How to Stop Coughing Without Medicine?

After writing how to get rid of cold?, how to get rid of a runny nose?, how to cure a sore throat?, and how to get rid of a stuffy nose?, we are now writing best way to stop coughing without medicine. Coughing is the most annoying and common problem that everybody has ever had in their lifetime. But having a cough at night may disrupt your sleep. Coughing is the problem when your throat has blocked then mucus or foreign material removed from the lungs and upper airway passages. Coughing can be due to common cold, flu, viral infection and smoking. Health problems such as lung cancer, asthma, and tuberculosis also make you cough more frequently. When you are suffering from a cough then you feel irritation in the throat, pain in chest and congestion. There are two types of a cough one is dry and the other one is productive. To counter this problem, we have some best remedies to stop coughing without medicine.

Best Remedies To Stop Coughing Without Medicine:


1.) Consume Some Ginger For Help

Ginger is one of the best and popular natural remedies to stop cough and also helps to clear phlegm. The anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial qualities of ginger helps to cure cough and its symptoms. Crush some pieces of ginger slightly. Boil them in a cup of water. Strain the water and drink this water 3 to 4 times a day to get relief from non-stop coughing fast, sore throat and congestion. You can also add a little 1 teaspoon of honey and 5-7 drops of lemon juice in it for additional benefits. Another way to consume ginger is to chew fresh raw ginger throughout the day to stop coughing at night.

2.) Take The Help From Turmeric

Turmeric is a herb that contains therapeutic effects on coughs. Turmeric has medicinal properties that will help to treat numerous ailments including cough, mucus and phlegm. Boil a half a cup of water and add 1 tsp of turmeric powder, 1 tsp of black pepper and you can also add cinnamon sticks to it. Also, add 1 tsp honey in it. Drink this solution to stop coughing fast and keep on having this solution daily until your cough is gone.

For an alternate method, prepare an herbal tea by mixing 1 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 tsp of carom seeds to 2 cup of water. Boil this solution for 5-10 minutes and reduce the solution to half. Add a little honey and drink this herbal solution 2 to 3 times a day. Read health benefits of turmeric.

3.) Use Honey to Stop Coughing at Night

Like ginger, honey is another herb, which is very effective as a remedy for cough treatment. Due to honey’s high viscous property, it helps to stick to the throat for long. It has analgesic properties to clear the mucus. This helps in soothing irritated throat and mucous membranes. Honey is also an efficient anti-bacterial herb. It is very helpful to protect and eliminate bacterial infection in your throat. It is also used to reduce many allergy-related causes for a chronic cough. Read health benefits of honey.

  • Just take 1 tsp of honey 3-4 times a day to stop coughing at night and cure a cough fast.
  • Go for raw, unprocessed honey for best results as processed honey may not be as effective as raw. It is because of refining reduces the effectiveness of a product.
  • You can get raw honey from your local market or medical store. It is also one of the best cough remedies for kids.
  • You can eat 1 tsp of honey before going to bed. For more benefits drink milk with honey to get relief from continuous coughing.

4.) Make The Onion Cough Syrup

Onion is one of the simple home remedies to stop coughing. Breathing in the strong vapors can also helpful to treat cough. Prepare a cough syrup from baked onion juice, honey and comfrey tea. Take one onion, peel it and extract the juice after baking it for 2-3 minutes or without baking. Make comfery tea and strain the solution. Now add the tea and 1 tsp of honey to onion juice to prepare the syrup. Drink it 2-3 times daily to get relief from a cough and avoid coughing. Another option is mix one-half tsp of onion juice and 1 tsp of pure honey. Swallow this solution 2 times a day to soothe your throat.

5.) Use The Lemon With Honey

Lemon can be used in a variety of methods to treat cough. Lemon has such properties that helps to reduce inflammation and also works as a dose of infection fighting vitamin c. Take 2 tbsp of lemon juice and mix it with 1 tbsp of honey. Have this mixture 2-3 times a day. Another way is to mix lemon juice with some honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Then have the mixture 2-3 times a day. This remedy will give you better relief and help to stop coughing.

6.) Do Some Steam Therapy

Steam should not be underestimated in case of curing cough or cold. Benefits of steam are not just limited to loosening mucus and phlegm (quickly). Including some essential oil will add stars to this quick and simple home remedy. Essential oil having anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory properties. When taken with steam can be more effective. It is because, inhalation will make them reach into your lungs directly. To prepare this remedy, follow below mentioned steps.

