Home Remedies for Canker Sore on Tongue

After writing, how to get rid of cold sores?, how to get rid of fever blisters?, and how to get rid of sore throat?, we are now writing the best home remedies for canker sore on tongue and in mouth. Canker sores are most commonly known as mouth ulcers. It mostly occurs on the lips, in mouth, on tongue and throat. The main reason for the cause of canker sores are still not known. But the few reasons have been supplemented as the factors that might lead to canker sore on tongue. These are home remedies for canker sore on tongue and in mouth, which will help to completely solve this problem. The reasons for canker sores are, any kind of injury to your mouth and lips, Iron and Vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalanceImmune disordersstressallergies, and certain citrus and spicy food.

There is also another fact that needs to be noticed. That is if you are suffering from canker sores accompanied by fever, and you are not able to chew and swallow up the food. Then you need to consult a doctor immediately. This symptom can be different as compared to normal canker sores that is noticed on the tongue. Some symptoms include, pain in your mouth, pain on your inside part of cheeks, pain in a particular spot of the tongue (soft palate). Burning sensation in the affected area. Sores in a round shape that turns tongue as white coated tongue with red edges around it.

Types of Canker Sores:


Simple Canker Sores: These sores are usually oval in shape and have red edges across their boundaries. Special treatment of simple canker sores is not required. They could get healed after a few days or in a week without leaving any mark on the area.

Complex Canker Sores: These sores are deeper and larger in nature. They have irregular edges and when they get large, it can very painful and the healing period would increase. It might take from several weeks to a month, to completely get rid of complex canker sores.

Herpetiform Canker Sores: These sores usually occur in old age people, but it’s not fixed that younger ones can’t get it. The possibility is there that being at a young age, you got herpetiform. They usually occur in a cluster or in bulk. Smaller in diameter almost of millimeter size. They form in a cluster of 10-100 and with the passing period if they are not treated, then they combine together to form a larger one. In most of the cases, the healing time for these types of canker sores is two weeks.

Home Remedies for Canker Sore on Tongue:

1.) Make Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is one herbs that is useful as the best home remedy for a number of oral problems like white tongue. It is helpful for both consumption and topical appliance. This very reason has let the plant earned the name of “First-aid Plant”. Aloe Vera will help in reducing the pain and soothe your pain on the affected portion.

For this remedy, you will need to slice off the leaf’s cover and extract the gel from it. After this apply that aloe vera gel on your sore with the help of  a cotton. When you repeat this process a few times in a day, your canker sore will heal fast and naturally. It is one of the best remedies for canker sore on tongue.

2.) Use The Tea Bags

Tea contains alkaline and other compounds that will to reduce the soreness and pain. Basically, tea will counterpoise the acids that cause the irritation on your canker sore. Thereby, it will gradually heal your pain and the canker sore.

For this remedy you will require tea bags that you used it for your tea and do not through that tea bag away. Instead, use that damp tea bag by placing it over your canker sore for 5 minutes. Repeat this process for 5 to 6 times a day. By the night you will notice some change of relief.

3.) Baking Soda Will Help

Baking soda is another best home remedy that is easily available at your home. It also contains the alkaline properties that are helpful to soothe your irritation and burning sensation of your mouth. And it helps to kill the bacteria that is responsible to for the cause of canker sore on your tongue. Thereby, all you will need to do is add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a half cup of lukewarm water. And mix it to make a solution. After which wash your mouth with the solution to get instant relief. It is counted among the helpful home remedies for canker sore on tongue.

4.) Use The Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is the excellent home remedy to use for any kind of skin related problems. As it contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. For this, you can use the coconut oil for cooking that will even keep the taste normal. You can also get applied on your affected area. For this you can use the frozen coconut oil. It will be an easy way to apply it. Take a cotton ball and pour a small amount of frozen coconut oil on it and try to place it on your canker sore. It will give  you relief within a day.

5.) Apply The Clove Oil

The clove oil is also a helpful agent in reducing the soreness and canker sore on tongue. It acts as a mighty painkiller that has euganol properties. Clove oil will work its charm in your mouth. It is one ingredient that has its importance being chanted from ancient times till the present day. You will require 4 to 5 drops of clove oil, ½ teaspoon olive oil to be mixed well. After this wash your mouth with warm water and then apply this mixture on the affected portion with the help of a cotton ball. Try to let it set for 5 minutes. And repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day.

6.) Use The Raw Honey

Honey contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The raw honey will eventually reduce the pain and soreness, when applies topically. Thereby, at first rinse your mouth with warm water and then apply raw honey directly on the canker sore. Try to make sure that when applied after that for at least half an hour you won’t consume any food. This will reduce and heal the soreness quickly.

7.) Yogurt to Heal Canker Sore

Consuming yogurt on a daily basis keeps your immune system healthy and help to cure canker sore on tongue. As we are all aware of the fact that yogurt is prepared through fermentation that contains bacteria. It means yogurt contains the good bacteria that are good for your health. So, the intake of yogurt will help to balance the bacterial effect on your mouth. Thereby, try to consume yogurt twice a day.

