Home Remedies For Bruises Treatment

Looking for some home remedies for bruises? You have come to the right place. Bruises can be characterized as a discoloration of the skin from an injury caused due to a simple bump or a serious blow to any part of the body. Bruises caused by an injury do not break the outer skin, but break the blood vessel underneath the skin. This damage to the blood vessel cause blood to clot in the injured area and tends to result in discoloration of the skin. This discoloration of skin is called bruises.

Types of Bruises:

1.) Subcutaneous Bruise

Subcutaneous means Just beneath the skin. When blood vessels are ruptured just beneath the skin, it is known as a subcutaneous bruise. These are the most common and mild bruises which we get. The causes of these bruises are, bumping on a hard surface, blow to the body, cuts, burns, bites, etc. These are easy to treat with simple home remedies.

2.) Intramuscular Bruise

Intramuscular means underlying muscle. When there is a damage to the vessels within the muscles, mainly those which are closest to the skin. These can be severe bruises. The causes behind these types of bruises are, muscle pulled from running, walking, playing some sports, sprain etc. With little know how, you can treat these type of bruise with some simple home remedies.

3.) Periosteal Bruise

Periosteal bruises are the most severe one. These types of blemish occur within bones and the blood vessels around the bone. You must seek medical treatment if you are suffering from periosteal bruises. These bruises are caused by accidents, sporting injuries, repetitive twisting.

Causes of Bruised Skin:

  • Animal or insect bites
  • Falling, tripping, stumbling Burns
  • Injuries in athletics or sports activities.
  • Medicinal side effects
  • Road accidents
  • Cuts from sharp object.
  • Cracked or broken bone
  • Blow to the body

Symptoms of Bruised Skin:

  • Discoloration of skin. At first it can be reddish, after few hours it can turn to blue or purple. As it heals the color may turn to yellow or green. It changes color till it is completely healed.
  • A bruise is generally sensitive to pain, Sometimes a lot painful initially. Pain starts to get reduce as it heals.
  • Swelling in the bruised area.
  • Bruises along with bleeding from gums, blood in urine, stool, nose, mouth.


Home Remedies for Bruises:

1.) Lift the Affected Area to Treat Bruised Skin

If possible you can simply raise the bruised area. Suppose if your hand is bruised, you just need to lift the bruised area above your heart. Lifting will help in reducing the blood flow to the bruised area. As when we get bruises the blood towards the affected area which creates blood clotting. So by lifting the bruised area above our heart, we are actually slowing down the blood circulation onto the bruised area which help to prevent blood clotting and discoloration of the skin.

2.) Icing as a Remedy to Get Rid of Bruised Skin

Ice is one of the best home remedies for bruises. The Icing must be done initially for the first few days every few hours for 15 minutes. It will considerably reduce the inflammation in the affected area and also helps to reduce swelling. Timely icing will help to get rid of bruises quickly. Just take a few cubes of ice in a vessel or wrap it up in a piece of cloth. Hold it against the bruised area for about 15 minutes. Instead of ice you can use a cold vessel as well. Just keep the vessel in the freezer for around 20 minutes. Then, keep it on the affected area for 15 minutes. Regular icing will help prevent bruise fast.

3.) Warm Compress as a Remedy for Bruised Skin

Warm compress is suitable after reducing the swelling and inflammation with icing. Thus, it is one of the best remedies for bruises treatment. You can use a warm compress to the bruised area after icing for a couple of days. Just make sure when you use warm compress, it’s not too hot, it should be bearable. To apply warm compress you can use a cloth. Make the cloth warm by holding it against a hot, dry vessel. Then place this warm compress on the bruised part for a few seconds and repeat again. Applying the warm compress will help increase the blood circulation to the bruised part and helps you get rid of bruised skin fast.

4.) Parsley as a Remedy for Bruises

Parsley is known to have fine anti-inflammatory properties which decreases inflammation and swelling in the bruised area. It is quite helpful in increasing the process of healing. Just take an adequate amount of fresh parsley leaves and pound them well. Spread this leaves over the bruised skin. After spreading, wrap it with an elastic bandage. Application of this remedy will help fade bruise faster.

5.) Bromelain as a Remedy to get Rid of Bruises

Bromelain is an enzyme which helps our body to break down the protein and also helps in digesting it. Bromelain helps efficiently in curing painful injuries. It is also useful for treating inflammation and swelling. Bromelain can be found in pineapple or papaya. You may even take bromelain tablets. Just eat 2-3 serving of pineapple or papaya in a day. Alternatively, you can take pineapple or papaya juice as well. Applying juice or crushed bromelain tablet’s paste (mixed with warm water) directly on the bruises is also very beneficial to get rid of bruises faster.

6.) Tamarind as a Remedy for Bruises

Tamarind is known for curing many health diseases. This is also one of the most amazing remedies for bruises treatment. It is generally used in Ayurvedic medicines. For this remedy, just take some fresh tamarind and boil them in the water. Massage the bruise with this water. Massaging will help in promoting blood circulation to the affected area. It will also help in speeding up the healing process. Another method is to make a thick paste of tamarind using water. Add 2-3 pinch of turmeric to it. Heat this mixture and apply it gently to the bruise. Wrap it up with cotton for a few hours before removing it. You can also keep it for overnight to get rid of bruises faster.

7.) Comfrey Leaves as a Remedy for Bruises

This is one of the most effective remedies for bruises treatment. Comfrey leaves are long lasting herbs which have been in use for many years. It has great anti-inflammatory properties. It helps heal wounds faster and also promote new cell growth. For this remedy, simply take some fresh leaves blend them with sufficient amount of water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste to the bruised part. Leave it on for some time to get dry. If you want, you can apply another  layer on it. Let it also get dry. Finally, wash the skin with lukewarm water.

8.) Citrus Fruits as a Remedy for Bruises

Citrus fruits are known to have plenty of Vitamin C in them. Vitamin C helps to promote tissue generation which heals the skin inflammation also reduces the bruise’s mark fast. You can eat Vitamin-C rich food like oranges, Peppers, Cauliflower, sweet potatoes, mangoes, broccoli, etc. On the other hand, you can take Vitamin C tablets Orally or can even apply crushed tablets mixed in lukewarm water as a paste.

9.) Turmeric as a Remedy for Bruises

Turmeric is considered to be one of the best home remedies for bruises and many other skin ailments. It is known for healing wounds and injuries faster. Just take ½ tsp of turmeric in a cup of milk (100% fat) and mix it well. Drink it twice a day for positive results. You can even apply a paste of turmeric and milk on the bruises directly. Turmeric not only help internally but also helps externally in speeding up the healing process.

10.) Arnica as a Remedy for Bruise Treatment

Arnica is considered to be an effective antibiotic. It has various uses in bruises, sprains, aches, bites and other body ailments. It helps effectively in relieving pain in sever and old bruises. Just take some fresh arnica leaves and blend them with lukewarm water to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on the affected part and leave it on to dry. Wash it off properly afterwards. Apply this remedy twice daily to get rid of bruises quickly.

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