Benefits of Green Tea (Green Tea Uses With Benefits)

This article is about different benefits of green tea . Green tea is one of the most exploited ingredients or herbal drinks used for arrays of health ailments. It is among the healthiest beverage on earth. Green tea is loaded with lots of antioxidants and beneficial polyphenols. In Asia, mainly India and China, green tea has been in use for body ailments from ancient time. Earlier, this traditional herb was used to heal wounds, prevent bleeding, improve digestion, heart ailments and many other ailments. Modern researchers have explored and believe that green tea have quite positive effects on almost everything from liver disorder, diabetes, stress reliever for weight loss or maintaining weight. Around 15 percent people of America consume green tea. Green tea is loaded with a variety of essential properties. Further we are going to discuss some top benefits of green tea. Read the article and learn different benefits of green tea.

  • It contains the polyphenol such as flavonoids and catechins which are an excellent antioxidant agent.
  • Prevent formation of free radicals in your body.
  • Helps to protect cell and molecule from damage.
  • Contains a powerful substance known as Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) which makes this herbal tea so useful and effective.
  • It contains many essential minerals.
  • It is one of the perfect medicinal drinks.

Benefits of Green Tea:


1.) Maintain Weight With Green Tea

This is among the most popular benefits of green tea. Green tea is an excellent metabolism booster. It contains polyphenol which not only helps to promote fat oxidation, but also increase the rate at which the body converts food into calories. Several studies show  that green tea helps reduce body fat mainly in the abdominal area. The results may vary from person to person. But, this doesn’t mean that green tea is beneficial for overweight or obese people only. Anyone can drink it in order to maintain weight as well.


  • Drink at least 2 to 3 cups of green tea in a day to reduce or maintain weight.

2.) Maintains Sugar Level With Green Tea

Green tea benefits include regulating right glucose levels in the body. When we eat, the levels of blood sugar rise in the body. Drinking green tea after a meal slows down the rise of blood sugar. Thus, prevents high insulin spikes and fat storage. It is very useful remedy to treat treat diabetes.

3.) Heart Ailments With Green Tea

One of the green tea benefits is that it helps relax blood vessel in the body and prepare them to face fluctuations in the blood pressure. Green tea also helps prevent one against the development of clots. It also helps prevent spasm. Both clotting and spasm are among the main causes of heart attacks.

4.) Healthy Gums and Teeth With Green Tea

Green tea benefits are excellent for different dental problems. Green tea helps eliminate bacteria and germ, which in turn improves dental health and minimizes the risk of infection. Green tea contains a compound known as catechins. Catechin helps remove bacteria and discourages viruses like influenza virus. It also helps breaking down plaque formation which is mainly responsible for  cavities and tooth decay.

5.) Maintain Cholesterol Level With Green Tea

Another green tea benefits is that it helps maintain the right level of cholesterol in the body. There is both bad and good cholesterol present in the body. Green tea helps reducing the level of bad cholesterol along with increasing the level of friendly cholesterol. Polyphenols present in green tea prevents absorption of cholesterol. People who drink green tea regularly have lower levels of cholesterol level as compared to non green tea drinkers.

6.) Lower Risk of Cancer With Green Tea

This is one of the most important benefits of green tea. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells. Cancer is among the world’s leading causes of death. The oxidative damage is responsible for the development of cancer. As green tea is known to have antioxidant properties, it is quite helpful to reduce the risk of cancer. Drinking green tea has shown result in reducing risk of breast cancer, colorectal cancer and prostate cancer.


  • Drinking green tea 2 to 3 times a day regularly can keep the cancer at bay.
  • You can add honey for added benefits.

7.) Improves Brain Function With Green Tea

Green tea has some special compounds which improves the overall health of the brain. It improves your brain function and sharpens mind. The compound here we are talking about is caffeine. Caffeine is the ingredient which is also known as a stimulant. Although coffee is a rich source of caffeine and green tea does not contain as much caffeine as coffee do, but it is quite sufficient to generate a reaction without causing nerve effect associated with too much intake of caffeine.


  • Drink 2-3 cups of green tea regularly.
  • Avoid or reduce intake of coffee and replace it with green tea.

8.) Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Viral Properties of Green Tea

An active compound present in green tea known as catechins is a powerhouse of anti-bacterial and antiviral properties. These properties make green tea an effective home remedy to treat almost everything from influenza to cancer. These qualities are among the best green tea benefits. According to several studies, green tea puts an end to the spread of many diseases.

9.) Green Tea Promotes Skin Health

Green tea benefits also include uses for treating many skin problems like acne, dark circles, puffy eyes, open pores, etc.. It mainly helps to get rid of wrinkles and signs of aging. This is Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies done on human and animal shows promising results of green tea in skin care. The topical application of it can protect you from sun damage.

10.) Green Tea Benefits as a Stress Buster

Other than catechins, green tea also contains a compound known as thiamine which seems to show calming and relaxing effects mentally. It helps relax and calm your body and mind.


  • Although it depends on how much stressed you are, you may need to drink 5-6 cups of green tea in order to overcome your stress.
  • Make a habit of drinking green tea regularly to keep your mind stress free.

11.) Green Tea to Exfoliate Skin

Another green tea benefits include its role as an exfoliating remedy. Green tea leaves has a slight rough texture which helps exfoliate skin to eliminate dirt, dead skin cells, and other impurities.


  • Mix 1 tbsp of dried green tea, 1 cup of sugar, ½ cup of extra-virgin olive oil and 2 tbsp of raw honey.
  • Apply it on the face or any body part. Rub it gently in circular motions.
  • Finally, wash it off with warm water.
  • Apply this facial scrub 1-2 times a week.

12.) Green Tea Benefits as a Skin Complexion Enhancer

This is among the most celebrated benefits of green tea. Green tea enhances your skin complexion and skin health. It helps you get rid of toxins from the skin. It is also useful for healing scars and blemishes and minimizes inflammation. It even enhances the elasticity of the skin.


  • Scoop out the content of 2 used green tea bags.
  • Add 1-2 tsp of raw honey in it.
  • Add some lemon juice also.
  • Apply it on your face and leave it to sit for about 5-10 minutes.
  • Later, clean it off with lukewarm water.
  • Apply this face mask 1-2 times a week.
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