Home Remedies for Baldness in Male / Females

Baldness, also known as Alopecia is a phase in which hair loss is prominent. The problem is common among men. However, women are also affected of it. Because of hair loss, the bald patches become prominent on the head. More than 40 % of US men are victim of this problem. Baldness not only invites embarrassment,t in fact, it introduces the feeling inferiority to you, which kills your self-esteem as well. The once confident person in you is lost and you are left with regret. However, if you do not want to face such problem, then start taking care of your hair from today. And what can be more effective than household remedies. Read more, to know about home remedies for baldness in male / females.

Symptoms of Baldness:

  • Thinning of hair
  • Too much hair fall
  • Visible bald patches on the head

Causes of Baldness:

  • Stress
  • Lack of care and maintenance
  • Scalp infection
  • Cancer and tumors
  • Anemia
  • Steroids
  • Use of lots of chemicals and hair styling.


Household Remedies for Baldness in Male / Females:

1.) Oil Massage to Treat Baldness

The first and the most effective home remedy that has been considered as a boon for hair is the oil massage. Regular massage on the scalp will increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which will eventually enhance the roots of the hair. Strong roots mean less hair fall. Also, it is an ideal remedy to reduce stress. Almond, coconut, olive, gooseberry oil and etc. are some of the oils which you can you for head massage for a soothing effect you can add essential oil such as rosemary or lavender oil in it.

How to Do Head Massage?

  • Gently massage any of the above oil on your scalp and hair.
  • Always use your fingers for massage, as it exerts light pressure as compared to palms.
  • For best results apply warm oil and then cover your hair with a hot towel.
  • Do this regularly to prevent baldness.

2.) Aloe-Vera to Cure Baldness

The enzymes present in this plant promotes strong roots and healthy hair. Since it is alkaline in nature, therefore, it helps to maintain the pH level of the scalp, which is also an another factor that contributes hair growth. Aloe Vera also comes handy for reducing dandruff, itchiness, inflammation, which hinders the growth of hairs. Moreover, it adds luster and volume to  your hair.

How to Apply Aloe-Vera

  • Extract fresh gel from Aloe-Vera plant and gently massage it over the scalp.
  • Alternatively, you can mix the gel in your hair oil used for massaging.
  • If you do not have Aloe-Vera plant then you can buy the gel from the nearest market.
  • Drinking Aloe-Vera juice regularly is equally beneficial.
  • Do this treat baldness.

3.) Gooseberries to Stop Baldness

Another home remedy for baldness is gooseberries. It is a rich source of Vitamin C. Do you know our hair is made of certain nutrients and the deficiency of these nutrients leads to hair fall and baldness. Vitamin C is the most important vitamin not only for hair growth but for the good skin as well. Also, it’s anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and exfoliating property’s conditions the scalp, strengthens the hair and promote healthy hair.

How to Use Gooseberries?

  • Extract a tablespoon of juice from the gooseberries and mix lemon juice in it.
  • Use this mixture to massage the scalp.
  • After massage cover your hair with a shower cap. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight.
  • Wash your hair next day with the mild shampoo.

4.) Licorice to Prevent Baldness

Licorice is a herb, which has over the years proved beneficial to prevent hair loss. It has mollifying properties which open the pores of the scalp and rip off the dry flakes and other particles which hinder the hair growth.

How to Apply Licorice?

  • In a cup of milk mix a tablespoon of licorice herb and quarter teaspoon of saffron.
  • Apply this mixture on the scalp before going to bed.
  • Wash it next morning with a mild shampoo.
  • Do this 1-2 times a week.
  • Alternatively, you can use the herb for making herbal tea.
  • Drink it 2-3 times a day to stop hair fall.

5.) Fenugreek to Treat Baldness

Fenugreek seeds are also considered as a powerful home remedy for baldness. It rebuilds the disturbed hair follicles and promotes the hair growth. All thanks to the component known as hormone antecedents present in the seeds. Moreover, it contains nicotinic and proteins which are again useful for growth.

