How to Remove Dye From Hair?

After writing, how to remove dye from skin?, how to remove ink from clothes?, and how to remove super glue?, we are now writing the best ways to remove dye from hair. Coloring hair is a tedious job. The main task is to choose a right hair color for yourself. Also, it is risky, especially for those who are going for hair color for the first time. It will either turn out according to your expectation or it will result in disaster. In this article, we are giving the best ways to remove dye from hair. Read more, to know the ways to remove dye from hair.

Different Ways to Remove Dye From Hair:


1.) Anti-Dandruff Shampoo to Remove Dye from Hair

Yes, anti-dandruff shampoo can also fill the bill. It will help you to remove pastels and unwanted tones. A few washes with an anti-dandruff shampoo are enough to get rid of the dye. The best thing is it will treat your dandruff as well. However, make sure you apply conditioner after the shampoo as it may dry your scalp and hair.

This remedy might sound simpl but anti-dandruff shampoo tends to work like a charm which helps in removing pastels and unwanted tones. If in case your blonde hair has gone too ashy a few washes with an anti-dandruff shampoo will help you to lighten the color up significantly, allowing you to make changes accordingly.

Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Summary

Use: It will help to remove the unwanted tones, pastel tints, green tones on even the blonde hair color.
Damage Risk: There is no rink of damage when using anti dandruff shampoo to remove hair dye effectively.
Effectiveness: Noticeable fading on pastel colors. Speeds up fading on darker, unnatural shades. Not noticeably effective on permanent color.
Additional Info: Anti-Dandruff shampoo might leave your hair a bit dry if you do not follow the shampooing with a good quality and chemical free conditioner.

2.) Dishwashing Liquid to Remove Dye from Hair

Yes, dishwashing liquid! It can actually aid as a natural cosmetic to get rid of the dye. Mix equal amount of dishwashing liquid, warm water, and lemon juice. Pour this mixture in the spray bottle. Shake it well before using. Apply this mixture on the hair and leave it on for a while and then take head bath.

3.) Vitamin C to Remove Dye from Hair

Removing dye with Vitamin C is the best and easiest home remedy. All you have to do is crush some Vitamin C tablets and mix it with shampoo. Mix it thoroughly to get a smooth mixture. Apply this mixture on your damp hair. Leave it for a while and then rinse it off and do not forget to apply conditioner after removing the mixture. It will moisturize your hair and keeps the dryness at bay.

Using Vitamin C is basically a home remedy which is used for fading the hair colour. Vitamin C is actually an acid and might also cause irritation to the skin especially on a hypersensitive skin. We will always recommend to first attempt a patch test before using this remedy to lighten or fade the hair color. This remedy is a very popular technique available online and this is the reason why we have decided to cover it in this article. It is known to work best on semi-permanent colours and can also remove 1-2 levels of tone. It will never affect your natural hair colour but can cause dryness to your tresses and can even irritate or burn the skin in a very few cases. As mentioned earlier, patch test is always recommended.

You will require effervescent Vitamin C tablets and a mild shampoo. Use 1 × 1,000mg Vitamin C tablet or 1g of Vitamin C powder for this purpose. When planning to use tablets, crush them between two spoons and use the powder. Get yourself ready for the treatment because you will definitely need to use the crushed tablet immediately after mixing. We always recommend you to use an old towel in order to catch any colour run-off and also a plastic cap for better protection of your tresses.

Simply mix your powdered Vitamin C with a large quantity of your favorite shampoo. Now, apply this to your hair immediately and let the lather work it through your hair. Make sure that every strand is covered. Also cover your hair with a plastic cap in order to prevent the mixture from dripping into your eyes. Check your hair every 5 minutes. Leave the mixture on your hair for a maximum of 10 minutes before rinsing out.

4.) Bleach to Remove Dye from Hair

Another way of bidding goodbye to the unwanted dye color is bleach. It can help you to remove even the stubborn or permanent dye color as well. However, do not bleach your hair frequently as it can destroy your tresses. So, it should be the last resort.

