How to Remove Skin Tags Fast and Naturally?

After writing, how to get rid of moles?, how to get rid of warts at home?, and how to get rid of stretch marks?, we are now writing the best ways to remove skin tags. Skin tags are mostly the extra amount of skin that is grown on the upper portion of your body. It can grow on any part of your body. Sometimes its irritating when it bothers you. If it is not noticeable than you can avoid that skin tag.

Generally it causes no harm to your body. There are two options to remove skin tags. One, you can consult a doctor for a minor surgery. Second, you can opt for home remedies to remove skin tags. Mostly, doctors recommend not to remove it if it’s not too big or bothersome. While some of you want it to remove it to have clear skin. This article will help you to know the ways to remove skin tags naturally.

Skin tags are very common and look like a small piece of hanging skin. They may vary in appearance, but they are usually smooth, irregular, flesh-colored or slightly wrinkled. In the beginning, skin tags may be small as well as flattened pinpoint sized bump around the neck. There are not any specific space for the skin tag they can occur almost anywhere there is the skin. Tags are thought to occur in a characteristic location where skin rubs against the skin. the commonplace for the skin tags are underarms, eyelids, neck and under the breasts. They can also be going to the upper chest and groin folds.

What are Skin Tags?


Skin tags are a type of skin growth that is a tiny bulge out of a skin. These are harmless from a medical point of view, but they are ugly and thus can lower a person’s self esteem. So this article will help you to know all the best ways to remove skin tags. There are several medical treatments, that ensures to remove skin tags, but all are not successful at doing this. Thankfully, there are a some effective and affordable ways that you can try to get rid of your skin tags at home.

All you need to take care of is the location of the skin tag. If it is close to your eyes, it is best to opt for a professional way to remove it. If it is elsewhere on the body, there is no harm in using other ways to remove skin tags. There are many who have multiple tags, on different parts of the body. Read below to know all the best and safe ways to remove skin tags.

Remedies to Remove Skin Tags:

1.) Use The Tree Tea Oil

Wash the skin area around your tag with soap and water, wipe it with a dry towel. Pour 1-3 drops of tea tree oil to the cotton ball, and rub it onto the skin tags. Repeat this 3 times in a day until the skin of the tag darkens and falls off. If you feel irritation in the skin tags or surrounded area by applying the tea tree oil, mix a few drops of coconut or other oil, don’t add water make sure you mix oil and apply it with the help of Q-tip. Repeat this for 3 times in a day for week or 2. This is among the best ways to remove skin tags.

2.) Use Vitamin E Capsule

Vitamin E is very good to solve any problem related to skin. To remove skin tags all you need to do is squeeze a vitamin E capsule on a cotton ball apply this on the skin tag. Cover the tag with a Duck tape this will surely give an effective result. This tape will to the flow of blood in the tags. The vitamin E helps to heal the skin as the tag falls off and also prevent it from getting scars. Leave the duck tape for several days before checking the skin tag has fallen off or not. If it hasn’t, make sure you reapply some vitamin E and the duck tape, and wait for a couple of days.

3.) Apply Oregano Oil

Oregano oil contains anti-bacterial properties that include arvacrol, thymol and p-cymene. These properties in oregano oil will help to remove skin tags. Also, oregano oil has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-oxidative properties. Thereby, try to make a mixture of coconut oil and oregano oil in a bowl.

Take 4 to 6 droplets of coconut oil that is added with 2 to 3 droplets of oregano oil. Apply this solution with a cotton ball on your skin tags thrice day. Try to follow this method for 3 weeks. Within a month, your skin tags will get removed. Coconut oil will help to soothe and moisturize your skin. While, oregano oil will act as a stronger agent on your skin.

4.) Apple Cider Vinegar Will Help

Apple cider vinegar is one home remedy that is useful in any skin or health related issues. This vinegar has the ability to remove skin tags completely because of its acidic substance. You will need to wash your skin tags and dry it before applying the remedy. Now take a few drops of apple cider vinegar in a small bowl and soak a cotton ball in it.

After that squeeze the excess amount from the cotton and gently massage it on the affected area. Try to massage it in a way that the skin tags get saturate in vinegar. Repeat this once a day if using it directly. And if you feel skin irritation then add a few drops of water and follow the steps.

5.) Dandelion Stem Juice

Dandelion flower is helpful in many of the skin related issues. Thereby, it will show its effect for skin tags too. Pick a dandelion along with the stem and squeeze it to extract its juicy content.  The juicy content appears milky white in color. Now apply that with a cotton ball by dabbing it on the affected areas. After which cover the area with a band-aid stick a cotton ball. Try to follow these steps for 2 to 3 times a day. It will gradually let your skin tags to fall off within next few days. But remember that if you are allergic to flowers, then try to avoid this remedy. It might not suit you.

6.) Apply The Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is another home remedy that is feasible for anyone to use. Lemon juice has citric acid that works as an antiseptic on your skin. Take a lemon and cut it into half. Now use that half lemon to extract its juice. And apply the juice directly on your skin tags with the help of a cotton ball. And leave it to dry up by itself as there is no need to wash it off. Try to follow these steps for 2 to 3 times a day until your skin tags fall off in next hew days.

7.) Take Help Form Garlic

Garlic is one spice that works its magic for any kind of health related issues and is one of the best remedy to remove skin tags. Garlic contains anti-microbial, antibacterial or anti-fungal properties, which helps to work effectively on skin tags. For using this remedy to remove skin tags, you need to follow these methods.

  • Take 2-3 garlic cloves. Crush the garlic cloves to make a paste. Before going to sleep, apply this garlic clove paste on your skin tags.
  • Take a bandage. Then put the bandage on your paste, it will help your paste to stay overnight on your skin tags.
  • Then remove the bandage and rinse off your skin in the morning. Use this remedy for few days for best results.

