Home Remedies to Cure Reducing Gums

This article is about different home remedies to cure reducing gums. Reducing gum is a type of gum disease, which causes loss of gum tissues. Reducing gum is responsible for making the tooth roots exposed. Reducing gum is also known as gingival recession or receding gums. Usually, people suffering from gum receding don’t even notice the problem during the initial stage. This is due to the slow process of the condition. Receding gum can be a first indication of a gum disease. This receding of gums creates a gap between the teeth and gum line. One needs to look for the symptoms in order to know whether he/she is suffering from gingival recession. If the person notices the symptoms timely, he/she may not need to visit the dentist. Below you can find a list of some simple home remedies to cure reducing gums. With the help of these remedies, you can treat the condition safely at home using natural ingredients.

Causes of Reducing Gums:

Symptoms of Reducing Gums:

  • Increased teeth sensitivity
  • Plaque build up
  • Swollen gums
  • Exposed root
  • Smelly breath
  • Bleeding of gum

Remedies to Cure Reducing Gums:


1.) Lemon Oil to Cure Reducing Gums

Lemon is considered to have mild antiseptic properties and also some powerful antibacterial qualities. Applying lemon directly on the tooth is not advised as it can cause sensitivity to your gums. It may also decay the enamel. Instead, you can prepare lemon oil. Lemon oil can be prepared by mixing lemon juice with olive oil and leaving it for a few weeks.

You can use this lemon oil for swishing your mouth every morning. Lemon oil is useful for eliminating all the bacteria present in your mouth. It also prevents tooth decay and gum receding. Lemon is also responsible for the formation of tissue because of its Vitamin C contents. Therefore, it can even help reverse receding gums.

2.) Coconut Oil to Cure Reducing Gums

Coconut oil has an antimicrobial qualities which make it an excellent home remedy to treat receding gums and the reason responsible for it. It will also prevent tooth decay. Here is the method to do it.

Directions to Use Coconut Oil:

  • You can use coconut oil as a mouthwash.
  • After brushing your teeth, take sufficient amount of coconut oil in your mouth and swish for a few minutes, reaching all around in your mouth.
  • Spit it out after a few minutes.
  • Swishing with coconut oil will discourage bacteria and germs to take shelter in your mouth.

3.) Green Tea to Cure Reducing Gums

Green tea benefits are not hidden from anyone. Green tea is one of the most exploited home remedies for many health ailments. Green tea has fine antioxidant properties. It helps to prevent your teeth from damage. It reduces inflammation in the gums. It also helps in eliminating bacteria from the mouth that are responsible for periodontal problems. As a result, it helps to cure reducing gums effectively.

Directions to Use Coconut Oil:

  • Drink a cup of green tea every morning to make your teeth and gums stronger.
  • You can also add honey to it for taste and added benefits.
  • Drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea every day for other health benefits.

4.) Clove oil to Repair Receding Gums Naturally

Clove oil is widely used for many oral diseases, especially for toothache. Apart from treating toothache clove oil also works as an excellent disinfectant agent. Its antibacterial qualities helps to eliminate germs from the mouth fast. It also reduces swelling of gums due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Directions to Use Clove Oil:

  • Simply apply clove oil on your gums and massage for a few minutes.
  • Massage daily for 2 to 3 times to cure reducing gums.
  • Alternatively, you can also chew a clove to treat any periodontal disease.

5.) Tea Tree Oil to Cure Reducing Gums

Tea tree oil works as a perfect mouthwash for swishing. Tea tree oil helps prevent the recession of gums and damaged root effectively. Tea tree oil should not be used without diluting first as it may damage your enamel and decay tooth. This oil is also a strong antibacterial and a microbial agent that helps to destroy bacteria and germ present in the mouth. It discourages plaque buildup in your teeth and between the gums.

Directions to Use Tea Tree Oil:

  • Dilute a sufficient part of tea tree oil with water.
  • Fill your mouth with the solution and swish for a few minutes.
  • Spit it out and repeat 2-3 times.
  • do this regularly to reverse gum receding.

6.) Eucalyptus Oil as Reducing Gums Natural Treatment

Eucalyptus oil is a an excellent essential oil which is quite helpful in killing the germs present in the mouth. The eucalyptus oil also puts a stop to tooth decay and gum diseases which are responsible for receding gums. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce swelling of gums fast.

