How to Make Barley Water at Home?

This article is about the ways to make barley water at home. Barley is a part of the grass family and a major cereal grain. This whole grain is similar to wheat berries, but it is lighter in color. It is particularly versatile with its rich nut-like taste and an interesting chewy consistency. It is used as hay for animals. It is also used in stews and soups. On being fermented, barley is used as an element in beer and certain condensed beverages. Barley grains are also rich in maltose, which is made into malt and used as syrup sweeteners.

Barley is a whole grain loaded with vitamin B-complex, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium manganese, zinc, protein, copper, amino acids, beta-glucans dietary fiber and various antioxidants. You can gather the health benefits of this resourceful grain not just by counting it in your diet, but also by making a healthy drink known as barley water. Drinking barley water regularly helps keep many health problems at bay. It also boosts your body. When it comes to consuming barley water, you can add it to your salads, steamed vegetables, and stews.

Benefits of Barley Water:

1.) Lowers Cholesterol

Barley is high in insoluble fiber, which is considered good for reducing cholesterol levels. It decreases the risk of heart disease. It also helps prevent the absorption of cholesterol from the food. Beta glucose in barley has been found beneficial for reducing the cholesterol, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol as well.

2.) Maintains Skin Elasticity

Barley consists of selenium, which keeps the skin elasticity and prevents it from free radical damage. Selenium also helps improves the working of the pancreas, heart and immune system. The lack of selenium leads to colon, liver, prostate, stomach, skin and breast cancers.

3.) Treats UTIs

Consumption of barley water is a great remedy to treat UTI (urinary tract infections) problems. It acts as a natural diuretic, which helps increases urination. It also helps flush all the toxins and other infections causing bacteria out of the body. Moreover, it contains anti-inflammatory properties which are beneficial to clean your kidneys, high creatinine levels, and kidney stones. To fight against UTI, drink several cups of barley water to maintain your body health.

4.) Restores Hair Colour

The regular consumption of green barley grass helps in re-establishing your hair color. Moreover, barley contains the mineral copper that is concerned with the development of melanin.

5.) Controls Diabetes

Barley water is excellent for treating diabetes because it helps in stabilizing blood glucose levels. The beta-glucans in barley help reduce the absorption of glucose after a meal. It decreases the rise in insulin and glucose.

6.) Beats the Summer Heat

Barley water is superb for reducing dehydration and providing relief from the summer heat. In addition to hydrating the body, it helps lessen internal body heat, due to its natural soothing and cooling properties. In addition, this healthy drink provides nutrition and enhances blood flow.

Ways to Make Barley Water at Home:

1.) Method 1 to Make Barley Water at Home

It is best to make your own barley water at home instead of buying barley water from the shop. Packaged barley water is loaded with sugar and synthetic preservatives. To make barley water, select the best quality brand of barley. Here’s a simple method that you can use to make your own barley water:

  • Boil 1 kg of barley pearls into 3 volumes of water until they become soft.
  • Strain and collect the barley extract.
  • You can add an orange or lemon juice for taste.
  • You can also add 2 teaspoons of brown sugar to sweeten it.

Store it in the refrigerator, as it can last for a longer period of time. The dry barley pods can be stored up  to a year. When barley pearls are cooked, they soak the water up and become soft and bigger in size. This works for condensed soups, gravies, and stews.

2.) Method 2 to Make Barley Water at Home

The following ingredients are necessary for Making barley water at home:

  • Take 1 cup organic pearl barley and 5 cups of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Strain the water and add 1 or ½ of Lemon juice.
  • For better taste, add honey – 1 tablespoon, Cinnamon stick, Root Ginger (flavorings are optional).
  • Let it cool down.
  • If you want to store it, then refrigerate it and use it for a longer period. Yet, it is recommended to drink the fresh barley water when required.

3.) Method 3 to Make Barley Water at Home

This is the easiest barley water method for weight loss. Now, read it carefully and learn hoe to make it tastier. Adding flavors is your call to make the barley water tastier.

  • Take water in a pot and add barley, a cinnamon stick, a clove of garlic and chopped root ginger and boil them together.
  • Cool it and strain the mixture.
  • Sip it hot or cold, the way you like it.
  • Avoid adding lemon or honey while boiling as they bring out a sour taste.
  • Add them later after the water cools down.
  • You can use various flavors like mint leaves, lime juice or orange.
  • Serve it chilled or hot, it’s always better to serve chilled as a smoothie. You can also preserve it for later usage.

How to Include Barley in Your Diet?

1.) Barley and Lentil Soup

Here is a hearty and healthy barley soup, you should include in your healthy breakfast menu to lose weight. This is one of the best methods to enjoy barley nourishment. It mixes the goodness of the protein-rich lentils with high-fiber vegetables.


  • Lentils – 1 Cup
  • Barley – 1/2 Cup
  • Chopped Carrots, Mushrooms and Celery– 1 Cup
  • Tomato Paste – 1 tbsp
  • Onions – 1 Cup
  • Vegetable Broth – 6 Cups
  • Finely Chopped Parsley – 1 tbsp
  • Bay Leaf – 1
  • Black Pepper – 1/2 tsp
  • Salt to taste


Put some onions and fry it in a frying pan with 4 garlic using olive oil. Now, add some vegetable broth, barley, lentils, bay leaf and tomato paste. Boil this mixture for 60 minutes at low heat or till the lentils are warm. Mix it well, add a tsp of pepper, salt and parsley and put off the flame. This helps you fulfill the necessary nutrients for the body.

2.) Barley Water for Weight Loss

Losing weight is a battle that people are coping every day. People are ready to try all to reduce a few kilos. Barley is well known for weight loss and it is one of the best natural home remedies for weight loss. It is best to make barley water at home instead of purchasing the barley water, from the shop as they may be full of artificial sugar and preservatives. Here is a very simple and easy recipe to make your own barley water. First, boil some amount of water and add 1 kg of barley pearls in it. Let the mixture cool down. Strain the water and add 2 tsp of orange juice or lemon juice or you can also add some vanilla extracts for better taste and add benefits. Also add honey or brown sugar to sweeten it.

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