How to Look Younger? (Naturally)

This article is about different remedies that will help you look younger. Aging is a natural process. However, everyone wants to slow down this process in order to look younger and youthful for long. Laser surgery, botox treatment, liposuction and, many other treatments will make you look younger, but that comes with a hefty price. And you cannot trust these treatments since they tend to have side effects. The best way is to go natural and include those habits which will help you to look younger. Among all laughter is the best medicine to look young. It keeps the stress at bay and promotes healthy cells. So, laugh often and follow the following remedies to look younger naturally.


Remedies to Look Younger:

1.) Hydrate Yourself to Look Younger

The first and major thing that you should do to look younger is staying hydrated. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. It removes toxins from your body and hydrates it. Not only this it keeps your skin moist and healthy. Moreover, you will feel fresh and bask like a flower. Water is a basic need of the body apart from it, drink healthy liquids like coconut water, fresh juices, broths, soups and green tea. Regular intake of these drinks will slow down the aging process and makes you look younger than your actual age. So what are waiting for? Go and drink a glass of water.

2.) Eat Balanced Diet to Look Younger

This is one of the best remedies to look younger. Many times we skip our meals and do not eat correct food. This is not good for health. Consume a balanced diet enriched with green leafy vegetables, fruits, dry fruits, good fat and other food that will retain your youth:

  • Drink Aloe-Vera and Indian gooseberry juice regularly. It keeps scalp infection, hair fall, dandruff greying of hair at bay. And more importantly, it makes your skin smooth and spot-wrinkles free.
  • Eat oranges. It is a rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C protects our skin and makes the liver strong.
  • Include antioxidants food such as berries in your diet. Berries slow down the aging process and make your skin look fresh radiant and younger.
  • Eat green leafy vegetables. GLV are good for skin and entire health.
  • Make sure that you consume low-fat yogurt, since it provides calcium to the body.
  • Similarly, sweet potatoes are good for your hair and complexion.

3.) Exercise Regularly to Look Younger

If you want to look younger and retain your young age then exercise regularly. This will keep your mind calm, keep you fit and fine. Moreover, it keeps the aging problems, such as depression, insomnia, body aches at bay. It is a good stress buster. And, the best part is regular exercise makes you energized and thus, you can beat your actual age.

  • Go for morning and evening walk regularly.
  • Meditate regularly. This will make you emotionally and mentally sound.
  • Exercise20-30 minutes regularly.
  • Include yoga asanas such as Surya namaskar, breathe in-breathe out and other healthy exercises in your exercise regime. This will make you strong and keep you younger forever. Moreover, this will keep all the body problems at bay.

4.) Maintain Healthy Facial Regime to Look Younger

Maintaining a correct facial regime will remove the wrinkles, blemishes, spots and other skin conditions which linger on with age. To start with, make sure that you do not use the products which are flooded with chemicals. These chemicals can ruin your skin. So try to use herbal products or the ones which have minimum chemicals. The following basic tips will make you look younger:

  • Choos a correct face products.
  • Regularly moisturize your skin with mild moisturizer.
  • Do not forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.
  • Exfoliate your skin regularly. It will make your skin soft and remove all the impurities from the skin.
  • Apply sun protection cream regularly with minimum SPF 15. It will keep the wrinkles, dark spots and the damaged caused by sun rays at the bay.
  • Use mineral-based makeup.
  • Last but not least manage your facial hair to look younger.

5.) Maintain Natural Color of Your Hair to Look Younger

Cover your gray hair to look younger. Well everyone will not agree with this since they find it pleasant. However, for others, it is a mark of their old age. To cover it you can use dyes.

  • Make sure the color of dyes should be similar to your natural hair color.
  • Choose correct products. Once again don’t go with a product that has too many chemicals.
  • You can also apply herbal henna to hide the gray or white hairs.
  • As the saying goes ” prevention is better than cure” similarly it’s better to maintain the natural color of your hair rather than covering it later. For this drink, Aloe-Vera and Indian gooseberry  juice regularly. It will treat dandruff, hair fall and other hair problems which are prevalent with the growing age. Also, update your hairstyle with time to look younger than your actual age.

Other Important Things to Look Younger:

1.) Take Sufficient Sleep to Look Younger

Our body needs 7-8 hours sleep. So make sure that you sleep early. Moreover, sound sleep keeps bags under eyes at bay. It is believed that if the person is not able to complete his sleep then he remains stressed and irritated. These things promote the aging process. So to avoid this take a sound sleep. In addition, whenever, you find time take a rest. Also, avoid drinks like tea, coffee and etc which doesn’t let you sleep.

2.) Maintain a Good Posture to Look Younger

Yes, your body posture also counts. Most of the tall people have a habit to bend while walking which is not correct. Because of this, you will slouch like your grandmother and at your mid 20’s or 30’s you will look like above 50. Moreover, always sit in a correct posture, keep your spine and head straight. This will keep you energized for the whole day and you won’t feel tired. So maintain a good posture whenever, you are standing, walking or sitting.

3.) Body Massage to Look Younger

Getting a massage done once in a month is good for your body. It will relax your body, helps to get rid of tension and stress. Moreover, it will make your skin smooth and improve the blood circulation. Also, it makes you look younger for longer by stimulating the anabolic hormones. You can get a nice body and head massage by professional or can ask your partner or friend for it. There are many types massages available. Choose the one which suits you. Also, make sure that you choose a correct essential oil which is used for the massage.

4.) Avoid Smoking to Look Younger

According to a recent research people who were passive smokers got fine lines, wrinkles at a younger age. This proves smoking promotes the aging process. So if you wont to look younger avoid smoking or if your are a smoker then give up this habit as soon as possible. It not only makes you look older than your age, in fact, it also makes you look ugly. It is a truth and you have to accept it. It damage the natural color of your lips, ruin your teeth and also makes you smell bad and unattractive.

5.) Have Sex to Look Younger

You might find this weird but yes it is true. According to the latest discovery, 3-4 times sex in a week slows down the aging process. This is so because human growth hormones are produced which slow down the aging process or works as anti-aging. However, that does not mean that you will only do sex in order to look younger. Don’t forget to follow the above remedies. Supplement these remedies with sex. It is also believed that sex is a good stress buster. So if you have a loving partner then naturally you will look younger, correct!!

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