Bleaching is always the considered as the best option when you start disliking your hair color. It is a tempting ways to reach straight for the bleach. Bleaching your hair is probably the most powerful colour removal method. But in many cases it is also harmful for your hair.

This raises the question that which is the ideal case to make the use of bleach? Well, one should only opt for bleach after they have tried several other suitable colour removal methods and still did not achieve any results. The person will probably know that bleaching their hair is actually damaging the natural quality of their hair. This makes it clear that unnecessary bleaching should always be avoided until necessary, which might not be the case always. Bleaching the natural tresses risks severe damage and this is the reason why it should be your last resort.

Always keep in mind that if you tend to bleach out fresh colour, you may encounter an unexpected result which might even break or make your expectations.  For instance, you have dyed your hair dark blue like the Special Effects Blue Velvet but now you realize that it is too dark and you should either bleach it or change the color somehow. Go for the bleach only when nothing other than it seems to solve the problem.

5.) Bleach Bath to Remove Dye from Hair

If you don’t find bleach effective then mix it with an anti-dandruff shampoo. Bleach alone might damage your hair so it’s better to add some anti-dandruff shampoo in it. Apply, it and leave it for a while and then rinse it. In last apply conditioner.

A bleach bath is basically made up of bleach and a chemical free shampoo. All you need to do is to simply mix up some bleach powder and 20 volume peroxide in a 1:1 ratio. Now, add the same amount of this again in the chosen shampoo. Apply this mixture to your hair immediately and take all the precautions that you would have taken when dealing with bleach. This just to protect your skin and the clothing as well. Always check your hair every 5 minutes and do this for around 30 minutes before you decide to wash out the mixture from your tresses.

A bleach bath will tend to lighten up your existing hair colour but it might also affect your natural color so be very careful while making use of it.

Bleach Bath Summary

Use: It is basically used to remove the staining from your hair and also to lift 1-2 levels before re-coloring.
Damage Risk: There is a moderate risk of damage caused to your hair because of course it is bleach. Effectiveness: It will help you to remove the darker tone and lighten the direct dyes by around 3 shades.

6.) Bleach Powder to Remove Dye from Hair

Another way to use bleach is mix water in it. However, don’t use peroxide and use hand gloves before applying the bleach, use warm water. The remedy is good for unnatural colors. Wash it with shampoo and then apply conditioner and rinse it off with normal water.

In order to remove the darker hair color tone and to also light the staining you can mix warm water with your usual bleach powder. Now apply this mixture to your hair. Always wear gloves just to protect your hands from the chemical and also take the same precautions that you would have followed when working with bleach. This makes it as the last and very useful remedy.

7.) Color Removers to Get Rid of Dye

There are two types of color removers. One is color reducer and another is the color stripper. Color reducer are like bleach whereas color stripper removes the permanent dye with minimum damage. Color reducer are much safer than a color stripper. Before applying the color removers always do a strand test. Apply a color remover on your strand and leave it on. If it does not damage the strand and removes the dye then go ahead with this remedy.

Color removers tend to fall into two categories – first is the color strippers and second is the color reducers. Color strippers are basically very similar to bleach. On the other hand, color reducers are a great way of removing permanent hair color with minimal or no damage at all. Color reducers will not touch your natural hair color and will only remove the artificially added pigment.

The instructions for usage and application may vary from one manufacturer to the other. But generally you can use a color reducer twice in order to remove a permanent hair color. It tends to reverse the coloring process by simply shrinking the pigmented color molecules in your hair, eventually allowing the pigment molecules to be washed out. It is always important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions both for the safety of your hair and also to make sure that you get the most from the product. When the manual instructions say that you should wash your hair for atleast 20 minutes in order to get the color out from your hair, do it!

8.) Epsom Salt to Remove Dye from Hair

Epsom salt is a one home remedy which comes handy for every given problem. Sprinkle Epsom salt in warm water and apply it on your hair. You can also take a bath of the same water. It will help you to relieve your body pain and of course, the dye as well.

