How to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes?

how to get rid of itchy eyes

After writing, how to get rid of a stye?, how to cure pink eye?, and how to get rid of red eye?, we will now discuss about itchy eyes and remedies to get rid of itchy eyes. Itchy eyes mean an unpleasant sensation or irritation in and around the eyes, eye allergies and allergic conjunctivitis. Itching in the eyes is a common problem. Itching in the eyes is caused due to various common reasons. In this article, we will tell you the ways to get rid of itchy eyes? Allergic conjunctivitis can happen at any age and they are more common in adults rather than children. It can be acute or chronic.

Types of Allergic Conjunctivitis:

  • First, seasonal conjunctivitis, which is common and happen only at certain times of the year. It occurs during spring and autumn season, by exposure to allergies in the air like pollen, trees, weeds and grass.
  • The other type is, perennial allergic conjunctivitis occurs throughout the year, by exposure to dust.

Causes of Itchy Eyes:

  • Bacterial infections.
  • Dryness of the eyes.
  • Sensitivity to certain cosmetic products.
  • Improper hygiene, while using contact lenses can induce itching.
  • Warm climate and pet dander increase itching of the eyes.
  • Eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis can cause itching of the eyes.

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes:


1.) Use The Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties that help to get rid of itchy eyes. The apple cider vinegar is a useful remedy for the various health problem, it also works effectively for treating itchy eyes. Apple cider vinegar helps to fight infection, which leads to eye itching. To use this remedy, take a cup of water and 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Mix one tbsp of apple cider vinegar in a cup of water and stir it well. Then wash your itchy eyes from this solution to get relief. Read article on uses of apple cider vinegar.

2.) Drink Plenty Of Water

Water is essential for our life. It connects with various problems and it works as a great remedy for treating various health problems. The more you consume water, it will give greater effects to you. It is important to drink plenty of water regularly to stay hydrated. It will help you to get relief from irritation and itchy eyes. Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day to keep your eyes hydrated. This will help you to prevent from itchy eyes. Read benefits of drinking water.

3.) Apply The Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera is a natural home remedy to get rid of itchy eyes. Use Aloe vera for getting great results, and to get relief from itchy eyes. Aloe vera not only works effectively for various health issues, it is also working effectively for treating itchy eyes and irritation. Follow these methods to use this natural remedy.

  • Take an Aloe vera leaf, a half cup of elderberry blossom tea and 1 tsp of honey. Cut the fresh Aloe Vera leaf and extract the gel from it.
  • Then mix the gel with a half cup of elderberry blossom tea and with 1 tsp of honey. Wash your eyes with this mixture. Repeat this daily at least 2 times a day until you won’t get relief.

4.) Use The Green Tea

Green tea is a beneficial remedy to get rid of itchy eyes. This tea contains anti-inflammatory properties, which are not only beneficial for other health issues related to skin, hair and stomach. In fact, it is a beneficial remedy for itchy eyes and irritation too. Follow these methods.

  • Take a cup of distilled water and 2 green tea bags. Boil 2 green tea bags in a cup of distilled water. Make a tea of it and wash your eyes when it will get cold.
  • Then when it will get cool then wash off your eyes through this green tea. Wash your eyes through this remedy 2-3 times a day.

5.) Use The Cucumber Slices

Cucumber is the finest remedy to get rid of itchy eyes. It contains cooling properties that help in the reduction of swelling and irritation of the eyes. Cucumber not only reduces dark circles of the eyes, it also helps to get rid of itchy eyes and for quick relief. Methods to use this remedy are given below.

  • Take a cucumber and a knife. Clean the cucumber properly and make thin slices of it.
  • Put the slices of cucumber into a refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then put the cooled slices of cucumber on your eyes. Repeat this remedy 3-4 times a day.

6.) Fenugreek Seeds Will Help

Fenugreek is an excellent remedy for itchy eyes. It is known as a natural ingredient, which you can use to prevent from itchy eyes. Fenugreek seeds are beneficial for itchy eyes. Follow this remedy to get rid of itchy eyes. Use these methods to get relief.

