How to Treat Male Pattern Baldness or Hair Loss?

After writing, how to make your hair grow faster?, home remedies for scalp fungus treatment, and how to prevent hair loss?, we are now writing the ways to treat male pattern baldness. Male pattern hair loss is a condition linked with excessive loss of hair from the scalp. Hair loss is considered a sign of aging and in some cases it is a disease. It is the most common hair problem with the men. There are various methods that can be used to stop hair loss and get rid of bald spots on your head. We are providing some best remedies to treat male pattern hair loss in this article. You should go for the remedies to get rid of hair loss naturally.

Remedies to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss:


1.) Onion Juice to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Onion juice may improve hair growth in patients, who suffer from pattern hair loss. According to a study, applying raw onion juice to the scalp 2 times a day caused hair re-growth within 6 weeks. Though this study was done in patient with pattern hair loss, you may need to give it a try if you suffer from pattern hair loss.

  • Extract onion juice by grinding an onion and then refining the juice.
  • Apply, onion juice to your scalp 2 times a day for half an hour and then wash off.
  • Try this for at least seven weeks to see visible results and to treat your hair loss.

2.) Scalp Massage to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Scalp massage is one of the effective methods for a healthy and faster hair growth. Massaging your scalp will increase blood flow to the hair follicles, which can improve scalp health and strengthen your hair roots. However, this method has not been scientifically proven to reduce or prevent hair loss and you should try it with that in mind.

Use almond or coconut hair oil, or other oils such as castor, olive, or Indian gooseberry oil. Alternatively, you can add some drops of rosemary oil to make a solution. Implement the oil by gently massaging it into your hair and scalp. Repeat the method at least once a week.

3.) Fenugreek Seed Paste to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

Fenugreek seeds are loaded with ingredients that may boost hair growth and improve rebuilding of hair follicles. Soak one cup of fenugreek seeds in a bowl of water. Let them soak overnight. Grind the mixture and form a paste that you then can apply to your hair. Cover with a shower cap or plastic bag and let it rest for about half an hour. Wash your hair and repeat the process every morning for one month. However, as with the other natural treatments for hair loss, this method has been scientifically proven to decrease or inhibits the hair loss and it might work for you.

4.) Aloe Vera Gel to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Cut two full aloe Vera leaves from an aloe Vera plant with a fine knife. Cut off the sharp ends of both the leaves. Slice the top layer of the leaves alongside. You will see transparent aloe Vera gel inside. Thoroughly, peel off the aloe Vera gel from the leaves.

  • Put the gel pulp into a small bowl.
  • Squeeze out the juice of one lemon.
  • Blend them in a blender to form a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste to your hair, cover with shower cap and let it sit for half an hour.
  • Wash it off with lukewarm water.

5.) Licorice Root Paste to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Try licorice root paste to treat male pattern hair loss. It has properties that may help to soothe the scalp and lessens the irritation. It is not only useful for men but also good to treat female hair loss. Mix one tablespoon of ground licorice root, 1/4 teaspoon of saffron and a cup of milk. Apply the mixture on your hair and scalp especially on bald areas, cover and leave it on for one complete night. Wash it off in the next morning and repeat once or twice a week.

6.) Chinese Hibiscus to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Try Chinese hibiscus flower that will improve hair growth, thicken hair and cure dandruff. Mix Chinese hibiscus flowers with coconut oil. Heat it for a few minutes and strain to collect the oil.

  • Apply, the oil to the scalp before going to sleep.
  • Leave it by covering with a shower cap overnight.
  • In the next morning, rinse your hair and repeat the process for a few times in a week.

7.) Honey and Olive Oil to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Take two tablespoons of olive oil and mix two tablespoons of honey with it. After mixing them completely, add one tablespoon of cinnamon powder. Then, apply the mixture slowly on your scalp where required. Leave the mixture in on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat this twice a week for about four months.

8.) Coconut Oil to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Coconut oil for hair growth is one of the best natural remedies. A mixture of coconut oil, gooseberry and one teaspoon of lemon is the best remedy to treat male pattern hair loss. Apply lightly and then rinse it off the mixture after 30 minutes. Regular application of coconut oil on your scalp helps to nourish hair follicles and stimulate them to grow faster and naturally.

