How to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast and Naturally? (Home Remedies)

After writing, how to get rid of a cough?, how to get rid of canker sores?, how to get rid of cold sores?, and home remedies for fever blisters, we are now writing the best ways to get rid of a sore throat fast and naturally with home remedies. Sore throat is basically inflammation of the membrane present in your throat. It is healed with the passing of time on its own, but it should not be overlooked, as major complications can arise. In this article, we are giving the best home remedies to get rid of a sore throat fast and naturally. The pain caused by sore throat can lead to extreme discomfort, so you need to get rid of sore throat fast. If you feel cold and pain in the throat, then it can be a symptom of “Sore Throat”.

Today, if a problem occurs every one runs towards the doctors clinic and hospital. Even a sore throat is cured by going to the doctor’s clinic. In this, article we will tell you about the ways to get rid of a sore throat naturally and fast with the hep of home remedies. They can come from viral infection, bacterial infections, environmental factors and from allergies. There are so many methods to cure it naturally before going to the doctor, so go in your kitchen or do visit a grocery store once.

Types and Causes of Sore Throat:


  • Bacterial Sore Throat: Fewer sore throats are caused by bacteria. The most familiar bacterial sore throat results from an infection. This type of infection is caused by streptococcal bacteria. Anyone can get strep throat, but it is most common in school going children.
  • Viral Sore Throat: Viruses cause more sore throats than bacterial. Cold and flu are the major reasons. These viruses cause an inflammation in the throat and leads to tonsils. These can include a runny nose, congestion, fever. It is painful for the patient to eat food, breathe, swallow water, or speak.
  • Transferable: It spreads commonly like sneezing, coughing, common cold and sharing water with each other and other ways in germs transfer.
  • Non Transferable: This sore throat is caused by environmental factors and allergies.

Cures to Get Rid of a Sore Throat Fast:

1.) Salt Water Gargling

Salt water reduces the inflammation in the throat and the same has been proved in the studies also. Don’t use salt in excess quantity otherwise it will cause more damage than good. It also makes sure that the muscles of the throat are relaxed, helping to destroy out irritants or bacteria. Doctors generally recommend dissolving a teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water.

Take a glass of warm water and add 1 teaspoon of salt in warm water. Now, use the warm water to gargling. Do the gargling for maximum 3 times a day and especially in morning and before going to bed. If the salty taste is not comfortable to you, try adding a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture slightly. Salt is best for natural care as it is easily available.

2.) Take Help From Pepper

You are thinking, if pepper would be beneficial as its chilly flavor. But hold on, pepper has some benefits along with its anti-inflammatory properties. Using pepper in sore throat will help you to get some relief for sore throat. Pepper is also easily available at home and is a good example of home remedies. Crush a few peppercorns and mix it with hot water and do gargles at regular intervals. You can also prepare the pepper tea, to get relief from sore throat fast.

3.) Inhaling Steam Will Help

Steam is used to remove the dryness in the chest and nose, caused by the sore throat. When steam is inhaled, it removes the infection in the nose and creates moisture in the nose. Steam also relaxes the throat muscles, which are inflated by the sore throat. Put boiling water in a bowl with some salt in it, about a teaspoon, place a towel around your head and inhale the steam. You can also use a steamer, which is easily available in the market. Try to inhale steam at regular intervals for fast cure of sore throat.

4.) Drink The Cinnamon Tea

You can use any tea for fast cure, just add a few sticks of cinnamon in it. Having spices in sore throat is not a good alternative, as it will increase itchiness but cinnamon will boost your immunity to fight with bacterial infection and get rid of a sore throat fast. It will also open the blocked veins and nostrils. Another way of using the cinnamon is, just crushing it into a fine powder and mix it with hot water and drink it at regular intervals.

5.) Use The Baking Soda

Baking soda helps in getting rid of bacterial infection. It has tendency to cure the sore throat fast, it will heal the irritations in the throat. Dissolve a pinch of baking soda in warm water, mix it well and then drop a few drops with the help of cotton into your nose. You can use it in another way by gargling baking soda with water at regular intervals. Baking soda will help you to get rid of a sore throat fast and naturally. Don’t use it in excess quantity, as it can dry the nose making you more uncomfortable.

6.) Have The Marshmallows

Since it is very hard to say how it works, as there is no proper evidence to show its soothing powers. The extract from the plant is being used for centuries with boiling water to treat cough, cold, and swollen throats. According to the research and reports, marshmallows can help in providing relief to sore throat pain. If your throat is swollen and it is not possible to swallow anything, marshmallows might provide some relief. The reason behind marshmallows success is due to its sticky gel substance, which makes a layer around the sore throat and helps to swallow properly without pain.

7.) Avoid The White Foods

Avoiding the white foods will be difficult for you, but it is necessary to get rid of a sore throat fast. The reason for avoiding it is because white food lowers down the immune power and blocks the capability to heal the infection. Try consuming fresh chicken and vegetable soup; it will increase your immunity. Focus on your digestion instead of food. Try to avoid white foods include milk and milk products like cheese, yoghurt and cream.

8.) Have Some Chicken Soup

A very good natural cure remedy for sore throat and probably the best one is the hot chicken soup. Since eating with swollen throat is very tough task. Chicken soup can help get rid of a sore throat as it is an old remedy being used for centuries. Chicken soup consists of many powerful minerals and ions among which one is sodium. It actually has anti-inflammatory properties, so having soup will ensure that you get the minerals, ions and nutrients that are essential to fight your infection. It also helps to boost your immunity, which is quite low during sore throat.