  • Take some fenugreek seeds and some cold water. Soak fenugreek seeds in water for 10 hours. Then grind the seeds with water to make a thick paste of it.
  • Apply, fenugreek seeds paste on your eyes for 15 minutes. Then rinse it with cold water. Repeat this method at least 2 times a day.

7.) Use The Cold Compress

Cold compress gives greater effects to get rid of itchy eyes faster. For instant relief, use cold compresses for reducing  redness and itching of the eye. Use chamomile tea bags for the cold compress. Take some ice cold water and a cloth. Soak a cloth into the ice cold water. Then apply it on your eyes, it will give you relief. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day. You can also place chamomile tea bags on your eyes.

8.) Use The Raw Potatoes

If you are facing a problem with itchy eyes. If there is any trouble with itching eyes, then raw potatoes are the best option for treating your eyes. Use this remedy to get relief from itchy eyes. Methods to use.

  • Take a raw, cleaned potato and cut it into thin round slices. Then keep the thin slices into a refrigerator for 10 minutes.
  • Then put the slices of cold potato on your eyes for 20-25 minutes. Repeat this process 2-3 times a day.

9.) Use The Baking Soda

Use baking soda as a remedy for itchy eyes. Baking soda helps to fight infections and it also soothes the eyes. Follow these methods to use this remedy.

  • Take ½ cup of water and ¼ tsp of baking soda. Add ¼ tsp of baking soda into a ½ cup of water. Make a solution of it.
  • Then rinse off your eyes with this solution thoroughly. Repeat this remedy until you won’t get relief.

10.) Cold Milk to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes

Milk is known as the best remedy for itchy eyes. It works as a cold compress too. Cold milk will give you relief from itching. Use this best home remedy to get instant relief from irritation. Use these methods  to get amazing effects.

  • Take a glass of cold milk and a cotton ball. Dip the cotton ball in cold water. Rub the cotton ball around your eyes.
  • Keep the cotton on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day to get instant relief.

11.) Use The Chamomile

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of itchy eyes. The anti-allergenic effects of chamomile help to relieve itchy eyes. Chamomile stops the release of histamine, which prevents an allergic reaction that can cause itchiness in the eyes. It also helps to get rid of tired eyes and makes them look fresh and sparkling. Follow the instructions given below to treat itchy eyes.

  • In one cup of hot water, soak a chamomile tea bag. Steep it in hot water for the next 5 to 10 minutes. Take out the tea bag and leave it to cool down a little. Wash your eyes with cool tea 2 to 3 times a day.
  • Alternatively, keep used chamomile tea bags in the refrigerator for about half an hour. Keep these tea bags one by one on your eyes for the next 10 minutes. Repeat this treatment 4 times a day for quick recovery.

12.) Rose Water to Treat Itchy Eyes

This is one of the most natural remedies to treat itchy eyes. The soothing and cooling properties of rose water help to relieve itchy eyes. Rose water is a natural relaxer for tired eyes. It reduces dark circles and eye puffiness. Follow the instructions given below to reduce the itchiness of the eyes.

  • Wash your face with pure rose water two times a day. Soak 2 cotton balls in pure rose water. Place these soaked cotton balls on the eyes. Leave it for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Do this thrice a day to reduce the itchiness.
  • Alternatively, you can use rose water as eye drops. This is perfect for treating inflamed eyes. Repeat this method twice a day to get rid of itchy eyes.

13.) Saline Solution to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes

This is one of the most effective methods to get rid of itchy eyes. It is an excellent choice to treat painful and itchy eyes. The antibacterial properties in salt help to kill the bacteria that is responsible for itchy eyes. The combination of salt and water is perfect for irritated and inflamed eyes. Follow the instructions given below to treat itchy eyes.

  • Boil one pint of water. Leave it to cool down and then mix one teaspoon of salt in it. Stir it until the salt gets dissolved completely.
  • Wash your eyes with this water. Do this several times a day to reduce itchiness in the eyes.

Tip: Make sure that the water in not too hot as it can damage your eyes and use separate cotton balls for both the eyes.