9.) Henna Leaves to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Henna leaves have been used for many eras for male pattern hair loss. They are extremely useful for both repairing the hair and treating hair loss. Boil henna leaves in mustard oil, allow the mix to cool down, and then combine it with regular hair oil. Then, apply the mixture to your scalp 3 times per week for a few weeks and see the difference on your bald.

10.) Curd and Gram Flour to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Mix 3 tablespoons of curd with 3 tablespoons of gram flour to form a fine paste. Then, apply the paste to bald spots on your scalp and then leave it there for about one hour before you rinse it off. Repeat this method several times in a day to restore your hair. All these remedies are successful and safe. Try it before going to a hair specialist.

11.) Minoxidil (Rogaine) to Treat Male Pattern Hair Loss

Minoxidil is an effective and FDA approved topical treatment for the treatment of male pattern hair loss. It is a method that stimulates the hair follicles to grow naturally and is applied directly to the scalp. This treatment slows hair loss and some men also experience growth of new hair. 

Although, the method is really effective in hair loss but the problem returns when the medication is stopped. There are few side effects associated with Minoxidil including skin rash, acne, burning, itching, inflammation, and swelling. If you overdose then there will some serious side effects including blurred vision, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, and irregular heartbeat.

12.) Take Hair-Loss Fighting Diet

Nutritional imbalances may be the cause of male pattern hair loss.  Poor diet can lead to deficiencies of essential nutrients for hair growth. it can also cause many health problems hair loss. Include foods that are rich in vitamin A or bet-carotenes such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and peppers. Studies show that vitamin A promotes healthy hair growth. 

Omega-3 fatty acid is another vital nutrient that promotes healthy hair. Eat fatty fish such as salmon and sardines. Yogurt and vitamin B5-rich foods help increasing blood flow to your scalp and consequently, promote healthy hair growth. Take enough protein by eating chicken or turkey, protein-rich vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. Hair is made of a protein called keratin. Hence, proper dietary protein is needed to nourish hair naturally. You can also eat vitamin B7 rich foods to treat pattern hair loss.

13.) Peppermint Oil to Treat Male Baldness

This is one of the most effective remedies to treat male baldness. The antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties present in this antiallergenic oil make it an excellent choice for male hair loss. Peppermint oil encourages hair growth and makes the hair look thick and strong. Check out the instructions given below to see visible changes.

  • In one cup of water, mix 4 to 5 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Massage it on your scalp and hair properly.
  • Soak a towel in warm water and squeeze out the excess water.
  • Wrap this warm water over your hair for atleast 30 to 40 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo, afterwards.
  • Repeat this procedure two times per week to cure hair loss.

14.) Jojoba Oil to Cure Male Hair Loss

This is one of the excellent remedies to cure male hair loss. It is a perfect option to treat male baldness that is not hereditary. The vitamin E present in oil reduces the oxidative stress that is responsible for causing baldness and hair loss. Check out the instructions given below to treat hair loss.

  • Massage jojoba oil on your scalp and hair directly for a couple of minutes.
  • Rinse it out of the hair after 3 to 4 hours.
  • Repeat this treatment thrice a week to treat male hair loss.

15.) Coffee to Treat Male Baldness

This is one of the perfect options to treat male baldness. One cup of morning caffeine can cure hair baldness. Caffeine promotes hair growth by inhibiting the factors that hindrance growth. Caffeine encourages hair growth. Check out the instructions given below to treat hair loss.

  • In two teaspoons of coffee powder, mix one tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and stir the mixture well.
  • Cover your scalp and hair with this coffee mixture.
  • After 20 minutes, wash your hair with a normal shampoo.

Apply this coffee hair mask two times in a week to cure hair loss.

16.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Cure Male Hair Loss

This is one of the most effective remedies to cure male hair loss. Apple cider vinegar helps to remove every factor that causes hindrance in hair growth. It balances the pH of the scalp and encourages circulation in the scalp. This in turn increases the hair growth. Check out the instructions given below to treat male baldness.

  • In a cup of water, add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Wash your hair with your regular shampoo and then rinse your hair with this solution.
  • Massage your hair for a couple of seconds.
  • Afterwards, wash your hair with plain water.
  • Repeat this method two times in a week to treat male hair loss.

