How to Remove Pimples? (Fast & Natural Ways)

After writing, how to remove blackheads?, how to get rid of whiteheads?, and how to get rid of acne?, we are now writing how to remove pimples fast and naturally? Is probably a million dollar question, whose answer every girl seeks for! Why only girls, even boys get pimples. The condition is quite common in both the genders. However, people with the oily skin are more vulnerable to pimples and acne. As these skin problems are a result of the access oil produced by the oil glands known as sebaceous glands. Nevertheless, you need not worry anymore, since we have brought amazing home remedies to remove pimples fast and naturally without leaving any scar or marks. These remedies are cheap, effective, tested and tried not once but millions of time. Read more, to know the best remedies to remove pimples.

Best Ways to Remove Pimples Fast and Naturally:


1.) Use The White Toothpaste

Yes, toothpaste! It is the instant remedy to remove pimples and acne. However, white toothpaste is more beneficial as compared to other gel based or color toothpaste. The fluoride present in the white toothpaste has cooling effects and it is antibacterial also. It can be used as an emergency pimple or acne treatment. The main ingredient of the toothpaste is peppermint and it helps to dry the pimple. However, make sure that you apply only the white toothpaste. It contains fluoride but gel based or color toothpaste contains ingredients, that can make the condition worst.

Apply small amount of white toothpaste on the pimple before going to the bed and rinse it thoroughly next morning. This will give the ample time to toothpaste to work upon pimple all night. It ensures the treatment faster and effective. This can even help you to remove the pimple in one night.

2.) Use Tea Tree Oil

Another home remedy, which comes handy for treating pimples is tea tree oil. It is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and natural astringent. It inhibits the growth of bacteria present in a pimple and reduce pimple redness. Its soothing properties treat the inflammation and give you clean and clear skin in a few days. Tea tree oil is too strong and you cant apply it directly on your skin. You can dilute it by adding equal drops of water or olive oil. 

Apply the diluted tea tree oil on the pimple with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10-12 minutes and then rinse it off with normal water. Follow this remedy regularly to remove pimples. You can also mix a few drops of tea tree oil with aloe vera gel and apply it over the pimples. Let it stay till it dries and then rinse it off. Read article on tea tree oil for acne.

3.) Use The Lemon Effectively

This citrus fruits loaded with Vitamin C that has healing properties. It dries the fluid present in the pimples and the regular application helps you to goodbye even the pimple marks. However, use fresh lemon’s juice since bottled lime juice may worsen the condition as they contain some preservatives. Apply fresh lemon’s juice on the pimple with the help of the cotton ball or Q-Tip. Rinse it off when it dries. However, do a patch test before applying it as some people are allergic to lemon. 

Do this regularly before you go to bed but wash it before you sleep. Another way of treating pimple is, mix a few drops of lemon juice with cinnamon powder and apply it on the pimple before going to sleep. Also, to keep the pimples at the bay include food rich in Vitamin C in your diet.

4.) Take Help From Garlic

The antiseptic, antiviral and fungal properties present in the garlic makes it one of the best remedies for pimples removal. Also, the sulfur present in it speeds up the healing process. Crush a fresh clove of garlic and add a few drops of water in it to make the fine paste and apply it on the affected area. Let the garlic work on the skin for a few minutes. Then rinse it with the lukewarm water. Repeat this remedy regularly until the pimples subside. Also, chewing a fresh clove of garlic early in the morning with the empty stomach is very beneficial for skin and stomach as well.

5.) Steam Out The Pimples

Steam is a wonderful remedy for oily skin. It opens the pores and prevents the oil, dirt and bacteria, which are clogged in the pores. Clogged pores are the main cause of a pimple. It treats the infection and reduces the inflammation. Fill warm water in a big bowl. You can add essential oils such as peppermint or lavender oils in it to enhance its effects and for a soothing aroma. Take a towel and cover your face and bowl in such a manner that steam does not leak outside. Inhale the steam for a few minutes and then rinse your face with lukewarm water and followed by the gentle scrub and face pack or ice pack to close the open pores.

6.) Use The Ice Pack

Another alternative for removing pimples at home is an ice pack. An ice pack 2-3 times a day helps you to bid goodbye to a pimple. It improves the blood circulation and tightens the pores. Moreover, it makes your skin supple. Also, it is advised to dab ice pack on the face before the make-up as it keeps the make intact. In a washcloth wrap a few ice cubes and dab it over the affected area. Continue this 2-3 times until you find encouraging results. However, do not apply the ice cubes directly on the pimple.

7.) Use The Papaya

Papaya is packed with the enzymes and antioxidants that help you to remove pimples. It reduces the inflammation and redness around a pimple. It also removes the tanning and gives glowing skin as never before. Gently rub a slice of papaya over a pimple. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it off as soon as it dries. You can also make an exfoliating face pack by mixing honey in the pulp of papaya. Apply it over the affected area and rinse it off after some time. Do this regularly to get a pimple free skin.

