How to Get Rid of Hickies?

It is a bruise caused due to aggressive kissing or giving a love bite. You will experience your skin turning into red or purple in color. All this happened due to the sucking of the soft tissues of your skin. You have various different types of blood vessels in the body. The smallest blood vessel present in our body is capillaries. When someone kisses you hard on the soft skin tissues then these capillaries get ruptured and the blood steep out in the surrounding tissue of the skin. The blood that gets gathered and clotted under the skin is reddish in color at first, but when it doesn’t get the proper amount of oxygen, then the blood gets dried out and the skin turns into brown and purple in appearance. Hence, it can be noticed by any person easily. Therefore, it is very important to get rid of hickies as soon as possible. So, if you don’t want to come in notice of the people, then it is really important to follow few ways to get rid of hickies.

Remedies to Get Rid of Hickies:


You may get rid of hickies fast by applying these remedies. It works fast and heals your skin rapidly.

1.) Cold Compress to Get Rid of Hickies

The blood clot needed to be broken apart to remove a hickey. So, the blood that clogged under your skin may spread out easily. You may do this by applying the cold compress to the infected area. The cold compress will help in contracting the ruptured capillaries by reducing the bleeding. It’s one of the most effective ways to get rid of hickies. To apply this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Put a few ice cubes in the cloth or any soft towel. Now, lightly press it against the skin for 15 minutes to prevent inflammation. These ice packs also help in reducing the pain. Don’t try to apply the ice directly on the affected area because that may cause the ice burns.
  • You may even put a spoon in the refrigerator. Keep it for 10 minutes. Apply this spoon on the infected area after wrapping it with a soft cloth. It eases irritation, discomfort and inflammation. Keep applying spoon until it stops being cold. Do this remedy several times in a day until you don’t get rid of hickies.

2.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Hickies

It is a natural moisturizer that contributes to reducing the sensitivity of the infected skin. Also, the soothing effects of Aloe Vera help in bursting the capillaries under our skin and let it heal at a faster rate. Therefore, on an overall Aloe Aera is considered to be an effective remedy to get rid of hickies. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:
Just extract the fresh Aloe Vera gel and massage it directly on hickey. Do this 2-3 times in a day to get rid of hickeys.

3.) Banana Peel to Get Rid of Hickies

The peel of banana contains cooling and soothing properties. You can get rid of hickey fast by using this remedy. To prepare it, follow these steps:

  • Cut the peels of ripe banana.
  • Place it on the bruise for 10-30 minutes.
  • Do this remedy at least 2-3 times in a day to reduce the appearance and texture of bruise.

4.) Peppermint to Get Rid of Hickies

Peppermint provides a stimulant effect that helps in improving the blood circulation in our body. It can even heal the capillary vessels. Therefore, it is one of the most effective methods to get rid of hickies fast. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Just apply peppermint oil in the infected area. You will experience the tingling sensation, but after some time, it will go away. Don’t use this remedy more than twice in a day.
  • You may even apply the peppermint paste on the infected area to get rid of hickies. After applying it once the tingling is lost, just wipe it after washing it with water. Don’t apply this remedy more than once in a day. It does wonders if it is applied instantly after getting hickies.

5.) Rub Alcohol to Get Rid of Hickies

If only a few hours are gone from the time you get the hickies, then rubbing alcohol is the most effective solution for you. Alcohol is a disinfectant and it can do wonders on the infected skin. It is one of the best ways to get rid of hickies. To apply this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Rub some alcohol on the infected area.
  • It will minimize the discomfort and irritation caused by the skin due to hickies.
  • Alcohol can dry your skin, so it is recommended to apply some moisturizer after rubbing alcohol.
  • Do this several times in a day for 2-3 days.

6.) Vitamin K to Get Rid of Hickies

It prevents the blood clot that makes it the best nutrient to treat bruises. The vitamin K helps in reabsorbing the pooled blood of your body by boosting the healing process of your body. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Just apply lotion and cream rich in vitamin K on the hickies. You will find that the bruise will start vanishing.
  • Apply it two to three times in a day.
  • Even add vitamin K in your diet. Eat foods rich in vitamin K mineral like rice, broccoli, spinach, soya bean oil and fish for few days.
  • You can even eat the vitamin K supplement to boost the immune system of our body.

7.) Oranges to Get Rid of Hickies

They contain high amounts of vitamin C in it. It is one of an essential nutrient required for our body. It is one of the great nutrients that can repair skin better than anything. Vitamin C also contains the healing properties in it that help to get rid of hickies effectively.

  • Just start drinking orange juice on a regular basis to get rid of hickies fast.
  • You may even take 500 mg of vitamin C if oranges are not available in the season. Drink it three times in a day to rebuild collagen.

8.) Warm Compress to Get Rid of Hickies

Heat Compress helps in dilating the capillaries by providing the way to the blood. It helps the blood to circulate and clean up themes. Hence, it is an effective way to remove hickeys.

  • Just put a washcloth in the hot water. Now, wring out the excessive amount of water from it. Keep it on
  • the infected skin for 5 minutes. Apply it three times in a day.
  • You may also use a hair dryer for heating your skin. Gently massage with fingers to improve the circulation.
  • You can also use a reusable heat patch. Get it from the pharmacy, but use it as directed by the physician.

9.) Cocoa Butter to Get Rid of Hickies

It is an effective healing agent that can do wonders for the skin. It helps in regenerating the skin tissues as it is a great moisturizer. To prepare this remedy, follow these steps:

  • Apply warm compress on the infected skin. Once the area gets warm just apply cocoa butter on it.
  • Massage the affected area gently for few minutes. All this will break the blood clot and stimulate the blood circulation in the body.
  • Apply this remedy several times in a day to get rid of hickies.

Note: If you don’t find cocoa butter in the market then go for almond oil and olive oil.

10.) Finger Massage to Get Rid of Hickies

Finger massaging helps in getting rid of any type of pain. Gently massage on hickey with your fingers from the center to the outer edges of the bruise. Do it two times in a day. Even after applying warm compress you can do the massaging with your fingers as well.

Foods for Speeding Up the Healing Process of a Hickey:

Here is the list of the few foods that you may add to your diet for speeding up the healing process. These foods with help a lot in treating hickeys.

  • Foods High in Vitamin K: These foods help a lot in making blood viscous. Thus, there are fewer chances of blood to get leaked from blood vessels. You may add foods like cabbage, kale, cabbage to your diet as they are great sources of vitamin K.
  • Vitamin C Rich Foods: The foods high in vitamin C nutrient help in synthesizing collagen. They help a lot in skin repairmen. You may add citrus fruits like oranges, guava, papaya to your diet.
  • Foods Rich in Papain: Papain is basically an enzyme present in papaya. It helps a lot in breaking up the dead materials that cause hickeys.
  • Pycnogenol: This is made up of the bark of pine trees. It is a great antioxidant. It contains red pigments and proanthocyanidins that help in giving strength to capillaries, veins, and arteries. You may take this supplement after consulting a doctor. It is a great way to prevent bruises.
  • Bilberry Extract: This extract contains anthocyanosis which is a great antioxidant that helps a lot in reducing bruising. It helps in increasing the vitamin C nutrient levels in the cells of our body. All this helps in stabilizing collagen and strengthening your capillaries. But, consult you doctor before taking bilberry extract to remove hickeys.
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