How to Get Rid of Warts at Home? (Hands, Fingers, Face And Genital Warts)

This article is about ways to get rid of warts. Warts are the bumps on the skin that are filled with fluid. They are irritating and sometimes painful as well. It is caused by human papillomavirus (HPV). They mainly appear on fingers and near the nails. Though they are not dangerous, but their presence can really prove to be annoying. This article is about the remedies that are used to get rid of warts. Go through the article to know about the warts and the remedies to get rid of warts.

Types of Warts:

  • Plantar Warts – It generally appears on the sole of the leg. These are fleshed color or light brown lumps on the skin.
  • Genital Warts – These types of warts appear on the genital parts.
  • Flat Warts – They generally appear on the face and are more common in teens and children.

Remedies to Get Rid of Warts:


1.) Garlic to Get Rid of Warts

Garlic is the best remedy used to get rid of warts. It has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties. Be it a small wart or a big one, garlic is effective on both of them. Being rich in anti-inflammation properties, garlic helps cure warts fast at home. What you have to do is:

  • Take garlic clove and crush it.
  • Now apply the garlic on the wart and cover it with a bandage.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes.
  • After that, wash it thoroughly.

2.) Hot Water to Get Rid of Warts

Hot water is one the most efficient remedies used treat warts naturally at home. It is best when the wart is on the hand. What you have to do is soak your wart in the hot water and it will fight the infection off. It has the anti-viral contents that will help with the removal of wart. Follow the given steps and heal warts:

  • Boil some water and put it in a container.
  • Mind the warmth of the water and use it only if you can stand it.
  • Now put your fingers in it and soak for a while.
  • You can also add vinegar or salt to better the results.

3.) Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Warts

Apple cider vinegar works as the key remedy for many of the problems. It also has antiviral contents that are good at combating warts. Use the apple cider vinegar on the warts and it will be treated well. What you have to do is follow the step to use it:

  • Take some apple cider vinegar.
  • Mix it with water (half of its amount).
  • Now take a clean cloth and apply it on the warts.

Repeating this remedy for a few weeks will lead to fall of the wart. It will gradually shrink and will become black in color. It will then vanish, leaving behind it marks. The marks also go away within a few days.

4.) Aloe Vera to Get Rid of Warts

Aloe Vera gel has the anti-inflammatory properties that help with the redness, pain and swelling. It softens the skin and is thus helpful in eliminating the dryness. It is also helpful in healing the rough skin, left over by it, after it’s gone.When the warts break, the fluid is crust over which makes the skin dry, it is helpful for that as well. Follow the given steps to use it on warts:

  • Take a fleshy leaf from the plant.
  • Cut it into two to extract the gel.
  • Now apply the gel to the wart with a cotton swab.
  • Cover it with a bandage.
  • Repeat the process daily and you get positive results.

5.) Baking Soda to Get Rid of Warts

Baking soda has the anti-inflammatory contents. It also help with the redness and swelling. Apply it directly on the warts with vinegar and you get rid of it. What you have to do is:

  • Take some baking soda and sufficient amount of vinegar to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the warts.
  • Do it twice a day – once in the morning and once in the evening.

You can also use castor oil in place of vinegar. But, it’s an overnight remedy. The paste is to be applied and covered with a bandage. Cover it with a bandage. Leave it overnight and remove the bandage in the morning.

6.) Tree Tea Oil to Get Rid of Warts

Tree tea oil battles down the redness, selling and itchiness. With the help of these properties, it is good at treating the warts as well. It is immediately absorbed by the skin so it cures the warts efficiently. Use the following steps to use it:

  • Take some tree tee oil and mix it with water.
  • Now apply it on the warts.
  • Do it several times a day and you get rid of the warts.

7.) Basil Leaves to Get Rid of Warts

Basil leaves have all the necessary components that are required to treat warts. It is antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial in nature. You can apply it directly on the warts. It is best when used in organic form. Follow the steps:

  • Take some fresh basil leaves.
  • Crush them nicely.
  • Apply them on the warts.
  • Do it on a daily basis and your warts will vanish.

8.) Castor Oil to Get Rid of Warts

Castor oil is one of the finest remedies to get rid of warts. It is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory contents. It works best on the small warts that are found on the back of your hand and head. You can apply it directly to warts, soaking it completely, for several times a day. It can also be used as an overnight remedy.

  • Take some oil in a bowl.
  • Take one cotton ball, dip the ball in the oil and apply it on the warts.
  • Do it before going to the bed.

9.) Banana Peel to Get Rid of Warts

Banana peel is rich anti-oxidants and thus it is great at curing the warts. You can apply the slices of ripe banana directly on the warts. Repeat it several times a day. Repetition depends on the size of the warts. If it is small the frequency of applying the banana should be less and vice versa. Or you can also use it as an overnight remedy:

  • Take one peel of a banana.
  • Tape it on the warts with the help of a bandage.
  • Leave it overnight and wash it off in the morning.

10.) Carrots to Get Rid of Warts

Carrots have the properties that work efficiently on warts. They are good at treating the warts and vanish them completely. The processing of the warts is quite slow but do not doubt the capacity of this remedy. A carrot from the refrigerator is used to treat warts. Its journey from the refrigerator to the warts is accompanied by olive oil.

  • Take one carrot and grate it finely.
  • Now add olive oil to it make a fine paste.
  • Now apply it on the warts.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, you can wash it off.
  • Do this on a daily basis for 2 weeks.

11.) Raw Potato to Get Rid of Warts

Raw potato is also among the most efficient remedies for warts. It also stimulates the healing process. Starch present in  potato will dry away the warts. What you have to do is:

  • Take a potato and cut it into thick slices.
  • Now rub one slice on the wart and leave for some time.
  • Apply it several times a day and it will dry away the warts.

12.) Honey to Get Rid of Warts

Honey can also be used really effectively when it comes at getting rid of warts. It is rich in properties that help with inflammation and swelling. Also, it speeds up the healing process. Follow the steps given below to use it:

  • Apply some pure honey on the affected are in the morning.
  • Leave it for the day.
  • Before going to bed, wash off the affected area and apply it again.
  • Leave it overnight and in the morning, repeat the process.
  • Keep repeating it till it vanishes.
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