17.) Pumpkin Seed Oil to Treat Male Baldness

This is one of the excellent remedies to treat male baldness. It is a tested remedy that helps in treating male pattern baldness. It is loaded with tocopherols, carotenes and other important nutrients that stops hair loss and encourages hair growth. Check out the instructions given below to cure male hair loss.

  • Mix one tablespoon each of olive oil and pumpkin seed oil in a bowl.
  • Massage this combination of oils on your scalp and hair for a couple of minutes.
  • Leave this on your scalp overnight.
  • Reapply this mixture of oils two times in a week to cure male baldness.

18.) Saw Palmetto to Get Rid of Male Pattern Baldness

This is one of the excellent herbs to get rid of male pattern baldness. This natural herb blocks DHT and treats male hair loss. Saw palmetto contains fatty acids and phytosterols which make it an effective choice for various conditions. Hair loss is characterized by structural miniaturization of androgen –sensitive hair follicles that are defined within a pattern of the scalp.

19.) Tea Tree Oil to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

This is one of the excellent remedies to treat male pattern baldness. One of the main reasons for bald spots is dandruff and infection. The antimicrobial properties present in tea tree oil makes it an amazing choice for male hair loss. It also contains antioxidants that rejuvenate hair follicles. Check out the instructions given below to treat hair loss.

  • In two tablespoons of carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil, mix 3 to 4 drops of tea tree oil.
  • Apply this blend of oils on your scalp and hair.
  • Let it stay on the hair for atleast one hour.
  • Wash your hair using a mild shampoo.
  • Apply this oil blend two times in a week to treat male hair loss.

20.) Coconut Milk to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

This is one of the most effective remedies to treat male pattern baldness. Coconut milk reduces and prevents dandruff and also heals the scalp. It provides the hair with natural nourishment and prevents hair loss. Check out the instructions given below to get rid of male baldness.

  • In 20ml of coconut milk, mix 10ml of amla oil.
  • Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice in it.
  • Massage this blend on your scalp and hair for a few minutes.
  • Wash your hair with your regular shampoo after 20 to 30 minutes.

21.) Black Seed Oil to Get Rid of Male Hair Loss

This is one of the best home remedies to get rid of male hair loss. Black seed oil reduces the bald spots and prevents hair loss. This oil strengthens the hair follicles and encourages the regrowth of hair. Check out the instructions given below to treat male hair loss.

  • Mix two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of black seed oil together.
  • Massage this blend of oils on your scalp and hair.
  • Use a mild shampoo to rinse your hair.
  • Repeat this treatment every alternate day to treat male pattern baldness.

22.) Taramira Oil to Treat Male Pattern Baldness

This is one of the best oils to treat male pattern baldness. Taramira oil is also popularly known as jamba oil. This oil contains fatty acids, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties which treats male hair loss. It is a perfect option to treat hair loss and baldness. Check out the instructions given below to get rid of male hair loss.

  • Massage taramira oil on your scalp and hair properly.
  • Wait for atleast 2 to 3 hours and then wash your scalp with your regular shampoo.
  • Repeat this procedure two times per week to get rid of male pattern baldness.

Tips to Prevent Male Pattern Baldness

  • One of the reasons behind hair loss is dirty and unhealthy scalp. Regularly wash your hair with a mild shampoo. It reduces infection and dandruff. This in turn prevents hair loss.
  • Don’t brush wet hair as it can cause hair loss. If you still want to comb use a wide-toothed comb.
  • Fight tension and reduce your stress levels to prevent hair loss. Stress disturbs the hormonal balance due to which hair fall increases.
  • Don’t use heat and chemicals on your hair to prevent male pattern baldness.
  • Ensure your hair is not sweaty to prevent hair loss.
  • Reduce the intake of alcohol to prevent male baldness. Alcohol has a negative effect on the hair growth.
  • Avoid smoking because it decreases the blood circulation in the scalp which results in hair fall.
  • Adopt a healthier lifestyle to prevent hair loss. Include lean meat, proteins, soy and fish in your regular diet.
  • Rub green tea on your hair because it hydrates your hair and prevents male hair loss.
  • Keep changing your hairstyles to prevent male pattern baldness.
  • Give yourself scalp and hair a regular massage.
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