Directions to Use Eucalyptus Oil:

  • Dilute some eucalyptus oil in the water.
  • Massage with this diluted oil for a few minutes into your gums.
  • Massaging will help to cure reducing gums caused due to bacterial action.
  • Do not forget to rinse off your gums with water after massaging.
  • Regular application of this oil will promote the formation of new tissue growth which will help reverse receding gums.

7.) Sesame Oil as Reducing Gums Natural Treatment

Sesame oil is another natural substitute for your mouthwash. Swishing with sesame oil in the morning will help get rid of toxic substances and plaque build up in teeth and between the gums. As this plaque build up or toxic substance can also be responsible for causing gum receding.

Directions to Use Sesame Oil:

  • Just take a 1/4th cup of sesame oil and swish your mouth with this oil for a few minutes.
  • Spit it out afterwards.
  • Rinse your mouth with water.
  • Do this every morning to get rid of reducing gums fast and naturally.

8.) Aloe Vera to Stop Reducing Gums Naturally and Fast

Aloe Vera has an excellent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. It is known for treating different body ailments whether it is internal or external. In gum receding condition, Aloe Vera helps prevent infection and heals damaged gums. It is also useful to treat cavities. Here is the method.

Directions to Use Aloe Vera:

  • Just extract gel from some fresh Aloe Vera leaves.
  • Brush with this extracted gel twice a day.
  • You can also use Aloe Vera gel as a mouthwash in the morning and after your meals.
  • Brushing and washing the mouth with Aloe Vera gel prevents tooth decay and also helps to cure reducing gums.

9.) Rose Vinegar to Stop Reducing Gums Naturally

Rose vinegar is quite helpful in making your gums stronger. Rose vinegar can be used as a mouthwash. Being acidic in nature, rose vinegar prevents bacterial infection. Here is the method to do it.

Directions to Use Rose Vinegar:

  • Take half cup of rose petals and soak them in vinegar solution.
  • Keep them soaked in it for a week.
  • Strain it after a week.
  • Take 1 tsp of prepared rose vinegar and add it in a cup of warm water.
  • Swish every morning with this water for a few minutes to stop reducing gums.

10.) Sumac Tree as a Natural Remedy for Reducing Gums Treatment

Sumac tree is considered to have astringent properties that are quite helpful to treat receding gums. It encourages gums and also maintains dental hygiene. It keeps your teeth clean, prevents from decaying and damaging.

Directions to Use Sumac:

  • Take a sumac stem and peel the outer layer completely.
  • Now, rub the inner portion of the stem gently on your teeth and around the gums to cure reducing gums naturally.

11.) Myrrh to Cure Receding Gums

This is one of the amazing home remedies to cure receding gums. This resin is traditionally being used for various oral and gum diseases. Myrrh helps in stopping the gum recession and also prevents the further gum damage. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of myrrh make it a good choice for oral problems. Follow the directions given below to get rid of receding gums.

  • Crush some myrrh to make a fine powder.
  • Mix some amount of water in this powder to get a paste like consistency.
  • Apply this myrrh paste on your gums and massage for a few minutes.
  • You can even use a toothpaste to do so.
  • Rinse your mouth and gums with water after a few minutes.
  • Repeat this method on a regular basis until you get relief from this problem completely.

12.) Baking Soda Mouthwash to Cure Reducing Gums

Baking soda is one of the wonderful home remedies to cure reducing gums. It acts like a mechanical cleanser on your gums and teeth. Baking soda neutralizes the production of acid in the mouth and it also has antiseptic properties that prevent other oral infections. Follow the directions given below to treat receding gums.

  • Take one cup of water in a bowl.
  • Mix one tablespoon of baking powder in it.
  • Add 4 drops each of tea tree oil and peppermint oil.
  • Mix all these ingredients well.
  • Massage this prepared paste on your teeth and gums for a couple of minutes.
  • Rinse off your mouth with plain water.