14.) Castor Oil to Treat Itchy Eyes

The moisturizing properties of castor oil make it an effective remedy to get rid of itchy eyes. It is an excellent choice for dry and itchy eyes. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties present in castor oil helps to fight eye infections which are responsible for causing itching. Castor oil moisturizes the eye lashes and helps them to grow fast. Follow the instructions given below to treat itchy eyes.

  • Keep a cotton ball in your refrigerator for 15 to 20 minutes. Use an eye dropper to put cold castor oil in your eyes. Do this daily at the night before sleeping. Do this daily to moisturize your eyes.
  • Alternatively, if you are suffering from eye conditions such as blepharitis, then clean the outside of your eyelids with a cotton ball soaked in castor oil. Now, place a warm cloth over the eyelids for the next 20 minutes. Repeat this method few times a day to get rid of itchy eyes.

15.) Vegetable Juices to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes

This is one of the most effective methods to get rid of irritated and itchy eyes. Raw vegetable juices can be very beneficial in treating eye problems. Carrot and spinach juices are very effective to get rid of eye problems such as inflamed, irritated and itchy eyes. All you need to do is big glass of carrot juice made up from fresh carrots. Drink it 2 times a day to treat eye problems.

Take fresh spinach leaves and extract out the juice. Drink this juice on a regular basis for the good health of eyes. You can even make a juice combined of carrots and spinach. Drink this juice 2 times a day to get desired results.

16.) Witch Hazel to Treat Itchy Eyes

This is one of the amazing home remedies to get relieve from itchy eyes. The astringent and anti-inflammatory properties present in witch hazel helps to minimize the irritation and swelling in the eyes. It is an excellent choice to get rid of the itching sensation in the eyes. Follow the instructions given below to get rid of itchy eyes.

  • Soak a cotton ball in a solution of witch hazel. Use this cotton ball to wipe the edge of your upper eyelid. Repeat the same thing with your lower eyelid.
  • Use another cotton ball for another eye. Repeat this process twice a day continuously for a few days.

17.) Warm Milk and Honey to Get Rid of Itchy Eyes

This is one of the best combinations to treat itchy eyes. Honey contains anti-bacterial properties which help to kill the bacteria that cause eye infection. The antibacterial properties of honey and the soothing properties of milk will work together to treat conjunctivitis and other eye infections. Follow the instructions given below to treat itchy eyes.

  • Mix equal parts of warm milk and honey. You don’t have to use boiling milk. Keep stirring the milk until the honey in it becomes smooth.
  • With the help of an eye dropper drop 2 to 3 drops of this liquid in your eyes several times a day. Repeat this several times a day to get rid of itchy eyes.

18.) Frozen Vegetables to Treat Itchy Eyes

This is one of the best methods to treat itchy eyes. It is an excellent cold compress for itchy eyes. The coolness is trapped in the cells of frozen vegetables for a longer period of time. The benefit of this method is that you don’t need to change the cloths again and again. Follow the instructions given below to treat itchy eyes.

  • Take some round shaped vegetables in the freezer for one full night. Wrap these vegetables in a cotton cloth. Use this cloth as a cold compress on your eyes.
  • You can even drink vegetable juices made up from frozen vegetables. Vegetable juices will strengthen the immune system and helps to get rid of allergies fast.

Other Useful Tips to Prevent Itchy Eyes:

  • Always wear sunglasses when going out in the sun.
  • Don’t rub your eyes as it can make your situation worse.
  • Avoid using eye makeup or contact lenses with any other person.
  • Don’t use expired eye drops.
  • Give your eyes a break. Don’t strain your eyes.
  • Do regular exercise to remove the toxins from the body through sweat.
  • Rinse your eyes daily with rose water to ease down inflammation and itching sensation.
  • Don’t touch your eyes frequently as it can increase the chances of bacterial infection.
  • Drink lemon juice to remove the toxins from the body through urination.
  • Wash your eyes with cold water several times a day.
  • You can use artificial tears to refresh your eyes.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses for a longer period of time.
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