8.) Apply The Honey

Honey is a natural moisturizer and it is loaded with antibiotics which inhibit the growth of the bacteria and speed up the process of healing. Apply honey on the pimples with the Q-tip. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water. Alternatively, mix some cinnamon powder in the honey and apply it on the pimples. Wash it when it dries. Follow this remedy regularly to remove the pimples. Read article on honey for acne.

9.) Use The Cucumber

Cucumber is packed with the high content of water and potassium. These both ingredients will help to remove pimples. It reduces the swelling and redness around a pimple. Moreover, it has cooling effects that soothe the skin and helps you to get rid of the inflammation. Rub a slice of fresh cucumber (taken out from a refrigerator) over a pimple. Also, drink cucumber juice for a healthy and radiant skin.

10.) Try Aspirin Paste

The pill, which you pop in to get rid of a headache can be used to remove pimples, acne, blackheads and whiteheads. It inhibits the growth of the infection and removes a pimple overnight. In a small bowl crush 1-2 aspirin peels. Add a few drops of water into it to get a smooth thick paste. Apply this paste on the affected skin area. Leave it for a few minutes and then rinse it off. P.S- Do not use more than 3-4 aspirins.

11.) Use The Olive Oil

Olive oil is packed with the iron, vitamins and anti-oxidants. Moreover, it has calming properties which treat the inflammation. You can use it to cure the breakouts and pimples scars as well. Apply olive oil on your affected skin before going to the bed. Next day rinse it off with the cold water. Do this regularly to get rid of the pimples.

12.) Baking Soda Paste

Last but not least, baking soda. It exfoliates the skin and rips off the extra oil, dirt and dead skin from the skin. The accumulation of dirt and extra oil leads to a pimple or acne. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with few drops of water or fresh lemon juice. Apply this paste on the pimple and rinse it off with warm water as soon as it dries. Do this regularly until the pimples bid goodbye. Read article on baking soda for acne.

13.) Fuller’s Earth

We are surrounded with so many natural things that are meant to take care of our skin, hair and body. Fuller’s earth is also one of those, it is found from the volcano ashes decomposition. It is a natural cleanser, oil absorbing component and have antiseptic agents. Mix a 2 spoons of fuller’s earth powder mix it with a rose water and cucumber water to make a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and affected area and wait till it becomes dry and rinse it properly.

14.) Use Home Made Face Packs

Mix 3 to 4 spoons of yoghurt with ½ spoon of turmeric (natural anti-bacterial). Apply it on pimple before going to bed. Rinse it after  15  to 20 minutes. Take 2 spoons of sandalwood powder and mix it with mint juice decide the thickness of the paste that it get a coated on your face like a normal face pack does and apply on a face for 10 to  15 minutes.

Honey is a natural anti-septic which helps strongly in cleansing the skin and make it glowing and pimple free. Apply it on your face before you go to bed and rinse it once you feel it dry. Mix 2 spoons of honey with 4 to 5 pinches of cinnamon powder, apply it on face, keep it for 15 minutes and rinse it off before you go to bed.

15.) Black Pepper Magic

Black pepper it is famous Asian spices is very helpful in getting rid of pimples. It has antibacterial and antiseptic. It is very effective that it can heal a pimple overnight. Take 3 to 4 black pepper and make a powder mix it with a few drops of water and apply it on pimples leave it for a night you will surely find drastic results.

16.) Drink Plenty of Water

Drink lots of water, it’s a natural cleanser for our body as it flushes out all the impurities from our body. Along with this, water has a very unique property that it absorb bacteria or virus from its surrounding. So, when the body will get enough water it will absorb all the bacteria and flush it out from the body. Drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water per day.

17.) Maintain Proper Hygiene

Lack of hygiene is the main cause of many skin problems. A pimple is the result of an excess of sebum and dirt in pores. We can easily avoid it all by just washing and cleansing our face frequently. If you are using any cosmetics or soap to wash you face then don’t overuse it in order not to over dry your skin. You should use these products twice a day and at other time just wash your face with normal water. You can either use plain water or add essential oils, lemon or aloe juice.

18.) Practice Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is the best way to remove pimples as it will heal your body from inside. It has a power to vanish all body problems, so practice yoga to balance your hormones and meditation to be stress free. Try to do some exercise that sweats your body this will help you to bring out impurity of your body.

19.) Do Not Use Medicines

Today there are several ways to remove pimples, but using medicine and treatments like laser operations do have side effects. Try natural things that do not have side effects. There are many evidences, which show people who go for medical treatment or any other come up with a serious problem like scars, more pimples and skin problems.  

20.) Bedtime Tips

Keep your skin clean and clear before going to bed it will help to open the blocked pores of skin and this will allow the skin to breath. Make sure you clean your make-up before you go to sleep. Use a toner to clean your makeup. Apply home made packs at night, this will clean the skin and remove oil. Change your pillow covers and bed sheet after 2 days. If pimples are on face avoid putting oil on head at night.

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