Weight Loss Diet Plan (For Women & Men)

Today, every second person is obsessed with losing weight to regain a good body posture. We usually think that weight loss is very difficult and is impossible. However, with lots of enthusiasm and little hard work are enough to lose weight fast and naturally. Weight loss diet plan is simply a balanced diet plan that includes every nutrient needed for proper body functioning. A good diet plan does not mean to exclude foods containing fat, but a right amount of every nutrient is a must. If you have already tried everything possible on this planet then it’s time to look after a diet plan to lose weight naturally. The first step to losing weight is to lower the calories intake.

We have become more health conscious from the past two decades. People of all age groups want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and to have a superb looking body. However, it is not easy for us to maintain an ideal body weight as we often end up eating a variety of food items that contain loads of sugar and fat. Many people think that joining a gym is the only way to lose weight. It’s a completely wrong thinking that only a few hours of workout can help you to lose weight quickly. However, if you are on a high calories diet then all the efforts you are putting in the gym is sad, of no use. If you are on a good diet plan with no workout then this will also not help you either. You have to trade off between diet and workout to look physically better.

Weight Loss Diet Plan Advantages:

The weight loss diet plan has many advantages. The aim of a diet plan is to gain a healthy body. By following a good diet plan you can expect the following things:

  • You will lose around 5 to 8 kilograms in few weeks or in one month.
  • You will get a naturally glowing and well-toned skin.
  • Elimination of toxins will make you feel more energetic and active.
  • Reduces the flab around the waist and tummy to gain a good body posture.

Best Weight Loss Diet Plan:


1.) Eat Protein, Fat and Vegetables for Weight Loss Diet Plan

Food containing protein, fat, and vegetables are the best weight loss diet plan. The food you take on a regular basis should include essential protein, fat, and low carbs vegetables. For many people, only a good diet plan could help them to reduce weight significantly. The diet plan including these components will effectively maintain the recommended range of 20-50 grams of nutrients per day.

There are many healthy foods that are high in protein including eggs, meat, fish, and seafood. The benefit of eating protein is that it improves the metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day. Consumption of food that is high in protein also reduces the desire snacks, such that you automatically eat 500 fewer calories per day. Protein intake is the best way to lose weight. The low-carb vegetables include broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, cucumber, and celery. You should not afraid to eat a large amount of these vegetables. A diet plan that includes both vegetables and meat contains all the essential vitamins, fiber, and mineral. When it comes to balanced diet then fat can’t be ignored. Some of the good sources of fat are coconut oil, olive oil, butter, and avocado oil.

2.) Leafy Vegetables and Spinach for Weight Loss Diet Plan

There are different types of green leafy vegetables that are really useful in weight loss. Green leafy vegetables like spinach, basella, drumstick plant leaves, colocasia leaves, mustard leaves, fenugreek leaves are easily available and contain essential fibers and folate. They are the great source of water and are very low in fat so they must be consumed on a regular basis to reduce weight. These green leafy vegetables will help you to improve metabolic rate and digestion. Cabbage, broccoli, and lettuce should also be included in the weight loss diet plan.

3.) Oat for Weight Loss Diet Plan

There is no other way to start your day than having a bowl full of healthy oats. It is the healthiest diet that you have ever eaten. It is now becoming one of the best ingredients that should be included in an effective weight loss diet plan. A person on dieting should love to prepare their breakfast, which includes oats. Oats help in reducing cholesterol, weight, controlling high blood pressure as well as the risk of heart diseases. It also controls Type-2 diabetes and boosts immune system of the body.

4.) Fruits for Weight Loss Diet Plan

If this is your first day of dieting then it could be a tough day for you. Keep yourself away from all kinds of cravings as you will be consuming fruits only. Each and every fruit is linked with some kind of good nutrients, but there are some fruits you should not consume like mangoes, banana, and grapes. You can consume fruits in any quantity you like. It is recommended that you should consume more lime, oranges, watermelon, apples, pomegranates, melons and strawberries. There are no limits on the iteration, you can even eat 25 times also, but only fruits.

5.) Green Vegetable Shakes for Weight Loss Diet Plan

The weight loss diet plan will not be effective if healthy fruits and vegetables shakes are ignored. A green vegetable shake is a powerhouse of an antioxidant. A cup of green tea every day can increase the rate of metabolism while broccoli and cauliflower contain enzymes that help in burning unwanted fat. Pineapple can also be added for a good taste and to provide vital antioxidants and vitamin C. If you want to burn more fat then use caffeinated green tea. If you only want antioxidant’s benefits then go for decaf green tea. Ingredients required are two cauliflower florets, three broccoli florets, two pineapples spears and green tea. Blend all ingredients for two minutes and enjoy the shake daily in the morning.

6.) Beet Root Juice for Weight Loss Diet Plan

After a healthy shake, this is the time to introduce a great diet juice, beetroot juice. The juice will help you with weight loss and it must be a part of any weight loss diet plan. It is loaded with vital nutrients and contains zero cholesterol or fat. While exercising, it will help you burn more calories and give you the strength and stamina to do more rigorous workouts. A glass of beetroot juice every day in the morning will help you lose weight fast and naturally. It must be included in a weight loss diet plan.

Additional Tips for Weight Loss Diet Plan:

  • To supercharge weight loss, skip the half cup of quinoa allowed per day in the diet.
  • Substitute cinnamon for sugar.
  • Eat one apple per day as a snack when you’re in need of something sweet.
  • You don’t have to focus on improving your diet habits. All the nutrients should be taken in moderation.
  • Routine exercise will help to maintain your body.
  • Have a balanced diet plan with a daily dose of minerals, vitamins, fiber, proteins, carbohydrates, and fat.
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