8.) Use The Banana Peel

Banana peel is one of the most effective remedies for skin tags removal. It can be useful to treat skin tags and one of the most popular home remedies to remove skin tag. It has a strong antioxidant property and the enzymes present in it helps dissolve the tags naturally. Take a small banana peel and put it on the skin tags then cover them with adhesive tape to keep the peel in place. Do this before going to the bed and repeat the process daily until you get the desired result.

9.) Apply The Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the most effective natural remedies for skin tags removal. It is a mild exfoliant and that helps in removing moles and skin tags as well. Take sufficient amount of baking soda and add some warm water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the skin tag and rub it gently. Repeat this procedure several times a day until the skin tag dries and falls off. You have first check your skin sensitivity while using baking soda. If irritation persists then discontinue this method.

10.) Use The Castor Oil

Castor Oil when mixed with baking soda will do its wonders. The combination of the two components is quite useful to remove skin tags. Try to mix 2 to 3 drops of castor oil and 2 Teaspoons of baking soda. It depends on the amount of the affected portions on your skin. After which apply the thick paste with the help of a cotton ball directly on your skin tags. You w ill notice the change on your skin gradually. As the skin tags will be gone in no time.

11.) Use The Pineapple Juice

Pineapple also has some of the acidic essence in it that help to remove skin tags. Thereby you can opt for pineapple juice. Apply the juice of pineapple 2 to 3 times a day for 2 to 3 weeks. But do not wash it off from your skin. Let it get dry off by itself and blend into your skin. After few weeks, you will notice the change on your skin.

12.) Apply The Onion Juice

Onion has some of the best properties as a home remedy to remove skin tags. It contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent in it that is helpful for your skin. Try to cut off an onion into big chunks in a bowl of salt. Now leave this for the overnight. In the morning, extract the juice from it and apply it directly on your skin tags. Try to follow this process for next 12 to 14 days to see the difference.

13.) Apply The Nail Polish

Nail polish contains cuticle oil that is good in health factors. Apply nail polish on your skin tags. And remove it after a while. Try to repeat this process till your skin tags are totally removed. This is one very simple remedy to apply at home.

14.) Cauterizing Them

Treat skin tags with electrolysis is one of the best ways to remove skin tags this also ensures it will is not reappear. It also claims that Electrolysis also do not have the risk of a scar, this means you can use this option in the more visible skin area, such as the face, neck, and bikini line. Don’t worry and use Electrolysis way to remove skin tags.

15.) Make Sure Skin Tags do Not Get Irritated

Have patience and take decision by taking some time. Cure the situation from getting worst, Skin tags are usually painless and unobtrusive but make sure your disturbance does not cause any irritations. You may start to feel irritated in skin tags and when begin bleeding if you start bleeding in any ways to remove skin tags make sure you avoid the contact with an abrasive like Jewelry, clothing, excessive rubbing.

16.) Apply Cream to Skin Tags

Certain creams claims to help you to remove skin tags. Using these creams can help you to remove skin tags, but there are high chances of getting side effects and scar problems. But if recommended by the specialist or doctors you can go for it, this may can help you a lot. Keep noticing the effects of cream and if you find any changes in skin tags or any irritation do consult with your doctor as soon as possible.

17.) Tie Them Off with Dental Floss

This process is also known as ligation, this kills the skin tag by blocking off blood flow to the area for some time. This is one of the best way to remove skin tags all you need to do is take a small piece of dental floss and tie around skin tag and pull on, and pulls it little by little for a few days. After a day or two when the blood flow stops, you will notice the complexion of your tag is changing. Within a week or 10  days, it will dry up entirely and fall off by itself.

18.) Apply Alcohol on Skin Tags

This method may sound a little weird, but it’s not at all as it sounds. You should see some clear skin on the top of your skin tag if you take a look at it in the light. Pull that extra skin off with a nail clipper. There are no nerves connected to this section so it won’t hurt you. Don’t worry if the skin tag bleed, that’s okay. Take a cotton ball and soak it in alcohol remove the extra liquid by squeezing it and apply it on the top of skin tags. This might feel inflammation in your tags but have patience and wait for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat this daily the tags will fall off by itself within a week.

19.) Remove Skin Tags by Freezing

It is very much similar like freezing away a wart, skin tags can also be removed by using liquid nitrogen. This is one of the best solution to remove skin tags. OTC store removal kits are widespread known, that offers the patient a good option of freezing away his or her tags effectively. When you apply liquid nitrogen on skin tags will fall off in a several days or a week.

20.) Duct Tape for Skin Tags

Duct tape can be used to cover the skin tag completely to remove skin tags. Keep this over the skin tag until it the tape gets loosens. Now give a check to see whether the skin tag has loosened or fallen off. If it hasn’t, take a new piece of duct tape and apply to the skin tag and wait for it fall off.

21.) Leave it Untreated

Skin tags are not at all dangerous or harmful and neither they are useful in any case and usually do not cause any pain. For these good reasons, it’s always included in an option to leave the skin tags as it is alone instead of risk associated with its removal.

Try to identify the area and if it is not too much necessary do not disturb. Although there are various home remedies and over the counter ways are available in the market, that may can put the patient at risk like scars, skin discoloration, the need for regular and frequent treatment, and even infection.

22.) Visit The Doctor

You can take help from a specialist if you are planning to remove skin tags. Usually, doctors will remove skin tags by offering them at the base with a scalpel after neutralizing the area with anesthesia. When done correctly, it is painless and can be used to tackle several tags in one sitting. So go to your doctor and consult about the same if you are having to on sensitive are like near to eyes or ears.

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