How to Make a Detox Body Wrap?

Detoxification is considered to be the best process to get rid of all the body toxins. It also helps in treating the bed smell of your body. Well, it is very easy to make a detox body wrap. You don’t need to visit a spa nor do you need to spend more expenses for detox body wrap. It can be easily performed at home. For this, you need to gather the ingredients to make a detox body wrap.

Why There is Need to Make a Detox Body Wrap?

Well, there are various benefits we get from body wrap. They are considered to be one of the best and most effective ways of losing weight and get a flawless and glowing skin. Nothing can work better than a body wrap. Moreover, there is no need to pay a lot of expenses on a detox body wrap in a luxurious spa. It is totally a waste of money and time. You can easily prepare it at home. For this, you need to find a little bit of time from your daily routine and things like bandages, sheet, and few natural ingredients.

How to Make a Detox Body Wrap

Ways to Make a Detox Body Wrap:


Natural Ingredients You Need to Make a Detox Body Wrap:

1.) Salt and Clay to Make a Detox Body Wrap

These two components are easily available at anybody home. To prepare this detox body wrap you just need two cups of clay and one cup of salt. Epsom salt also works fine, but natural sea salt may provide you the best results for your skin. So, if you can get sea salt easily then go for it.

You can get this Dead Sea salt easily at herb shops and health markets. All you need to purchase them. You can easily recognize them as they are already marked on the packaging. So, if it is feasible for you, then use Dead Sea salt in your detox body wrap.

Well, if we talk about clay then there is several different types of clay can be used to make a detox body wrap. But, clays like kaolin, Bentonite clays, and French green are considered to work best for you. Bentonite clay is considered to be most effective clay that can easily draw out the toxins from our body.

2.) Essential Oils to Make a Detox Body Wrap

If we talk about essential oils then they are considered to be the best herbal treatments for detoxification. If you add few essential oils in your detox body wrap, then it can boost the detoxifying capability of your detox body wrap effectively. The aroma of these essential oils not only will provide you a great relaxation, but they will also increase the efficiency of your detox body wrap.

Go for the essential oil of juniper berry. It works much better in the process of detoxification. It even helps in reducing the cellulite and also provides a cooling effect on the nerves. You may even use lemon and grapes essential oils. They can detoxify the liver easily. Lemon and grape essential oils even provide great relief in the stressful mind by lifting up the senses and bringing up the clarity to the mind. You can also consider laurel oil as it is very useful for the lymphatic system.

Note: Well, if you are pregnant then it is recommended to avoid essential oil at any cost.

3.) Sea Vegetables to Make a Detox Body Wrap

Just you need one cup of sea vegetables and it may do wonders. When you will add this natural ingredient on detox body wrap, then it can boost the effectiveness of your detox body wrap like anything. It even deliver great vital nutrients in your body. It even improves the blood circulation of the body and can even reduce the cellulite formation. You may use Bladderwrack powder, kelp powder, and Irish moss powder.

Other Natural Ingredients You may Use to Make a Detox Body Wrap

  • Mud: You may also use mud in body wrap to remove all the harmful toxins from the body. Mud is considered to be one of the best ingredient used for the skin.
  • Honey and Coconut Oil: For dry skin, they are considered to be best ingredients for moisturizing the body.
  • Chocolate: You may also add chocolate in your detox body wrap. It refreshes the body, provides a  rejuvenating effect on skin and also helps in reducing stress.

Use any of the above natural ingredients to make a detox body wrap. Depending upon your skin needs, just choose the natural ingredients for the detox body wrap.

Use Wetting Agent to Make a Detox Body Wrap

It is really important to use a wetting agent to prepare a detox body wrap. Just add half a gallon of water to all the dry ingredients. You may also choose substitute and use other wetting agents like as apple cider vinegar, Dead Sea water or milk powder, glycerin.

If you will use milk then this natural ingredient can provide great soothing effects on your skin. Apple cider vinegar is useful in the process of detoxification if it is consumed internally. Even the natural glycerin provide a great moisturizing effect on the skin and keeps your skin hold the moisture.

How to Make a Detox Body Wrap?

In the beginning, just boil the water on the stove. After some time just remove it from the heat. Now, add the chosen ingredients in the water. Stir it well. Prepare a mixture and leave it for 10-15 minutes so that it may sit down completely. Leave this mixture for few minutes till it cools down. Now, go to the comfortable private and warm room where you can perform a detox body wrap and feel relaxed.

Once you reached the room just dip a few old sheets or thin towels in the mixture. Just start wrapping yourself from the ankles. Once you have wrapped the desired areas of your body just lie down for some time. Just keep your body in this relaxing position for at least one hour.
After this, just rinse off your body. Use shower for cleaning your body. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water before and after the detox body wrap. It is one of the best ways to lose weight and flush out all the toxins from the body.

You can also read take a detox bath to know how to take a detox bath.

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