9.) Use The Lemon Power

Its tangy taste is not liked by everyone, but doctors recommend it for better relief from pain because it has vitamin C. Take the juice of lemon, mix it with warm water and drink. Perform this activity after every 2 hours. The composition of lemon adds moisture into swollen throat, which is quite relaxing. Lemon juice will also increase your immunity to fight with bacterial infection and helps in getting rid of sore throat. The acidity of lemon juice will remove mucus from the body by flushing it out in the form of urine.

10.) Make Use of Cloves

Cloves are good to remove pain and helps to get rid of a sore throat fast. They contain chemical substance Eugenol, which removes pain. Cloves have been used for centuries for throat pain and tooth pain. Its oil is a very good antiseptic for bacteria and infection caused by them. For throat pain, just boil a few cloves in water and drink at regular intervals. The other way is directly chewing it, which will release the juices and will help to reduce the pain in your sore throat. It is an effective remedy for sore throat and is used by various big brands as their main ingredient  for preparing herbal medicines.

11.) Have Some Honey

This sweet sticky juice of flowers (honey) is in use for centuries to get rid of a sore throat naturally. Honey contains amazing antibacterial properties that not only speed up the healing process, but it can fight infection easily. Honey increases the immunity and healing of the sore throat. It makes a layer round the throat and fights with infection. Honey can even reduce the swelling by drawing out the water from the inflamed tissues. It also clears the mucus caused by the sore throat in an effective manner. To use this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Take one cup of hot water and add one tablespoon of honey in it. Drink this solution several times in a day to get rid of a sore throat. You may also add honey in your herbal tea. Consume it on a regular basis.
  • Also, don’t forget to eat one tablespoon of honey before going to bed as this can provide a great soothing effect on the sore throat.

12.) Take Some Garlic

This is very hard to take garlic raw due to its bad smell, but to get rid of a sore throat faster you have to make some compromises. Its natural chemicals kill the bacteria, which cause irritation and pain in the throat. Also, garlic has the anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. The anti-inflammatory property helps to lower down the the inflammation of throat. The anti-viral property helps to remove the infection caused by the virus in the throat. Cut the garlic into two pieces and swallow it with water like a pill. You can also add garlic in your diet and food preparation.

13.) Drink The Green Tea

A warm cup of green tea can offer relief for a sore throat. Tea consists of natural antioxidants, which make you feel sleepy and divert your mind from the pain caused by sore throat. Tea that is not natural, which contains antioxidants that have the power to strengthen immunity and fight against infection. For extra power and quick relief add a teaspoon of honey as it has properties of fighting with bacteria that may help you heal faster.

14.) Whisky Will Help

Mixing water with whiskey and doing gargles is quite relaxing and is helpful in getting cured. Add two teaspoons of whiskey in a large glass of water to do gargles. The reason for using whiskey is because it has healing powers and fight with severe infection present in your throat. It also soothes irritation caused by sore throat. Swallowing it will be your secret.

15.) Drink Apple Cider Vinegar

Talking about natural treatment of sore throat and missing out apple cider vinegar is quite impossible. Apple cider vinegar helps to kill the bacteria because of its high acid content. Add a spoon of apple cider vinegar and honey in a cup of lukewarm water. Mix it well and drink it regularly to get rid of a sore throat fast.

16.) Take Sufficient Rest

It is necessary to take proper rest, as it is the best thing to fight the painful virus. One of the main reasons of sore throats is cold viruses, and as we know, that there’s little chance to cure a cold once we’ve got it. Make sure you get full rest; this will help you to fight the virus. Don’t do any hard work, speak less and take a good sleep. Take proper 7-8 hours sleep daily in the night. Sleeping will lower your body stress hormones and pain caused by the sore throat.

17.) Have Plenty of Fluids

Having water in your stomach and be active is very important, especially when you’re not feeling well and your throat is not in good shape. Drinking liquid and lots of water will make you feel fresh and happier from inside. Fluids not only helps to cure a sore throat but also hydrates your body fast. Fluids also helps to detox the body by removing the harmful toxins and free radicals from the body.

18.) Use The Cough Syrup

Sore throat can lead to cough also. The cough syrups can help to get rid of a sore throat and also ease itchiness. Like sore throat drops and sprays, they make a layer around the throat and provide temporary pain relief. Make sure you don’t go for cough syrup, which makes you feel sleepy especially in your office. But if you’re having trouble in sleeping due to the same, then it makes sense to opt for cough syrup, the properties of which can help you sleep. 

19.) Bark of Elm Tree

The bark of the elm tree is quite a useful product for getting relief from the sore throat. As this contains a gel like sticky substance which, when contacts with water cure the sore throat by forming a sticky layer around the throat and helps you in eating and drinking. It also helps in getting rid of vomiting like feeling caused by sore throat.

20.) Anti-Inflammatory Medicines

These are the medicines, which are normally present in our first aid box. These are combinations of the pain removers and anti-inflammatory, so they will make you feel better and relaxed. Commonly used drug is Advil. Don’t use these drugs in high quantity and without doctor prescription.

21.) Use The Antibiotics

Antibiotics probably is not considered in natural cure, but since it is commonly found in our house like other natural cure substance like honey, lemon and tea. These are known by everyone to overcome any kind of bacteria and fast relief. Make sure you follow the whole procedure of taking the medicines even after you are relaxed. 


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