This is not the party things we are talking about but the ingredients that your granny uses in order to relieve the aches and pains. Bath salts are basically a mixture of soluble minerals that are added to the bath soaks. These salts usually include Epsom salts and sodium bicarbonate. In order to use this remedy, simply run a bath, sprinkle some bath salts and then soak your hair for as long as possible or maximum for 30-40 minutes. Color will be drawn out of your hair and if there is a lot of pigment in your hair, then you will tend to witness a pool of color while soaking your hair.

9.) Sun Exposure to Remove Dye from Hair

The easiest way to get rid of the unwanted dye is catch-up some sunlight. It is also a good source of Vitamin D. All you have to do is, on a sunny day sit on your terrace and catch some sunlight. However, don’t sit for a long time as an excess of sunlight can give unwanted tan.

While we never wish to encourage anyone to expose themselves to the sun and cause damage to their skin, most unnatural colors are not particularly photos table. So if you can safely give your hair a little bit of sun exposure over a few days you will tend to notice a difference in the shade of your hair colour. We advise you to always take precautions and this is to avoid the sunburn to your skin and the scalp as well.

Sun Exposure Summary

Use: It will tend to fade all types of hair color. But it works best on vegetable-based colors only.

Damage Risk: The risk of damage in this remedy is very mild.

Effectiveness: The sun expose remedy works well on many unnaturally colored direct dyes. But it has a very mild or little effect on permanent hair dyes.

Additional Info: Cooler hair color shades like blue and purple are known to be the most vulnerable hair colors that when exposed to sunlight will tend to lighten faster than others.

10.) Swimming to Remove Dye from Hair

Yes, swimming. Swim pool has chlorinated water. Although it is not good for hair but it can surely remove the stubborn dye. Make sure you do not spend much time in the pool. Otherwise, it might harm your skin. If you wish to fade or lighten your hair colour then swimming is a great idea. Wonder why? Please read further.

Well, swimming in a chlorinated pool will tend to fade the semi-permanent colour. With repeated exposure to the chlorinated water, one can easily fade the permanent colour to a certain extent. Swimming in the sea can also help to lighten your hair color to a certain extent. This is because of the amount of salt which is present in the sea water. The effects of this remedy are subtle but if you are a regular swimmer, you will tend to surely notice a difference.

11.) High-Lift Blonde Dye to Remove Dye from Hair

The remedy is good for only left over the color of dye on your hair. However, it does not help you to lighten the dark tresses. Make sure you do strand and sensitivity test before applying  the high lift dye on hair to remove the dye.

12.) Baking Soda to Remove Dye from Hair

Another home remedy which comes handy for removing the dye from hair is baking soda. First wash your hair thoroughly and then make a mixture of baking soda and shampoo. Make sure that the pH level of the shampoo should be low. Apply it and leave it for a while and rinse it off. Complete the procedure with the conditioner.

13.)  Lemon to Remove Dye from Hair

Lemon is a good source of Vitamin C. It works similar to Vitamin C tablets. It will remove the dye and color from your hair without damaging them. Moreover, lemon will  prevent the occurrence of dandruff as well. In a small bowl mix baking soda and lemon. Apply this mixture on your hair. Leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off.

14.) Clothing Detergent to Remove Dye from Hair

Another remedy that can be used to remove dye from hair is clothing detergent. The chemical present in the detergent that removes stains from the clothes also removes dye from hair. So just wash your tresses with a detergent.

15.) Hot Oil Treatment to Remove Dye From Hair

If you do not want to apply chemicals then hot oil is the best option for you. It will not only remove the stains of the dye, in fact, it will condition your hair as well. Microwave coconut or olive oil for 2 minutes, then add a half teaspoon of lemon juice in it. Lemon juice is a rich source of Vitamin C. Apply this on your hair and covers them with the shower cap. Leave it on for an hour, Then rinse your hair with the shampoo followed by the conditioner.

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