Home Remedies for Dry Hair Treatment

Generally people who have dry skin, suffer with the problem of dry hair. Lets reach to the root of this problem. The less production of oil by the sebaceous gland (which is responsible to produce oil in our body) is responsible for dry hair. Dry hair lacks moisture which fails to maintain shine and texture in the hair. This problem is not that rigid that it cannot be cured. There are some of the effective and magical home remedies for dry hair. Hair are made up of three layers. Lack of oil from sebaceous gland causes the damage in the outer most layer, which we can touch. This can be treated at home with simple ingredients that are easily available. Later we will discuss some of the very effective home remedies for dry hair that will surely help to get rid of dryness, but before that let’s know the cause of dry hair.

Causes of Dry Hair:

Main reason behind dry hair is low production of oil in our body. Apart from this there are several more reasons behind this problem for example genetic problem and washing hair very frequently. Certain medical conditions, malnutrition, heredity, swimming, exposure to sun, excessive use of hair dryers or straightener machines, colors (highlights.etc) are some of the reasons for dry hair. Some reasons are natural while some of them are invited by our own. Whatever the reason is, home remedies for dry hair are the best treatment for this problem. Read below to know the home remedies for dry hair.

Best Home Remedies for Dry Hair:


1.) Oiling to Get Rid of Dry Hair

This is the best way you can cure the damaged outer most layer of the hair.  It’s the easiest home remedy for dry hair. Take a normal hair oil give a gentle massage for 10 to 15 minutes and leave it for a night. Oiling is very important for healthy hair. It helps to bring the lustre and texture both, along with this it also enhances the volume of hair. You can take normal coconut oil, mustard oil or olive oil and give a gentle massage to your head before going to sleep.

2.) Conditioner to Prevent Dry Hair

Do not forget to use the conditioner this will maintain the moisture in your hair at the outer layer. Conditioner will also help to give texture to the hair. Apply it after washing your hair with shampoo, keep it for 5 minute and rinse  it off. Do not apply the conditioner on scalp this may result in hair fall.

3.) Avoid Warm Water to Treat Dry Hair

Do not use warm water to wash your hair. Always try to use lukewarm water or normal water to wash your hair. Warm water damages and washes the oil from the outer layer of your hair making it dry. Try to wash the hair with normal water. Dry hair removes the moisture from the skin as well. So avoid washing your hair with warm water it cause damage to hair.

4.) Water to Get Rid of Dry Hair

Water is a natural component which helps you to fight with almost all the problems. Drink plenty of water daily. This will allow the sebaceous gland to produce enough oil in your body. This can be used as the best home remedy for dry hair. Water helps to maintain the level of proteins and minerals in the body which further helps to encourage the function of sebaceous gland.

5.) Eggs to Cure Dry Hair

Eggs are a rich source of protein. Eggs help to balance the oil in the hair and make it shiny and dense. Take 2 to 3 egg whites in a bowl and make a smooth paste with the help of brush. Apply the smooth paste on hair and scalp. This will help you to get rid of dry hair and dandruff. Eggs have multiple benefits so try to eat eggs daily. It is a rich source of proteins and minerals that are helpful in solving this problem.

6.) Avoid Head Wash Frequently to Avoid Dry Hair

Washing your hair very frequently is also the reason for dry hair. Do not wash your hair every second day.  Slow down this frequency. Also do not rinse the hair daily, use shower caps to avoid it. Make sure you wash your hair twice in a week with cold water. Do not use warm water this washes away the oil from the hair and make it dry. So use cold water to wash your hair. Always try to apply oil before washing your hair with shampoo, this will save your hair to lose natural oil.

7.) Yogurt to Cure Dry Hair

This can be proved the best among all the home remedies for dry hair. Yogurt will help you to nourish the damaged layer of the hair. It is also beneficial for killing the germ present in the scalp and hair. Due to its creamy nature it will help to regain the moisture in your hair making hair more shiny and healthy.

8.) Serum to Get Rid of Dry Hair

Even after using conditioner some people find their hair dry and tough to comb. In this case use serum to soften your hair. After rinsing off the conditioner from your hair, tie your hair in a towel for a few minutes and then apply 2-3 drops of serum to your hair. This is one of the best home remedies for dry hair.

9.) Use Beer to Treat Dry Hair

Using beer is one of the best home remedies for dry hair. Wash your hair with beer and then rinse it off with plain water. You can also apply it like mask, keep it for 15 minutes and then wash it off with plain water. Beer is made up of natural ingredients and is full with nutrients and minerals that are essential to get rid of dry hair. Beer contains vitamin B which is good for healthy hair. It also helps to stimulate blood flow in the scalp which results to solve every hair problem.

10.) Olive Oil to Get Rid of Dry Hair

Olive oil is one of the best among all the home remedies for dry hair you can try at home. As it contain natural goodness that is very essential for healthy and long hair. Olive oil is one of the most ancient remedies used to nourish the hair. All you need to do is simply lukewarm the oil and give a simple and gentle massage to your head. As the oil contains a good amount of minerals and agents that are very beneficial for hair it will lock the moisture in your hair if used regularly. You can also include it in your diet for the best results.

11.) Aloe Vera to Cure Dry Hair

Aloe Vera is very essential ingredient that contains number of important enzymes to make hair healthy and grow.  It is very effective to get rid of dry hair and dandruff. For best results you can simply mix it with a spoon of coconut oil. Coconut oil is very beneficial to keep your hair healthy and growing and it is also effective in keeping the hair moist and look soft. It eliminates every problem related to hair. This can be proved as a best home remedies for dry hair in winters if used regularly. Read below to know the correct way of using aloe Vera gel for hair.

  • Take some aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • Mix it with a spoon of coconut oil.
  • Stir it well to make a paste now apply this paste on your hair.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash your hair with a herbal shampoo.

12.) Argan Oil to Treat Dry Hair

Argan oil is one of the proven home remedies for dry hair, to make hair strong and glowing. Dry hair can never glow and look healthy. Argan oil can help a lot to get rid of rough and fizzy hair. You can simply apply this oil with few drops of lemon juice to treat dandruff and dry hair in winter. Make sure you mix the oil well by massaging it on the hair and in the scalp. Read below the right way of using argon oil for dry hair. This is one of the best home remedies for dry hair treatment.

  • Take 2 to 3 Spoons of Argan Oil in a bowl.
  • Add few drops of lemon oil.
  • Mmix it well and apply it with the help of finger tips on your hair.
  • Leave it for overnight.
  • Wash it with the herbal shampoo.
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