13.) Vitamin C to Get Rid of Reducing Gums

This is one of the most important vitamins not only for your body but also for your oral health. Deficiency of vitamin C in the body can cause oral problems such as gum inflammation and bleeding. No doubt that vitamin C supplements will bring a drastic change but when it is obtained from the food it is better utilized by the body. A certain percentage of vitamin C is lost when the food is cooked or stored. If you want to drink juice then it suggested you consume juice made from fresh vegetables and fruits. You can even eat raw vegetables and drink fresh green smoothies. Foods that are rich in vitamin C include broccoli, citrus fruits, bell peppers, berries, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, kiwi fruits etc.

14.) Sage to Cure Receding Gums

This is one of the excellent herbal remedies to cure receding gums. It is being traditionally used for various dental problems. The anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties present in sage makes it a good remedy for dental abscesses and swollen gums. Sage is a wonderful herb to improve dental hygiene. You can use this herb to treat mouth alcers and sore throat. Follow the directions given below to get rid of receding gums completely.

  • Either take a handful of fresh sage leaves or two tablespoons of dried sage.
  • Soak it in a bowl of hot water for the next 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Strain the liquid and use the slush to massage the gums.

15.) Yarrow to Get Rid of Reducing Gums

You can even call it as nosebleed or soldier’s woundwort because the juice in its leaves stops bleeding. The leaves of yarrow make it a good remedy for toothache and other ailments. Yarrow contains analgesic, anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties that stop receding gums at any stage. It also has antiseptic properties that improves the oral hygiene and prevents gum diseases and other throat infections. Follow the directions given below to get optimal results.

  • You can simply chew the leaves or stem of yarrow to get fresh juice.
  • Another thing that you can do is grind some yarrow leaves and apply its paste directly on your gums. After massaging for a couple of minutes, rinse it off with normal water.
  • Alternatively, take a handful of dried or fresh yarrow flowers. Pour them in boiling water and allow them to steep for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Strain it and then leave it to cool down. Drink this tea or rinse your mouth with this tea to get effective results.

Note: If do not want to use this herb, then you can even go for essential oil of yarrow. You just need to mix a few drops of coconut oil in this blue colored oil and then use it as gum paint.

16.) Turmeric to Cure Receding Gums

This is one of the natural and safe home remedies to cure receding gums. Turmeric contains a component called curcumin which is loaded with anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. These properties help in treating various oral problems including the problem of receding gums. It helps by growing back the damaged muscle tissues. Turmeric helps to get rid of tissue inflammation and alleviates pain. It not only stops the growth of bacteria but also prevents tooth decay. Follow the directions given below to get rid of receding gums.

  • Take 3 teaspoons of roasted turmeric root powder.
  • Mix 15 drops of clove oil to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this turmeric paste on your gums and cover it entirely.
  • Leave it on your gums for the next 30 minutes to get effective results.
  • Repeat this remedy two times in a day to fix the problem of gum recession completely.

17.) Make Your Own Natural Toothpaste to Cure Reducing Gums

This is one of the most effective methods to grow back your receding gums. Most of toothpaste in the market contains silicate which stimulates the nerves and speeds up the reducing gums. Here are some directions given by which you can make your own natural toothpaste. This toothpaste will not stimulate your nerves and will be antiseptic in nature due to which it will kill the bacteria causing gum recession. It will also repair gums and encourage tissue regrowth.

  • You need to take 30 grams of lilac bark, 25 to 30 basil leaves and 15 cloves.
  • Combine them together and add one tablespoon of clove oil and two teaspoon of sesame oil.
  • Grind all these ingredients together to get a thick paste.
  • Brush your teeth two times daily with this herbal toothpaste to repair receding gums and regrow gums.

18.) Mouthwash to Cure Reducing Gums

This is one of the best methods to cure reducing gums. All you need to do is use a good mouthwash. You can use a oregano oil mouthwash to kill the bacteria in the mouth and prevent infections. The anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-parasite properties present in this mouthwash heal the inflamed gums and fights oral infections.

Tips to Prevent Recession of Gums

  • Practice the technique of oil pulling once in every week to stay away from dental problems.
  • Brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush to prevent gum damage.
  • Do not apply tongue on your gums frequently.
  • Rinse your mouth with an antibacterial mouth wash to prevent infection.
  • Consume nutritious food for gum regeneration.
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