How to Use Fenugreek?

  • Soak a cup of fenugreek seeds for a night.
  • Then, next day grind the seeds to make a thick paste.
  • Spread this mixture on your hair covering the roots.
  • Cover your hair with shower cap and wash it with the mild shampoo after 30-40 minutes.
  • Do this for a month.

6.) Onion to Cure Baldness

Onion contains a high content of sulfur, which helps to fight back with the hair loss. Also, it has antibacterial properties which increase the blood circulation, regenerate hair, strengthens the roots and reduces the inflammation and flaky particles or pesticides such as lies which also contribute baldness.

How to Use Onion Juice?

  • Apply the onion juice over the scalp.
  • Rinse your hair after half and an hour and then shampoo them.
  • For best results mix 3 tablespoons of Aloe-Vera gel, oil, olive or coconut oil and onion juice.
  • Apply this hair mask on your hair and wash it off after 30-40 minutes.
  • Since onion has a pungent smell so make sure your shampoo enough to remove the odor.

7.) Coconut Milk to Get Rid of Baldness

Coconut milk is a rich source of Vitamin C and all the essential fats that stimulate hair growth. Coconut milk is easily available in the market. However, you can make it at your home also. All you have to do is grate some coconuts and add it to a cup of boiling water. Leave it to cool, strain it and it’s ready to use.

How to Use Coconut Milk?

  • Apply the coconut milk to the scalp and hair and wash your hair with mild shampoo after 20 minutes.
  • For effective results add powder of fenugreek seeds and black pepper in the milk and apply it to the scalp.

8.) Beetroot to Reduce Baldness

This vegetable is packed with all the essential nutrients such as potassium, protein, carbohydrates, Vitamin B-C and calcium that stimulates healthy hair growth.

How to Use Beetroot?

  • Boil a few beetroot slices. Then grind them and mix with henna.
  • Apply this herbal mask over and rinse your hair after 15-20 minutes, then follow with a mild shampoo.
  • Regularly eating beetroot will also promote hair growth.

9.) Flaxseed Promotes Hair Growth

The omega-3 fatty acid present in the flaxseed makes it one of the ideal home remedy for baldness. it prevents hair loss and stimulates healthy hair.

How to Use Flaxseed?

  • Gulp a tablespoon of flaxseed along with water regularly early in the morning.
  • Also, you can add the powder of flax seeds in the meals, soups, broths and juices to reduce the hair fall.

10.) Chinese Hibiscus Stimulates Hair Growth

The natural properties of this flower make it a perfect home remedy for baldness. It reduces the hair fall and promote healthy hair. Also, it cures dandruff, split ends, graying of hair and other hair problems which restrict the hair growth.

How to Use Chinese Hibiscus?

  • In a cup of boiling coconut oil, add 8-10 Chinese herb flower.
  • Heat it for 5-7 minutes, then strain the oil.
  • Use the oil for, head massage before hitting the sack and wash next morning.
  • Alternatively, use the flower to make an herbal tea.

11.) Henna Leaves to Treat Baldness

Henna leaves are one of the essential home remedies for hair problem. It treats hair fall, baldness, dandruff. Moreover, it also adds a natural color to your tresses.

How to Apply Henna?

  • Boil mustard oil, add henna leaves into it.
  • Leave the mixture at room temperature so that it cool.
  • Apply this mixture on the entire head.
  • For best results apply this 2-3 a week.
  • Alternatively, you can use coconut or olive oil instead.

12.) Guava Leaves to Cure Baldness

You might find it weird but yes guava leafs help to cure baldness. It is one of the best home remedies for baldness. It is good for scalp and hair as well.

  • In 1 liter of water boil guava leaves. Boil it until the solution into black color.
  • Use this solution to massage your scalp.
  • Do this 2-3 times to get rid of baldness.
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