Home Remedies to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Eyelashes are said to be the frame of our eyes, which draws attention to the face. Eyelashes are the most beautiful part of our eye. Every woman wants her eyes to look more beautiful. Are you one of them? Of course, yes, so in this article we will talk about how to grow thicker and longer eyelashes. Nowadays it’s possible to get artificial eyelashes. But often these fake eyelashes make your lashes even worse and weaker. Because while taking off fake eyelashes your original eyelashes get pulled off. That is dangerous and harmful for the eyes.

Getting long and thick eyelashes help you boost up your looks. Even eyes are so important that you especially highlight them when going to parties. As we take extra care of our hair, then why not eyelashes too? Routine hair care makes your hair healthier, the same way. A good care of the eyelashes will show good results over a period of time. Well, magics cannot be done in a day or two, but yes, you can see the difference in one or two months. There are different methods and remedies to make eyelashes grow thicker and longer. Read these related articles How to grow thicker eyebrows? and How to make eyes look bigger? on our website.

Home Remedies To Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes:


1.) Castor Oil for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

It is one of the best home remedies to make eyelashes longer and thicker faster. Castor oil is good for growth and thickness of hair. Apply castor oil on your eyelashes using a brush before going to bed and leave it overnight. It will moisturize and helps growth naturally. Castor oil is also excellent for chapped lips and dry lips.

2.) Green Tea for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Green tea is also an effective remedy for the growth of eyelashes. It also helps stimulate the new growth of the eyelashes as it contains caffeine and flavonoids. Make some green tea. Let it cool down. Apply some of the tea on your eyelashes using a cotton ball.

3.) Aloe Vera for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Aloe Vera is known as the mother of all remedies. It is good to treat various purposes. If you wish to nourish your hair, eyelashes or for skin care it is very useful. Apply some aloe Vera gel straight to your eyelashes using a brush. Keep your eyes closed for 10-15 mins. Wash it off using water. It will improve eyelashes growth and will make them stronger.

4.) Brush to Grow Them Thicker

Brushing eyelashes really help make them grow. It cleans clogged pores and help get rid of dust. Moreover, it helps the regulation of blood, which again stimulates the growth of eyelashes. You can buy an eyelash comb available in the market. Daily brush your eyelashes to make them thicker and grow longer.

5.) Massage for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Massaging your eyelashes really help stimulate the hair follicles. It’s an easy method to make your eyelashes grow longer and thicker. If you regularly massage your eyelashes, you will see the difference quickly. Just be careful while massaging, massage gently.

6.) Avoid Using Fake Eyelashes

This is another tip to grow your eyelashes longer and thicker. Avoid using fake eyelashes. Or the minimum use of fake eyelashes. Using fake eyelashes might fix a temporary problem, but in the long run, you are damaging your lashes. It plucks your real eyelashes while removing fake eyelashes. So it’s better you avoid fake eyelashes.

7.) Eat Healthy to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

It is very important to take healthy and balanced diet to make your eyelashes grow longer and thicker. You need to take a proper supply of vitamins, minerals and proteins in your diet. Eat green vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins and minerals. It will help nourish your eyelashes and will make them stronger too.

8.) Remove Makeup at Night to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

The longer the makeup stays, the longer it affects our skin. It’s better to remove makeup as soon as you reach home. Because it’s very important to leave your eye lashes alone. It helps in growth of eyelashes as well as make it stronger and thicker.

9.) Lemon Peel for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Lemon is rich in vitamin C. Which is great for the skin, hair and other health problems. Soak a some lemon peel in castor oil or olive oil for 5-6 days. Apply the solution on your eyelashes to get eyelashes long and thick.

10.) Coconut Milk for Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Coconut consists of fats and proteins which help in the growth of eyelashes to make it longer and thicker. Apply cold coconut milk using a cotton ball on your lashes, leave it for 10 mins. Rinse it off with water. Do this process 2-3 times a day for a few months.

11.) Egg to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Eggs are rich in protein that helps grow thicker and longer eyelashes. Eggs also contain vitamin B and biotin that plays an important role in the overall texture of eyelashes. Make a paste mixing an egg and glycerin. Mix until it gets thicker and a creamy texture. Using a cotton ball or brush apply this on your eyelashes for 15 mins. Wash it off using water. Follow this process for a month to get better results.

12.) Trim Your Eyelashes to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Yes, trimming works. As every month you trim your hair for better growth. Your eyelashes also functions the same. Trim your eyelashes for about 1/4th of the length for once in a month or two. It will help Stimulates hair follicles grow faster and thicker.

13.) Olive Oil to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

This is one of the best remedies to grow long and thick eyelashes. Olive oil is an effective natural remedy for thicker hair growth and eyelashes. This oil is a good source of vitamin E and oleic acid that encourage and add volume to your eyelashes. It also helps keep the eyelashes dark. Dip an old or clean mascara stick or simply a cotton ball in warm olive oil. Apply this oil on your eyelashes before going to bed. Keep it on overnight, then rinse it off using lukewarm water in the morning. Repeat this process daily for a few months until you see the best results.

14.) Vitamin E to Grow Thicker and Longer Eyelashes

Another remedy to make your eyelashes grow longer is using Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also good for treating blemishes on your skin, but also help your eyelashes to grow thicker and longer fast. Just take one capsule of vitamin E and apply it to your eyelashes using a brush or cotton ball to nourish them and thicken them up. Repeat this remedy every day to get thicker and longer eyelashes faster and naturally.

Some Other Useful Tips:

  • When using a lash curler make sure not to pull your eyelids.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes roughly.
  • Replace any eye makeup you may have used recently, in the case of pink eye.
  • Replace your mascara after every 6 months to avoid infection.
  • Avoid using fake eyelashes.

If your eyelashes are not very perfect, need to worry much. Because nobody is perfect in this world. Always you can try your best to look good and beautiful. You can adopt several methods to attain what you want. So try to keep your eyelashes clean on your part. Make sure you remove all the makeup before you go to bed. Use a good moisturizer to remove makeup at the very first stage to keep your eyes clean and which helps make your eyelashes grow stronger and thicker.

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