Benefits of Cranberry Juice

Cranberry is a tiny, green colored shrub grown in North America. Cranberry has been used by American Indians right from ancient times. It is very beneficial for treating urinary problemms. Juice and extracts from the fruit are well known for its medicinal properties. Cranberry is effectively used to prevent and treat urinary infections caused in track. There are several health benefits of cranberry juice you can find all the related information in this article. Cranberry is also used for neurogenic bladder and it also deodorize urine. Thus it is really important for people who find difficulty in controlling the urine. Some of the best benefits of cranberry juice are that it is used to increase urine flow, kill germs, heal skin problems and treats fever. Some people use cranberry juice to treat diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome and also for cancer. You can simply drink it anyway, as there are a number of ways you can intake, this juice like it is used in cocktails, jelly, and sauces. Read below to know some important health benefits of cranberry juice.

Health Benefits Of Cranberry Juice


Cranberry is a very beneficial fruit that ensures lots of health benefits. Its medicinal properties are well known to treat many problems. Native Americans use raw cranberries to treat wounds and skin problems like acne. The phytonutrients contained in cranberry juice help to prevent lots of health problems. Cranberries are a rich source of antioxidants too. Antioxidants are an important compound that is either manufactured naturally inside our body or supplemented through food and drinks. Antioxidants slow down the oxidation process as it has ability to maintain the free radicals, as it donates an electron. Flavonoids and polyphenols found in cranberry juice, helps prevent the problem of cell damage, which in result lower the risk of infections and viral attack.

1.) Prevents Urinary Infection

Urinary tract infection includes the presence of microorganisms in the urine more than the required amount. It is medically proven that cranberry juice helps to treat urinary tract infection very effectively. The cranberry juice contains proanthocyanidins that plays a vital role to prevent the bacteria attack in the cells of the bladder walls. It works very magically as it prevents the bacteria from multiplying further and flush them out of the body with urine. This juice makes the urine more acidic, which forms an environment that is dangerous for bacteria that causes infections. So include a glass of  cranberry juice in your daily breakfast this will prevent recurring tract infections.

2.) Antitumor Properties

It is one of the health benefits of cranberry juice. The polyphenol component present in cranberry has antitumor properties. If you consume it regularly it will in the proper functioning of lung, breast, colon and prostate tumors. The most vital component known salicylic acid present in cranberry juice  helps to reduce swelling and the formation of blood clots, which is the main reason that lead to tumor.

3.) Improves Cardiovascular Health

Cranberry juice reduces the risk of heart-related problem and also is very effective in improving the cardiovascular health. The person who is suffering with any heart disease are recommended to intake two glasses of cranberry juice in a day. You can simply add this juice at your breakfast time and in the evening time. The antioxidants and flavonoids present in cranberries reduces the chance of atherosclerosis, a condition in which the arteries start developing the fat accumulation in its track. As the fat accumulation causes obstacle in the flow of oxygen-rich blood to various parts of the body, which leads to heart attack. This is one of the best benefits of cranberry juice.

4.) Combats Tooth Decay

Another benefits of Cranberry juice is that it prevents tooth decay. Proanthocyanidin, found in cranberries, stops the growth of bacteria that cause plaque. It also prevents the tooth decay that is caused  due to the formation of cavities. You can ensure good dental hygiene with a moderate consumption of cranberry juice in a day. The component called pathogenesis promotes good dental health. Unsweetened cranberry juice decreases the bacteria that are found in the mouth and causes bad breath.

5.) Fights Cancer

One of the most important benefits of cranberry juice is it prevents the risk of certain types of cancers. The proanthocyanidin in cranberries helps to remove and kill the growth of cancer cells in the body. It is medically proven that a diet rich in flavonoids reduces the chance of cancer. The anti-carcinogenic property in this juice reduces and removes the growth of cancer cells. It is very effective to treat colon and prostate cancer. It kills the micro-tumors in the blood cells and prevents their growth. Certain chemicals in cranberries thwart the incidence of breast cancer.

6.) Fights Common Infections

Cranberry juice is magically effective in curing viral attacks like flu, cold and sore throat. It also soothes the respiratory tract and removes the growth of certain germs. That are a common cause of respiratory infections. This is one of the most common benefits of cranberry juice. Several researches say that cranberry juice avoid damage caused in brain by neurological. It is also beneficial to treat and prevent other brain-related problems.

7.) Soothes Discomfort of Ulcers

The flavonoid present in cranberry juice reduces the risk of stomach disorders like peptic ulcer. As it eliminates the growth of the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori that causes infection in the stomach. There are several medical study claims that patients who consume cranberry juice twice in a day have magically eliminated this stomach problem. This is one of the best health benefits of cranberry juice.

8.) Prevents Scurvy

Cranberry juice contains high vitamin C content in that is extremely vital for the production of collagen in the body. It is very essential for the healthy functioning of the tissues. This prevents the occurrence of scurvy and other related diseases. You can intake 2 glasses of cranberry juice in day to solve scurvy problem.

9.) Soothes Inflammation

The anti-inflammatory properties of this juice magically treat the inflammation, particularly in lung, caused by the influenza virus. This is one of the known health benefits of cranberry juice. Non-dialyzable material present in cranberries prevents the virus from sticking to the cells. It effectively eliminate the chances of viral attack.

10.) Aids Weight Loss

Cranberry juice has an effectively effects on fat deposits  in the body. It helps to lose weight. The good amount of fiber content in cranberry juice is very essential part in weight loss. It also makes you feel that you are full and gives energy to stay without food. If you are following some kind of diet plans. You can intake 2 glasses of cranberry juice in a day. This could be the best health benefits of cranberry juice for those who are wishing to lose weight.

11.) Boosts Immunity

The juice of cranberries is a rich source of antioxidants and phytochemicals, which encourages the immune system. Once you the immune system is improved it ensure the overall health of your body. It also eases the ageing related problems like memory loss, lack of coordination and eye sight problem, etc. consider is the best health benefits of cranberry juice for older and aged people.

12.) Prevents Kidney Stones

It is very beneficial to avoid the risk of kidney stones. It is also medically proved that it helps to ease kidney stones related problems. The cranberry juice is a rich source of calcium that strengthens teeth and bones. It effectively reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis. The quinic acid present in cranberry juice is essential in preventing the problem of kidney stones

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