Home Remedies for Acne Marks Treatment

In this article, you will get to know about some easy and effective home remedies for acne marks. Getting rid of acne marks is little tougher as compare to eliminating acne. Generally, most acne scars or marks disappear on their own. However, some of these marks can be really stubborn and may require some treatment to fade them. Acne marks can be of two types:

  • Temporary type: An inflammation on your face which slowly turns to whiteheads or blackheads and creates a red mark. These types of acne marks are temporarily and get healed in a few weeks as soon the acne heals.
  • Permanent type: There are post acne marks which  leaves a mark on the face even after the acne is healed. These marks are permanent and may ruin your appearance badly. Sometimes, it is difficult to remove such acne marks and can involve a long process.

Causes Of Acne Marks:

1.) Pitted Acne Scars or Marks

There is a fibrous protein tissue found in skin which is known as Collagen. Collagen helps in healing the acne marks. But, if your body produces less collagen than required, it forms a pitted or sunken area in the acne during the healing process. It appear like a dent in the face. This result in an acne mark.

2.) Raised Acne Marks

Sometimes your body produces more collagen than the required amount to heal the inflammation of skin and its underlying tissue. This production of collagen in excess, results in raised acne scars. In such cases, the skin around the affected area gets bumped.

3.) Mistreating the Acne

Sometimes people try to remove acne by inappropriate methods like by pinching, squeezing or pressing them harshly. Such methods not only result in worsening the condition but also further increasing the infection. This mistreating of acne can also result in acne scars.

4.) Not Taking Treatment Timely

Many people seek medical advice when they suffer from acne problems. But, it’s necessary to treat this problem before its too late. Delaying the treatment or not taking treatment at all also make you suffer from acne scars.

Apart from medical help there are many home remedies for acne marks. These methods are inexpensive and safe to do. Below we have mentioned some of the best home remedies to treat acne marks naturally.

Home Remedies for Acne Marks

Home Remedies for Acne Marks:


1.) Rose Water to Get Rid of Acne Marks

Rose water is very useful in order to remove acne marks. Rose water is extracted from rose petal. It is known to have excellent antibacterial properties. It also works as an astringent which helps in reducing inflammation of acne marks. It is very gentle and safe for the skin. Here is the procedure to apply rose water.


  • You can apply rose water on the acne marks with the help of a cotton ball.
  • Soak a cotton ball in  rose water and massage it gently on affected area.
  • leave it on for a few minutes.
  • later, wash your face with water.
  • Repeat it 2-3 times regularly to avoid acne marks.

2.) Olive Oil as a Remedy to Treat Acne Marks Naturally

Olive oil is known to have fine regenerative properties which help in healing skin inflammation effectively. Regular use of olive oil helps to remove acne marks fast. It makes your skin smooth and soft. It improves skin tone and keep it firm.


  • Take an equal amount of olive oil and water and mix it well.
  • Apply this mixture on the affected area with your fingertips.
  • Massage it for a few minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it off with warm water.
  • Follow this remedy daily for a few weeks or until the condition improve.

3.) Baking Soda as a Remedy for Acne Marks Treatment

Baking soda is one of the best home remedies for acne marks on face and back. It has amazing peeling properties which makes it a very useful to prevent acne marks. With its application on the marks, it help recedes the excess oil present in the skin and protects it from any sort of scar or mark formation.


  • Take 1 ounce of water and three tbsp of baking soda. Mix it well to make a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected area and smear it all over the face.
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes or until it gets dry.
  • Later, wash it off with lukewarm water.
  • Do it for 10 days at least to see the difference.

4.) Oatmeal Remedy to Prevent Acne Marks

Oatmeal is also one of the best home remedies for acne marks on face. Oatmeal helps skin in removing excess oil stuck under the skin. It has excellent peeling properties which exfoliates dead skin and diminishes marks. It can be used either with rose water or with honey. here is the procedure to do it.


Application with Rose Water

  • Take oatmeal and rose water and mix it well to make a fine paste.
  • Apply the paste gently on your face covering it completely.
  • Let it settle for 15 minutes.
  • Finally, rinse it off with normal water.

Application with Honey

  • Take a half cup of oatmeal and 4 tbsp of honey.
  • Make a fine paste of it.
  • Spread the pate evenly on your face.
  • Let it dry for 15 minutes.
  • Wash it off with normal water.

5.) Tea Tree Oil to Get Rid of Acne Marks

Tea tree oil’s antibacterial property helps remove the bacteria which is responsible for acne. It enters into the skin and disinfect pores and fades the scars. Below is the method to do it.


  • Apply few drops of tea tree oil on the acne marks regularly.
  • Daily application of tea tree oil helps to remove acne marks naturally.

6.) Papaya as a Remedy for Acne Marks

Papaya is rich in Vitamin A which is known to be an antioxidant. It also has an enzyme called papain. Papain is an excellent exfoliating agent, it helps to cut off dead cells, which lighten the marks, reduces dark spots, redness and gives an even tone.


  • Take out the juice of a papaya in juicer.
  • Apply the juice on the acne marks and leave it on for some time.
  • After that wash your face with normal water.
  • Repeat this process daily for some time.
  • Soon, you will start noticing a significant difference.

7.) Orange Peel to Remove Acne Marks in a Week

Orange peel contains retinol, which helps rejuvenate skin. Orange Peel also helps in removing dead skin cells. It promotes collagen growth and repair damaged cells. This tends to result in fading of acne scars, enhanced skin texture and improved shininess.


  • Take some orange peels and dry them in sunlight.
  • Grind these dried peels and mix some water in it to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the skin regularly to minimize acne scars.

8.) Cucumber And Yogurt for Acne Scars

Cucumber contains vitamin A, B, C which helps in diminishing the acne marks naturally and fast. Whereas yogurt is acidic in nature as it contains lactic acid which is known to be quite effective in treating acne and other skin diseases. It helps revive your skin effectively.


  • Take out the juice of a peeled cucumber and mix with a pot of yogurt.
  • Mix both in such quantity that it makes a semi solid paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly all over your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • After 20 minutes, wash it off with normal water.
  • Repeat it daily.

9.) Ice as a Remedy to Remove Acne Marks Overnight

Ice helps significantly in reducing redness and swelling in acne marks. It reduces irritation in acne marks. Its cooling properties soothes the skin and helps tighten the pores. Here is the method to do it.


  • Take some ice cubes in a small metal container.
  • Rub the container gently on acne marks.
  • Repeat it 3-4 times everyday.
  • After some weeks you can see the difference in your scars.

10.) Turmeric Powder to Cure Acne Scars Fast

Turmeric contains the fine anti-bacterial properties which help in removing bacteria that causes acne. It is also useful in lightning of acne marks. Here is the procedure to do it.


  • Mix a part of turmeric powder with water and make a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly on all over face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash it off gently with water.
  • Apply it daily and you will not only find marks fading, but also your skin tone getting fairer.
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