8.) Warm Salt Water Rinse

Salt contains sodium chloride that gives relief to the irritation and soreness of canker sore. To apply this remedy, you will need 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 cup of warm water. Mix it to make a solution and rinse your mouth with this solution. This will give you instant relief from the soreness irritation. It is one of the easiest home remedies for canker sore on tongue.

9.) Use The Sage Herb

To treat canker sore effectively, the herb sage should be your first preference. The soothing property of sage will give you instant relief from the pain and inflammation overnight. Boil water in a bowl, and in bowling water adds some sage leaves. Then leave it for 2-5 minutes and then put off the flame. Strain the tea and wait till it cools down, then rinse your mouth with tea, it will dry out the canker sores.

10.) Try To Change Your Toothpaste

Toothpaste may contain some chemicals that are preventing your canker sores to heal. You have never thought, how a toothpaste could be a reason for my chronic canker sores. But, if your toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate then change it immediately. Use the one that does not contain this chemical. Fluoride containing toothpaste can also prevent canker sores to heal. Please do check your toothpaste to see if it includes fluoride and sodium lauryl chemical.

11.) Take Multivitamins With Iron

One of the main causes of canker sore on tongue and in mouth is a deficiency of iron and vitamins. If your diet is lacking in iron and important vitamin rich foods then it will lead to canker sores. You should check your diet to know you are getting the right amount of iron or not. Make sure the food you consume has a sufficient amount of these minerals in it. Some great source of iron is pumpkin seeds, liver(chicken), seafood, nuts, beef, beans, pulses, and whole grains.

12.) Avoid Intake of Calcium

It has found in various studies that the diet or supplements that contain moderate to high amount calcium can interfere with the healing process. It also found that calcium hinder the iron absorption by the body. You should carefully check your diet plan to figure out the amount of calcium you are taking. Replace your diet with a diet that contains less amount of calcium otherwise effect will be slow and canker sores will not heal fast.

13.) Tea Tree Oil Will Help

Purchase tea tree oil from your nearest medical store, as this is easily available. Just apply it to your agonized area, which will help you to get rid of canker sores on tongue and in mouth.  Tea tree oil is not for ingestion rather you can simply rub a small amount directly on the canker sores. Tea tree oil will immediately soothe the pain and aid kill eliminate any bacteria infestation that might be in and around the care sore.

14.) Papaya and Papaya Tablets

Papaya tablets are also useful to get rid of canker sores on tongue. In case, you would not get the papaya tablets then do not get disappointed. Simply, you can consume raw papaya and it will also help to the same extent as papaya tablets. Papayas provide many health benefits for a human. Mashed papayas are usually very beneficial for wound healing and preventing infection of burned areas. Studies show that enzymes found in papayas are very beneficial. An ointment containing papayas is extremely good to treat canker sores on tongue and in mouth.

15.) Plum Juice Extract

Rinsing mouth with plum juice extract is another useful home remedy for canker sore on tongue and in mouth. The plum juice extract is usually regarded as a good nutrient for muscles. Also, it is an excellent source of iron and contains all essential ingredients to cure canker sores. There are also many other benefits of plum juice extract, which make it useful.

16.) Take The Help From Onion

Onion is another effective home remedy for canker sores on tongue and in mouth. Besides applying it to the canker sores, you can also consume raw onion to treat the problem at home. You can also try this simple and super easy method, which does not require anything but just an onion.

Apply some raw onions to your canker sores. Make sure that the onion is not processed and is in its natural form. Although, this remedy looks awry, but it is really creative and useful to get rid of canker sores overnight. Many people have benefited from using this remedy and get their canker sores healed quickly.

17.) Use The Alum

You can find alum in the spice section of various grocery stores. However, its medicinal properties make it a useful ingredient to treat canker sores fast. Alum can be dabbed on the canker sores. Initially, it may hurt like crazy and you may even feel a burning sensation. But, it is known to relieve the pain and will heal you faster. You can repeat it once or twice in a day, but not more than twice.

18.) Beeswax Will Help

Beeswax is also effective to home remedy for canker sore on tongue and in mouth. For this you will need to melt down some beeswax and coconut oil together in a pan. After which let it cool down. Then apply it directly on your affected area. Make sure to wash your mouth before applying. Repeat this process twice a day till you get the desired result.

19.) Take Antacids Tablets

If you have antacid tablets at home, then you can make the best use of it. Antacids are mostly consumed, when you suffer from indigestion. In the same case it can be used to heal your canker sore on tongue. As one of the formation of canker sore is acids. Thereby, you can take it in two different ways. One is by chewing any of the antacid tablet. The other way is to crush the tablet and apply it on the affected area directly. You can apply the method as it is one of the simplest home remedy for canker sore on tongue.

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