  • Take sufficient amount of water to boil. Add a few drops of an essential oil (eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil) in it. Stir it to release the vapors. Cover your face over the bowl at a fair distance.
  • Use a clean big towel to cover your head and bowl completely so that all vapor is available to inhale. Inhale deeply to let the vapor reach out more into your body. Do this for 15 to 20 minutes daily until your cough is gone.

7.) Make The Almond and Butter Paste

Almonds play a vital role in healing cough symptoms due to its nutritional properties. They are more useful in the treatment of the dry cough condition. It also helps in preventing recurrence of cough again and again. Almonds works as an ideal antioxidants as well. Soak 5 to 6 almonds in water for at least 8 to 10 hours. Use these soaked almonds to make a paste and add 1 tsp of butter. Eat this paste 3 to 4 times a day until your symptoms is gone.

8.) Make An Cayenne Pepper Syrup

Cayenne helps to reduce chest pain due to having persistent coughing. It has a warming effect that’s why it is beneficial for a cough and also helps in stop coughing instantly. Prepare a healthy cough syrup by adding 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper, 1 tbsp honey, 1/4 tbsp ground ginger, 2 tbsp of water and 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Mix all these ingredients very well to make a syrup. Drink this syrup 2 to 3 times a day for better results.

9.) Carrot Juice to Get Relief From Coughing

Carrots have many nutrients and vitamins that can help to relieve symptoms of a cough. Carrot juice is an excellent source of nutrients, which can also play a major role in controlling pertussis. Pertussis or whooping cough is a bacterial infection, which leads to a long-term severe coughing. It is especially harmful for kids. Take 4 to 5 carrots, grind then in a grinder or mixer and add some water to dilute it. Then make a juice from it. Add 1 tsp of honey for taste. Drink this juice 3 to 4 times a day until a cough is gone.

You can also take some fresh carrot to make a juice. Drink this juice 3 to 4 times a day for better results. Add 1 tsp of raw honey to increase the efficiency of juice to get rid of cough faster. It is one of the best cough remedies for kids.

10.) Use Garlic to Stop Coughing

Garlic is one of the effective natural remedies for treating cough. Due to its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties it helps to treat cough faster. Take a cup of water and boil it by adding 2 to 3 cloves of garlic in it. Add a tsp of oregano and some honey in it. Let it cool down at room temperature then drink it. This will help to eliminate cough symptoms. You can also eat a clove of crushed garlic with some honey and a few drops of clove oil. It helps to get relief from a sore throat.

11.) Lozenges for Cough Treatment

Cough lozenges are another useful remedy for cough. These are quite useful for treating sore throat, reducing irritation, soothing, preventing dryness of throat and stop coughing at night. However, lozenges are effective only for a short time and mild conditions. You can suck these candies for mild cough. You can get some candies in different flavors such as ginger, menthol, orange, honey and many more.

12.) Make The Turmeric- Honey Milk

Milk does not need any introduction for health benefits. It is one of the essential part of our daily nutrient requirement. In case of coughing, drinking warm milk helps to bring up the mucus from the chest and breathing tract. And, along with honey and turmeric, it is one of the best natural cough remedies. Mix 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of turmeric to a warm glass of milk and drink it before going to sleep. This helps in relaxing and soothing the respiratory tract and help to stop coughing at night.

13.) Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drink plenty of water while having the cough. Because when your breathing rate and coughing increased then it makes you lose fluids. Staying hydrated helps to prevent your throat from feeling irritated or itchy and thins your mucus secretions. Men should drink 3 liters of fluids daily while women should drink at least 2.2 liters of fluids daily.

14.) Have Some Grapes

Grapes has such properties, which helps to release the mucus from your respiratory system. Eat grapes or you can prepare a juice of grapes. Have grapes juice with a spoonful of honey that will be effective and soothing.

15.) Visit The Doctor

If you have a serious cough, then you need to consult a doctor. Antihistamines can be helpful to treat sneezing, coughing and runny nose. There are many decongestants available but the 2 most common Phenylpropanolamine and Pseudoephedrine. If you have thick secretions, then take a decongestant and you will get relief from cough.

Additional Useful Tips:

  • Keep yourself warm to prevent yourself from coughing.
  • Avoid citrus drinks and sodas that can irritate your throat.
  • Quit smoking and drinking.
  • Gargling with salt water also helps to relieve in throat.
  • Take rest as much as you can. Avoid jogging, long walks or exercise until you get relief.
  • Drink warm water as warm water will help to soothe your throat.
  • You can also use an inhaler to treat cough.
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