warm water and soak your feet in it.

14.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Foot Odor

This is one of the amazing home remedies to get rid of foot odor. Tea tree oil works amazingly if the foot odor is caused because of fungal infections. You can even mix any other oil such as lavender oil with tea tree oil. Follow the process given below to combat foot odor.

  • Fill your foot basin in warm water.
  • Soak your feet in this water for about 20 minutes.
  • Wash your feet with mild soap and then dry it with a towel.
  • Repeat this remedy on a daily basis and wear socks or shoes to keep your feet odor free throughout the day.

15.) Oatmeal Scrub to Get Rid of Smelly Feet

This is one of the best scrubs to get rid of smelly feet. The exfoliating properties present in oatmeal eliminate the dead skin cells from the feet and prevents foul odor. Sweat is also one of the reasons behind the smell. Oatmeal makes the feet smell less and stops the growth of bacteria. Follow the process given below to treat foot odor.

  • In a bowl, pour two tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • Mix a cup of water in it and stir well.
  • Cover your feet with this oatmeal mixture.
  • Gently massage for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  • Rinse off your feet with lukewarm water and then dry the feet with a towel.
  • Repeat this remedy per day to combat foot odor.

16.) Eucalyptus Oil to Combat Foot Odor

This is one of the amazing methods to combat foot odor. The powerful anti-bacterial properties present in eucalyptus oil helps to get rid of stinky feet. Follow the process given below to reduce foot odor.

  • Fill a bowl with 20 to 25 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Clean your feet and dry it with a towel.
  • Massage eucalyptus oil on your feet for about 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this therapy every night before sleeping to get rid of smelly feet.

17.) Bleach to Treat Foot Odor

This is one of the best methods to treat foot odor completely. Bleach is used to clean surfaces in the house. It is an efficient remedy to kill the bacteria and fungi that are responsible for causing foot odor. Follow the process given below to reduce the smell coming from feet.

  • Fill a small basin with water and mix half cup of bleach in it. Stir it well.
  • Immerge your feet in this water for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this method two times in a day to get rid of foot odor.

Precaution: Bleach can sometimes cause skin irritation so if you feel so then remove your feet from this water.

18.) Vodka to Get Rid of Foot Odor

This is one of the perfect choices to get rid of foot odor. Vodka contains alcohol that kills the bacteria that is responsible for producing foot odor. It is an excellent way to minimize smell come from feet. Follow the process given below to combat foot odor.

  • Take a clean washcloth and soak it in vodka.
  • Wipe your feet properly with this washcloth.
  • Repeat this treatment 2 to 3 times in a day to treat smelly feet.

19.) Alum to Combat Foot Odor

This is one of the wonderful methods to combat foot odor. The antiseptic and astringent properties of alum make the feet fresh and smell free. It shrinks the sweat glands due to which foot odor is reduced. Less sweat means fewer bacteria and less bacteria means less smell. Follow the process given below to get rid of foot odor.

  • In 4 cups of warm water, mix 4 tablespoon of alum powder.
  • Soak your feet in this water for the next 25 minutes.
  • Use a towel to dry your feet.
  • Repeat this remedy every day to get rid of smelly feet.

20.) Thyme Oil to Treat Stinky Feet

This is one of the magical oils used to treat stinky feet. The anti-fungal properties of thyme oil kill the fungus that is responsible for producing smell. Follow the process given below to combat foot odor.

  • In a large bowl of warm water, mix atleast 20 drops of thyme oil.
  • Soak your feet in this water for atleast 20 minutes.
  • Dry your feet and use this treatment every day to get rid of stinky feet.
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