How to Get Rid of Furry Tongue or Hairy Tongue? (Furry Tongue Treatment)

In this article, we are going to talk about how to get rid of furry tongue or hairy tongue with many furry tongue treatment. A furry tongue is referred to hairy tongue or white tongue or coated tongue. Normally, our tongue is supposed to be pink in color. It is a strong muscle that helps us swallow, taste and talk. It is one of the strongest muscles in the body. A healthy tongue is pink in color and covered with small nodules called papillae. Sometimes, you must have seen a white coating on your tongue. This a very common problem and can lead to bad breath and bitter taste in the mouth. Later, you can read articles on home remedies for sore tongue treatment, home remedies for blisters on tongue, and home remedies for canker sore on tongue.

The tongue appears white, when bacteria, food debris, and dead cells get blocked between inflamed papillae. This inflammation often occurs due to dry mouth, dehydration, fever and smoking and excessive alcohol use. This could also be due to improper hygiene and eat sugary and highly acidic foods. It is not a dangerous problem. The condition is harmless and temporary. Mostly, it is an indication of dehydration. There are few different and simple home remedies to get rid of hairy tongue easily and fast.

What Causes Furry Tongue?


Furry tongue is described by extreme growth of cells inside the mouth. This forms the white scrap on your tongue. Causes include, food debris, dead cells, and bacteria build-up between swollen papillae. Dry mouth, excessive alcohol and tobacco use, consumption of too much of sugary foods. Yeast infection. diseases such as diabetes, jaundice, lupus, and liver congestion.

Best Ways to Get Rid of Furry Tongue or Hairy Tongue:

1.) Salt For Furry Tongue Treatment

Salt is the best remedy to get rid of hair tongue or furry tongue. It consists of antiseptic properties, which help kill the bacteria that can cause bad breath. The salt naturally works as a scraper and remove dead cells and debris. Take some amount of salt and sprinkle it on your tongue. Scrub it gently using a toothbrush for a minute. Now, thoroughly rinse your tongue using warm water.

2.) Have Some Probiotics

Probiotics are beneficial for white coated tongue that is caused due to candida fungus. It consist of L. Acidophilus and B. Lactis cultures, which is beneficial to control growth of bacteria and fungi in the mouth. Drink probiotics or mix the powder with a little water and brush your teeth. You can use it as a mouthwash, swallowing and swishing. Then drink a glass of water. Repeat this treatment once in a week for the best results.

3.) Use The Vegetable Glycerin

It is another known remedy to get rid of furry tongue. It is especially effective when the problem is due to a dehydrated mouth. Vegetable glycerin also helps get rid of bad breath. It is simple and easily available in health food stores. Put a little vegetable glycerin on your tongue and scrub it using a soft toothbrush. Rinse your mouth using warm water. Do this process 2 times a day for best results.

4.) Apply The Aloe-Vera Gel

Aloe Vera is a traditional remedy used to cure different types of diseases. It consists of anti-inflammatory properties, which help kill bacteria that causes the furry tongue and bad breath. Clean your tongue with a spoon of aloe-vera juice. You can also drink one spoon of Aloe Vera juice for best results. Repeat this process every day.

5.) Use The Turmeric

An astounding solution to get rid of hairy tongue, turmeric can do wonders in keeping away the bacterial development on the surface of the tongue because of its anti-bacterial properties. One simply needs to scrub the white portion of the tongue with a paste made of turmeric powder and lemon squeeze.Rinse off the mouth with warm water. Repeat this routinely for a couple of days for best results.

6.) Hydrogen Peroxide Will Help

Hydrogen peroxide has a strong antibacterial property that helps kills bacteria accumulated on the surface of the tongue. This, in turn, treats a white-covered tongue. Also, hydrogen peroxide can make your teeth white. For oral health, it is prescribed to utilize just 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution. Prepare a mixture of one spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 2 spoons of water. Dip your toothbrush into the mixture and gently scrub your tongue. Rinse your tongue thoroughly with water 3 to 4 times a day to get rid of furry tongue.

7.) Make Use Of Baking Soda

Baking soda is a modest solution to eliminate a white coat and get rid of hairy tongue. Its exfoliation nature helps get rid of debris that gets stuck to the tongue. Additionally, it keeps up great pH levels in the mouth by killing acids. Take some amount of baking soda and lemon juice to form a paste. With the help of toothbrush, scrub your tongue with this mixture. Rinse your mouth using water. Do this process daily to get best results.

8.) Try Colloidal Silver

If your white tongue is because of an excess of yeast in the mouth, it can be immediately treated by utilizing colloidal silver. It has common antimicrobial, anti-toxin and anti-fungal properties and is safe for oral use. It can likewise reduce awful breath. To use this remedy dilute colloidal silver with an equal amount of water. Swish this solution in your mouth for 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water. Do this process 2-3 times a day for furry tongue treatment.

9.) Eat Some Yogurt

Yogurt is a simple way to treat bad bacteria by replacing it with healthy bacteria. Eat a bowl of yogurt directly with a spoon and allow your tongue to feel the probiotic. Probiotics consist of live bacterial cultures that help control bacterial and fungal growths inside the mouth.

10.) Use The Lilac

Lilac has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can efficiently get rid of hairy tongue. Boil some lilac leaves in a glass of water and gargle with this water for 2-3 times a day. Repeat this process daily to get rid of furry tongue, or white tongue.

11.) Intake More Water

Drink enough water to keep food debris from setting down or inside your mouth for too long. Drinking plenty of water helps prevents bacterial growth in the mouth. You can also try drinking lemon water or Aloe Vera water for better results.

12.) Try Some Oil Pulling

This is one of the best remedies to get rid of furry tongue. This Ayurvedic practice helps to remove the yeast deposition on the tongue. It is a perfect remedy if the furry tongue is caused due to oral thrush. Additionally, it removes the toxins from the body. It decreases the white layer on the tongue and gives better results in less time. All you need to do is swish one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth. Make sure it reaches in between your teeth and below your tongue. Do this at-least for 15 to 20 minutes and stop once the coconut oil turns milky in color. Repeat this process daily to maintain good oral hygiene.

Additional Useful Tips For Furry Tongue:

  • Drink enough water to keep the tongue clean. Regularly gargle with warm water, especially after meals.
  • Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, strawberries, guavas, carrots and others to naturally clean a white-coated tongue.
  • Always brush your tongue and try to use a tongue scraper to clean tongue. Stop smoking and using tobacco products. Reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Avoid dairy products and sugary foods. Apply garlic paste on your tongue and wash it with cold water after 10 minutes.
  • Dip your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide solution and scrub your tongue gently. Rinse your mouth with cold water.
  • Clean your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash. Clean your tongue at-least twice a day to prevent white tongue.
  • Gargle with lilac water for about 20 to 30 seconds everyday. Scrub your tongue weekly with a paste of lemon juice and baking soda.
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